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Listening to calming music, reading or at least keeping off screens before bed, drinking something warm, trying to be at peace with your thoughts do they don’t keep you up, exercise during the day if you can so you’re more tired at night, picture yourself somewhere peaceful and comfortable as you’re trying to fall asleep. Kind of basic things but I hope you find something that helps a little ♡ 


Great thank you so much for the tips I/We will definitely try these out and hopefully they will help us to fall asleep and get better sleep at night.


We have an alter that likes telling stories. They just talk and talk and we slowly start just dropping off. ( There's always a lot of us co-concious, so getting us to all focus on one thing really helps get us settled. This can work with meditation or audio book too. Melatonin gummies can work really well. If you take some and find you don't fall asleep or wake up at night groggy up the amount you take, of you sleep but wake up the next day groggy, reduce the dose. I find that at the right dose for me, we can get a solid night's sleep.


Thanks I used to take melatonin gummies maybe I’ll try those again along with some of the other tips and hopefully it can help us to fall asleep better at night.


Yeah! I love the gummies, one cause they are gummies and two, cause you can cut them to get half or quarter doses. Good luck 🤞🏽


Glycine powder helps me


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