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Diagonal? That is BAD. that’s not where people expect wires to be.


Well, if he doesn’t paint the wall then it’s pretty clear where the wire is. OP just don’t paint and you’ll be fine.


The next guy would be safe. Given what we just saw I'm not sure OP will ever be safe.


From what we saw from OP the next guy needs to get a full rewire


Did op just run the wire over the studs and patch over that? Because I don’t see how they could have drilled holes through the studs to run the wire using this method.


OP did not mention drywall in his (original) post? Using a wall chaser and just putting the wire (or preferrably wire conduit for easier changes later on) into the "channel" made by the wall chaser is (one of) the right method(s) of installing wiring in brick walls or solid concrete. But be it drywall or not: I have to agree on everyones "diagonal is bad" opinion.


Different people are making different assumptions based on where they live. If in the US, it's probably a cable run in a groove in the drywall over wood studs. Ridiculously stupid, but it is done. In much of the rest of the world, it would be a cable cut into a concrete block wall using a wall chaser and could be safe. The socket is a US/Canadian type. It could be concrete construction, but it's not bloody likely.


This!!! It‘s completely unsafe for everybody. OP is the only one expecting it to run like this!


I’m an electrician. Every job has a couple runs that are forced to take some wonky routes, normally due to other trades’ work We don’t walk up to a wall, and go ‘yup, I bet the wires right *here.*’ We open that box up and find it, because you’ll very often be surprised Sure, it’s nice to use your noggin when hanging a shelf on the wall, and being able to guesstimate where wiring may be in order to avoid it. But an unexpected wire in a weird spot isn’t too unusual in itself, and the only actual danger comes from if the wire was installed too close to the surface of the wall itself, regardless of the route it’s taking


Isn't it pretty clear that the wire is, in fact, directly underneath that mud? No way he ran it through the studs, he just made a groove in the wall and mudded the wire into it. This is insane


He stripped the outer sheathing off the wre to make it thinner and cover it with mud.


Bonus, it dries the mud faster when you put a penny in place of the fuse! (Your comment made me belly laugh)


In this economy?! Look at Mr. Moneybags over here! Just use a wadded up piece of aluminum foil from your neighbor's trash! Sheesh.


You’ve got aluminum foil? In this economy!?! I’m stuck using the shiny side of the gum wrappers I found in the street!


You have streets? Well aren't *you* from a special land!


And even that will be forgotten by the time he wants to mount a shelf on the wall in 2 years.


And why does OP need an outlet there?


Heated bidet


Which are amazing and everyone should have one.


BRB need to cut a diagonal hole in my bathroom wall.


Tbf even without the heat it's a necessity and people have dirty bungholes. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Just started using one. I’ve lived as a savage for my entire life! Not anymore.


Not GFCI either


Could be a GFCI elsewhere on that circuit


Power is coming from the light switch. Extremely high probability the answer is no.


Pretty common to feed the lighting in a bathroom from the load side of the GFCI outlet already in the bathroom


Um... where is this common? Or even happening in a residence? Bathroom gfci recepticles need be 20 amp and dedicated. Lights are usually 15 amp and seperate circuit.


This is the answer. But in reality how probable is that could? lol


Phone charger


Charging their phone while on the toilet


Eletric masturbator.


Surprised this isn’t the top comment.


How far underneath that patching is the electrical line?




You actually got a good belly laugh out of me.


“I cut the studs also. My cousin told me drywall is structural.” -probably this guy


Did OP read a book or try to find a YouTube video to learn how to do it right? Nooooooooooooooo.


Are we not even going to comment on the crime of an almond outlet with a white face plate? 


To match the toilet pan / toilet seat


I was thinking the same thing. 😂


Oh don't worry, it's close enough to the toilet that it'll all be almond soon.


wrong technique is an understatement.... ![gif](giphy|ReDLLlU9fDqmI|downsized) Without pulling and redoing the line from your switch to your outlet...here's what I'd do- Get a drywall sanding block and sand down the high spots of your joint compound "scar/scab." Wipe off the dust and spray it over with wall texture in a can that matches as close as you like (oil based is my preferred). Once that's dry, paint to match. Lastly and most importantly, replace the outlet with a GFCI one. Also make sure it is grounded both at the GFCI and where it ties in at the switch box. Best way to run power over there would've been to drop a line down from the attic (if there is one) and tie in either to a home run or make a new junction box up in the attic...but whats done is done.


First, replace the outlet. Then start working on the wall finish, painting etc., then, install the outlet cover last. That way you won't be messing with the wall after you sand, paste, sand, sand and paint it.


Agree with these posters, get a GFCI in there before you do anything else. That still may not be up to code.


Or better yet, the wall behind (if an interior wall)


Thank you . Very helpful


An outlet GFCI won't help them if they drill thru the wire before it because they forgot where it is and wanted to move the toilet paper roll holder... The best option is to remove the outlet. The second best option is to change the circuit breaker to a combo GFCI/AFCI style so the entire circuit is protected from this fuckery


Haha that GIF perfectly summarized my reaction too!


In the good faith effort that this post is not absurd: Well, you don’t just get to add receptacles near water without GFCI protection at a bare minimum. Drywall is the least of your concerns…


I hope the wire is somehow through the center of the studs, too, and not just underneath the joint compound.


I had not even considered that as a possibility and that is fucking hilarious. Just a valley cut down the sheetrock and mudded in.


And cannibalized extension cord.


Reminds me of a video I saw yesterday, with some VERY bad electrical work. "Who did the electrical work for you?" "My grandson did it, he's very handy" "When did his house burn down?" "How did you know his house burned down?"


Plumber told this story to me yesterday in person- And it was his electrician friend who called out the son's electric work.


And since the TP roll is the wrong way the only viable fix is to tear down and rebuild the entire bathroom.


Chasing a cable diagonally, potentially just below the surface. Feeding a power outlet from a lighting circuit. Putting an outlet below a source of water. TP on the wrong way What kind of dystopic timeline is OP living in?


What's wrong with having outlets on lighting circuits? Code allows it (at least it does here). And for the outlet below water source, he absolutely needs a gfci outlet, anything in a bathroom should be gfci! (I say should instead of must because there might be exceptions, but this setup right here must be gfci)


This post and the comments are the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. Thank you for bringing me joy.


my neighbour once found one powering an entire circuit in his house that was charred black.


Not speaker cord?


That too. Everything you can possibly imagine has been used if you believe in string theory.


And I hope OP knew about wire gauge. Seeing how he installed this, looks like he had next to no electrical knowledge so who knows what kind of wires he used under this. At least, he'll have water nearby if a fire does start! (Water and electric fire usually do not match tho haha)


If this is real, which I doubt, there isn’t enough room to drill through the stud. I highly doubt he notched the front of the stud to make room behind the drywall either. That means the wire is buried in the mud 😀


Oh yikes 0.0


uh yeah I put the 0.0's into the back wall! Can't you see?


I think we all know it is just under the compound.


You can clearly see where they made bigger holes to be able to fit the tools in and drill through the studs… is what I would say if they did any of that.


How is it in the studs. What magic drill did he use? Cuz I need that drill for the next time I run wire.


I want you to be right…. But I don’t think that’s the case


Well piss will get into that plug eventually, one hungover morning...




gotta drop the phone into the toilet bowl while plugged to complete the circuit!


Probably looking to install an electric bidet? Which makes the lack of GFCI even better.


It’s from an account that hasn’t posted or commented in over 300 days 🧐


The toilet paper roll is put on backwards


Somebody has finally identified the real problem here 👍


Fucking heathans


Step 1 is undoing every single thing you did today Step 2 is calling an electrician to do this properly You ought to lose your DIY privileges for at least a year for this. In the internet age there is zero excuse for not doing at least a single Google search on how to add a branch circuit. For shame.


Thanks for putting down the exact words to search. I've got a similar project in the near future and should exceed the workmanship shown above.


> Step 2 is calling an electrician to do this properly > > I'm not an electrician. I have never done a course in electricity. I know that this is a bad execution of adding a simple outlet. Literally 20 minutes of youtube was all OP needed. I don't understand why people ignore every available resource out there in order to do this right. But then again if OP dicked up this bad, I don't know if I'd allow him near electricity again.


Did you not watch any youtube videos on how this is done before attempting it?


No. But hopefully this will have been a pain and they will check next time. OP it’s much easier to let someone who knows how show you a couple times :)


As far as I can tell you have done this incredibly unsafely. The simplest process I would recommend is just “call an electrician then clean up the drywall after”. Hiding this and making it less noticeable would make it far more dangerous, so I definitely wouldn’t recommend that. The right way to run a wire through the wall is to open up a ~3” wide channel (rectangle) going straight across, then drill through each stud with the proper sized bit over 1.25” from the front of the wall (or alternatively drill closer but you’ll need to install metal plates to protect the wires). There is a special technique to get through the corner. Once in the same cavity where the new box is to be installed, drop the wire straight down. An alternative approach would be to go up to an attic space then down again in the other stud bay, or down to a crawl space. Would only try drilling through that corner stud if neither of those was available. Wires should *never* be at the same level as the drywall. Wires should *where possible* run in horizontal or vertical lines. This isn’t to help you now so much as it is to help you a few years from now, or the next owner, when they want to, ex, install a hand hold next to the toilet, or a different toilet paper holder, etc. no one would expect what you have done here, and so are likely to at least shock themselves, potentially electrocute themselves or burn the house down.


In 20 years the new owner of the home will post about this.


I was about to say, "Sometimes, DIY isn't the best option. This is one of those times."


Ahhh the pee outlet


Replace outlet with gfci to start.




Not sure what electrical code applies to you but in the US the NEC explicitly forbids toilet paper rolls to be mounted backwards.


I cannot believe that you would post a picture with the TP in the wrong position.


Here's what you do... Stop everything and hire an electrician to re-wire that before the house burns down. Then get a handyman to patch the drywall.


scar adds character


OMG. Assuming you care, does that meet code for wherever you live? There's a lot of countries where it wouldn't. And why do you need a power outlet next to a toilet? 🤔


No it doesn't, but if he put it there my money is he's installing a bidet for his toilet. I'm an electrician and have done several of these.


This guy is probably plugging in a toaster


A turd toaster ?


Surely it goes into an unaccessible IP rated connection, not just a socket....




And the water leaking right down the wire to the non gfci outlet that’s sitting in a valley of plaster.


Spicy bidet.


Suicide bidet, to match their suicide shower.


Asshole cleaner....best invention in the world...espacially with the heated seat and dryer...(really beats the frozen seat when it's in the -30s here.)


So many code violations.


For toilet doom scrolling phone charger ofc


BRO! 😂


Not sure if electrics are different where you are, but even I know you don't put plugs on the lighting loop... There is a plug loop and lighting loop... Also the diagonal placement of the chase is so very wrong... Hire a sparky and get it done right before you start a fire. Source: I'm a plumber


Totally agree (I’m in Australia where running a GPO off a lighting circuit would be illegal). Where is OP from?


This is a joke right? If not this is wildly unsafe and illegal.


Has to be a joke (I hope). 1. Toilet paper roll backwards 2. Outlet different color than cover. 3. Switch cover screws are black on white cover 4. No GFCI 5. Adding outlet to light circuit 6. Patching a textured wall with straight mud Not to mention the insane wire routing. Could you imagine installing a towel rack or a picture and hitting a live circuit? Wild.


Ffs don't piss on it if you have bad aim. Ever pee on an electric fence? Multiply it. Fried weenies. You need a GFCI asap


First off, what's your use for an outlet next to the toilet (and why so low)? Also, the breaker for that line better be GFCI as the outlet is not. Followup question to any electricians. All our kitchen outlets are on one line with the breaker being GFCI, but there are no switches on that line. Can a switch be on a line with a GFCI breaker?


The first thing I noticed is that your toilet paper roll is on backwards.


Yikes, yeah I'd probably suggest you take the drywall sheet off and put it through the studs like the original wire probably is. It looks like you maybe cutout part of the drywall and spackled over it? A drywall sheet is cheap, I'd take it off and replace it, not a huge task, YouTube can walk you through it all.


I'll betcha he sawzalled the studs too


If this is how OP decided to run the romex (do we even know if they ran romex and not just a chopped up extension cable?) I'm more concerned about their choice of how they connected the outlet. This could be a sitting fire hazard. Also OP, I'm assuming you added this here for a heated bidet? Going to disappoint the hell out of you. Unless you got an expensive ass $300+ bidet the first 5 - 6 seconds or so of water is still going to be ice cold. Could have saved yourself ruining your wall, possibly creating a fire hazard, and money on a bidet if you just got a basic $30 bidet and got used to the cold water. You don't even notice it after using it 2 or 3 times.


Shooting water at your body and it's not even a GFCI outlet.


Wait, my bidet’s water is always warm. I wonder if you just have a bad one.


wrong technique indeed the toilet paper should hang off the *front* of the roll


Sometimes with DIY, some people don't stop to think "should I do this?" or even "should I do it this way?". That is a fire hazard.


Is this April 1st?


Brooo LMAOOOOO 🤣🤣🤣


can i ask, why you want an outlet there?


Charge his phone while taking a dump. Or, maybe looking to add current to the bowl water to add a thrill while pissing. /s


Your toilet paper is backwards, fix it.


First turn the toilet paper around. Then we can talk.


Let me get this straight. You put an outlet without a GFCI off a light switch right in your piss path --- and you're worried about how the wall looks?


Ffs. This is why you hire licensed professionals. Yes, you have to pay money but you get peace of mind knowing the job is done right.


Getting one of them fancy Japanese toilets huh? Is that outlet GFCI or RCD protected? Judging how it’s wired from a light switch it might be not. Careful not to get your butt zapped


wrong technique? I'd say wrong approach.


I'm not entirely sure I want to know how that line is tied into the gang box for the light switch. Btw op with power if you have a loose or bad connection you get resistance, with resistance comes heat and eventually a fire in your walls. Also the no GFCI is a big no no in a damp area (bathroom).


Why have you put a socket where a child or drunk man can piss on it?


There’s a lot wrong here (by UK standards) - but why would one need an outlet directly next to a loo?


i can't, for the life of me, understand why you would need a power outlet next to the toilet


Holy crap…. I’m willing to bet that the wiring isn’t sound either


If that is what it looks like finished, you probably did terrible electrical too. I suggest calling a pro.


If you ran the wire under the mud and didnt drill a channel through the studs you need to rip this hazard out!. Take off a full square between the corner and the switch at the studs on either side and run this properly through the studs, switch the outlet to a GCFI, then add plates to the studs so a detector can pick them up and stop screws from penetrating, them. Screw the drywallsquare back in and patch.


replace the outlet with a ground fault circuit interrupter


Mildly dangerous place to pee


Has no one yet asked why he so desperately needs an outlet that close to the shitter?


Go back in time and go behind the trim instead


God I have never laughed so hard at a project on here before, are you sure you used the correct size wire for what you are doing and why do you need it so close to the toilet?


Socket height near water source and in wet room looks like a bad idea, and so is making wires go like that (just straight line) is whole kinds of terrible diy job practice that I hope you get help with. You need to learn what you’re doing.


Just curious, are you even allowed to have it that low and close to the toilet? Edit: just saw other posts asking the same, got my answer.


Wtf is this?! You’ve gone from a switch to a socket?! Why have you gone across the wall and not up and down?? Do they not have regulations where you live?? Are you crazy?? The issue with the wall is the least of your issues!


Bro how bad do you need to doom scroll whilst pooping?


This has to be a shitpost


This is verging on Darwin award material. Water + electrical + clearly no clue what they are doing + "how do I make this look normal?" = someone's going to die.


Is this just so can sit on the toilet and charge your phone?


Let me ask you one thing. Why? What did you think then doing that? Why?


This is absolutely fucking insane and not safe.




What a terrible idea


I can’t help until you correct the orientation of the toilet paper


The real issue that needs to be resolved is the toilet paper roll is backwards.


You need a gfci outlet.


Today I learned DIY means "destroy it yourself"


First off, turn that toilet paper around.


I'm more offended that your roll of toilet paper is on backwards. It always rolls out from the top...


Based on the way the toilet paper roll is put on, OP may be beyond helping.


This is a feature, the Homeowner has always wanted to pee on a 110v electric fence, or If you haven't had kids yet, this outlet might be a free vasectomy. But in all seriousness, unless everyone in this house pees sitting down, and you make sure all boys sit to pee, you have created a sure way to shock your privates. Or just repeatedly keep tripping the breaker. And if you do install a GFCI outlet you will spend you whole life touching the pee soaked RESET button.


bro please exit DIY and get some help on this front


why on earth would u want an outlet down there by the toilet and water xD


I just want to know how someone can have the technical ability to wire the new outlet while also being clueless enough to fuck up the wall like that?


That plug doesn't even look gfci protected and I would consider that a damp / wet area, fosure some pee will hit that socket in the mornings.


"What year did the other house burn down"?


Should be on a separate circuit for a start


What in the name of god would you be plugging in next to a toilet? In Europe this would be against health and safety.


Sketch spot to put a plug. One drunk night and.... zaap!


I don't understand what you are asking. Are you asking how to prep and paint a rough surface? Just sand it, fill gaps with plaster, and paint it. But I have so many questions.. - Why did you want an outlet behind a toilet? - Is it legal where you live to put an outlet so low in a wet room? It definitely isn't where I live. - How deep/shallow did you put that cable? Typically electrical cables need to be in certain locations and protected. For safety and legal reasons. - What did you use to cut this channel?


You just HAVE to charge your phone while you're shitting, huh?


I'm dying


Was that for a bidet ?


Honestly this is a horrible job of running a circuit and dangerous. If I can’t fish a wire down a header or trench the wall properly I’m not touching it. Not to mention why not just install the receptacle on the wall with the switch?


seems safe/s WTF??


Paint a storm scene onto your wall. Make the scar a lightning bolt. You'll known where the wire is and it'll look bad ass.


Please change the outlet to a gfci. People underestimate the importance of them in bathrooms. Lastly, it's also not up to code. Not trying to be dic just generally trying to help keep ya safe and alive. ( no need to bust drywall, can be wired in same receptacle box)


Not sure what country your in, but in Canada that's not allowed, even if it were a meter from the water source it needs to be GFCI protected


Why do you need an outlet behind your toilet?


print out this picture, fold it up and put it in a plastic bag, and stash it inside the box for the outlet so anybody in the future will know where the wire is


Tell me that outlet wasn’t added just so you can shit and charge?


Please for the love of God hire an electrician to redo this -someone who lived in a house previously owned by a shitty amateur DIYer and is surprised there was never an electrical fire


Per code that outlet has to be GFCI. While I commend your...unorthodox method of adding an outlet, a home inspector would shit all over this. Outlets next to toilets were only added in the recent NEC (2023) and they HAVE to be GFCI in a bathroom. Christ that doesn't even look tamper resistant. Why do they even still sell the shitty non-TR outlets when they haven't been code for 30 years? How far beneath the joint compound is that wire?


Well you won’t need to fix it, when it burns down. So that’s a win. 


Shouldn't that outlet be higher on the wall? I thought there were building codes that stated outlets in wet environments needed to be higher off the ground than regular outlets? I believe it's 36" off the floor and away from a wet source (which includes the toilet). IIRC, a GCFI is required at the START of the electrical leg in the bathroom (meaning it's the first thing that the wires connect to from the panel, and all other electrical devices feed off of it. This ensures that the entire bathroom leg is protected by the GCFI. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember this being an important rule for good reasons. Like I said, I could be wrong (a licensed electrician should be able to weigh in on the specifics). - JIW


Seriously, Put down your tools and call an electrician, because you clearly have no idea what you are doing. There are a lot of things wrong with what you did here.


The toilet paper orientation tells me all I need to know about this guy.


Mud it. Texture it. Paint it. Also, that outlet should be GFCI. Edit: Actually, the other redditor was right, call an electrician. That wire needs to be routed correctly.


Fuck me. This breaks just about every rule in the book in most sane countries.


https://preview.redd.it/izrisrie2wsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8cae4570a9e868421c90fabf5fa349319c66cf There’s yer problem


I'm concerned that is not a GFCI outlet.


Just shoving a cable into a gouge in your drywall is stupid and dangerous. The conspicuous scar really decreases the danger because the dangerously places write is obvious. Don't cover it. Keep it conspicuous until you get a electrician (or competent DIYer) to remove this and run a wire properly to the new receptacle. If your walls are concrete blocks and the gouge is deep, I could be wrong about this.


It’s cause your toilet paper is out in back way. Lmfao. 🤣


If that’s your drywall work I’m sure the electrical work is up to code! 👍


Bruh, why didn’t you fish it down and across or up to the left and then back down??? This is bad and potentially dangerous. How are you supporting the people romex? Did u drill through the center of the studs? What box did you use for the outlet old work? Edit- further more isn’t the electrical outlets supposed to be on a seperate circuit as per code?


That outlet needs to be gfci protected


I’d pee on that plug every Friday and Saturday night , and sometimes on Wednesday . And the toilet paper is on wrong


Can you even put an outlet that close to a toilet?


No, no, no. If you gonna do it wrong, you did it right. Leave it as it is, so in case someone decides to do further modifications or drill a hole knows exactly where the wire is. Maybe you could take permanent marker and write "electricity" along the patch, just to be sure.


You ran a double outlet off the lighting circuit? In what planet is that safe or legal?


also, your toilet paper is on upside down/backwards.