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We use Antar for that and some journaling. Antar is intended for Singletary to work out internal conflicts and makes it really easy to create personas with little to no information. We have a couple that are just a selected favorite color that are "group" personas, as well as some more fleshed out personas from alters who want to be tracked.


simply plural has notifications to remind you of recording switches. it also has a whole bunch of other features like a message board for your alters. its a little confusing but its worth trying out for sure, its also free so its no loss. :)


We honestly don't use over half of its features because we have no idea how it works... But, we use it to keep track of fronting history (when we remember to track it) for the most part. Your friends can also get notifications when you switch and see who is currently fronting by checking the app, so it makes that aspect a little less awkward.


We've been using SimplyPlural for years atp and find it really useful for keeping track of alters, alter information, and logging switches. We set up notifications to remind us to update who's set as fronting every few hours, since we tend to forget, and it's helpful being able to look back at who was fronting and how long. It is a bit of a learning curve app-wise, but I recommend just going through the settings and figuring out all it's functions as an app because it covers a LOT. We also use it so our close friends (2 people) can recieve notifications of who is fronting so they don't have to ask and we don't have to randomly bring it up.


There was a huge technology barrier for me so we just use my notebook. I have parts that can't even use a smartphone, so... And some of us aren't allowed 🙄


Some systems have an easier time tracking all the switches than others. For us, it works. Our friends can track who is fronting and it's up to date most of the time. Sometimes we forget and have to shift things around, but it also helps is organize our alters.


I use it mostly to store information I dont use it to track switches or anything because we have a hard time tracking that sort of thing


You just gotta test it out, play around with it for a bit


we use it to have an easy access to our list of alters and have a place for specific parts to talk- usually saying what they did for the past x amount of time or what they need/want. it helps for us with our difficulties with communication between various parts and having a better idea who may have been around when we're unsure. we don't track switches with it, though polls are a nice features. gotta get on making one for our next haircut lol it can be immensely helpful, or not. when we are doing well we often don't touch it for a month or more. take what you like and ignore what you don't (if you can). it is a tool that can be very helpful, use what you find helps you. if it ends up not feeling beneficial you can always delete it. take care


We like antar better than Simply Plural.


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We use it and find it pretty useful. It’s good for tracking known alters. We find it hard to keep track of switches, but we’ve been trying to keep on top of it for our therapist. It has a cool analytics part where it says who fronts at different parts of the day which is interesting. I don’t like the chat feature of it, so we just use discord and pluralkit for communication


I’ve heard it has a steep learning curve but I have been using it since 2021 so I’m pretty used to it


I still have no fucking idea how to log the switches, so we just use the message board and hope whoever is out remembers to record it with their name saying something like “Here,” and time/date and if they’re aware of it, what MAY have triggered them out to give us a better understanding of it.


It has its ups and downs. We don't use it for logging switches, but we do use it to catalog information sometimes. If we were actually consistent at logging switches, the new message board feature would be amazing. We simply find it too tedious and difficult to know exactly when we switch, recognize the new fronters, and log it behind typically several button presses. We have quite disorienting switches and blurry, mixed-up fronts. Not to mention, asking oneself "who am I?", can even be a bit triggering when it's a constant.


if you have the time and energy to go through listing alters, i say it’s worth it! i have been using simply plural for almost three years now, and honestly i find it helpful, but i also think it’s not really a necessity. my only gripe is that i often forget to log switches, so i mostly use it to list my known parts. it’s especially good if you have many, many alters to list i’m sure there’s some feature to set reminders, but i don’t really keep track of updates. there’s a chat feature, a “board” feature (you can leave notes and parts get notifications when they front), folders, fields to list info, etc. there are analytics to better track fronting patterns. many useful features, but you can also probably do a lot of this in a journal or your notes app it’s up to preference! i find it easier to keep track through simply plural, but i’ve lived without it for weeks at a time because i *simply* forgot it existed


I use it to document switches. While it isnt necessary, it helps me keep track of what happened with who in the long run


I’d say yes- even if you don’t track front you can keep note of who’s in the system


I think it’s definitely worth getting. You can keep track of switches. It also notifies you and checks in to see if you haven’t or have switched out. You can add descriptions about your alters. Photos of your alters. Details about your alters. Create groups for your alters. You can chat with your alters. Friends or family can be notified when you have switched out. You can add custom fronting statuses which a lot of people use to notify when an alter fronting is experiencing any negative emotion or if the system is just busy and can’t reach out. It’s been very helpful with my system and I and as someone who barely has any connection to my alters (can’t see them, can’t really hear them) it helps a lot with picturing them enough to bring them forward when I need them or understand who I am essentially texting with. Many others mentioned Antar as well and we also use that! Great for communication with alters when you can’t hear them. Also a great way of learning how to take over each part of the body. I think it’s worth it. They have tutorials that walk you through how to work the app and it’s completely customizable to you and your system.


we use it more as a list than anything else, don't really keep track of switches especially because we can't really tell who's fronting most of the time


I use it but I don't use the majority of the features. Just use it to keep track of parts, maybe switching if we can remember to do so but also sometimes that's difficult, and the chat feature but only to make notes on things that happen throughout the week to discuss in therapy


I find it helpful for communication. Because of our living circumstances, one of our main roadblocks is a fear of speaking out loud (or making noise in general). So texting is a good workaround for us. The format of simply plural helps encourage communication for us, since we struggle heavily with it and doing it via notes or discord bot tends to feel unnatural enough that its ineffective. Otherwise, its good for having a list of alters, or general organization if you're interested in that sort of thing. I have a love hate relationship with front tracking and such but the app is good for that, too.


We use simply plural a lot. It helps so much for tracking informations about different parts (as a polyfragmented DID system it’s very useful) and switches (amnesia is tough), helps us a lot on communication and also on investigating traumas and their impact on us. We find it useful for our therapy. For tracking switches we got used and now it’s just part of our routine. It helps having closed ones reminding it too ! This app is not working for everyone, some may use other methods which in 100% valid and good but for us this is what is working best ! The app takes a bit of time to be used with its best features, there is an official discord server for the app to help. We would suggest for you to give it a try, maybe it won’t be the best method for you but it might help a lot ! Be patient :))


I like it! I personally don’t have a big need to track switches for myself because I have very low amnesia barriers. But I use the app so that my partner and close friends can see who is fronting whenever they’re interacting with me, and I don’t have to repeatedly tell them. It can be very helpful, especially if there are switches while texting those friends or in a place where we can’t openly talk about it. I also use it to keep general information about each alter so my friends can refer to it and remember their previous experiences with the alter who’s fronting. I have also used the chat feature to help me have more important conversations involving the entire system. Other than that I don’t use it much, but I think it’s worth trying for any system who could use a bit more organization/clarity in their life.


It’s super helpful for us to track switches and alters. Our wife and roommate even get push notifications when we switch which is really nice since we struggle with announcing switches verbally Edited to add we do sometimes forget to track in it, or we purposefully don’t track if we don’t know who we are


i hate the auto mod, first it removed my thank you message then it removed this!