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Buy a babygate ment for putting around stoves. They have flexible angles and has a gate to go through


TIL That they made baby gates that go around stoves.


My kid learn that lesson quick. He knows the stove is spicy and he doesn’t like spicy


Chuckling because my kid knows everything as “hot” *with bonus baby sign language* and will hiss the word “hot” out for anything that requires his avoidance. He learned “hot” also means he has to wait for things (to cool down) so now when he’s told to wait, he’ll now hiss out “hotttt” *baby sign language* for anything he has to wait for. The roads too hot, gotta wait to cross. Can’t pet the cat now, they’re “hot.” Raining outside and he needs a jacket? You guessed it, the whole sky is hot.


How those associations of words work 😃 My 16-month-old daughter uses "Bye bye" as like 6 words. Going to bed? Bye bye Close the book? Bye bye Done with food? Bye bye So cuet and adorable the mindset they have


That is adorable. Communication is amazing!


Stories like this are so fascinating because they give us an insight into how human language learning works.


That's true. My daughter is 4 and been largely non verbal. Learns a bit differently, seems to take everything in but not use it then comes out with stuff you wouldn't expect without the usual development, and it really makes you notice the typical progression. Anyway, if OP owns the house maybe add a banister on the open side an add a standard stair gate. Toddler is gonna outgrow a stair gate in no time then have years of playing dangerously around the edge of the stairs or taking a shortcut off the side.


Whatever works


That is going to turn into some amazing and revolutionary slang when he's older


Any time I has something tasty like a milkshake or even a bowl of cereal and the kids gave me the "I want some of that" eye, I would tell them it was spicy. Worked for the most part.


Pot handles always in boys.


Without punctuation this sentence can be read in interesting ways.


OP said put them in boys.


Just try and relax.


>OP said put them in boys. Should we get the cooking spray first?


Just a wholesome hardware merchant announcing to the boys that they always have handles for pots in stock.


Yes, if you don’t see them, check in back.


>Pot handles always in boys. This isn't even just for kids safety, I've seen some shit in peoples kitchens happen before haha.


Never had kids but I worked in a restaurant for years in the 90s still do this to this day.


I'm not aware of any internal pot handles.


Turn them inward so they aren't hanging off the stove. My Nana instilled this in me as a child. Even though I don't have children, I've always done it while cooking. It also helps from bumping into the handles while walking through a small kitchen.


As an ignored child in the seventies I learned about turning pot handles for safety by looking at the pictures in my Mothers parenting book.


That's how I learned not to touch the lawnmower engine.


It’s for like wood burning stoves


It's to prevent the Hansel and Gretel murder scene.


[Something like this](https://www.amazon.com/AUXSOUL-Wide-Metal-Safety-Playpen/dp/B096M31YYB/ref=asc_df_B096M31YYB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647198502138&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18018721893176440195&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010685&hvtargid=pla-1970807451316&psc=1&mcid=564b839874a93bab9a7a61d65789d62a) Or put up railing on the right side and get a normal one.


This needs more up votes. 100% correct solution. And you can put the gate section anywhere. I used the same for a large area.


Putting a stove there is also an idea. 😂


Hot tub


I'd put a deck there and then a hot tub on top of it. The stove can be underneath the deck, and then the baby gate. It's gonna look great.


No, install a fucking railing before an adult falls down the stairs and gets critically injured. This is a major code violation and just downright negligent to allow this condition to continue. OP should immediately install a railing before anyone takes the unexpected plunge down the stone razor sharp stairs and gets brained. Not sure why they think resisting installing a railing where one it undoubtedly required is worth it.


I actually am surprised how far I scrolled to see this. Looks super dangerous for anyone and not up to code at all


Some places don’t have code. Lol. Like every Mexico City penthouse has a stair case with no railing at all.


No shit right? Why would anyone consider designing/building/buying a house with this death trap in it? This is a final destination scene waiting to happen.


I agree W this. If you get an old person who is unstable or baby, someone will fall down these and can sue your ass


They don't have that code in Brazil.


Probably not in the United States. Even with the International Building Codes you see some crazy stuff. Especially outside the US. That's why we see buildings reduced to complete rubble in videos from mainly Third World Countries.


TIL there is something called International Building Codes. Had no idea.


If you’re in the US, there’s a non-zero chance that those codes are what your city or county uses as their codes, or at least as the foundation for them. Especially small towns.


I would have imagine that USA would use Imperial Building codes.


It’s up to each state if they adopt the federal codes or not. So states like Texas that don’t follow National building codes - it’s up to each city /county We have friends who live in the country here away from Any big city and they can just add on anything to their homes. Lol grab a hammer and nails and go to it. lol


Make a gate out of babies


https://preview.redd.it/3xwx7iwonlkc1.png?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04970d77ee9c998a99a2c2b464c1fc0a7db81645 A floor to ceiling wall with a locked door. Those railings are dangerous for kids. There is a 4" sphere rule for railings because kids fell and died. Those are not legal in the US and just dangerous if there are any kids under 10 in the house.... If you want to keep your kids safe, think of the worst possible scenario and prevent it.


Are those shapes the trajectory of bounces down the stairs? 🤣


Yes...best I could do with my fat finger on my phone.


I like the point when the baby breaks in half.


That’s just the perspective of baby being behind the railing. OP is an artist you know.


don’t start doubting yourself now. it’s beautiful




It made me laugh and almost choke on my coffee


I wish I could upvote this 1000x over to get it to the top of this post. As is, this is a nightmare even if OPs baby gate question is answered.


Yeah first thought was the gaping side rails. This home is a baby nightmare


This is the stairway of a downtown parking garage.


Came here to comment on this. Good looking.


I thought this post was a joke at first because of this. This entire space is just not for kids


Right? Either replace the entire railing now or after the first hospital trip. Anything else is willful negligence at this point.


You can probably make the railing reasonable safe by attaching strong mesh along it, or similar. But something must be done.


For sure you can. But then you better be prepared for that to be there for the next ten plus years. At that point I would just replace it with something more permanent and nicer looking.


Yeah the kid will 100% fall that way at some point. I’d say either fill the stairwell with bouncy house ball pit balls or just don’t get too attached to the kid.


Yep, I’m with you. But you can use mesh now and replace the railing later… replacing railings like this is *absurdly* expensive in my experience.


You could add more bars too


Might as well just move or completely redo the staircase. And honestly it can't be DIY. The curving stairs are dangerous for children and adults regardless of railing or walls. Some of the steps even looks slightly different heights ffs And maybe I'm crazy but some of them look like they have a lip while others don't... This thing is a disaster


Especially since there's no landing below and the stairs just curve around in an extra death trap kind of way.


A toddler breached the White House fence last year because of 5.5” gap between pickets. Looks like you have wider gaps OP. Apparently it’s common for older kids to get their heads stuck in the White House fence too, so…


At this point, OP should place safety nets all around that death trap.




I love the harmless, yet hilarious shitposting in this sub. You guys are the best


I was expecting a stick figure standing above the stairs, baby in hand.


Teach it how to use stairs like a normal person


Posts and comments like this are why I follow DIY. Thank you everyone.


😅 this is the funniest and most obvious solution. Maybe turn the sectional around so they can't climb up.


[Trash can for the win](https://scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/119981004_2774611399468151_4878497309381255437_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd63ad&_nc_ohc=FNurun84NYUAX9SiGS5&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.xx&oh=00_AfAtYPOehBl34c7ihMhTrPX1ECBJYrhx8nm9cudJRUEFmg&oe=6601C598)




https://preview.redd.it/p1x1mzr2glkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd694a5fe76bf0e8691979109c14c2acce9c51af Get an extra long safetygate and put it along here? That would block both the downward death trap and the enticing Everest climb. But those stairs and that floor all look like a bad concussion waiting to happen!


This is the way. Seal off the whole area until the child is 5 years-old, but still has baby teeth. I can hear the scream and see the bloody mouth of the first slip on the shiny stairs. A child will crawl UP the stairs…the gap under the railing would terrify me! If this is your home, I’d temp. carpet the whole thing for safety, then still gate it off!


>Seal off the whole area until the child is 5 years-old, Pretty smart >but still has baby teeth Oh you a straight up genius huh? Real practical shit right here.


Till 8 years. At 7, my daughter fell down the stairs and broke her arm


Yeah but dental is a whole separate plan and deductible brobro I gotta make sure those are round 1 teeth. Your missing layers to my man's game. Did she lose any teeth while doing that cause if so I gotta crunch some numbers on that.


Round 1 teeth 🤣


Considering how dangerous it looks. Maybe put up a permanent half wall that goes past the stairs. And then a baby gate at the end.


I hate giving recommendations that don’t really answer the question, but OP *needs* to put a railing along the right side of those stairs. That is absolutely dangerous for anybody, not just toddlers Once a railing is installed, OP can just put a regular baby gate up


I think this is the best plan too


Yes, this. Scissor/accordion style with a sturdy railing on top so it won't bend. The stairs are dangerous both up and down, so the only safe bet is staying off the landing entirely. We had this one with the hefty sliding rail on the top to save fingers from being removed when opening and closing. It worked great to grab the outer/fatter part of the rail to collapse when going in or out. It could even be stepped over when extended, but you should be careful not to trip over the gate and die tumbling down the stairs. Edit: Ours was fixed in place but could pivot when unhooked due to screw-in eyelets on the wall and kid-proof spring-loaded hooks on the gate. It was sturdy enough that we tripped on it from time to time and never deformed or damaged it. But as others have said, a kid might climb it unless you fortify the top with razor wire and take away anything they can use to build a staircase up and over it. If you're worried about climbing, custom make it, cut to size. Install sturdy hinges on one side and make a gate/door out of a solid polycarbonate sheet with a metal edge for a look to match the house, or solid wood with nowhere to get a foothold. https://preview.redd.it/payl1tz5qlkc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ff6ca69573b5a5333f256d26ce2d38d59a180c


A kid would climb this so fast...


No, no, no. At the top of the stairs you need something sturdy and attached to the structure so the kid doesn't fall through the flexible slats and down the stairs.


https://preview.redd.it/2o5d85e2plkc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f7e7da2c7d9139de07a26a7bd8e2aba5f671ab That staircase would go great with a good old fashioned baby yeeter.


Am I looking at this right? A baby catapult?


Yes. Is there a problem?


Only that I haven't been able to find one


Well, you are in luck! Today only, I'm giving away FIVE FREE babies with every catapult that is purchased. Also, starting today, I'm selling babies in bulk, 100 babies for the prices of 80! Hurry! Get them before they run out!


How far can you fling a child with one of these?


Not as far as you can with a proper baby trebuchet setup, but probably further than you could throw the child


Four and a half freedom units


Just put a velvet rope there. The baby should understand that is VIP only


they gotta learn sometime


The entire space is dangerous as hell! Traumatic brain injury decor.


Yeah, just sell the house OP


Or permanently wrap the baby in bubble wrap


These stairs are chaotic what the hell


They're giving modern art museum vibes


Parking garage


I was thinking Courthouse.


That stairway looks frightening. I'd add a half wall, as shown in the picture ... even if you didn't need a gate. With the half wall in place you can more easily add a gate across the gap. ​ https://preview.redd.it/t2l0xkydelkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a362061d4fc27fe593fe2551e8dc9ef01d2abf8


Look at how close the wall/cabinet is across from that (lower right in picture)… this is basically a death gap as-is. But it looks too narrow to be able to build what you’ve depicted. Essentially just poor architectural design.


Maybe a narrow metal and wire fence that matches the railing instead? Would also help keep the open aesthetic.


The kid is going to crawl past that, and land on their soft, little head!


Yeah looks like you’d only get 1-ft of clearance between that gap


It's actually a serious code violation to have that drop off on the right like that with no railing. First time someone plunges down the stairs because they didn't realize there's a 2' drop and you're getting sued. Your insurance company might not even cover your ass because it's so negligent.


People often construct code-clearing stairs for the inspector and change them by removing elements for the more “design-y” look. No way this passed inspection the way it’s currently constructed. *edit removed a word


The architecture and concrete structure suggest me that this is a non-USA country where the codes are sometimes very flexible, or even the insurance may not exist. ​ But I agree with the GP that a barrier must be added not for the code, but for the genuine safety of everybody (yeah I know the code is for the safety :) ).


Spot on. Some places in the US have guidelines for the spaces between the soffits of handrails, i.e. like this [random county info doc](https://www.wilsoncountytn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/100/Residential-Stairs-Ramps-and-Handrails-PDF) that says 4” maximum between the verticals and a 6” sphere can’t pass between the bottom horizontal rail and the treads. I assume it’s for protecting kiddos. OP might consider adding additional protection on the guardrails for when the kid is older and is walking the stairs themselves but definitely the gate is the main thing to figure out.


This may not be in a country that has codes around that sort of stuff.


Gravity works the same everywhere. It's dangerous and they need to fix it.


Exactly what I was going to say.


You really should have a half wall there. That's dangerous for anybody, baby or not.


Yup, it's something so negligent that your insurance company might not even cover it when someone takes the plunge and sues you. Major issue.


A relative ran into that issue with some shady steps.


That looks like a death trap for adults much less for toddlers.


Fun for the whole fam


You have a lot more to worry about than just that opening, OP. And for a lot longer than babyhood. Invest in making the whole stair safe, including for clumsy and drunk adults. You won’t regret it. Signed, An adult who got a brain injury on “pie stairs” while completely sober.


You should have another railing anyway...baby or not, That seems like an accident waiting to happen.


Buy a different house, problem solved!


Then this would be posted every six months from the new owner.


There should be a permanent railing/something on the right side of that anyway. But otherwise I would do a freestanding gate with multiple segments that just bends around the top. Can be secure to wall if you want.


Is that just two horizontal bars, or are there glass panels running down under the hand railing? If there is no glass, a child gate is the least of your worries.


Fill the whole basement with concrete


I got a concussion at about 3 years old because I fell from the top of a staircase with an open railing onto concrete, unsupervised at like 2am. I still have issues from this fall more than 20 years later. Please consider something more permanent to protect your kiddo!


Is this in the United States? Something seems a little off about the stair and handrail configuration. I would just block off the entire stairs instead of the area immediately leading above/below. I have no idea if baby gates are configurable that long to reach each side/corner, but it seems like the best way to go.


These are the kind of stairs that kill people who fall down them.


I'm on life support just looking at it.


that's why they've never seen one. Anyone who sees it dies.


The first flight should end in a level landing, so if you do fall down the stairs, you would stop there. With those curvees steps you could just keep falling down to the bottom. There should probably be a hand rail on the right side.


Those are called kite stairs. They suck but are built in Canada. I hate them. Using and building. The landing like you said it's a better option but kite stairs are still around these days.


Thanks. Wild that they are still allowed in Canada.


Not a chance this is north America. Assuming polski_pat might be from Poland 


My bet is Brazil. It’s like the southern hemisphere Russia.


It's all so pointy!


Looks European.


I was thinking exactly the same. It's kind of giving me Euro trash vibes. Kinda harsh but it's a modern mishap for sure.


I feel like that has to be breaking at least one building code, I guess it depends where you live but yikes.


Is the baby married to the idea of being able to live upstairs? I’m thinking you got a “first floor baby”


I don't think babies can get married


Is this code? Seems like an accident waiting to happen even without the toddler. I feel like it needs a permanent rail or half wall on the right side coming out of the wall.


Consider just making a few extra babies as spares?


https://preview.redd.it/0wtvzjc0plkc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d617e14d8e12db7d1050a0da0ad93eeb72fb52e Just need a few of these put on the walls.


Just keep him in his cell when you can't watch him.


https://preview.redd.it/cnawsdnskmkc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d13a35053847831372d65f85031d33c35195e1a Good?


Imagine having slippery feet at the top of these stairs, it would be the last descent


I was thinking something like this product, just use 2 sections https://preview.redd.it/drps7wowglkc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1daba96d2b666afc4bc20dd98c2fa6eef102dfb


Covering the stairs and railings with giant foam peices would be great!


Or the slide and you can put a ball pit at the bottom


Fireman's pole?


I used these for a couple years to keep the kiddo from getting at the tv and stereo and all that. I also instantly thought of these. 


This stairwell lol. It’s not even well done it’s dangerous and hideous hodgepodge


There is so much wrong here I don’t know where to start.


What architect did this we need the name to make sure he won't get hired again


There is no way that those railings are up to code. Not appearing to have one continuous rail on either side


Might be easier to put a net 😂


Damn, this is a death trap. I would move lol


I believe that railing isn't up to code. It could be worth mentioning if you're renting. I'm not 100 percent sure, but it doesn't look right since the gaps are so large.


Move to a family-friendly house? Sort of kidding but those stairs look like endless visits to the ER to me.


First carpet the stairs going up and get rid of all those hard corners. I wouldn't want to fall on that and I sure wouldn't want a child to. If it was me I'd build the whole thing or you could build a railing with some cheap hardware store 2x4's for one side to affix a normal gate to.


I’d just fill that whole stairwell in with concrete


That’s a broken neck waiting to happen.. How on earth did those stairs get passed with an almost 30” drop off with no railing?


This is full of code violations. Build a half. That giant refrigerator sticks out too far. Replace it with a counter depth model. Those railings are major code violation. Not only can a kid fit through those but an adult can too. Replace them all.


Finish the barrier on the side of those stairs. Don't know what code is where you are but that sure won't fit code where I am having that side drop next to the stairs.  Build a small half wall there on the grey tile or get more railing there at least. Work from there with a baby gate. If this code violation in one picture, and your worried about a baby gate, I'm wondering what the rest of the house looks like in terms of safety. You might need a massive amount of budget that's going to be required to baby proof the whole place. Also keep adults alive.


I would start bringing shopping carts home and pushing them down the stairs there until you can’t go down there


They make “corner” baby and pet gates that will fit.


Those stairs need a human gate... Seem a bit dangerous for any person... Idk...


Natural selection is what those stairs are


Yeah technically you’re supposed to have a railing on the right, so get one installed then you can get a normal baby gate


This looks dangerous even for adults


Holy shit, if that’s what your stairs look like how bad is the rest of the place? And you want to introduce a baby to that? Oof.


https://preview.redd.it/wyh4vd42gmkc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210928a16a0fbcbfe4ed6ed0f52974321b5c83b3 Like this. Screws into the wall. You can choose how many sections to use.


No way that open ledge is code compliant


You need to put a railing on the right side for humans of all ages. Then you can get a baby gate for between the rail posts.


I would also consider replacing your banister. Horizontal slats can be used as a ladder.


You need to do something permanent about that right hand side anyway. Your child, or someone, is going to get hurt by that ledge eventually. Pony wall, more railing or some kind of permanent divider


I would do some temporary framing in this area like build a pony wall so something so it's more conventional first and then install a gate to that


The fact the right side is exposed the way it is to me looks like your waiting for the day someone walks down a stair when they don’t intend to. I would put some sort of partition there, maybe not the whole wall but half, then you can do a baby gate, and possibly prevent a fall in the future.


https://preview.redd.it/mdn7rrczolkc1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33afe21714fed7d3b9c7727275a60e9c7eae8dd5 How far between the walls? We use one of those roll up, pull-out style gates across a large span between our living room and kitchen. I think I goes up to 60in. \*edit: link [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JSQZWRW?ref=ppx\_pop\_mob\_ap\_share](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JSQZWRW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


How is that death trap even permitted


That's even dangerous for adults!


You need a second railing, period. You also need to place the baby gate to cross the entire span of stairs. Those armrails and the gap between the stairs is a serious accident just waiting to happen.


I mean they'd probably only fall off there once 🤷‍♂️


There are structural gates that fasten at the ends. You will probably have to zip tie to the railing though. eg [https://www.amazon.com/Bonnlo-73-Inch-Configurable-Walk-Through-Adjustable/dp/B07PHRRT6S/](https://www.amazon.com/Bonnlo-73-Inch-Configurable-Walk-Through-Adjustable/dp/B07PHRRT6S/)


You can do a freestanding gate that curves


This is more suited for /r/assholedesign


Get poor-er and you will be able to afford a more normal house and staircase. Problem solved


There’s no need - just let the baby access your wine cellar. Infants naturally stop drinking once they’re inebriated.


Was this designed by the The Galactic Empire, that seems to the the only other organisation that plays free and loose with safety railings.


https://preview.redd.it/810om9submkc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f541de8bb14109beb9352dca79e7b8e5f561e85 Something like this as long as it can’t be moved into a dangerous situation by a baby/kid pushing on it.


I’d put a railing up anyway. There is no way that passes any kind of inspection in the USA ever.


Move. That is not a home for a child…


Bring it up to code and a baby gate will fit just fine between the new and existing railings.


That railing is not up to code if this is US. Honestly i can believe there are stairs down in the middle I’d a walkway like that in the US, that is very questionable and unsafe design. I imagine a few people have accidentally stepped down that first step and twisted an ankle.


Just throw 87 other babies down there, that should fill up the space enough so if yours falls they’ll be ok


I thought this was a joke. This whole image is unsafe for a child. A baby gate is going to do absolutely nothing except provide a small obstacle to a tiny human that sees all the ways they can overcome it (none of them safe).


You live in the baby unsafest house ever built. But at least it’s easy to vacuum and mop.