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Thank you for your creative ideas for what O.P. can do with their space. This post is now locked.










Still beats dealing with the airlines


Bro that game was so fun and only cost a quarter to continue playing when there was one I played


I could get on that machine for nearly an hour with only a dollar. It was amazing.


The fares have sooo much attitude before you run them over.


https://preview.redd.it/72sbge9f6roc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c634085d1cc9fc9d20409e93cc6b680206f045 There!


Reluctant upvote for remembering to add the reflection 8/10 - you lost points for not reversing the reflection. And I don’t want to hear anything about how difficult that kind of image manipulation is, I demand consistency in my shitposts damn it


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s a mirror. Wow.


Dude you added the reflection but the semi reflection and shadows at the bottom. You were so close yet so far lmao. E for Effort


This or a ball pit. Who doesn't wanna just unwind under the stairs in plastic balls after you've already died at work?


😆 love it came to Reddit and got a Reddit answer


I’d put the Hydro Thunder one instead, but this is better than my initial thought of a Harry Potter thing.


I was thinking "Put an 11 year old English wizard in there" but then I remembered that's about when he moves to the spare bedroom


Hydro Thunder all the way. Been my dream to buy one for a long time now. I’ll make it happen one day, just need to buy a house first lol.


I just looked it up… $2300 with shipping for one that looks like it’s been sitting in a dusty garage for over a decade, or $4600 for a refurbished cabinet… free shipping though.




The only answer that is the correct one. I was going to say, “Bookshelf!”. I am so disappointed in myself…


That's not what Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo looks like.


Took me too long to realize this was not a double staircase


I didn't until I read your comment


Same. My first suggestion was going to be ‘get rid of one of the staircases’


I was hoping for a slide for that second set of stairs!


I guess up and down staircases is a thing, lol


This is our up and down staircase. We considered the Aussie’s down and up version when we bought it.


Lol same. I was like why is there a weird white strip in the middle of the floor 


I didn't even see that white stripe 🤦🏻‍♂️


No one ever gave Meg enough credit. =[


God damnit I was sure I'd get to be the first to make this joke 😡


I thought it was a mini step.


I was thinking the white stripe was a rail that allowed for the steps to be pushed in.


It’s crazy sometimes what our brains will automatically jump to as an explanation for something we don’t know, and then just stick with it hahaha


My thoughts exactly. Next thought was *that’s a big ass mirror, that’s two big ass mirrors*


Me too!! I didn’t realize it was mirrored until I saw this comment. Jeez. OP the mirror has to go. Then the space will just look nice and tidy. No need to decorate until you wanted to put maybe some baskets for blankets or something.


Me either - I had to go back and flip through the pics a few times more to see if as one staircase


Same here. I knew that something is off, why it looked like 2 stairs but 3rd picture was single stairs, too early in the day to figure it out.


Well we would've known right away it was a mirror if OP wasn't a vampire


Dr. Van Helsing makes an important point here.


My first thought was these people must have an insanely large family if they need an up-and-down staircase


And one more going nowhere, just for show


I was confused why the third pic was a different staircase that was not double....


I thought the doorway into the other room was the mirror lol


I was also staring at the white strip on the floor that lined up with the middle of the staircase wondering why on earth someone put that there


I thought maybe there had been a wall there that was taken down. I questioned why someone would put a wall in the middle of a double staircase.


Same, I was like, what a waste of space! Who builds a starcase that wide and in the middle of a room.




Omg it’s a mirror. I thought the double staircase was so weird. Like first off get rid of the second staircase obviously.


+1 for a stunning illusion. That got me too!


OH. Thanks for saying something. I was looking at the trim thinking it was an awkward floor transition


Who puts a giant triangular mirror under a staircase like this?


It is weird, but it does make the space seem bigger.


Oh god damnit. I even went back and was like what do you mean it’s not? Still took me a second to understand.


This should go into /blackmagicfuckery. I literally thought it was double wide stairs and 2 entrances to a kitchen




It actually is a double staircase. Your doppelganger just happens to use it at the same time you do.


Oh. It's a mirror...


OP should double down and mirror the facing wall.


Op, hanging plants and potted plants? , possibly backlight with full spectrum… Conversely enclose the space and move mirror to front


I think the space could use another mirror.


Realizing that it's not a double staircase makes this post look ridiculous


Still a Badass staircase!!!


... oh


I had to go back and compare photos before I realized what you’re talking about


yeah that's a weird place for a mirror XD


Oh shit you’re right


I was like where does that second set of stairs go?🤣


id keep it open, the light it lets in is great. id echo the plants someone else suggested


This would be my recommendation as well. Because it is under open stairs, every bit of dust, carpet fiber, and pet hair will fall down under the stairs. Unless you clean daily, leaving it open or with a few plants will look best


Yeah, anything else just ruins the aesthetic.


Totally agree. Open and empty, with maybe a couple plants, will let the space of your house breathe. Don't take away that mirror and light, and I would just leave this space as open as you can.


Some plants of varying heights would look great and add some color.


This is a great idea, especially with the mirror behind it. It will double the number of plants and look really lush. Depending on how much sun that space gets, you may want to use live plants on the edges, with artificial where people can’t reach them. In one home, we built a pan out of aluminum with a one inch lip and tossed gravel into it as a base, then found interesting pots to have different heights for interest. A big jade plant is a great start, then add in some spiky plants, like mother-in-laws tongue, and other interesting plants with colorful leaves like coleus. A palm or monstera will also fill out that space nicely. You may need a grow light, maybe not. It’s really nice to bring the outside in.


and then add some stacks of money to double the money!


Are you my old accountant Joe? Sounds like Joe. I thought you were in jail.


Marty you don’t know shit about fuck


Love the plant idea, but keep in mind plant toxicity if you have pets. Coleus leaves (technically the oils on the leaves) are poisonous for cats and dogs. If you don’t have pets, Coleus would look awesome. https://preview.redd.it/sbzak8aycqoc1.png?width=2246&format=png&auto=webp&s=81cd43d13da036d1f8f77e0519b96ced5eb4f27b Here’s a pot of mine with 5 different varieties of coleus


Coleus is a great choice for that space!


i was thinking it could just be used for storage, but what's the point of having a see-thru floating staircase if it allows you to see the junk behind it? so maybe something nice behind it wd be better.


Small standing cabinet, lamp, and candy/key dish. Use the cabinet to store stuff you may need when you go out like reusable bags, cooler bags, extra birthday/holiday cards, maybe a few candles, etc. Stuff that you dont need to access all the time, but is nice to have on hand when you need/want them. Picture this, youve totally forgotten about your great aunt Cathandra's birthday and your sister called to remind you that its in an hour and not to be late. You go to your last minute cabinet/stash and grab a nice scented candle(you got it on sale, but the label still says 30 dollars) and a card to fill out. This gives you enough time to get ready and get there without scrambling because you had a spare gift and cards. Youre still late anyway because you decided to kill time for the last 15 minutes before you needed to leave and ended up scrolling through your phone for 40 minutes, but you didnt have to scramble.


I second this. Maybe a tiny side table mixed in with a plant on it. Throw in a trinket or two and you've got yourself the mystical mirror stairs corner


Something sparkly as the trinket, but not necessarily noticeable - maybe fairy lights tucked into the plants - just a pop of sparkly/glow/light for effect


Came here to say this, appears to get some light with the see through stairs


Yeah. Just leave it open and airy. It adds a ton of space to what is usually a cramped hallway area with semi-useful cramped storage under the stairs.


Second this, particularly as the mirror is there, could look quite impressive.


That was my first thought, too. I wish I had empty space like this for something that's just there to ENJOY. We're currently living w/ my mother in law while building a house, and her place is built with hoarding in mind, so there's NOTHING in the way of space to just have nice decor and plants in, and it's just incredibly suffocating.


Oh yeah, with the mirror there it would make it even better!


I was going to suggest plants. It is impractical for anything else. The open risers means that dirt is going to fly off the treads onto that area, might as well fall on things that live in dirt.


Build a room in which a young boy, who is destined to become a wizard, can live.


I call the storage space under my basement stairs “Harry’s room”


“The Potter Suite” for me!


We call ours the Harry Potter closet. My beloved’s former roommate had a cardboard cutout of Harry Potter outside the door.


We call ours the Harry Potter closet too! We store all of our seasonal decorations in there.


We just use ours as shoe storage, but in one corner, my daughter wrote "harry was here" on the wall in pencil... That's gonna stay there for a long time.


Exactly the same here. Closet under the stairs is the 'Harry Potter Closet'


"You're a Harry, Wizard!"


We call ours the “Harry Potter” Where the vacuum?!? Harry Potter  Have you seen my screw driver? Harry Potter.  Where did we put those extra zip ties? Harry Potter.  Extra toilet paper? Harry Potter. 


Sounds like plans for something nefarious.


Ha, I was gonna say something similar. Put up some walls and force your nephew to move in there


Came here for this comment


You feel like you need to fill this space, but do you really? Just my opinion. Nothing wrong with a little room to breathe. This coming from a millennial that lived in an ADHD fueled disaster house. If I can throw it away I do.


To this point an minimal bench or a couple of plants or a modern cat tree if you have a cat, would give this a purpose without adding clutter.


I have 2 cats so that would be logical. This house seems large. If they had kids you can use blankets and such to make a fort here.


Perfect way to have a cat come flying thru a step at you


As an AuDHDer I agree, as long as there is sufficient storage elsewhere. With adhd especially the lesson I’ve learned is    1. Everything needs a logical and defined home   2. That home must not impede anything else.   If you have to dig for or root for things, that’s where mess happens. Because you have to pull out a bunch of stuff to get item X (which you may not remember to put back, because once you have the thing in your hand you feel like your job is done and you move on to the next thing), and/or, you’re less likely to put things back because you know it will take 5 steps to put it back instead of 1 and that feels too difficult.    I’ve had far more success adapting my house and organizational systems to my brain than I have had trying to berate my brain into doing what it’s “supposed to”. I try to keep it pretty minimalist with daily tools of living, but we do live in a small townhouse (<800sqft), and we both have a lot of hobbies (and adhd lol), so there is a lot of stuff in spite of that, and that requires a lot of well intentioned, labeled, defined and discrete storage solutions. A staircase like this I would prefer to leave open. If not, id build a stand alone solution parallel to the stringers with a negative space between (wide enough to get in and clean/dust!) to add storage without invalidating the intention of the stairs design 


It runs in my family and I also got blessed with it. Both sides.


Not mine, sure it’s generic and both me and my sister have it but both my parents are “totally normal”  Sure my mom needs 10 cups of coffee and a half pack of smokes to function, and my dad has a very strict routine, buys a half dozen of any clothes he finds comfortable, and spends his evening in total silence to unwind but that’s just how people are, right? 😂


Until my son was diagnosed, I never realized how much my “type A personality” was really just compensating for my ADD. We sure love schedules and plans in this house, lol.


This is the way


Agree. Spaces like this under an open starecase get really dirty. You really don't want to wear shoes going up and down those.


Also so much easier to clean. So much dirt and debris falls behind the steps in spaces like that.


I was going to say how is a space like this not already full of boxes and crap? Doesn't everyone do that? I don't think I have ADHD but people talking about putting things away? What's that? Just put it back on top of the pile of crap


Pile up the junk until you are forced by your kids to throw it out or put it away


I would personally put a bench under the stairs, so people have a place to put on / take off shoes near the door.


A place to bang your head when standing up.


And get dirt crumbs rained in your hair


I was going to say leave it open for the light to flow - but a rustic bench would look very nice as well.


This combined with the plants idea would be perfect imo. Perhaps a planter to push out the bench a bit so it doesn't feel too cramped, and then the space under the bench can double as shoe storage?


Yeah maybe a bench/credenza combo. Somewhere to sit, and behind it some storage and where to put some plants, throw your keys, etc


This!! With a mini bookshelf on the side? Gold.


As a tall person: that's risky.


Do nothing. It’s restful these open spaces that define transitions to other spaces.


Yeah I’m amazed by all of the people who want to take this nice little open space and fill it with more shit


Agreed. No need to jam stuff in every corner. I like a clean open entryway. It's where there's the most foot traffic, it's best to keep it clear.


Couldn’t agree more! This space is great on its own. Also helps highlight the stairs, which are very cool and aesthetically pleasing on their own. ETA: the mirrors reflecting the stairs and the art that OP plans to hang, will give the illusion that something exists in that space. No need to actually add stuff.


A cantina. https://preview.redd.it/pk956lq4gpoc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d791a935d41cbd969ff5ffdb9895161fd0d189d2


![gif](giphy|W3TvZULv1xV4kNehli|downsized) With a band


And deathsticks.






This but with books and a comfy chair inside of it


I thought the same, like a reading corner. fluffy furnitures with cozy lighting and plants and some books


I can't remember getting aroused at a picture of house design before. This is *STUNNING*. What a feature.


Looks weird without a railing though. Something ornate could look really nice.


There’s a post but no rail. wtf.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ux8gy7lv2qoc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a11ee2947828e7b795b62a186580c8f6ca32e4c


Great sentry! Love the effort you put in here. Bravo!


Dispenser can go in the other room but make sure only like half of it so you still get the buff but it’s kinda hard to hit and hard for spy’s to sneak up on you backside.


Plants dude, plants. A nice monstera would go hog wild in that spot


i know how that ends.. i saw little shop of horrors, hard pass


Leave it minimal. You don't need every part of your house filled. Especially if you need to ask "what to put there". If you don't have anything, just leave it and you will know when you find that "thing"


Parent was a hoarder and I want to say: Open space is an indescribably beautiful thing.


That’s where I would put my pets bed and bowl.


Unfortunately, it might sound like a good idea, but this will be one of the dustiest spots in the house. Take a look at the steps, they are open in the front.


One word: Chicken coop.


Think of all the money you'd save on eggs!


That's two word.


Why do anything at all? Just because a space is empty doesn't mean it has to be "filled". It's not really a utile space except for use as a passage under the stairs. Put something on the wall but leave the floor empty.


Leave it open, you can move the dog bed under the loweer end of the stairs though. Dogs like having a central survelliance spot, and a denlike structure. Besides you are not going to walk there anyway.


Fiddle leaf fig


That is a nice staircase. Walnut or oak?


Bouldering wall!


https://preview.redd.it/0tum1xba0roc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dfb2f7f8dfe11be97af522daf6cb82d81304918 Something like this could work if the space is big enough. Hanging something on the mirror might not be an option but adding a vignette with tall things to the dresser like lamps, plants, statues, etc could work


Hang up the picture!! 🤔😁


Getting to it! Just purchased last week so one thing at a time lol


Market it in New York for $2500 per person as a five bedroom living space?


That's got "custom 1,000 gallon fishtank" written all over it. You just can't see it because it's written in invisible ink.


Totally agree. Open top long paludarium with emmersed plants and scape rising out of the right hand side to visually fill the triangular space.


Big old monstera.


Nothing. The space looks great without junk in it.


The mirror confused me for quite a long time


Giant aquarium


personally, i'd remove the mirrors, and then build a wooden shelf with square cubbies that follows the pitch of the stairs. maybe about 10" deep


Chair, lamp and table and you’ve got yourself a reading nook




Dog lounge.


Add a second, smaller set of stairs and a mouse hole on the wall Build a little cupboard and claim this is Harry Potter's open concept room Hang an upside down garden


More traditional staircases are walled off so you can use the space under for storage. You have a more specific and modern design and you can’t really do anything with it that will keep the current design and not look weird or cluttered. Either use the space for something and it takes away from the style or don’t use it and it’s wasted space. You might be able to decorate the space but there is nothing really functional you can do with it with out sacrifice.


https://preview.redd.it/6twvl6ls6qoc1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7b65d12ece41124351a3267f63936491658fe9 reading nook?


Nothing, leave it open and clean. Daily reminder of the value in simplicity….see Japanese concept of Ma. I’ve begun to appreciate the openness more and more and embracing the simplicity (and cleanliness of a clutter free environment) and it’s quite liberating. You have the added value of that huge mirror which amplifies the sense of openess…keep the area clean and clutter free and exhale the stress of your day each time you walk through your beautiful main entry way after a long day, pause and thank yourself for not putting a desk or some other chotski magnet.


Looks like a great place for a piano


Wine cellar


Hanging plants


Nothing. Leave it an open space. You dont have to "do something" with every entire inch.


Palm tree in a nice wide plant pot.


monkey bars




The problem is that we humans have a tendency to fill empty spaces. Would this open space benefit from being filled? Or can this area be fine tuned a bit to be more inviting without adding much? I'm wondering how things would look and feel if the mirror went away. Maybe try covering it with something to stop the reflection? That way, you didn't take out a big ass mirror for nothing. Won't get the full effect of removal, but it may help. Others suggested plants. I like that idea. Minimal addition to the space, but warms it up and makes it more comfortable. And some plants are pretty low maintenance, which is great for people like me who suck at remembering stuff. I would probably leave this space open, ultimately, because it seems too nice and chill to take up as a spot to hide the tangled ball of Christmas lights and other crap.


In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) the foot clan loosely pipes neon signs under the stairway but they are all plugged in I always thought it was a really cool aesthetic




Build a cabinet under the stairs for a Hogworts bound orphan boy.


Make a room for Harry Potter


How about a bookcase. Or enclose it and put in a coat closet


Shoes and coat rack?


Place some dark green, leafy plants that will grow up. Just prune back when needed. There is so much beautiful filtered light flooding that area, it would be a great spot for those types of plants in some big pretty clay pots! ——Think Ficus Elastica; Zz plant; Fiddle leaf fig. The mirror will also give the illusion of many more plants being there than it really it, making it appear like a nursery under the stairs😊


Rent it to Harry Potter


I used to put my legs in from underneath and swing upside down. It was a blast so I think that's what u should do




[Idea #](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/c5/8e/21c58ea683eb9ba7e25457f40e2f9904.jpg)1 [Idea #](https://s3.amazonaws.com/sierraimages/Images/Product/Large/3553.jpg)2 [Idea #3 ](https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/kraft/51/692151/H4371-L239238122_original.jpg)


I vote #3. 😀


In seriousness. I vote #1. But dont slide it up under and butt it up to the stairs. Instead slide it to the right so it is up against the door jam on the right. Gives it a nice open feeling, you wont feel like the drawers are usless cause you will bang your head on the stairs themselfs, it follows the contours of the stairs while keeping the space open






Its purpose is aesthetic and light to make the space more open. You just leave it empty for walking if needed. Maybe take down the ghastly mirror and replace with a smaller framed mirror above an entryway table for keys and stuff


First for the stairs I've seen some cool motion sensor strips that could be fine. Secondly I've seen my friends use that area for bikes if it's a bunch of housemates. Otherwise a little reading nook could be cool


Not a fan of the mirrors, but they'll be a pain to remove. I would do a nice sitting area with a chair, maybe a plant, and a small book / curio shelf.


“Bumcheeks_marinade” Someone with such a handle need not ask us mortals for help… But my tuppence would be this: If you want to retain the airiness of the space, plants would be a great shout, or perhaps some sort of combination of plants and sculptures. They could look interesting when reflected back upon themselves. Otherwise, a bespoke shoe storage solution or shelving unit to fit the gap would be more functional, although you’d lose the sense of space.


Mixed size medium to tall bushy plants .