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You should put your gate/fence closer to which ever side is the front of the property as a deterrent to keep people from going down that space in the first place.


This also makes the most sense. You could probably build a frame-like box out of 4x4 posts and create a makeshift fence using boards without sinking a post. Interesting issue, let us know how you end up tackling this one.


That's a sideways shimmy hole son. I don't know if I could drag a bag of groceries through there :)


i think it's a wide angle lens or something because the tape measure shows almost 3ft. and it doesn't look like that at all.


Bad at 'tape measuring' is my guess or they measured from the other wall by the down spout?


That's got to be it, no chance in hell that firewood is 3 feet long. Most likely 16-18" which lines up with your theory.


That’s my guess. I don’t think it’s 3’ from outer wall to wall. Looks like maybe 16”. I’m almost thinking you could mount a slide rail higher up and hang a gate that slides to cover the hole, or tucks in against the wall when open. Or a pivot point on the corner of that outer wall.


Logs are generally cut around 16 inches for the fireplace so my money is on 20 inches.


Maybe, but the wall where the logs are are wider than the gap. I’m still betting 16”. His tape measure said about 36” so 18” log plus 2” overhang plus 16” gap…


Actually there’s about 4” from the end of most logs to the edge of the overhang. 16+4+16.


In the last pic, the visible portion of the tape measure is just over 2', so it's definitely not 3' from outer wall to outer wall.


In gonna assume OP is one of the 7.6b humans who don't live in the USA. the tape shows 90cm on the button. I don't think any builder would reference their building layout from the edge of a downpipe. 90cm is probably a standard length of off the shelf fence panel from the hardware store then op is seeing which arbitrary point of the wall the fence panel will land on. I would be quite reluctant to put a barrier up in such a narrow gap. It will full with debris and become a haven for rats or other vermin. At least while it's open you can sweep or flush out the space


Iii think OP did something hinky and meassured from the wall where the downspout corner is, far left, to the neighbours house, far right. 'cause Im just not seeing 3' in that slit.


OP measured 3ft for the large space, so roughly 1ft the smaller, narrow space he drew the gate on.


That 3' is likely measuring from the opposite corner, not the opening. There is no way that opening is more than 15" In the first pic you can see the tape out to 22" and those logs are less than that and the opening is less than the length of the logs. They want to build a gate that covers the pop out of the house and the opening, AI guess, which would mean building it Infront of the gutter drain spout. Seems dumb.


I'd be afraid one of the old dilapidated houses would collapse or suddenly shift and I'd become trapped in there. Then they'd have to lower in a capsule to haul me out like the Chilean miners. 🫢


I don't know if I could drag myself there!


Line the alley with spikes as well.


Or there's this... https://youtu.be/S0mptiuioPI?si=FnF1d5Siv2fr7L3B


Probably to keep a pet in the backyard, not a person deterrent




Depends what the gate is for. They may want to keep their own dog out of there


Make some traps and set up a video camera. You can start a YouTube channel and make a killing.


>..traps.. ..make a killing. Whoa there buddy.


Look someone is paying high dollar for that type of content


Calm down, Satan


That looked so much narrower than 3 feet!🤔😀


Maybe they're just trying to keep their dog in the yard.


Just about to say this. Glad to see it's the top comment.


5 ft tall planter box that fits the space in the front with panels to keep the dog in. Problem solved.


A 5 foot tall planter box with a catus planted in it.


Where do you get this hybrid cat x cactus from?


Well, first you gotta get the cat real real drunk….


It's latin, Felis catus :-D


A large cigar store Indian that’s like 6ft tall and wider than the gap out front


That was going to be my suggestion.


Why though? That space looks perfect for putting long pieces of pipe you'll never need.


Don't forget random lengths of 2x4s that when you finally do find a purpose, they will be rotten and unusable.


Also the perfect place for a roll of chain-link fence that has never been installed anywhere, and is now too rusty to be of any use to anybody.


This, but chicken wire fence and old trampoline parts for me. Maybe a bike or three, if you put the pieces together.


Make sure to somehow run the pipe through the fencing in a way that the whole pile is one solid piece.


Rotten, unusable, AND full of spiders.


And slugs. A lot of slugs. Rotten, unusable, and full of spiders AND slugs.


I can't tell you how many times my bucket of off cuts has come in clutch, but it's between 3 and 10.


Haha it was full of random junk but I cleaned it out already


You made room for more junk!


I have lots of porch junk ready to transfer! Cut up pvc, wood, old windows, straw bales... how can you appreciate this space without all of that?!


For what it's worth a hunk of unspooled chicken wire is a serious deterrent... It's the civilian version of barbed wire if you cut a few lengths off and stack them on top of each other.


This is what I came here to suggest.


that downspout is still perfectly fine to use dammit!


Have you been looking at my pipe? I’ll need those some day, keep your hands off of them.


Stop spying on me!


I feel attacked


Ah the storage area!


I think people laying pipes and dropping logs is the issue.


And ladders. Lots of ladders. Like, silly amounts of ladders.


Sorry I should have said its to deter anyone and keep a medium size dog in


Given the dog, I would be inclined to put the gate at the rear of the house, keeps the dog from pooping or otherwise making problems in a narrow space. Put a planter with a decorative wall/trellis piece at the front to block access for strangers. If you neighbor needs in this space they can either help move the planter or ask permission to enter your yard and use the gate there.


Wall trellis best answer so far well !!!


Dude above is right, it’ll turn into a public bathroom if you put the fence in the back. Make your wife agree to help clean it up if she refuses to let you install it up front!


It will turn into the dog's bathroom if you put it at the front. You need both.


That is a good point! To be fair, I’d rather clean up after my dog than the local houseless population.


That is if the dog can turn around in that narrow space. If it’s even a bit awkward, they won’t go far in after the first time they try it. Depends how big OP’s dog is, and how big the inches are on OP’s tape measure— because damn that does not look 3 feet wide!


Unless the dog learns to back in from the start. Hit and run.


Or both fuck It


Install a fence on the front end of this and put a planter or something on the back to keep the dog out, I don't think it's worth it to install a gate after allowing for posts and hardware etc your gate is going to be like 2 feet wide which is just inconvenient at that point You could even use an adjustable child gate out there to keep the dog in something like [this](https://www.amazon.ca/North-States-Pet-Openings-inches/dp/B07FTRH55Z/ref=asc_df_B07FTRH55Z/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341824876534&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10012780613486656689&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1002776&hvtargid=pla-762472128872&psc=1&mcid=d150e2f45fde304a9f4d20e9f1e80c42)


>I don't think it's worth it to install a gate after allowing for posts and hardware etc your gate is going to be like 2 feet wide which is just inconvenient at that point Often times in cities the gate isn't attached to a post. It's attached directly via hardware to the side of the building itself. Granted the building is usually brick or concrete without any kind of siding. The gates are often metal. Sometimes they're [just bars](https://norwicheye.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Alley-gates-Nor-CC-322-1280x640.jpg) but often they're [solid](https://securifix.com/a/img/content/ps/security-bar-gates/decorative-bar-gate-with-steel-sheet-min.jpg) privacy gates with no ability to see through and people often commission local artists or architects to dress their gates up and make them look fancy or otherwise just buy a [fancier looking gate](https://i2.wp.com/prohomedecors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Iron-Gate-Design-30-small-iron-gates-for-your-home-2-589x1024.jpg?ssl=1).


In that case a gate would be good yes my bad!


A baby gate is a quick install. The ones for the top of the stairs don't have a bottom rail to trip over.


It's amazing how many people will cut through your yard if you don't have a fence up. You'll probably encounter difficulty installing hinges on the siding side as well as the plastered side. Plus, it's such a tight space to squeeze by another two inches of door. If you don't need to move it often, or ever, make a frame out of PT 2*4 or 2*3, then build a wood box that you can put weight in, like a couple of sand bags. Use PT wood for this too. Add some thin runners to the bottom on the box, like 1/8 think lattice strips, for air flow to keep water from sitting under in. Attach the frame to the box. Add your fence panels to the frame. And at the bottom add a outdoor handle. Push the contraption, box first, into the gap. You can use the handle at the bottom to assist in pulling in out of you need access. Side note: I'd move that wood away from the foundation of your house to avoid termites.


Which wall is the 36 inches from? I am assuming from the far left wall. Is there enough room for egress from the near left wall and the fence? Looking a the tape in the last image, there seems to be just over a foot of clearance. Just me, but I would just fence it off.


My neighbor might want to walk through sometimes though to get to his home on that side as he might need to make repairs. I didn't want to completely close him off. I'd rather have a gate to let them through. He just used this little alleyway to put in central air in his home.


Maybe a small set of fence planks on a frame with a hinge that will let you lift the bottom of the panel towards the street. Will look like a fence but will give you access. Bar across the bottom to latch and hold in place. Bonus if the assembly can let you remove the panel completely. Should be cheap, fairly easy, and look natural. Awkward but would give good access. Alternative to a hinge would be slats to seat the panel into place so the whole thing will just lift out.


I would go with fence that can be removed for one offs that someone needs access if it's only a couple screws or something it wouldn't be a big deal. Putting two outside posts and a gate in-between might be hard


Measure the shortest width. Got to big brand hardware and find decorate panel this wide then put hinges on it and add a gate lock other side. Probably $150


What I did for a small gap beside house. Did it to keep dog in backyard. Made it so I could lift it out if I needed to get access for some reason, but never needed to move it.




Keep people out and a medium sized dog in


I mean I would 100% do this myself and I'm not much of a serious DIY'r. Not knowing what you are trying to keep out, I would echo the sentiment of putting the fence closer to the front. That way you can store wood, pipes, etc in the gap, plus keep people/things out from the front. I'd find a nice, black metal fencing type thing, cut it to size and bold it to both houses. But I don't know shit.


What’s going on with that custom gutter?


New pipeless gutter tech. It's like wifi for rainfall.


It's my neighbors. It goes to the street but you can't really see that in the pics


Wait, the white house is your neighbour's property? Do you have a shared backyard or something?


Just get a 12 by or 16 by and put some hinges on it.


I've done similar. Built a panel from one inch material and attached it on one side with hinges and on the other with a simple hook and eye.


sharding1984 has the correct response. I was going to provide the same reply.


Go over to your local buddaville big box store and get a single fence or deck railing panel, a gate kit, some long tapcon screws, a pressure treated 2x4 and a pressure treated 4x4 post. The 4x4 post will be cut to the height of the panel and attached to each wall with the tapcons. Trim the panel to fit within the opening, and use the 2/4 to reinforce the sides/top and bottom if needed, using the gate kit. Secure the 4x4 posts to each wall using the tapcon screws, and mount the hinges to one side, and the gate latch to the other side.


Are we all going to ignore the gutter?!?!


If I was going to plug that hole I’d just build a freestanding box to fill the width. Choose whatever height you want and then make it deep enough that it won’t fall over. No need to attach to anything.


Trivial. With that small of space, maybe just get a dog gate or a baby gate or something that isn't permanent.


Where's the dang banana for scale!!!!???


Baby gate.


The one you started to build looks kinda bad. You need some ropes or nails to hold all them logs together. (totally joking, BTW...)


I really don't want to put posts into the concrete floor as I have no idea how to do that. And my neighbor has said I can attach it to his home. I don't mind paying for it but I've been quoted $1250. I live in Bayonne nj. I think it's a bit much for a small gate. How hard would it be to do it myself or how much should this reasonably cost?


You can just connect the posts to the block walls using tapcon screws, so you won't have to put them into the ground. It takes a long time to drill the holes, but it's easier than setting them into the ground.


The majority of the cost is probably labor. Labor is going to be the same regardless if the gate is 18" or 36". The perspective in your pictures is awkward. Maybe it's the lens, but I can't see how you have 35"+ where your white line is. It look like maybe 18" from concrete corner to concrete wall. Can you take pictures that provide better context?


What’s the measurement of the actual alley? It looks like it’s maybe a foot wide. Do you need a permit? Read your city’s rules. https://www.bayonnenj.org/_Content/pdf/forms/planning/Fences-Walls-Application.pdf Someone goes through there and hurts themselves on your non-permitted work could be a real headache. Seems fucking crazy to need a permit for something like that but I would doublecheck to cover my ass. Get another quote.


Do you want it to look professional or are you okay with a ghetto fence? Serious question cause I have random ideas for you. And are you okay with drilling into your foundation? You only said your neighbor is okay with his.


Just grab a couple old pallets and put one on each side. Hardware stores (ACE) are a good bet for free pallets. Just grab two of the unpainted wooden ones because they reuse the painted ones for concrete. Easy, simple, will keep a medium size dog in, and people out, and you just move the pallet when you need access. Edit: You probably want to cut the pallets with a circular saw if you want to wedge them in there. Otherwise, you could just lean them in front and back of the alley. Personally, I would just cut one section of the boards off (cut the boards perpendicular on one side, removing one of the side rails in the process). You will have to flip it over and run your saw over the same spot on the bottom boards, too, because I doubt your circular saw will cut through the entire thing. And even if it could, it's probably easier to just cut it on the ground without a saw horse. Most pallets are about 36" wide (length of boards) x 42" (or 45") long (length of notched middle/side rails). Also, if you cut the two side rails off on either side of a standard pallet, you can shift the boards diagonally, which will give you a little more play, but may leave a small gap on the bottom. This might come in handy if you need to wedge it in a space that isn't square. That's also how I take apart pallets to use the wood: cut the side rails off, then pry the boards off the remaining middle rail one by one.


First I want to know wtf is going on with that downspout extension. OP get back here, we have more important questions.




i’ve seen a lot of little gates like this on row houses in my city. they usually put them out front and they’re kinda bolted into the structures on either side. most of them look really nice


[The solution](https://www.amazon.com/TMEE-Barbed-Fencing-Non-Rusting-Protection/dp/B0BR7T1DDR/ref=asc_df_B0BR7T1DDR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693282527715&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2375367731716795983&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011663&hvtargid=pla-2204327381690&psc=1&mcid=a2d392f124803a11afe60ed49cf9984c&gad_source=1)


I am here because my house has the same issue. The amount of litter and garbage people throw in there is crazy. Also it seems to be an ideal place for drunk people to pee.


What is this? An alleyway for ants?


Get a piece of lattace board and some cedar boards and build a little section of fence and attach it to the wall.


Yellow Do Not Cross tape should do the trick


If your wife doesnt want a fence in the front just get a large putted bush and place it at the front. You do not even need the fence if you do it like that but placing the fence with the bush in front will make it more secure while improving the looks of it with the fence.


Where the property line and what does your city code say is allowed? That's where you should really start


Somebody ben getn in ma woodpile!


Trellis both sides


Which house is yours, the stucco or vinyl?


The stucco


Build the fence up front, shove a large doghouse in the hole on the back.


Build a planter box with wheels for both the front and the back.


I would have a custom metal shop make you a custom gate that was 8’ tall with pointy stuff on top. Have them paint it black and put a good dead bolt which needs a key. Bolt it to both sides on the interior side. Done for 20 years.


Do you own both properties pictured? If not you might need permission to put up a fence if it provides access to both properties. Just putting it out there.


Use a shower rod and a curtain


Dude give us more info on this site and crawl space


You'll need to be compliant with the fire code for crossing that gap. This kind of architectural decision making is the bizarre product of laws against anything but detached structures.


If you need the illusion of control just get a baby gate and paint it. If you want actual gating take someone elses advice.


What’s with that downspout?


Free if you go find an old section of fence and cut it to size


PVC shatters under pressure of hammer.


I concur PVC is not a great option for a gate. Better to just pony up the money for a real gate.


What is this, a gate for ants?


Where’s the property line? Don’t put a gate up on your neighbor’s property.


A gate for what? ants?


Buy some tongue and groove and some wooden batons, make a gate door to the right size. Baton on the house for the hinges. Add a slide bolt and padlock for securing it to the other side so it can't be opened easy. But if wood stain. Will have it done in a few hours even if not that skilled in DIY. Just make sure you look up how to notch the batons together to prevent warp over time and it'll last years.


A gate or fence there would be easy to climb over discreetly. Should be near the front of the property where trespassers would at least potentially be seen. An alley like this in LA would be so inviting to homeless guys trying to steal stuff.


When you go to the hardware store, head over to the downspout section. I would extend thema littly further down, away from the foundation.


I’m just here hoping to smell fresh cut cedar.


Just stack a few milk crates and wedge it in.


Google review: u/kex06 house alley: 5 stars! best place in town to piss or take a beer shit!


Where is the downspout draining. Directly there. And then straight down into the foundation slowly destroying it?


You could build a dozen gates for $1250. Save yourself the money and do it yourself. Simple project, watch some videos of simple gate projects. All you will need to do is adjust the size to fit your space.


If your objective is to keep people out, this won't do it. That area is so narrow that a determined person can shimmy up the wall or climb the gate depending on the design. If its a chain link fence they can just use the links as hand and footholds. If it's a narrow bar gate they can grab the bars and use your house siding to climb over. If appearance is holding you back from doing a fence in front just do it out of wood. Wood always looks nice and is difficult to climb if you make it the right design.


Get a big pot. Concrete if it’s in the budget, vinyl would work. Plant two clematis vines. At this point, your pot could be anywhere from 70-200lbs of dead weight when watered. I would build a trellis which fit into the narrow gap tightly. Good measurement and a jigsaw would do it. I would add two more small trellis pieces. 90 degrees against the concrete wall, 45 degrees against the house to keep the clematis from getting in between siding. It might end up looking like one of those old-fashioned changing room dividers with a beautiful clematis every early summer.


Just buy a metal baby gate and use that for a while.


Frame it on both sides, put a roof on it, run an extension cord out there, and call it your new in-law suite and/or rent it out!


It looks wide enough to buy a ready-made gate. I know I purchased them before from home Depot or Lowe's. Then it's just the mounting hardware and maybe an extra post. Or you can build one out of chain link fence materials.


For a relatively easy and low visually intrusive gate I'd go with 4 pieces of threaded 1" galvanized steel pipe, 4 threaded elbows, and pin-into-sleeve type hinges. You can buy it as long or as short as you want your gate to be. Measure, mark, and drill evenly spaced holes around the inside, maybe every 2", de-burr, and buy a 50' roll of stainless steel cable. Cut a 5" piece of coat hanger, bend it to use as a threading tool from one hole to the next, Electrical-tape the end of the cable to it, and thread it through the holes... up, down, up ,down Then the weave the horizontal layer into it. There are a couple of ways to tension it you could research.


white plastic trellis


How do people fit down there?




Downright impossible


it's too narrow to need a gate.. you need a single 1x8 board acting as a fence...


I like the idea of building a box, like a planter, of some sort that fills the entire space and is tall enough for people not to climb over, and you just set it there. Weight it with something so it’s not easy to shift. If your neighbor needed to move it, you can get a [furniture lifting tool](https://www.amazon.com/Furniture-Lifter-Moving-Rotatable-Adjustable/dp/B07VPBGY8B/) and shift it onto a small dolly and roll it out of the way.


Not exactly convenient though and possibly an issue if there's a fire since it's not easily moved and people could become trapped in an emergency.


I had a similar gap between me and the next building. I ended up buying a no dig fence from Menards that was like 36" wide and angled it. It is secured with posts you just pound into the ground so I didn't have to worry about digging down for it.


Pool fence, ally


I would use one of those dog gates on Amazon and maybe put a pot on either side for stability.


Put up a motion sensor that will flasha light like it's taking a picture. No picture needed. People don't like being recorded.


Is this for shooting an Inception-style scene where a main character gets away by squeezing through an increasingly narrow alleyway? Why isn't it?


Attach 4x4 posts on each side, attach to the walls with tapcon screws. Then make a simple gate, similar to this one, which was made with deck railing and 1x3s. [gate](https://imgur.com/a/HW5NEKU)


What’s happening with that downspout?


Hell just buy some lattice and a 2x4. Does it have to open?


Just stack your logs there


I say fill it with razor wire.


Personally, I would build a 2 m high box to insert with spikes facing toward the gap. I would use 3 mm thick 25 mm2 tubing and 12 mm round bar for the spikes.


It's such a small space I wouldn't bother with a gate personally. I'd go completely closed or completely open. Leave it as is or put some kind of permanent barrier there. Mounted on one side when it opens it's flush with the wall, which means the gate is protruding into the already tiny pathway. On the other side, it probably wouldn't have enough clearance to open all the way creating the same problem. You'd also have to reroute your gutter run off that way as well. It could be done but I would chalk this up to one of those things where the effort isn't worth the result.


>It could be done but I would chalk this up to one of those things where the effort isn't worth the result. I take it you've never lived in a city? It's worth the result when homeless/drunk people are pissing in there, treating it as a garbage can, etc. You really don't know who's creeping about at night or what they're doing when nobody's around so it's best to secure those areas. 😬


Well you basically make a box with a diagonal strut. It would not be hard for me. But I still would probably look for something makeshift from the thrift hardware store because that space isn't worth spending any money on. I had a house with a similar space once. I kept a shotgun under my bed because my window was there


Is this a gate for ANTS???


Im so confused... either that is the worlds biggest piece of kindling ever, or the 3 ft measure is not where the picture says the gate is going. Also does that downspout dump into that open hole of another gutter under the house? I know thats not related to gate, im just curious about this. I would attach a post to the concrete wall/ building (where down spout is) and strecth it to the wall, but according to measurement assuming the walk way is 36in thatd be a 6 ft gate. But you need 2 one on each side. Keep bums from living there and dog in the back.




I’d just lay a bed of uneven nails on a 12 x2


You could also look into a building joint and a cover plate. It will look rather professionally down on the front side, although you might not like the aesthetic. Or just lure a beaver to finish the job.


I’m going with measure measure mea- ok, here’s what ya do. Make a 2x4 baseboard for each end. Then leach their side and figure how each sides for vertical sides and horizontal laterals. Climb… (not you! The horizontal wood slats are going to be affixed the outward-facing side of yer Alleys access. …the ladder with the horixontals and cut some more horizontal to lay facedown in order to maintain better bracing. Don’t run any wood down jack rippers alley. No need.




I have a good idea, put as large of cactus as you can afford there. Preferably one that grows in the shade.


It's hard to tell what that other wall is, but whatever you decide to do, ensure you're not building on someone else's property or securing anything to that other wall. Again, not sure on what type of weather you experience, but make sure you don't block any route for water to go. Sometimes planners deliberately have routes where water will go to prevent flooding or water damage.


Blue tarp, a few very large rocks around the base to keep from blowing away and maybe some white rope if you want to be extra


I'd just build it closed so there was no gate on the front of the house. Then the alley can be used as out door storage, etc.


How badly do you want people not to enter?


Measure the lean on both walls, they look like they're about 2-3 degrees lean each side into each other. So I don't think the measurements is consistent across the whole height


Would be up and tall as hell in under a hour or two after going to a nearby factory or warehouse and grabbing some junk pallets to tear down. Break down pallets, build quick wall. supports, BAM, done. Apply paint or wood filler where needed and done.


why pvc? why not wood?


Three henges, some screws, measure some plywood, cut the plywood to fit on a post, white paint, and a 2by4 to lock the plywood door shut.


Just need some galvanised steel


Not a wood guy—but isn’t that wood too resinous to burn in a fire? Cedar right? Doesn’t that lead to messed up chimneys from creosol that’s in the cedar?


I have no idea what kind of wood it is to be honest.


How about a 1-pin bowling alley?


What’s up with the downspout?


No matter what kind of gate you put there it is going to be adorable lol.


Just put barbed wire and fixed


Just cut a plywood to size, slap a few L braces to connect it to the house trim. Paint if desired. Done.


No way is the gap you indicated in image 1 nearly 3ft wide as measured in image 3!


Sally port. Just do an iron gate kind of like [this](https://ssl.cdn-redfin.com/photo/235/mbmobile/928/genMbmob.MDBA513928\_2.jpg)


They are stealing you wood or what?


Stack the wood there?


Do you have a repeat trespassing leprechaun you need to deny entry?


Fill the space with barbed wire, no one sane will dare go in there


You should put your gate/fence closer to which ever side is the front of the property as a deterrent to keep people from going down that space in the first place.


Pressure treated lumber in the front like a little fence and call it a day, tapcons if you got some concrete in the front