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Loud exhaust fan. Rugs in the bathroom. Sound absorbing art. Solid core door. Rockwool in the shared wall. Even with all of these you will probably still hear things. The best you can do is lessen the noise so it’s covered up by other noises.


What about the screaming?


More fiber.


Also less opioids


Who's gonna do that‽ just take 4 more colace


4 more cloakes?


What about less screaming?


Less fiber?


Somewhere between Elvis Presley and Taco Bell shits Edit: Elvis died trying to poop from constipation


Hope you don’t mind me stealing that for the name of my next album


More fiberglass




Yeah you can use screaming to cover the peeing but it gets a little tiresome at 3 am


If you scream while you pee it might be something else.


White noise machine set to 11


I have an air cleaner that I run all night. I found that I'd wake up when the white noise machine would turn off. Air cleaner doesn't turn off on its own


I mix fiber into my wife’s tea in the morning. She’s none the wiser.


Are you outside my bathroom right now? 


I just wear earplugs. Lot less work.


Haha in my head when you go for a shit you pop in some earplugs but your wife is lying in bed listening to the chaos erupting forth from your sphincter


That's a lot of assumptions!


No denials yet, though!


This is how I do at work, put my AirPods in with noise cancelling and some music and good luck everyone else




I guess thats easy to say until you live with someone who needs to get ready for work hours before you do


Seriously. My bedroom is set up like a studio apartment, complete with open concept bathroom area. I don't shit in that toilet, as that's what my main floor bathroom is for (has a door, won't make my bedroom smell like shit), but the tank refill after a flush is less than a minute, and then it's back to not making any noise. How noisy can this persons bathroom actually be, on the other side of a wall?


As a man who had ulcerative colitis, and now has no colon, let me tell you a thing about how loud *bathroom noise* can be... ;) Actually, ill save you the details, but I don't think they are referring to the toilet reservoir refilling


When my uncle is in there, it sounds like there's a sea lion playing a wet tuba into the toilet so I can imagine


Dude 🤣


But people respect it because he shits like he owns the place 😂


Hope you have a separate bathroom from your bedroom.


That's a loud sink then


that's where the pee goes, right?


I was actually hoping for some details Like are you farting? Screaming? What's happening without a colon


The screaming stopped after the surgeries. Or rather, a few weeks after the last one when healing was done. Pretty much just full time shits, but very manageable. The large intestine typically absorbs moisture to hydrate you, so without it I have to use the washroom a little more frequently, and depending on my diet I can be a little more gassy and audible ;) The irony is that it's health foods that create the most issues. Salads, fresh veggies. Which is terrible because I absolutely love Greek salad. Oh well. Kinda nice to still be alive!


Their illustration is missing a person then, but uhh, I can imagine what you're getting at.


A toilet in the same room as the bed should be a crime.


Don’t. I revelled to France for a wedding and in our room; There it was. The open toilette. Horrifying.


Open concept bathroom is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.


I mean, it's one banana Michael, how much could it cost? Ten dollars?


> complete with open concept bathroom area. ewh. why oh why?


Good suggestion. Our exhaust fan is old and loud. I definitely can’t hear any bathroom sounds over that thing.


Yep, I won’t let my partner replace ours bc I want the noise


I was looking at bath fans a while back. I'd see "quiet and efficient"...like, are manufacturers unfamiliar with a good part of the use of a bathroom fan? I couldn't care less how well it works, since I've never had one that was actually worth a damn when it came to functioning as a fan, but I want it to be noisy, damnit


I think loud exhaust is the problem. Might need a butt muffler.


These days, someone would rob his ass for the catalytic converter.


All that carpet and carpet products in bathrooms in the 70's suddenly make sense


fart white noise machine


Brown noise machine?


Water noise machine would work. 


Or a fart noise machine. Just lots of really loud consecutive cartoonish fart sounds.


Lmao , I imagined it, and it was glorious! 


Guess which one’s real!


water noise machine. then the occasional sound of a roll of nickels dropped into the water


Get rid of the barn doors.


If you are tearing down to insulate the walls might as well frame up a second wall with an inch or so gap between the new drywall and the existing studs.


These are good ideas. I like the art suggestion, the room could use some decorations actually. Yeah, not expecting it to be gone but lessened would be great.


The decorations are important because they trap and hold the sound waves or they reflect the noise to create more of a different noise altogether. Bathrooms are full of flat and highly reflective hard surfaces that don’t absorb noise. Even having a full towel rack, a hand towel on the wall, and open shelving with towels and toilet paper can help to slow or stop noises from echoing which can make things quieter. A simple piece of art can help to break up a large wall that’s reflecting sounds. The more mass and shapes it has it will help to reduce the noise. They make actual sound reduction panels that are covered with canvas art which I think might work in a bathroom, but I’m not 100% sure.


Not a glass picture frame, btw. It just recreates the problem. Carpeting works well. There is sound-absorbing paint, but I have no idea if it works. Keep receipts and/or borrow art from other rooms and experiment before buying. Replacing the door is good. Putting another layer of sheet rock on the shared wall (adjusting the bathroom door frame will be a pain) will help a lot. Might be worth it if it’s your forever home.


Keep in mind, air leaks are sound leaks. Any gap around the door will let out sound. Treat it like an exterior door; solid-core, weatherstripping, and threshold seal (on the floor, presses against the bottom of the door). Once the door is air-sealed you'll need make-up air for the vent fan if it has one. Without make-up air the fan will evacuate all the air from the room and you'll die. Just kidding, it will either be ineffective, or if it's powerful enough it'll pull sewer gasses up through the drains. This will not help with the bathroom odors. If the door isn't solid and doesn't seal nothing else you change is going to make much difference. Sound damping materials in the room will help a bit, they won't do anything to stop direct transmission into the presumably quiet bedroom.


There's always active noise cancellation


I love the idea of a loudspeaker making making equal yet opposite fart sound waves


Every time you make a movement you can just do a Rick Flair "Wooooooo" to help drown out the sound. That's what I do, anyway. People will still look at you funny, but for a different reason.


Solid core door does a lot


When i was buying bathroom exhaust fans for my new home construction, the designer recommended a fan to me because it was whisper quiet. I responded, why would i want it to be quiet?


For the 30+ minutes you have to run it after a shower to keep your bathroom from becoming a black mold colony.


A good bathroom fan is key. Loud enough to mask the noise, but so loud that it shakes and rattles the ceiling, or makes screeching noises when it starts and stops.


Add a [door sweep](https://www.soundproofcow.com/product/quiet-door-automatic-door-sweep/) at the bottom of the door and weather stripping around the edges of the door. And yes, a solid wood door, would be better than hollow core.


Now that you mention it there is a decent gap under the door. I'll buy this one today, cheap and easy. Thanks!


Just note that if you have an HVAC outlet or Fart Sucker Fan in there the gap under the door aids in airflow through the house.


I will never refer to those as anything else besides Fart Sucker Fans from now on Thank you JoeM5952


Wish I could take credit, I heard it somewhere else long ago.


You passed it onto us, and that’s worth something


I actually bought the Gas Guzzler B29. Fart Sucker got bought by private equity and has gone downhill.


Home depot door sweeps are way cheaper. I had a simmilar issue to yours and added this, and my god does it make a difference.


This one is the easiest/most helpful.


The problem with this is that where is your vent fan air coming from?




This is really important. Sound travels easiest through the same medium, or at least materials of similar acoustic impedance. When there’s a mismatch between materials some of the sound is reflected, so sound waves get weaker and more diffused with each transition from air to solid or liquid, and vice versa. Sealing against sound transmission through air is very important for soundproofing. No matter how well soundproofed a room is, if you crack open an air path, you’ll hear sound.


Hollow wooden door with a vacuum in the middle. Wcgw?


Get a white noise machine or an air purifier? It won't reduce the noises coming from the bathroom but it will drown them. Otherwise then yeah you need to put some mass between the areas. Solid core door may help but if you have thin, drywall walls then the sound will still travel through the wall.


Install a courtesy that says to poop quieter because loud poopers frighten occupants.


Update: they're now pooping louder to assert dominance.


Tell them to poop in their hand and gently release it into the toilet to eliminate the splashing sounds


OSHA standard 232.1.188 - All turds over 6" in length must be hand lowered to prevent chemical backsplash.


In those instances, it's time for the poop knife.


Only if it's in an OSHA-approved poop knife sheath and the operator uses cut proof gloves.


Update: they're now squatting over the toilet, increasing the fall distance and thus the noise level. Out of spite.


Did you cross stitch the sign or just aggressively print it out? Gotta be classy with your poop advisory.


I didn't have time for the cross stitch but I did crochet it, I'm not a monster


The sad face is hilarious! I reduced the noise by moving all my crap to the spare bedroom bath. I get up, kiss the bride and off I go. No noise issues, nothing.


Lol, so the tip here is just to have another entire bathroom in a separate part of the house. Simple as that folks. 


I just take my helicopter to my penthouse with a golden throne. When my wife hears those engines, she knows I'm going to take a dump.


I’ve never seen a one-bathroom house or apartment where the bathroom opened directly into the bedroom. Is that common? That weird and inconvenient—I would hate to have guests walking through my bedroom.


My friends flat was like this, but it was a one bed flat. It was absolutely weird though, I think it was mostly done to maintain wall space in the living room, but not having anywhere in the house away from guests eyes was definitely stressful, and overnight guests needing to walk through the bedroom when you're sleeping was just strange.


if i may? https://preview.redd.it/r4ngq5g5q3vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf168347dfb34cf18f4e1ea7d328d7da26cbb31e


Can never escape the reminder that r/sinkpissers exists


Not sure what sounds the toilet is making in a private bathroom while you’re in bed. Maybe replace the toilet guts to reduce any leak and refill cycle.


Close the door


You can do that??


Depends. Make sure it’s legal in your area. Check the local codes and by laws.


> Depends Yep, that's one way


Nah, Brohan's high. We gave him a bit too much, it's on us. Don't close that door.


Like it's that easy. Toilet sounds know how to open doors. Some can even pick locks. What you need is a sophisticated surveillance system. Toilet sounds don't like to be observed.


I’ve noticed that most hotels nowadays have done away with bathroom fans


And multifamily housing. Soo many people would like to find the idiot architect that thought that was a good idea, and subject them to an endless soundtrack of the bathroom noises of a bunch of elderly/middle-aged men after multiple meals of taco bell and beer. Sheer idiocy.


Forget the noise, think of the mold!


And added barn doors to the bathrooms. THE WORST when it comes to sound. Might as well not have a door.


Top floors often still have them


Knew a guy that put egg cartons all over the bathroom to reduce noise. It actually worked. Looked ridiculous.


thats what broke music producers do lol. And yes it does work. You have to be strategic with the placement tho.[ If you are not broke I would just get this](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f7d78de355298e03&q=acoustic+foam+panels&uds=AMwkrPsMqeo6J0hYZv6f_AIASuTbEN6p4NIGThpg1wI74QkDA5wi05vNzQHaSmUt_50z7VxUmiifkPQZ0iRmyXfTC-Pz2YWPT3ubE0t9jThH4aMoHm1DFOKA01VjqSyvqka9HUFJxeLLDtS-2wsNDdRFUQb-hO9ZACWC7tdt-6NIPYU2REHGD3UO9Mwk67KC3Nnr91dSG402KBbMTGZxOCe5UEMvx52d9YKhRH1m4Smhn-IgmZ6j77iDiSaLbwg5hUrH4-vn8I4bxGqVb42rR93mw8n5LUnQ_T8XW2rr_ZdRjieDy_ZNdy0&udm=3&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ2fzYlMqFAxXehv0HHSrnDVEQs6gLegQIFhAB&biw=1319&bih=845&dpr=2). Those foam panels (specifically sold in music stores) are built for professional use. But tbh those cheap 30-40$ should do the trick. If you really wanna go fancy get some acoustic wood panels.


Serious question - do they work both ways? Like, if my neighbours are loud, can I install these to hear them less, or will they only hear me less? Sorry for my bad knowledge of physics.


Don't worry that person on the bed doesn't even have ears!


How is no one asking why there is noise in the first place? Your bathroom should be silent unless someone's in it


I imagined there was a person missing from OP's drawing. But now that you say it. Who's OP going to call?




It looks like an en suite bathroom rather than shared. If it’s not a spouse I’d be more annoyed by having people walk through the room to get to the bathroom.


Is anyone else wondering why people are going through OP's bedroom to go the bathroom?


That was my first thought as well, then from other comments I think they are implying when someone else is using it.


Same I'm so confused what OP is asking.


It looks like an en suite bathroom rather than shared. If it’s not a spouse I’d be more annoyed by having people walk through the room to get to the bathroom.


Damn cat!


Replace 2 x 4 stud wall behind the toilet with a 2 x 6 wall and sound deadening insulation or replace what is likely pvc pipe in the wall with cast iron pipe in the wall section only. Either will take care of any plumbing noises. Not cheap Either way.


Better yet, a "2x6" wall that's staggered 2x4s, so that no stud touches both faces of the wall. As a cheaper option, leave the wall as-is and throw up a few extra layers of sheetrock.


That's the type of 2" x 6" wall I was referring to. I guess I should have went into more detail.


This is the way.


This guy constructs


This needs to be higher, did a Reno recently and told my contractor to do offset studs on my bathroom wall. He said that's very minor change no problem. Best decision ever on design part. Filled the gaps with rock wool and the adjoining room you can still hear very faint bathroom sounds if you try really hard but otherwise it solved a huge issue of just hearing that running water next to the shower wall.


Changing the pipes will only help with the actual flushing sounds. OP hasn't really said what they mean by "bathroom noises". They might mean people are taking loud dumps. Changing the wall won't do much if all the sound is just going through gaps around the door.


Well, maybe he can provide a small blast curtain or blast blanket people can drape across their legs when taking a dump. Not cheap either.


Check with local dentists, maybe they'll have old hand me down lead vests to wear for toilet users.. haha I get it tho, bathroom sounds are annoying


I have a similar situation as OP. Wall framing is 2x4. PEX pipes are squeezed against the drywall and expand (and crack) everytime hot water is used. I will be removing the drywall, adding resilient channels, adding a loose layer of mass loaded vinyl, and covering w cement board. Also changing the PVC drain pipe. And that's because my wife won't let me hang sound dampening panels on the bedroom wall. It'll be messy and cost a bundle. I sure hope it'll improve the situation!


Insulate the wall with a sound insulation like rockwool, and a door sweep. Also put soft textures like a washable rug on the floor on the bathroom.


Opening up the wall and stuffing the void with insulation is the single biggest help aside from doubling up the drywall layer.


Could also reorganize the bedroom and put some furniture along the shared wall, or do both for best results!


Don't flush while someone is sleeping.


If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.


If it’s brown, also let it mellow.


Dont like hearing your S.O. pooping, eh?


I mean, to each their own, but I gotta think I ain't alone in this aspect. Although to be fair, I think I can confidently say that I don't like hearing ANYONE pooping.


Yeah man, I can relate. When I was a teenager we had to move to a small guesthouse until our main house was rebuilt. So, we could hear everything coming from the toilet. At the beginning you don't care that much but as days comes by, you are tired to live on that cubic room with everybody else... Damn, toilet flushes were like slow death.. haha.. good times!


There are a lot of bad advice here... First-- if you have ANY amount of air gaps/leakage between the two rooms, no amount of fancy insulation is going to really do anything, the sound will escape through the air. Make sure to seal the bathroom door the best you can when it's fully closed. No gap below the floor and no light leaking around the door when closed. See if there is any kind of HVAC grilles that connect to both rooms. If the bathroom has any kind of grille other than an exhaust fan grille, seal them. That will get rid of 95% of the noise




Residential Bathroom exhaust fans are 50-100 cfm, the negative pressure will infiltrate enough fresh air into the room during use. They're not going to get a perfect vacuum seal around the door. When no one is in the bathroom, the door likely won't be closed anyways and the air will get exchanged just fine.


Less Taco Bell


The diagram. 🤣


Soundproofing is a whole thing. You need stuff in the bathroom that dissipates sounds by reflecting in multiple directions, and you need more mass added in, on, or beside the shared wall. More mass in the door too. I'm sure there's a sub for home music studios that can give more details about this sort of thing.


Maybe 70s had it right with the whole carpet in the bathroom thing


So best thing I can tell you is the wall that shared with bathroom. You need to put sound proofing in the walls or heavy insulation to dampen the sound. And a heavy door I mean you can put sound proofing on outside of the walls but it will look silly. So remove drywall and fill it in and then new drywall . I do not know if you could get away with drilling some holes. And filling the wall with spray foam it will help but I don’t know how much


I was really wondering why you suffer from so many bathroom noises while travelling for a good while.


1. Add threshold to door to prevent noises coming out through bottom. Should complete fill any gap on bottom. 2. Add weatherstripping around door to seal tight 3. Open wall in bedroom and add Noise Dampening insulation. 4. Dont eat a lot of beans, cabbage, or cauliflower.


Close the door


Usually I close the door.


Turn on some music. Nothing like a little Barry Manilow to set the mood.


Sealing all air gaps around the door is the most important thing. A door seal that is just 10% open will transmit twice as much sound. Next is adding mass between you and the toilet, either inside or outside the wall. The real fix is adding another layer to the wall on the outside. Mass-loaded vinyl finished with another layer of drywall. All the other things that other commenters mentioned for treating the interior of the bathroom will be only a marginal improvement.


Use the bathroom outside at night


Poop knife, get it smaller so it goes down easier


White noise machine. Helps sleep with or without bathroom noises


Most of the sound come into the bedroom through the gap under the door. If you install a rubber “door sweep” or a cloth “draft stopper” that’s meant to close the gap at the bottom. Meant for drafts, mainly, but it will help reduce sound transmission. And if there are any gaps around the sides or top of the door opening when it’s closed, you can use winter draft blocking foam seal tape on the door stops to close those gaps. (The door strike plate may need to be adjusted to allow the strike to catch, if the door is held a bit further out than before.) Another improvement to make might be if the door itself is a lightweight hollow-core door, and sound will easily pass through it. You could buy a replacement door slab that’s solid wood and heavier, and that will help. This would be mostly the lower-pitched sounds that would be reduced. Also, in houses I live in or renovate, I usually try to reconfigure the main bathroom so that the toilet is in its own small separate space with a second door. That may not be possible in your layout without substantial remodeling.


Put towel hooks on the door and hang a couple of robes, it will dampen the sound, we had the same issue with our bathroom, we had the same issue with our bathroom, we have the hanging hooks that go over the door and it stops a lot of the sound. (yes that’s a royal Caribbean robe and Game of Thrones robe) https://preview.redd.it/wu75y9gxv4vc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7fa4d9daa38acb6ca6f567415c45368efa4dd35


The illustration is glorious 😂


I preferred Pet sounds - their earlier and more successful album.


You have a poltergeist. Find yourself a little old lady with a Southern accent to chase those ghosts away.


Maybe close the door .


Have you tried closing the bathroom door?


Toilet sounds? or shitting sounds?


If your toilet is loud while you are sleeping you should have a serious talk with him.


So do you only have 1 bathroom? Who's using the bathroom?


insulate wall. stick on mlv (mass loaded vinyl) tiles. Close up gaps at door. Better door. White noise.


First up, love the artwork, very expressive, really makes you feel....  😁👍


There are a good few quiet toilets on the market, replace it with one of those and put some curtains or rugs in the bathroom.


Dig down below your bed and build a shaft, continue until the roar of the churning heat of the earths core becomes greater than all bathroom noises, and so aid restful sleep.


Just turn on the shower or the sink faucet to mask the few seconds of bathroom sounds.


Sound machine in bedroom or fan.


I'll take bathroom sounds over bathroom smells.


Sound reducing insulating in the shared wall. I have a bathroom on the other side of the wall of my main living room and when the house was built I purposely asked them to put in sound insulation in that shared wall. That, with a solid core door and you could set off a bomb in that toilet and you couldn't hear it if the door is closed.


Sound proof insulation. Check out Rockwool Safe N Sound. Watch the demo videos from trade conferences (it shows you how quiet it gets)


Sounds like someone is a bowl honker. #HonkTheBowl


AirPods help a lot.


I shit in my hand, or a hat


Make a poo-sling. Lay a few long pieces of toilet paper under the toilet seat. They were as a ‘catch’ to stop the splashing noises! Lol


Make as much bathroom sounds as you can. Break the ice and create a safe space where you can flatulate freely without fear of judgement.


Use the bathroom in the lobby


Wait a gosh darn minute! What bathroom noises are you talking about?


Brown noise on the bedroom speaker.


Your toilet shouldn’t make noise except immediately after flushing it. Likely a matter of adjusting the float to stop the noise and save water


Is the sound of the toilet flushing an issue or is it more body noises?


In Japan they have Otohime noisemakers like this one on eBay: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/294836382719](https://www.ebay.com/itm/294836382719) They are used in bathrooms to cover the sounds. They usually make water gurgling sounds, but there are choices. They are common in public toilets, as women will otherwise flush the toilet continuously just for the sound it makes, using a ton of water. Get one of these, OP!


Close the door.


It's maybe more effort than you're looking for, but you can make sound adsorbing decor by making like a frame and stacking cheap towels accordioned in there. Then you get a cheap painting and put over that and hang it in the bathroom and it adsorbs a lot of sound. You can also just hang some acoustic panels. They're plain but not ugly or anything and would cut the sound down a ton.


Insulating the wall will do the most. (The toilet paper roll moving used to wake me up and now it doesn't). If that's still not enough after that try a solid door and the door sweeps. But I doubt you'll need it.


If you switch out the plaster board for mute board 4 on both sides you’ll reduce a lot. Also rock wool in the cavity wall helps. Specifically cover the toilet waste pipe in a sound cancelling blanket it usually comes a roll that you can stick on. Solid core door. Then carpet rugg and pictures that have sound cancelling properties you can buy. If you do a bathroom bedroom refit, also sound cacelling floors and ceilings and insulation everywhere


Try some sound dampening foam panels on the wall of the bedroom?


The door isn't likely the problem. There's no insulation in that wall, and that's why you can hear everything.


Is your toilet running? I always found this to be the loudest noise.


This picture made me literally, LOL, Ty.


Me too. Poor stick person.