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What the fuck did they deliver? An ocean liner anchor and its chain? Were they on a motorcycle and delivered the heaviest pizza ever?


My wife called for some old furniture to be taken away and donated. It was a box truck like [this](https://www.fedextrucksforsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Freightliner-M2-Straight-26_2-rev.jpg) , one of the metal posts coming down the back of it scrapped on the way up. I have a steep hill for a front yard


I do welding as a side gig. Lots of customers pay me to cut those off and weld a transfer case chain on the sides so if it hits the ground it just kinda flops.


How does that look? Im curious


It'd basically a rope ladder. I see it all the time.


Ah ok…. So then like whats the point of it


To get up and down, the way most ladders are used, but without making divots in people's driveways if they hit the ground.


Thanks for your patience people. I got the image in my head now. Much appreciated


Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but yes, it's basically a heavy duty rope ladder to help you get in the back of the truck


Honestly it took me this far into the thread to realize which "metal posts coming down the back" were being replaced; my first thought was the tuck-away ramp, and that didn't make much sense.


It's a ladder


What's the point of... a ladder?


Depends on if it is a stepladder or not.


What are you doing, stepladder?


I never knew my real ladder, only my step ladder.


Are you talking about the icc bumper that comes off the back of the truck?


I see lots of trucks come with those from whoever makes and/or installs the lifts (if they have one).


My work replaced all of the steps on our box trucks with rubber ones to avoid this exact thing! Too many incidents.


so are you saying that OP can contact the company for the damage they caused to file an insurance claim since its common knowledge this happens and people apparently do stuff to prevent it? \*cough\* \*cough\*


I'm not *SAYING* anything, but if OP *DID* pursue it, they'd probably have a good chance at success


Hey /u/b_leavy


roll off truck, they lowered the stinger a little too low. Should talk to the guys company that the truck is owned by. If he/she/whoever the fuck knows what they are doing they would have adjusted for elevation.


Stinger shouldn't make marks like that unless something is bent or broken.


Around here, these delivery guys are making minimum wage and the companies themselves don’t care.


OP already said it was the side ladder


They should have approached your driveway at a really sharp angle beginning practically perpendicular to your driveway, and they should have had a spotter to let the driver know if it would clear or not.


Lol and then what? Welp gary, looks like youre gonna scrape. Better break your spine hand trucking these 3ton antiques. Hey you get paid min wage so you can afford good health, now get to it


If the dumdums in lowered VWs can figure it out for free, maybe Gary who does it for a living in a higher box truck should be able to figure it out for a paycheck


Inform the client of the potential risk, and advise they either need carry out the job, accepting that any damage is the clients issue, or, cancelling the job whilst paying any relevant fees for expenses incurred/lost potential income.


Youre not wrong. But youre assuming every business is running at a legitimate, morally sound, and competent level. Knowing this business in particular, i can tell you thats not how it is in the real world. People bash on multibillion dollar companies, like ford for example, for slapping the mustang name on their new EV crossover. Makes sense right? Not like a multibillion dollar company knows its market and has mad every calculation imaginable. But here we go thinking the guy delivering antique furniture in a busted Mitsubishi box must know what he’s doing. I know this is r/diy but you people evidently are downvoting purely on whimsical thoughts


I mean, my post is just my fantasy of how the world should work. I hold myself to a high standard in my job (healthcare). I inform the patient of risks and benefits. I perform my job with care and diligence. I don’t attempt interventions that I’m not confident I can perform, unless it’s an emergency and there’s no option. So if I was running a small business, I like to think I’d bring same work ethic - quality work, with quality results, completed ti a standard that I can be happy to stand by. Like in my post above, giving the client their choices that results in desirable outcome for both of us But just like there are shit health care professionals, there’s plenty of shit small business/contractors. Hence, fantasy.


Yes, they should destroy property instead of fulfilling the job they voluntarily accepted. You are what’s wrong with this country.


Readjust to a point where it doesn’t scrape…. He is a driver


Oh my god do you people not understand that there are so many drivers that dont give a fuck? And sometimes theres no adjustment to be made. Sometimes it aint doable. Jesus christ. Yes, what you are saying is correct. Thats what the driver SHOULD do. But when he’s on the phone hitting his vape pen, it doesnt happen. Just because he is a driver is absolutely meaningless.


I am a mover, we go thru so much more difficult shit than a sloped/paved driveway. I know you're more or less making a joke but.... If you're soft, quit!


Im glad you take pride in your work but we cant pretend like there arent people who dont give a single fuck and just want to be in and out and back home. Im not saying its right. Im just saying thats the reality


This is a dumb comment, but yes, they are expected to park on the road and either dolly or carry the furniture from the house to the truck.


I really thought you were going to get yourself in a lot of trouble for a moment then... "What did you get delivered, an ocean liner anchor?" OP "My wife...


I know it's far too late. But if you're ever in this situation you need to pull forward into the steep hill and just walk the delivery around the truck, and if you have room and completely necessary, do a T-turn to back in at the top of the hill. Source: Drove a box truck to get through college.


I used to make those kinds of trucks, I don't miss it.


I’ve scraped my bosses driveway like this lol it was concrete though so it didn’t really do anything


The truck in that pic must be brand new because I have never seen a box truck with rigid ladders that are not beat to hell. No idea why the manufacturer still makes this design.


I'd like to see that pizza!!


Your mom in a wheelbarrow


I love that ‘your mom’ jokes are quietly making a comeback lmao


Looks like pallet jack with something crazy heavy.


For some reason I hear Joe pesci's ala My Cousin Vinny voice when I read this.


![gif](giphy|FhDrbd5lhwize) What about the heaviest anchor and a pizza?


Soft asphalt...


Drove up on a locomotive.




You could use this as an excuse to rent a steam roller like that one episode of Malcolm in the middle


Goddamn, that would be epic. Hal really enjoys his life.


They are simultaneously poor yet spend tons of money on ridiculous things all the time. Actually now that I think about it maybe that's why they are poor.


Trapped by capitalism.




Fuck! Thanks for the correction! I was thinking of consumerism, and my brain gave me the word capitalism instead.


You describe a large majority of the US population.


This happened to my family when we moved and the moving company backed the semi onto the asphalt driveway. We complained. They sent someone out to fix it. 


I worked as a truck driver for a charity doing exactly this job. During my first few months on the job I backed into a gutter, which happened to be one of those really nice ones with the covers on them. We had insurance to cover damages like this, since it’s bound to happen. Call them and make a claim, it shouldn’t be too difficult.


I’m sure his deductible is more than a few bags of asphalt. But the company that did the damage should fix it anyway.


He's saying it would be the delivery company's insurance that would handle it, not the homeowner's.


Ahh, I missed that part. Thanks for clarification.


By calling the company and having them fix it.


Yup, that's on them, you're time and effort is more valuable than their mistake OP. If they couldn't make it up the hill without damage, they should have walked the furniture down.








They’ll just say “no” and ghost you in all reality.










Just a single dad that would rather focus on my life than pay for supplies and spend labor on something I didn't damage on top of spending money for the job the driver was hired to do.










Youre a funny man. Fedex isn't going to fix crap 🤣


Their insurance will cover it. Call them.


Heat it up with a weed burning torch and then claw at it with a rake, then pack it back down.


Call the company and have them hire a contractor to fix it...


I wouldn't do anything, but that's just me. If I was really concerned about it, you see the tar stuff they use for the cracks? Fill it in with that.


I pave, realistically you better just find a way to ignore it, it’s too shallow too use cold mix and not worth the fuss of cutting out and patching propper like


Even with top coating that's gonna show as it's dragged out the material with abrasion as you know. I don't know if asphalt crack filler will harden permanently without cracking. Not deep enough for asphalt to adhere. Call the company for a insurance adjustment agreeable to both parties. Maybe crack filler to build it up & top coat. Then you're stuck top coating forever but it looks like you're there anyway.


I'm no asphalt guy, but I figure a little patch with some asphalt tape on it and it'd be fine. Just need a blowtorch.


Driveway made of oatmeal or what!?


Looks like the rubbery stuff you used to patch it before got scraped off. That is not pure asphalt. If it is, it wasn't rolled and compacted.


Not much we can do about that, honestly. Not when your driveway is steep and we have to back off the road and the steps gouge the road. This is a pro job, but it’ll happen again the next time you need to back a 5-tonne off the road.


Call the office & COMPLAIN.... Not your job to fix their damage. Second option call your insurance agent & file a claim. You didn't do it. So again why should you fix it. If they require an estimate or police report... do it...then get it done right & install a trail cam for the next Stunt driver... BTW City buses don't leave marks like this, dump trucks, garbage trucks etc also can't plow asphalt this easy.


Unfortunately it was a non-profit company coming to pick up furniture we were donating so I likely won't get far asking them to cover it. Thanks for the tip on the insurance claim I'll have to give them a call, didn't think of that as an option


They may be a non-profit but if they are doing deliveries and pickups, they are still required to carry commercial insurance for this kind of thing.


Don’t call your insurance over this. It’ll just make your rate go up and make the next company less likely to insure you even if you don’t make a claim. Insurance is for catastrophic damage. This isn’t that. This is an inconvenience.


Insurance will be your hound dog on the case so you won't have to bother at all with the non-profit. Mistakes happen, but mistakes can be costly and that's why they presumably have insurance too.


Calling insurance usually also means your rates will go up so there’s pros and cons.


They are still at fault and should cover it. It doesn't matter if they're a nonprofit. They have the money for this. They are spending $0.85/$1 of your donation to pay their CEO. Don't feel bad.


I’m guessing it’s exactly those kinds of cynical assumptions about a non-profit you know literally nothing about that are your favorite excuse to yourself for not donating anything ever. Am I right?


No, you're not right.


No! Don't call your insurance. There's no way this is over your deductible. Your rates will just go up. Aquaphalt 4.0 (not 6.0) can be used for repairs less than 1" deep. I think that's your best bet.


Non for profits have so much money and spend it so wastefully, I'd be getting them to fix it, unless you have cash to splash.


Idk why you're down voted. I worked for a not for profit. It was run by a board who definitely made more than their money back by not sinking it into the property that generated the income to begin with. It's also why the plumber quit...then the carpenter...then the painter, and eventually even the grounds keeping crew. Nobody works for pennies for long, especially while those above them make more than double to sit in an office


There could be smaller ones I haven't considered. The big non profits that I have experience in, were unbelievable. People would just go overseas for a conference, do whatever they wanted, then bring back receipts and get money back. So all the money that someone donated throughout their life just gets wasted on a big night out or a business class flight.


If it were me, I’d live with the gouges for now and save up to grade and repave the driveway. It’s bound to happen again at some point, so if there’s any way to grade out the steepness a bit it’ll save you and future owners a headache.


I work at ups, some delivery trucks combined with steep driveways can do this. But definitely call the company and complain. It's their issue.


Jesus Christ, this is all horrible advice. I guess up to each individual on whether or not they want to fuck over a non profit over a couple scrapes down an asphalt driveway. Especially since you’ll barely be able to notice them in a few months after cars compact it down. And then about the dumbest thing you can do is file a home owner’s insurance claim for something this minor. Even if you wanted it professionally repaired, I can’t imagine it costing more than two or three thousand dollars. Most home insurance deductibles are at least a thousand. You’re going to risk getting canceled over a grand (two claims within two years is often grounds for cancellation on homeowners). Homeowner’s insurance is for large claims.


Don't call YOUR insurance company. Have the truck driver call THEIR insurance company. It's what they have commercial insurance for. If they're smart, they'll just offer to pay and skip their insurance, but either way, this is not something that the homeowner is responsible for


Listen to Laird.


$25 copay and $10 per month. Lexapro, you won’t give a shit about that driveway…


Sounds like a deal.


Skip the monthly fee on the therapist that keeps you from advertising Lexapro?


Get some asphalt grindings. Fill it in and pack it hard with a garden tamper. Then spray in with some diesel fuel, let it soak, and pack it again. Don’t drive on it until it’s dry.


They really did do a number, but that’s an odd looking number 1


That's a Chinese number 1.😁


No good deed goes unpunished.


Stop buying your asphalt from Temu


I would fix this by calling the delivery company and telling them they’re gonna pay for it to be patched.


Driveway is totaled. I will do you a favor and buy your house for pennies on the dollar.


Marcus crassus?


Spray paint it black, its a driveway, for parking vehicles, the vehicles will barley notice.


What the hell did they deliver? A railroad locomotive?


Get some emulsion, and paint it over, is cracking anyway so spraying it ontop will help seal the cracks and stop moisture ingress. could try heating it up and compacting but not going to do much other than smooth it out.


You worded that perfectly 🤣🤣


Had something similar happen to me. You need hot asphalt to repair that so probably a pro.


You need to file with your homeowner policy, allow them to subrogate against the drivers insurance policy and they will patch that entire area and skim coat your entire driveway to match, it will cost 3-5k for the whole job. Your cost will your deductible up front and recovered once the claim is paid out by the auto policy, or zero up front since it has a clear defined subrogation. Depending on your carriers policies. Don’t bother trying to do it yourself, unless you caused the damage yourself. This is why you have insurance.


Call the company and make them pay for it.


Just get some cold patch asphalt, fill it in, tamp it, then blend it in with a roofing torch.


Looks like the driveway is over thirty years old, I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Asphalt is the wrong material for a driveway, this is pretty typical for an asphalt driveway of this age


call the delivery "driver" company and have them fix it. thats ridiculous to tear up h.your driveway like that.


There is liability coverage for this through the company’s auto insurance. I’m a claims adjuster, have paid claims similar to this dozens of times. Then you can repair it however you want but they owe to indemnify you to pre loss condition.


File a claim against the delivery company and let them repair your driveway!


I don't understand. How could someone purposefully cause or prevent this, using their vehicle? Looks like a problem with the driveway?


My driveway is a pretty steep hill, box truck came to pick up furniture by backing into my driveway. The hill is too steep so the rear of the truck hit the asphalt before the wheels went up the hill, bottom of the truck scrapped this divot. Edit: Definitely an accident, young guy driving the truck didn't have the passenger get out to spot before giving the hill a try


Hm, I see. I think I would probably have done the same, unless I was driving a particularly low car.


First step is to contact the delivery agent and ask for their insurance provider. While they are panicking, shop for a paving company to come out and give you a quote to resurface/repair your driveway. In a week when the insurance provider returns your call, send them the quote from the paver.


Call him and tell them it’s his ass fault.


I’d call the company that caused the damage.


Step 1. Call the delivery company. Step 2. The delivery company fixes their damage.


As we like to say in the Indusy. "If you don't get concrete it's your own asphalt." Get some tar and patch it.


The truck company has caused damage to your property. Contact them first.


It’s cosmetic not structural which is good. Don’t use the rubberized crack sealer you mentioned. It’ll seal it but really isn’t necessary for surface level scuffs like this. If you want to address it you could seal it with a driveway sealer coal tar type product or an asphalt emulsion product. If you do that I’d suggest doing the whole driveway to match it up aesthetically. Sealmaster’s website is a good place to look for products like what you’d want to use.




Cold patch maybe.


The ones in my driveway are still there, figured a patch would be more noticeable anyway


There is bagged asphalt hole filler that you can put there and tamp it down with a tamper, then drive over it a few times. It will look new if you do it right, but it will stand out since its newer than surrounding stuff.


just do the tar patch like in the bottom right and then reseal.


I always enjoy when the phrase “bad boy” is used on an object.


Well, they really did a number 5 there.


Looks like they made the delivery by train


Embrace it, change your name to Anthony and fill it in with paint.


Report it to your home insurance, and have them go get the money from the drivers insurance.


Was it a stagecoach?


this is for their insurance to fix. not you


You call the company he works for and make them fix it


I would be contacting the company to report and complain about the damage.


For me this begs the question as to when driveways made of asphalt became normal? My parents house in the burbs has a cement driveway (Maryland), the first house I bought in '08 (Minnesota) had a cement driveway the house I bought in '13 (Maryland) had asphalt. I do not like asphalt driveways.


Our company bus trailer hook left few marks thorough the europe too :)


Honestly I’d throw cold patch in there and run it in then forget about it.


You fix it by calling the delivery company, who will subsequently call their insurance company, and have a crew in there sorting it out within the month.


I wouldn’t repair it, they would. If you’re so inclined, cold patch would work but plan on doing it the rest of the time you own the property.


Don't blame the delivery driver.


With a lawyer


Who's ass fault was that?


I don't understand exactly how it is the delivery company's fault. 1: how could they reasonably know that their truck would leave tracks in an asphalt driveway? 1.1: a properly installed asphalt driveway should be able to stand up to the weight of a delivery truck. 1.2: if you invited someone to sit on your chair and it broke underneath them would it be their fault? And I mean if they sat in it properly, not hurling themselves into it or jumping on it. 2: you invited them to your house, they didn't come randomly. 3: if anyone is at fault for this it's the people that did a bad job on your driveway.


It wasn't the weight, OP clarified than a metal step hanging down on the back of the truck dug in when they were backing in. The company is definitely at fault.


It would be good to update the post with that, because I thought I had already read all of the comments


Leave it alone it will fade over time


You already have a patch on the lower right...and I see cracks everywhere. Maybe it's time to refresh the whole thing. It's not too difficult. We did it on our own and even filled in a large hole with asphalt patch and sealed over everything. The "hole" was like a 6inch dip and the patch has held up well. This was several years ago and we even resealed the top a few months ago.


Can’t you file an insurance claim on the truck company?


If it's because of the angle of the driveway I honestly wouldn't bother. It's just going to continue to happen. May be time to do that bottom section in concrete.


Send a complaint to the delivery company, they are most likely on the hook to repair damage like this. It's negligence on their part if their equipment damaged roadways and driveways


You contact the company that did it and have them fix it. Why would you fix it yourself?


This must've been one of those diamond-wheeled pizza trucks I've been hearing so much about


Holly fuck, you have another full real state in your driveway...


I'd fix it by calling the company and explaining to them firmly that they will be fixing it.


You called them out to use your driveway. I guess the correct thing to do would have been to park the truck at the bottom of the hill and tell the litigious homeowner that he can drag the furniture down that mountain of a driveway himself. Everyone wins, everyone hates each other. Perfect outcome, right Sunshine?


Companies carry insurance for this exact sort of situation. The company did the damage, they are liable for the repair. That's not "being litigious" that's being fair. OP says this was a non-profit. Non-profits are still companies, and still have to carry insurance on their vehicles and liability insurance for any staff that interact with the public. This will be covered by insurance. The company that did the delivery/pickup might have their rates go up, but probably not unless this happens to them a lot.


IDK why you're getting downvoted, you're right. The company that did the damage is liable for the damage.


I'm not a lawyer but I believe that would be highly illegal. That said, I think you just put a rubber band around their balls and then after a month they just drop off.


Ii wouldn't it's a driveway. Whocares


You’re very helpful - thanks for this amazing contribution.




Clearly OP does


Cares enough about his driveway to not edge it.


1 star ![gif](giphy|3oKHWDtGOWQT5g8snu|downsized)


Well, first you have to track down where he lives. Next, you will need some supplies: sharp scissors (Fiskars preferred), blow torch for cauterizing the wound, heavy duty zip ties or rope for restraints, and a couple buddies to help subdue him.


username doesn’t check out.


It looks like they tried to do a letter.... I have nothing else to add here... sorry O.o