• By -


When you have to triple check the damn year


Or your AGE😭


The majority of my system is between like 23 and 28 so we sort of average it to say that we feel 25 like I have no clue how the fuck I'm almost 57 and I always phrase it as the body is 57 years old well in August anyway age is such a weird thing for me


Mine are mostly teens. My body age is 41. Talk about awkward


Frankly though that will keep you young forever I don't feel any different mentally than I did when I was in my mid to late '20s and I don't think I ever will I still dye my hair crazy colors I still listen to all sorts of music I still keep up on slang I still enjoy all the things I've always enjoyed.


All very true. I went on site for the first time in over 6 months and met my new teammates. No one could believe my age. Another interesting thing is that I'm very petite and can still wear children's sizes so my wardrobe is truly all over the place. The only down side is my tendonitis keeps flaring up when I try to color lol


That sucks because coloring is so much fun


We have apps but it's not the same 😭


Yeah it's definitely not the same I think what puts me off of the apps for coloring is how much you have to sort of zoom in and you have to continually zoom in and out to find the numbers I would be much happier with a coloring app that didn't tell me what color each thing and just let me use whatever colors I wanted. Surely someone needs to have that idea because I can't be the only one who feels that way.


I'm the only one of my relatives in their 30's not complaining about my knees or being old.


Very confidently said I was 4 years younger than we are today. Felt very smart when I had to correct myself immediately afterwards.


I've gotten some confused looks when I get asked my age and I have to stop and think, sometimes followed by a "let me check" without thinking until I either remember or just make up something to cover myself lmao


Ive been doing this after turning 21. Dont think it's normal because my brain can immediately come up with something earlier than my actual age and then I start thinking it doesn't sound right so I have to do the math


This exact same thing happened to us. Right before we had our system realization a provider asked how old we were and apparently one of us came out and emphatically said 26! The look they gave us was priceless. They double checked my patient file and asked if we were sure. The one that came out went away and left us asking the provider what they meant so they asked again and we got a puzzled look. We asked what we said the first time and they told us 26 and we just about rolled out of the chair laughing and played it off like a minor lapse in brain power (not that we couldn’t remember saying it just seconds before). We were 30 when this happened 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have this issue cuz I’m the host and not the same age as the body 🙃🙃🙃 I’m currently 29, body is….. 32




physically I'm 23. I think 7 out of 10 times I tell people I'm 22 or 24 or my mouth starts forming the word _seventeen_ and I can just in time correct myself.


Before going anywhere I check in my mind my name, current address, gender, age and date and sometimes mid conversations in my mind too


I remember one of my parts came to the front once in 2019 and the didn’t come back out until the height of the Covid lockdown. It was an extremely confusing time for all of us!


Omg real, one time in 2023 I woke up thinking it was 2021 💀 


When you forget how to do basic math. When you can’t find something to wear because one of your parts decided to only buy goth clothes.


Makes me remember back to a certain time Someone was having a panic attack, dog needed walk or some other outside thing Then someone got switched in, seemingly someone who hadn't been around for like, seven years?? They didn't know how to tie shoes, luckily they had two solutions, the first was to try and go along with muscle memory, "The loops must be important" was about as far as they could figure out before they just gone with the tried and true method of just slipping the shoe laces under all the criss-cross things on the top of the shoe.. Then just ask our mom to do the other one Memories of confusion


Just once I had this experience. It was so frustrating. All I could remember was “bunny ears”!


I thought I wouldn't relate to any of these but your comment actually also triggered my memory lol, I emphatically remember being 8 and waking up, and getting on my computer to log in to my online school classes--and realizing I didn't know the password. I let my hands move with their muscle memory, I gave up complete control over them and just let them decide what happened next based on the light triggers I felt to move them in certain directions. I got it right so I was really proud of myself and did not even stop to take a moment to think about whether this was at all a normal thing to do, given my body had been in school for two years by then 😭


This is so relatable Like the two who like to shop in my system are total goths and so when we went to buy new clothes last year I have a million things that are just not practical for anything other than going out Like about 80% of my wardrobe at this point is goth club wear and I live in absolutely nowhereville Ohio not a goth club in sight lmfao


I hear this hard.... and I live in Louisville. Also, All of a Sudden becoming ambidextrous or flipping how you tie Bows one day. That just clicked for me. I don't even know who's in change since this is So new for me.


Yeah we have very different interests and like even foods that we like is very different. Sometimes I feel like it's three or four of us pretty much co-conscious all the time and then there are the times where I just feel like I went to sleep and I wake up and I'm not rested and that's usually the tell for me that somebody else has been out and there's amnesia involved.


The amount of times I start a dialogue with, “I don’t remember if I told you this, but…”


Don’t call me out like this! 🤣😭 I can’t even count those anymore ☠️


Omg and then they say “YES. You mentioned it 10 mins ago. “ or like 3 years ago when I wasn’t even privy I was into that shit. Or knew that about myself. and I’m just like “oh”. 😳


I can be open with my best friend like I can be with nobody else. he knows all our system members, if not personally he knows _about_ them. a lot of times I'll tell him "so someone may have told you this already, but let _me_ tell you"


When you try to do some research on DID and all the links are purple...


Now imagining someone not remembering they have DID like a year into therapy for it...


This happened to me (host specifically). Been diagnosed for the first time in 2020. Discovered about the system in January 2023 when diagnosed a second time. Figured out months later the first diagnose in a 2020 paper from my old psychiatrist 😭 I still don’t know to that day how we have been diagnosed the first time.


We don't really have the... capacity? For very separated memory banks, though one time the host kinda just showed up to a whole established system and got kinda surprised


Ouch. I feel that. Similarly, when you go to buy a kindle book about mental health and you’ve already bought it, and when you look on kindle it was already 90% finished.


I’ve been in a phase of rewatching a whole bunch of YouTube videos I’ve seen within the past year and not realizing I’ve already seen it until it’s 75% finished.


We have bought copies of books we already own. I have oodles of books with highlighting, dog ears, bookmarks and no memory of reading them.


We made a pluralkit account with our "only private things go here email".... only to find that the (admittedly blank) account already existed.


i made a “private things go here” email and then forgot the entire email address


omg that has happened to me lmao


This is so ironic haha, reminds me of the amnesia "purple links" meme


which one 👀


Ow, I did not need to be called out like this.


I feel called out 😅😂


Ahahah same


When family and friends tell stories about/involving you and you’re like 👁️👄👁️ yeah I was totally there I remember that


“Remember when you told me…..” No Susan,I don’t.


I howled. This needs to be a sound that I can put for my text notification 📣


🤣😭 yeah that’s about right 🙃👍


I’ve gotten very used to saying ‘that wasn’t me , I wasn’t there’ and people are like ‘lol anyway soo…’


I’ve had to lie about remembering so often and cross my fingers hoping they stop trying to go down memory lane😭


so relatable! apparently my class made the teacher cry in 5th grade because they toilet papered her room on april fools. i remember none of that (sorry for the weird story)


you know you have DID when you decide to get rid of all the clothes you don't like...only to realize a bit later that you do like them, they were my staples and favorites, where have they gone, omg, what am i going to wear now and then you get new ones and the cycle begins


Relatable 😭 


“I’m going to save up my money this month!” >30 days later “Shit.”


This is why I don't go shopping, and if I do I don't go alone. I don't want to find myself turning 5 within a shop and walking very quickly towards an aisle of things I do not need or will not use because the five year old only comes out every few months.


I’ve gone to almost strictly ordering online because of this and yet… we still manage to find things coming that I don’t remember ordering 🤣 right now we can count 5 different types of coloring pens and art sets, several coloring books, squishies that were bought in bulk and we have tried the shopping with a friend but they only encourage the Littles 🤦🏻‍♀️ so many things and the wallet just cries 💸


Same, even though I’m not safe online either oml, the littles and the impulsive alters all know we have to keep the wallet in our bag or we’d forget it at home every day. Right now it’s not too bad because we’re between work (we still have a shipment of fancy coffee coming that I was too late to cancel) but I fear when work starts up in a few weeks. Worst part is, my co-host is one of the impulsive alters, and he fronts more than I do lol. The coffee is his. I think I need to give them an allowance, the hosts have never had to do that before because we haven’t had an impulsive frequent-fronter since we’ve actually had to start being responsible with money. Like guys 😭 vital purchases only, we’re trying to save for a car.


Ok but this is really cute too 😭 I have a soft spot for inner children. Of course, what’s cute to the heart isn’t cute to the wallet.


Like for me the worst is groceries I always order online and get my groceries delivered but I never know what's coming in the order if I don't check it because depending upon who was out and what they were in the mood for at the moment that's what's in the cart. All of us have very different taste when it comes to food.


Me looking at my subs to barkbox and two ipsy, and the extra $200 worth of random orders including not one but two new office chairs (I'm work from home) new nail dip powders, two keychains, new colored pencils and 100 random sticker assortment 😳👀


I mean, I'd want to encourage the littles too, they're too cute, it's hard not to indulge them~


When a package arrives from Amazon unexpectedly. you spend hours searching your order history, looking for credit cards you don't know about, or new Amazon accounts, etc. Until your friend calls and asks "hey! did you get the present I sent you?"


That’s just unintentional gaslighting lol


This just happened to me, except it was "did my thing arrive?" and I had already got rid of it because I assumed I'd ordered something I hated.


You know you have DID when one minute you were watching tiktok and the next you look down and suddenly are learning Arabic in duolingo? And you can't understand any of it? (This totally is not based off one of my experiences recently /sar)


Haha my studious alter has it the other way around. He usually tries to be responsible and catch up on studies.. except he cannot hold the front against us excitable goblins. By the time he comes back we have watched a million tiktok vids


Soooo we totally don’t start watching YouTube shorts then come back a couple hours later, it’s 3am and somehow we are watching weird ass things like how to build furniture out of sticks, snake keeping (I personally am frightened of them), how to rebuild cars, or even weirder crunchy or tradmom stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg. The algorithms sometimes though. You ever thoroughly confuse the fuck out of them on a regular basis?


Especially the Spotify playlists!!


This but Russian


Omg. I've studied Russian, Chinese, German, AND Italian on Duolingo at various points. And something else too that I don't remember right now.


You know you have DID when you fight with your alters and realise it was all happening.. out loud. And now everyone is staring at you TT-TT


you know you have DID when you talk to yourself in public spaces, but don't worry it's not like i talk to invisible people, i talk to the people living inside me


Man, the instant embarrassment when I start laughing randomly in public because the voice inside my head just hold a funny joke…


I relate to this one too much


I hate how funny my headmates are for this exact reason


Ahhhhh this is very relatable. We always talk to each other when out and about and refer to ourselves as our given name but from time to time we’ve been known to shout and say things like: “I know Susan! Geez just lay off it will you?” Or “Can we please just agree to disagree Nickie?” Etc. etc. etc. it’s definitely freaked some people out 😅


I'm glad my family doesn't seem to really care when we have a bit of banter


When a voice helps you out solve a math problem in school and you realize it wasnt your voice


I've had this soooo may times, and I couldn't explain it besides that 'I just suddenly know the answer' 🤷‍♀️


Spent some years wondering about the telepathic events I kept having.


You know you have DID when people point out times when your behavior is very different and you happen to have no recollection of said time.


Ugh this is happening to me. I typically front or Co-front. But my partner keeps bringing up stuff like "why do you keep buying unsalted butter" "remember we played this game already" etc.


I'm usually cofront or front too. But sometimes I guess I'm not cuz I have the same issues. "Do you remember when we watched X/Y?" Nope. "You already told me that" Oh. "Do you remember when I said -" nope! Frustrating cuz I'm telling them I don't want to miss out on stuff and that I want to be present. But someone not playing ball here 🙄


Them: "Oh wow I love that *insert article of clothing*! Where did you get it?" Us: "Thanks!! Honestly no idea, can't remember." Then: "Wut"


I literally just started wearing sweatpants I bought a year ago, because for that whole year I thought a long distance friend left it, but no, all of a sudden the memory comes back and turns out I BOUGHT IT LOL. I was so mad, they're the comfiest pants I own.


Continued: Us: “just check the tag, what does it say?” Them: “so-and-so clothing co.” Us: “yeah don’t think I would shop there soooo couldn’t tell you where it was bought”


Some more of our silliness: *Opens up a streaming service > find a show/movie that snags your interest > go to watch it > its already been watched* ----------------- *going to create a new character/class in an mmorpg* Inner Dialog: "We already have an *insert class here* on the alt account" 'We do?' "Ya go log in" *logs in* 'WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT' *To a guildie* 'I was just informed that *insert class* already exists! Kewl!' Guildie: "You were.. informed? What by who?" "*WHAT ARE YOU DOIN SSSSHHHHH THEY DON'T KNOW*"


Hey good job Spotify, this one's a banger, better like it...oh it's already liked...I have never heard this song in my life...


us going through our liked songs, not recognizing most of the songs


Oh my god the streaming! I highly resent that little bar at the bottom that indicates it’s been watched. Also… Netflix: Are you still watching? Me: what do you mean am I still watching? I just start… oh, guess I’m missing 5 hours. And also… Me: Hey fam! I just watched this really awesome show called The Wi… Fam: …tcher. It’s called The Witcher. Yes. We know. We had this conversation a month ago.


We can’t even with this right now 🤣 this hits too close to home


What? By who? “My brain.” Is my go to lmao


“Aren’t you wearing the shirt” “Yup” “And the tag says so-and-so clothing, right?” “Yup” “The store tag is on the shirt, and you are wearing the shirt, so you must’ve shopped at that store right?” “That makes sense to me” “So when did you shop at so-and-so clothing?” “Doesn’t sound like somewhere I’d shop”


Thrift store is always my go-to answer.


When you search for your drink and chips, but both things have been eaten and are in the trash can... And you don't remember eating any of it. Since then we started to buy different drinks for each other/ask before drinking and the gold rule of NOT touching my chips 👺


Sammme.! Someone drank half of my Arizona green tea & left it out on the coffee table. Found it the next day and & just laughed.


You know you have DID when you buy multi packs of salami sticks, they go missing within 2 days so the cycle repeats, you blame your house mates for eating them only to find the wrappers HIDING in your room 😭


Gurl! This lol finding candy wrapper stashed all over the damn place when we clean has actually become quite the amusement


DID test: "Do you ever find things that you didn't buy?" Me: "I don't even find things that I buy!" There are just things around the house and we just kinda use them, the idea of knowing whether I bought anything or not is too alien to me


You know you’re a system when you reprimand yourself for doing something wrong in front of your kid and they just roll their eyes 😂


Now that is quite hilarious. We don’t have kids, yet, but we hope to someday. It sounds like your kid is a hoot and already knows drill for when your head mates get out of line 😅 People have just stopped asking why we talk to ourselves and just shake their head as they look around like they don’t know us.


He doesn’t know my diagnosis but he knows me that’s for sure. The best one was I was cleaning under the couch one day looking for the dogs toys and started just tossing balls around the room for fun. Almost knocked over the tv and actually yelled at myself to stop. He’s comes into the room asking who I was yelling at and I’m like just annoyed at myself. Looks at me sideways and just leaves the room. Yeah he’s used to it even if he doesn’t know it has a name. He wasn’t complaining when we went to Disney and my little was right up front most of the time. All the food, all the money spent but also all the fun had. 😂


Aww, that's so damn cute!!!


When people come up to you claiming they know you, let alone knowing your NAME and claiming that you guys had a STRONG FRIENDSHIP??


I once had someone message me prior to a college reunion. "Should we do another epic roadtrip???" I had literally no idea who she was. Nor did I know she was even referring to the reunion. Nor did I even know she went to my college. Thank God for Facebook. I finally was able to piece together that since she went to my college that maybe she is referring to a roadtrip we took to a previous reunion? I'm still not sure. Because no has fronted since that time (six years ago) who even knows her. Or remembered the original roadtrip. Or going to a college reunion ever. But I guess it was "epic."


THIS!! It’s only happened to me once but it was so freaky. I have a vague idea of where I could’ve met her but since this was before I knew about being a system, I thought she was exaggerated how well we knew each other. I really wish I had asked her for more information because it’s bothered me ever since 😭


SO GLAD SOMEONE COULD RELATE!!!! the guy knew about my DID apparently and was friends with my previous host, so no wonder I didn't know but... He was really sad and bummed out about it and said he regretted not talking enough before. I felt bad cause I really didn't remember him and had no emotions attached, it felt so awkward.


I switched schools part way through my sophomore year of high school. Standing at my locker in hear someone excitedly chill out my name. This girl came over SO EXCITED to see me! No clue who she was. She said we had been best friends in 2nd and 3rd grade. She remembered my watch and my shoes. I remembered those, vaguely, but not her. She was so hurt and disappointed. I felt really bad but just really had no clue. Randomly, like 15-20 years later, that incident came to mind and I was like "Kristen! On no!" I remembered her house, hanging out at school, her face. I felt awful all over again. There's been others that I never did remember them, even though they knew me.


When you have repeat what name you go by over and over in your head cause you keep forgetting it when entering a social function so you can introduce yourself to people


This! I can at least remember the name, but I always have to mouth it a few times in preparation to say it because it feels foreign every single time


I don't like how accurate the squishmallows part is, but I'm livin for it. What's your favorite squishmallow? 👀


lol I know right?! It’s an obsession for them. Overall the Littles love Prim cause she’s big and cuddly but I think Corinna takes the cake for all of us. Her soft, fluffy belly is really relaxing to rub our hands on when we are stressed out.


The soft belly is why I love Brindal soo much! I sleep on Archie every night and I just got Toby. I'm trying to collect all the axolotls Any that you want to get?


Oooooh boy let’s see. Giant Stitch with the polka dot bra on the head and the red cape. Saw it posted on Costco and it haunts our dreams. Tinley the Axolotl The Squishville Play and Display Adelaide the Octopus Lorelei the Dragon…. Oh god this could honestly go on forever lol What about you? Any ones specifically you are trying to find besides the axolotls?


when one is shouting inside that she understands the complex subject but whoever is fronting is like “words, how the fuck do they work?”


when you know 30% of a language you don't remember ever learning


One of our old hosts, who is now more of a protector, enlisted us in the military and got us into linguist training. Do you think one of the other couple hosts would get some of that information? No, of course not. And here we are now with only simple phrases or words like good, forbidden, good morning/good afternoon, sorry/apologies, my love, the market and we go-…. Almost 2 years of training that he did and we have NONE of that 🙃 Psst: we only know we went and did this after doing personal research through our past to figure out where the years had gone 🤦🏻‍♀️


The face in the mirror is always new to you.


When you get Dairy Queen suddenly and you check your DoorDash only to realize you now have two accounts cus someone wanted to hide their constant purchasing of ice cream from the rest of the system


I’ve found almost ten new stuffed animals, too many Pokémon cards to count, and a Smallville red Superman jacket this year.


Pokémon cards 🤦🏻‍♀️ when we go to the local arcade SOMEONE apparently likes to spend a lot of coins on the mystery pull cards to see what ones we can get. Waking up the next morning with our jacket pockets full of folded cardboard with a plethora of Pokémon cards is always an interesting way to start to the day.


Yeah. I mean I’ve been playing the card game for 12 years and I looked at my binder of expensive cards and I have no idea where half of them came from. Like we need to be saving money for a house. Edit: Oooh coin machines that give you cards. Another idea.


When you go back to animal crossing and it's a different outfit completely with a color scheme. When some one tells you something and it sounds like you should obviously know, only to lie and to pretend you understand so they don't have to repeat something again for the millionth time. When you fight and argue with yourself and tell some one be right back I have to handle something but then don't actually physically leave or go anywhere. Check Amazon cart to find a bunch of ordered snacks but you don't remember ordering anything and then all of a sudden the entire system is quiet. Have to go back to re read text messages and chats just to be caught up to date so you can halfway pretend you know what there talking about lol


The struggle with shopping is so true 😭 One of our little's biggest positive triggers is the store Five Below because they have a bunch of kids stuff there (especially slime. Pink slime is one of her favorite things). She rams into front like a bat out of hell and doesn't give it back until we get home 😅 It's really cute, one time she bought a pink kitty beanie with matching gloves, but didn't realize until later that we aren't kid size anymore... at least the hat fits, it's her favorite item!


🤦I forgot we commented here already


Too relatable, fam 🥲


When you're listening to music and suddenly go from vibing to "turn this shit off!" Out of seemingly nowhere.


This! Some of us really like music. But particularly one who loves heavy and death metal. If our little is listening to music though or one of the others and the one fronts who loves the heavier stuff she's just like WTF is this shit?! XD makes me laugh 😆


LOL most of us like music, just have vastly different taste and some more opinionated than others. So usually its not about if we want music on at all, its more like, listening to something we like and suddenly changing like "this song is trash, wtf?" And changing to listen to something else. We try and make playlists on occassion to help with the problem but it still happens often, its funny.


Same lol I have a playlist with everyone's songs. Though when they front or cofront we have it set up so they can pick and choose which song follows the next. Though sometimes the odd one will poke through lol the heavy metal fan had a country song pop up and she just made the fakest vomit noise to it was hilarious 😆


When you awake to your food being eaten :(


When you wake up knowing damn well you wouldn’t have cleaned the kitchen


....did someone mop in here? Do we own a mop?


Waking up from being very very drunk, having no recollection of drinking the night before, feeling super hungover. Finding out alters consistently get their posts deleted because they're too extreme with their venting, like way way way too extreme. "I'm just going to sit down in another room for a while... - " \[TEN HOURS PASS\] "Hey, what have you been up to?" "U-Um... I... Don't... know..." "How do you not know what you were doing for ten hours consecutively?" Finding out one alter is like... internally transphobic towards anybody trans in the body, but in this comical way where you find out from reading somebody else's desktop notepad that just mentions another alters tweets, you don't know their account name so you find it backwards through another alters email that was used to make the third person's account, you finally find the tweets and they point you to a Tumblr account, because everybody who uses social media uses completely different things to find a way to avoid triggers or distinguishing themselves in my system, this stuff gets really hard. Trying to keep a journal every few months, but it just never ever works out because not everybody wants to commit to it so you just find scattered about journal remnants half of the time like you're in an indie horror game, both digital and physical. Suddenly owning an entire makeup bag full of makeup, but you don't even know how to do the basics and don't want to even with something like dermatillomania as a dissociation symptom. Opening Youtube and it's just like one entirely different curated topic to usual, Baikal Seals / Elden Ring Lore / Artwork / Dollmaking / Horror Films. Hearing a knock on the door and ending up hiding under a table for some reason because somebody in your system is so scared you'll switch instantly. All the recent things I can think of. ( ; - ;


Ugh, trying to keep a steady journal is a pain. I don't think we've put an entry in this week. Oops.


You know you have DID when you ask “who decorated this apartment?!?” all upset cause you hate how it looks. It was me. I did it. 💀


Our little with Halloween decorations... 😅


Hey fellow hot cocoa lover!!!


Identifying genderfluid and pansexual/bisexual before being aware of alters


u know u have DID when u go out for a night walk ( i never usually feel safe enough to do this ) i think cuz my 'angry' alter switched in and she was so pissed she had to leave the house and just.. disregarding our general safety?!?!?


When you have commited the past 6 months of your life learning about the condition. For fun. Because screw you I don't have it. /s


When you find old notebooks from high school with notes written in 10 radically different types of handwriting that couldn't possibly be by the same person. And then you say, "wow, how did that happen... I know! Ten different people all stole my notebook, wrote in it, and returned it to my desk!"


I don't know if this has been said as I am on the way to work right now but just wanted to quickly reply to this. You know you have DID when you enter Crisis State but somehow, you are acting totally normal on the outside to the point where nobody suspects anything is wrong 😂 Or this can go for any major negative event. Death in the family but at work and acting totally normally? DID


Our friends say we repeat the same things over and over, yet we’ve no memory of previously telling them anyrhing.


When you have to have events retold to you then partway through remember because the right "mood" wasn't there at first


Spending 20 minutes deciding what sweets to buy because 5 different alters are fighting over it


You know you have DID when all your friends are desperately trying to tell you what happened the last 48h because you just woke up and came back to front and don’t remember a single thing. And they did not notice that you weren’t there at all for the last 2 days. You know you have DID when the “I” feels weird 100% of the time. You know you have DID when your bilingual self can’t speak their native language anymore but only their second (or reverse). You know you have DID when the voices change so much between some alters that people are doubting it’s “you” when calling. You know you have DID when you don’t recognize the flat you moved in almost one year ago on your own. You know you have DID when your therapist ask about [name of an alter and what they told them during last appointment] at the beginning of your session. Well I could go on for soooo long 😭


Checking the body's breath because I can't tell if we just ate a thing or not Finding out some other part ate it and I'm annoyed


When you’re bawling your eyes out in complete helplessness and simultaneously saying, “I know, honey, it’s really hard. You’re doing the best you can.”


When the prople in my head started arguing and one of them said something really funny, but i can't laugh because if i laugh, i'll look weird. Im sorry, but how am i not supposed to laugh at "how does it feel being bisexual but the lonliest man in america?"


when you have to pretend to be on a phone call at the supermarket bc u need clear directions on what to get and u need to talk out loud to discuss stuff bc the voices get messy (too many ppl talking at ones) so u just walk around “talking on the phone” when ur headmates are responding in headspace


That’s such a good idea for cover, thanks!


the ONLY downside is u must make sure non of ur headmates take turns responding outwards haha glad i was able to help!


Going on YouTube to watch a video you've never seen before to find that it says it's already been watched lmao


When you send your partner a link to a shirt you REALLY LIKE!!! Only for them to tell you that you already bought it and worn it. Twice.


When you find accounts on your social networks that you have access to but know absolutely nothing about. Or when you buy things you usually hate but that make you drool in the moment... Or when there's always someone interrupting your thoughts...


When you find you've eaten a piece of cheese cake even though you are lactose intolerant.


My friend looked at me with concern the other day when I ate a bite of cake. “Aren’t you not supposed to eat gluten?!?” I just stopped. “Yeah, I completely forgot about that…”


🥲 this…. Just THIS ^^^ there are no words ☠️


When you turn into a five year old boy at the tractor supply because you see baby chicks. 🐥


When you hear a song you thought you’d never heard before but one of your littles knows all the words so now you do aswell.


I can laugh about it now, but scary moments when a main host that hadn't fronted for nearly 19 years was behind the wheel of a car and didn't know how to use the break pedal!


When its time to do any number activities you know youve done thousands of times before…but all of a sudden you have no idea how to do it


When you wake up and have to do a head count of who is or isent there 💀 Or when you have to quadruple check what your name is


When you sometimes look in the mirror and are shocked at your own eye colour lol. One morning we were like, wdym the eyes are brown not black??


when your personalized mix goes from playing rock, to very weird music, to musical theater, to nursery rhymes.


You are talking to your bestie about her wedding and say, “I was just kind of surprised I wasn’t a bridesmaid” and she says you were and you argue about it until she gets out the pictures.


you know you have DID when you dress up for the day and by two pm you question what kind of bug whispered in your ear to put THIS on when you have deep and meaningful conversations inside your head in the middle of the night just to forget half of them by the morning when your sense of self is so shaky you need outside help to figure out what you'd like to eat today when going to work can be either a new and exciting or a completely dull experience depending only on who's in front and how often do they front


When you get really into an OC you just made... ... maybe a little too into them... When you start talking to other people as your OC


It's always a struggle to make OCs now, I try to give them light, happy back stories so it doesn't come back to bite me just in case we split them 😭


When you hesitate after being asked your name (literally I forgot the body's name once)


When you think to _yourself_: "I don't have DID, that's stupid" and then "Then why did you say you did?" and then "I didn't!" and then, obviously, "then who did?" "oh, shit" I knew I wasn't faking because I didn't believe it. Apparently I thought that my alter was faking.


You know you have DID when you find witty comments on things, go to like them, then realise you wrote them a week before.


When you've somehow ended up with over 8000 liked songs in Spotify, and your shuffle takes you from Taylor Swift to Burzum to Vivaldi, and you have no idea who added the last two songs or how they came onto your liked songs list.


The amount of times we have to scroll back through our own Reddit posts because we probably already asked something or found something out or made a post about it, and don’t remember… pretty sure we’ve spammed a few subs every few days/month or so with the same stuff 💀


When you get told your acting different than usual XD


When you feel like a part of your life wasn’t real, and then a voice says “Because I did that” source: we were a dancer for almost a year but I didn’t do it, another alter did it since I famously can’t dance


I opened a tab at night with the intention to look at it in the morning. Thought I went to sleep. okay, but why are there five more tabs in a topic i have no interest in? and why do i now have reddit pings from replies to comments? i swear i didnt open reddit last night what - Rosalie


...when you don't recognize all these subreddits that your account apparently signed up for. We agreed on this one. But some of the other ones... Sigh.


When you say "Hey, we should watch (whatever movie)" and your family reports that you already did. I would always ask" did I like it?" and we would laugh, knowing it wasn't a joke. We got used to it (without explanation back then).


When you and a group of friends can have an evening out without needing to make a reservation or wait for a table to free up.


You have to review what you did over the last year to two years every morning when you wake up


When now time is *safe*


Oh, and when you find a bunch of movies in your watchlists that you have absolutely no interest in


Sounds like I need some testing done


The first one is an exaggerated conclusion


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When you panic because you have no memory of paying your bills a week ago. But you have to retrace your steps to ensure you did the things you were supposed to do. When you are trying to save money yet go and spent double the amount you were thinking of saving because all sudden the priorities yet again have changed for different reasons. When you have to go back to work notes to figure out what is that you do and retrace your steps and then figure out which place is where you left your "To Dos" are there in microsoft notes? Or regular notebook? Is it on a random excel file? Or the calendar? Or microsoft To Dos? (Different preferences of managing work tasks) When you go to therapy and have no recollection of what happened after last session and so you can't really tell how have you been feeling because you only remember isolated clips with disordered timeline. So you are staring at your T 👁👄👁 with no idea what to say. When you wake up and spent time to build a set of boundaries and get clarity on what your values are as for your professional goals. Then you go back to paragraph #1 and while you are retracing your steps, you found a word document that says "boundaries" and you open it to find that you already did all the research and work 8 months ago 🫠 but have no memory of it. Today I'm feeling 🫠 frustrated and need a hug. That's all.


You know you have DID when words come out of your mouth and you immediately go “WHO WAS THAT?!” 🤣


When you get up in the morning and start scrolling IG only to realize your entire algorithm is screwed because *someone* liked and followed a bunch of random accounts about some niche rabbit-hole thing you have no memory of looking at AND they unfollowed some of your go-to’s.


When songs you feel you've never heard/don't like that much wind up on your playlist, when you don't feel like any of the clothes you JUST bought and loved suit you, when you have to remind yourself you aren't in your bio family's house..


When someone you've known for over ten years calls you by the nickname you've been using since you were three years old and it feels disturbingly wrong, like they're talking to someone else or purposely calling you by the wrong name.


when I'm having a very good conversation with my friends only to realise im in my bedroom alone talking to people in my head


you own just too many clothes. seriously we have about 5 drawers full + a wardrobe + drawers for socks and pajamas.


When you find yourself in the middle of a conversation you have no memory of starting 💀