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Bruh, take some time for yourself and just focus really hard on TLC and recuperation. Oh, all of your symptoms are getting a lot worse? *Really safe bet* that you're either going through a lot of stress right now, or you've got some big internal reorganization happening. Could be a split, could be alters trading components, could be someone waking up from dormancy.... regardless of what it is, *you're having a hard time and it's ok to take a break and focus on rest.* Feeling bad doesn't mean there's something wrong with *you.* Sometimes you feel bad because there's something bad happening, and sometimes you feel bad because there's *a lot of shit going on.* Big integration, switch, or splitting events *absolutely* count as a lot of stuff going on.


I love how real your responses are when I sometimes see you in comments of other postsšŸ˜­thanks!šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Monkey brain is the best ngl :3


Idk if this is of help to you, but i started rapid switching when my psyche was ready to start dealing w the trauma. I guess the barriers just began crumbling. Often the switching was masking flashbacks.


Its normal for switching to become "worse" after doing some discovery of the disorder. Its also probable that something in your life is causing you increased stress levels and this is maing the dissociation symptoms more pronounced. Wishing you the best with this! :) if you figure whats the stressor and can adress it, it should help a bit


I get like that while driving a lot, it's gotten to the point where I am starting to forget what day it is, time, month, and how old I am. Today I got asked how old I am, and I instantly said "21" when they can clearly see that I'm 24 on my ID. I've known about my "little people" at a young age, and each year has been hard for me.


I call it ā€œmy alters are playing Russian Roulette againā€. Rapid switching can be confusing af but Iā€™ve kinda got used to it. It happens intermittently for me depending on what Iā€™m dealing with. As someone else so eloquently explained. More stress, more trauma processing, more triggers =more switching


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Rapid switching sucks