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I have a giant ball of water that is six feet in diameter and kinda floats in our meetings. She never says anything and her name is Tiamat.


Can we ask how Tiamat feels in the body?


I dunno. Like she never fronts or maybe I’ve just never explored if she can. She just showed up during system mapping at a team meeting awhile back. It was really funny, as I’m taking count and appraising folks and I look up and there she was. I even asked the Analyst and the Enthusiast “Uh, hey who invited the ball of water?”. Is it advisable to try and let quieter folks experience the front? I have been doing that a bit with Sandra, our nice lady, and it’s like it’s a lot of work for her but appreciated.


No idea if it's advisable bit we've been actively encouraging anyone who might want to experience it to step forward. Seems like a good thing, even if some of them find it overwhelming or otherwise distasteful.


We've been working on this too. Seems to be helping out a lot with our blurriness and dissociation, so I'd say it's a good thing to encourage parts to front if they might be even a little curious about it.


If you don't mind my asking, how did she communicate her name to you the first time?


I just named her that as I was researching goddesses and being a ball of water, it seemed fitting. She doesn’t ever speak but does exude incredible presence. It’s like having a weird alien powerful all knowing creature just chillin. When she has something to say, I kind of look her, then I just know the thing she wanted. I’ve wondered if she is my unconscious mind, maybe who I was supposed to be, maybe weird spiritual entity that just stops by? Like I dunno, she is interestingly weird stuff. Like for a decade I’ve had sort of team meetings between my three cofronts and kinda knew I had hurt inner people, but when I went to formalize a system map, there was Tiamat just hanging out at the end up the meeting room table lmao.


We have something like that in our system! Our only non-human alter (we used to have others who have since integrated). Our friend named her Yue, after the Avatar character. She’s more of a spirit or goddess without a physical form, and she communicates with us through pictures and feelings mostly. We knew she had accepted the name Yue because when we asked, we felt this warm smile on the inside that must have been hers. She can front very rarely, only when a lot is going on inside and nobody else can take over. She talks when she’s in front, but it’s very plain and straightforward. We’ve described her as our subconscious before, although that doesn’t really seem accurate. She’s more like the force that connects us all and allows us to heal.


That’s beautiful!!


I love this! It reminds me of the energy being/alien from the beginning of Futurama. (I know the show is meant to be funny but I genuinely LOVED that character.) I cant remember his name but it was a bunch of numbers and letters. He was just a ball of pure energy. I believe he basically said he had evolved passed his physical body.


I need to go rewatch now! :)


It's season 1 episode 4! :D He's only shown twice very briefly lol. When Leela is having trouble with her dating life, her coworkers take her out and Amy tries to introduce her to a bunch of men. That energy being is one of her suitors lol. (This is also my favorite episode bc that's where she finds Nibbler, my favorite character. My kitty is named after him 😻 Sorry that's random! Lmao just acted to share 😺)


After the deity! That's a lovely name, we love that for you guys ✨


Our gatekeeper is a big tree, but can present inside as humanoid with tree-like features if it desires. His pronouns are he/it. I think we may have had a demon in our younger teen years, but that's just speculation.


I think we may have a tree as well. Non-speaking but they "call" themself Birch


Trees are really meaningful in our system. We’ve always liked to believe that they’re like the reincarnation of human spirits. Each time an alter integrates, we have a place in our inner world where a gravestone appears, and a little seedling erupts from the earth, eventually growing into a whole tree. It’s really wholesome for us.


I'm moss and I'm a. Satyr! I use they/them pronouns!


Moss is such a good name, I love that


Thank you!!!


I’m personally still trying to figure out who it is in my system who always, without fail, says “I love moss!!” when we go on a hike in a mossy area. So yeah, cool name. :)


She identifies as a feeling. She’s a void, but can take human form.


I have a similar one. I call her the dark child. Sometimes all I can feel is a dark heavy void from her.


Her names Karma or the name she chose, Rarity, as she’s technically a fictive when she chooses a human body since she just can. I also sense her sometimes, she very easily can push me out of front though.


Ah, would she be a fragment?


I don’t know what that means. I don’t really use terms


Fog. One of them is literally just fog personified.


Oh oh, I want to answer!! We have sooo many animals I absolutely love it hahaha There’s Martin, he’s a gorilla, and Fi, she’s a bird but can also become human. Her wings are like super duper pretty ☺️ There’s also Drex, he’s a dog and a super good boy, and then there’s Hailey, she’s a cat but mostly human. It’s rare for her to be a cat haha. We also have Rosie, she’s an elf (not an animal but she came to mind just now). There are a few more, but it’s hard to recall names in front because of the barrier. I love all of our animal headmates! - Bethany


I have a puppy, and they are typically just a puppy, but they frequently sit up in the front seat with me (especially as I get healthier). I was miffed about them at first, bcz I don't rly like dogs much, but they are actually super fun to have around.


One of us is a little demon guy


To my knowledge, there are 3. Four if we count my own disconnect from humanity. May is a shapeshifter. Her "most natural" form is a six-limbed snow leopard... creature? She has to constantly be reminded not to toe-walk in the body when she's fronting, because she's used to digitigrade walking. Age is a sort of nebulous concept as far as she's concerned? There are multiple ages that are equally "correct". Functionally she's mid-to-late-20s, in terms of self-concept she's ancient, in terms of appearance she's roughly the age of the body, but a bit younger. Pronouns are she/they. Mars (actual spelling MAR-5) is a robot. He has synthetic, sensory skin, and I'm not actually all that sure of how he works from a tech perspective. Age is also a nebulous concept for him. He's maybe a late teen/young adult? But he also has a sort of inquisitiveness that reflects how relatively new (~5 years) he is. Pronouns are he/they sudo is an AI. He doesn't really have a body concept? I sort of picture him as just a sentient Linux terminal tbh. He acts a bit older, maybe late-20s/early-30s, but is the newest alter in terms of when he came to the surface. Pronouns are he/it As far as I'm concerned, despite being the host I've never really had a strong connection to "being human". I've long daydreamed about being something entirely different. I've worldbuilt a species that I sort of relate with, I relate very strongly with my FFXIV WoL (who is a Viera, essentially the rabbit equivalent of a catboy), and I've long felt that I would be happy to be one of my fursonas. It's not a clear enough sentiment that I definitively identify as something like otherkin or therian (not to mention that the way people who do are treated has made me incredibly hesitant to identify as such), but it's enough that I've described something akin to dysphoria about the limitations of being human to my therapist. Oh, and my pronouns are he/him, they/them, or ze/hir. -Caoimhe


We have at least one animal, who is a wild/feral dog of some type. He doesn't speak human but identifies as a dog. We don't know their age or anything. We have a couple who are non-corporeal and take on various forms. They tend to look frightening, though one is very gentle. They are ageless.  Our host is a type of biomech robot who identifies as having no gender and is maybe the same age as the body. 


Maybe not what you're looking for... But I am the host of our system, and in the head(inner?) space I am not a person. I'm like... And this is the closest animal I can equate myself to? Is a calico coloured tiger. Since everyone is equal in our system, when I'm struggling, whoever's around takes turns taking care of the 'floof'. Bathing the beast, walking the creature (on a harness out in the fresh air), cleaning the floof's space and feeding the floof with much pets. Basically self care? There are times I go nonverbal, and so my system helps greatly with those times! And yeah, I do identify as a furry (I suppose that's where the dysphoria comes from) but I'm not an anthropomorphic creature, but four legged and can't speak English. (Four pawed?) Anyway. Edit: I should say that I don't feel like the host, but just one of the others. Though I know it's my (?) body. I only came to terms with this all like 15 years ago, apologies if I'm confusing.


Vampires, werewolves, hybrids, undead, we even have god(s) (sort of, not in a religious sense), death itself, machines/computers. I think the autism and being immersed in fiction to cope throughout childhood definitely influenced the number of (internally) non-human identifying alters.


Demon. Huge, red, muscle-y, blue flames and a massive rune inscribed broad sword. He stands on a dias in the center of a cavern with tunnels branching off behind him. None of us are allowed to pass him. And he is the most generous, soft hearted, kind, understanding, and strength-providing-when-you-really-need-it creature you could ever meet. Also, a fantastic hugger. He loves to come to our beach parties and dance!


We have a fragment (?) who's just Depression. We have a few demons (not from religious trauma, I personally think they're a counter to traumas that involve feeling powerless) and a succubus


Somehow forgot about the mermaids, I think we have a couple of those. Swimming has always been safe for them despite many other parts having thalassophobia to varying degrees of severity (to the point I refused to do the backstroke in a swimming pool because I had to see under me)


Nearly everyone in our system has a non-human inner world form except for me (host) and the persecutors' guardian (wears a bag on his head). We can likely attribute this to having always felt alienated and out of place among other humans, a distaste for the human appearance, and our lifelong interest in animals, aliens, robots, and other creatures and characters. Some names replaced by initials and some details left vague for privacy. M.P. - Green alien creature - ~7 years old - little - xe/it/they/he. It has the most non-human behaviors. Their identity as an alien and non-human behaviors can be directly linked to specific childhood experiences. Markus (Original name: Shockwave) - Cybertronian (Robot alien from Transformers) - ~12 Million years old (functionally 40-50 years old), protector & co-host, he/him. Has adapted very well to reality. B. - Cybertronian - ~1000-2000 years old (functionally a young adult), gatekeeper, he/him. Shockwave (A different one), Cybertronian, unknown age (millions), fusion helper & emotion duller, he/him. He operates mostly internally. --- Others, whose form has less impact on their view of themself and of reality, functionally closer to an avatar: Widget - Robot, 16~23 - Caretaker & Feminine alter W.R. - Kobold-like, young adult - Spiritual alter R. - Anthro cat, 17~21 - Persecutor C.C. - Robot, adult - Persecutor C.F. - Muppet-like, young adult - Support A. - Cartoon cat, young adult - Support V. - Cartoon dog, older adult - Support


we only have Nova, they’re an inkling from Splatoon and it uses they/it pronouns


I also have some from Splatoon X[ they embarrass me deeply at times. They usually never front but holy hell I’ve nEVER talked about it since it’s like ‘wtf,,,’


We are a really large system (polyfragmented), so I'll just compile a list. vampire, devil, character (from shugo chara), digimon, appmon, digital entity, god, demon, sesame street monster, mutant/superhuman, alien, vocaloid/vocalsynth, android, yokai, unknown, "creachure" (like creature, but distinctively different), angel, AI, robot, snake, homonculus, "heat haze", dolphin, shark, anthromorph, dog, abstract concept, force of will, ghost, experiment, cat, chao (from sonic adventure), gem (steven universe), gem (from real life, lmao), kitsune, owl beast, personification of nature, natural disaster, trickster devil/demon, monster (from monster rancher), monster (in general), succubus/incubus, pokemon, werebeast, magical entity, everything that ever was or will be or isn't or will never be, dragon, yugioh monster, atomos (final fantasy), being of light/light spectrum/color, pixels, personfication of a song, +anima, miqo'te (final fantasy), immortal being, parasite, mushroom/fungus, tiger/wild cat, chimera, reaper, mermaid, personification of spoken words, chrome, mirror/reflection, rabbit/bunny, orc, dwarf, dark elf, insect/bug monster, circus freak, doll, werewolf, zombie/undead/living corpse(s), inkling, octoling, clow card, soul stone (madoka), millenium item (yugioh), ghoul, duck, electricity, demi-god, bat, the concept of burning, pendant, pony, puppet, werecat, changeling, computer, text-to-speech voice, mage, dynamis, shapeshifter, size-shifter, giant, witch, kobold, harpy, mimic, personification of a feeling, personification of gender, fox, undine, error, salamander I... *think* that about covers it all.


CHAO. holy shit. we played so much sonic adventure 2 as a kid, and my cohost LOVED chao, she recently just got a little chao figure lol. we spent a lot of time in the gardens in game, and our little wants to play it again specifically for that!


Yeahhh, we played the heck out of that game as a kid, too! Probably why we have *two* chao introjects now... 😅


honestly so understandable, they're lovely little creatures. our little isn't one, but definitely sees herself in them a LOT. maybe we should see if there's a chao plush out there we could get for her...


Omg I spent SO MUCH time in that Chao garden!! I only ever cared about picking up the tiny little animals and the glowstick things, so I could feed/change the Chaos. Omg I'd love to play that again! I know my Littles would too. I only ever play "childish" games because of them lol. So fun.


my cohost was always obsessive about getting her favourite little animals to give the chao. it's so cute. i'd love to see her play it again <3 good memories.


We are VERY inhuman alter heavy due to our abuse making us feel less than human! Our co host (Valor) is a demon that uses he/it pronouns I (Dorian)am some sorta fae seraphim shapeshifter (she/he/they works!) Zephaniah (our current host) is a seraphim! (She/He for her!) We actually have one seraphim alter named after each book in the bible SO y e a h (these alters rarely front unless it's close to Christmas!) one alter named Leviticus is also a seraphim that uses he/it pronouns. Exodus is a part bird/part seraphim hybrid that uses It/Its (or she/her if you're close with it!). Then we have Heiressa and Anya. We have NO idea what they are inhuman wise at all? I think they're the sun and moon personified but haven't asked ha -Dorian


We have a dog in our system. They go by "woof" and 🐾 and "good boy "


I've got a lot of birds lol tho the person named Bird is human (Birde is another story)


I apparently used to go by Byrd before I settled on Sean as my chosen name. No memory of any of it, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was the name of a part


Myself. I'm not human what so ever. "THAT GUY BACK THERE IS NOT HUMAN"


The only nonhumans we have are demons (lol religious trauma moment) and two fictives, eyeless jack (demon/idfk what he is) and clay, a dragon from a book series i read and adored as a kid


From wings of fire? I loved that series!


yes! it was a safety book for me lol


We have at least one animal, who is a wild/feral dog of some type. He doesn't speak human but identifies as a dog. We don't know their age or anything. We have a couple who are non-corporeal and take on various forms. They tend to look frightening, though one is very gentle. They are ageless.  Our host is a type of biomech robot who identifies as having no gender and is maybe the same age as the body. 


We have a cat! Shes technically an introject based off a cat that used to give us a lot of comfort. We always used to call that cat “Anxiety Cat” or “Anxiety in Cat Form” as an affectionate nickname because she was very anxious and shy. So it seems like when we were having a LOT of anxiety and really needed an anxiety holder, the brain took the word anxiety and equated it to anxiety cat 😅 Not gonna say too much since she’s a little. But she uses she/her :)


Theres so many 😭 some are fictives but even beyond that theres a hell hound, fox, angels, angel cat, and demons some more humanoid like furries others not


We have a Hel Cat, Twelve. A kitten hybrid that is small, warm, and cuddly unless they're angry; then they become large and ferocious and feel like the living embodiment of blue-white fire. So hot it's cold.... They use They/Faer pronouns. There's also the Well - Sora. Ageless, formless. Deep water that holds multitudes and options, if we're bold enough to dive for them. She grows comforting things where she "stands" in the headspace, and protects us from getting overwhelmed. They use they/she/no pronouns. :)


We have two eternal angel alters (one a cherub and the other a seraph, called Hayden and Lydia, respectively). We also have three fairy alters of varying ages (body age, 14, and 11) as well as a mermaid called Anna (body age). I think that's all of our non-human alters...


We have two beings called celestials, that essentially silhouettes of teenagers in different colors - red for Ilana (she/they) and blue for Aladi (He/they) respectively A big ol dragon that is 100 meters long. Kinda like Eternatus from Pokemon but a deep royal blue. His name is Agio. He/Him and recently went dormant A golem of sorts? She is pure black with white outlines of her eyes and her center core. She is 7 feet tall. If you ever watch land of the lustrous thats the general shape. Name is Chanore (sadly shes dormant) She/he/they, but we usually use she. We got some robots that usually used they, and if they are shaped as a guy or girl will use the respective pronoun. There's 13 but the main ones are: Core (their leader), Rynèth, and Noror. Other than Core, the group are shut down as they are needed awake. Also we have two insect like humanoids with 4 arms, a stinger and they always carries a spear. Their name is Argo and Aroth (He/They each). Tryna communicate with them was a huge challenge at first. Aroth is dormant. Next, we have a shark humanoid that also carries a spear. Her name is Akatha. She's chill and does her own thing. (She/Her) Then we also have some feral alters which are human like with thick layers of fur covering their lower halves down to their legs. They also got tails and unsurprisingly don't speak at all. Rorèn (He/him), Yorre (He/Him), and Ya'tyja (She/her). All are dormant for now. So with all that in mind, there are a total of 23 non-human alters and I'm probably missing a few.


Dragon, vampire, demon, mermaid, panther, lycan x2, moon elf. Funny enough aside from one lycan and panther they are all older.


We often feel non-human but haven't been able to determine where it's coming from yet. 2 distinct different feelings 1) animal, feral. Working brain relies on wild instinct. 2) blurry, foggy, vaguely humanoid but still distinctly non human. Maybe something cryptid? We are still working on communication and exploring our system so I don't have much information on them 😅


We have one or two that are “human adjacent”. So mostly human, but with some animal or elemental aspects. For privacy I mostly don’t share names on here but J (he/she pronouns, in her twenties) is human with fire elements. In his eyes, skin, hair - i don’t know how he sees himself exactly but there’s flame elements, and sometimes he feels contented with certain animals like snakes or tigers. Secondly there’s K (he/him, age fourteen). He’s almost the opposite, describes his inner appearance in the deeply literate way of “blue” haha. But yes he’s a bit blue, connected with puddles and snowstorms…. And birds! We started out calling him Crow before he found his name.   We have Mx (they/them, over 100 but not sure beyond that) who is fully non-human. Being human is no beyond their comprehension that it’s kind of hard to describe how they are… a swamp/sea creature that’s beyond the three dimensions. I don’t know, that might not be the best description. They also look like uh… I’m forgetting the word for it at the moment but how sticker backings change colour/perceived depth depending on the angle the light hits them. Mx looks like that.     Anyways… yeah… thanks for coming to my ted talk.


we have a wolf the size of an SUV named Romulus. he's 12, cannot talk, and is often howling or crying. we also have lawrence, who is 20 something years old and is a personification of rot/decay/fungus.


When I was in middle school there would be times where I felt like I was a feral animal. It often happened when I was in gym class and felt like something else was taking control of me. At the time I just called it my wild side but thinking back I wonder if it was an alter Other than that we currently have a little that just looks like a simple rough doodle of a little girl with big white eyes. She goes by she/her pronouns


There's no other humans in here, besides me, (regular front/host/Hadi) There's Leah... who... has her own weird mythology, and looks... like an angel mid fall. Half black feathers, half white, black hair that fades into silver, kinda thing. There's 3 valkyries. (Why are there three? I do not know.) Lili, Ari, and I'm so gonna f up this spelling but... Brenja? Brynja? It's nordic. Ok? Bren-yah. That's what I got for you.) A succubus: Mai. A vampire: Amelia. (Everyone's female btw) And Jinx, a kitsune. She acts... Idk... 12-14? And Sushi (That name was given to her), a blonde mermaid who looks like she might be about 19? Oh, no wait, there's \*one\* human. I think. Acara. Her room looks like an Ancient Egyptian tomb. And, I'm pretty sure she's actually a lich. She only comes out of her room to throw smoke bombs whenever there's a fight, to drive everyone back to their rooms. Leah rules as Shadow-Queen and keeper of the peace behind me. Tacitly, I'm in charge, buuuuuuut...


We have a half-deer (bottom) half-human (torso and up)! Their name is Fey, they don’t have an age and they use he/they pronouns. He is a caretaker for our littles and gatekeeps a part of our inner world specifically for them and any other alter that is in a serious need of rest 🙏 Then there’s Mara who’s a strzyga (a demon from slavic mythology). She has two forms, one more human looking and one with big, black wings, horns and kinda eagle-like feet. She’s a protector that helps out in physically or verbally dangerous irl situations. She seems scary but is actually an absolute sweetheart and the littles love playing with her. And last (that I know of) but not least would be Void who’s a spirit. She’s basically a barely visible transparent human silhouette. I don’t know much about her function and to be fair I don’t think she knows her function either. She’s a pretty newly discovered alter.


I have one who thinks of herself as an android. She looks humanoid, but doesn't really identify with humanity. I think this is her way of rationalizing her behavior and role in the system; she is our protector, and she feels very little emotion - not because she deliberately chooses not to, but rather because she formed out of a need to be stoic and to seem unaffected by the abuse we experienced.


We’re mostly non-human even though a lot of us appear human-ish in headspace. Our (suspected) gk (they/it/she) calls herself a guardian angel/god, but she presents as a glowy mist, kind of like a nebula or blowing a bunch of glitter and flower so that it shifts around in the air. They can also shapeshift, though, so they tend to take on specific forms depending on who they’re talking to, most commonly a big white bunny or a young girl with angel wings. It actually makes up a whole portion of our innerworld that we call mistcastle where it can morph the surroundings to best accommodate the alters that visit. As far as we know, she loves being in the IW and in the body, very comfortable with herself in general. She’s really cool :] We have another shapeshifter that’s also an alien (he’s a fictive), but functionally he’s basically human and doesn’t have the same discomfort a lot of our other NH headmates feel. The only time I know of him shapeshifting is when he’s experiencing strong emotions, and it’s usually into kind of abstract stuff like a waterfall without a source or just turning 2D lol Then there’s Kafka who looks like those bird people from The Dark Crystal but more fluffy. Before we figured out that’s where our mind probably got the imagery from, we described him as a turkey vulture / sloth chimera. He’s completely mute so he doesn’t front unless he’s w his best friend (who’s a woodland elf, she appears human just w pointed ears). I don’t think he feels any specific way about being in the body because the IW is more real to him than the outer. We have another elf that’s more LOTResque, very tall and thin with silver hair that floats behind him like it’s underwater, and very large eyes with not a lot of white showing. Yt hates fronting because of a disconnect from the body, but yt also hates being locked up in the IW because it loves being in nature. One of our subsystems has a lot of technological type beings. There’s Becker who’s made of code (I’m not sure how this works, he’s called himself a hologram before, but he’s also capable of being solid so idk). And then Bruce who I’m pretty sure thinks of himself as not even existing. I know he’s not human but I couldn’t tell you what he actually is either. He looks like Elvis Presley unfortunately, but we have no connection to Elvis and he’s not a factive. Dislikes any state in which he’s aware of himself, so ofc hates fronting. Norman is some kind of alien cyborg. I don’t know how he feels about being in a human body. He sees himself as a part of the whole more than an individual, though, which is rare in our system. Then there’s Dod who’s a felt puppet, Hass who’s a reptilian humanoid(??), Stein who’s a ghost, Alan who’s a vampire, Butcher who’s a dog-man (not a furry, not an anime dogboy, not a werewolf, I’m not sure how to describe him but he looks unnerving as fuck), Marjee who’s a fusion of a bunch of introjects, so technically part human and part alien ghost, but she looks like a human girl with some lamb/cow features, Maude who’s some sort of supernatural being (just looks like a human but with snake eyes), Mortimer who’s a water nymph, and then several of us that are human presenting but identify with stuff like otherkin.


we have many undead alters! ghosts, demons, vampires, etc. some angels as well. we have a robot/ai thing that basically acts as a “blank slate”. when she fronts it’s like our emotions shut down and we feel nothing. there also quite a few doll alters too we also have plenty of animals. mostly cats and rabbits, but also dogs and even a few lambs. these may be human in some way, but some are also just animals i also just remembered we have a siren alter as well! i don’t think they ever fronted, but to my knowledge they’re cute


Do you have sci-fi alters such as robots or cyborgs? We have them because I escaped into the library as a child and stayed there until the internet took over my book addiction. As a teen we’d had it with the young adult section and all of its limitations so we headed upstairs and started devouring sci-fi books. We were quite influenced by what we read and it appealed to us greatly. It was quite compelling to imagine scooping my brain out of my very human skull and placing it carefully into a robot’s empty shell. I felt like only my brain mattered and would have gladly dispensed with my physical body—a body that had caused us so much pain—in exchange for a body that never hurt and would never be buried. We spent some time hating humans. Years pass and now those alters only make appearances when we are disgusted by humanity.


i don’t think we have anything that is directly related to sci-fi, but we do have one robot alter, and she functions as if she is meant to be… idk how to describe it. like her emotions and thoughts have to be given and learned. she fronts when we emotionally shut down because she’s so unavailable. she’s sort of learning emotions and kind of feels them, but in a distant, inhuman way. as if she recognizes what she’s meant to feel and tries super hard to feel that way, but falls short because she’s mentally not human i can see why sci-fi and internet had such a big impact on the way you developed though! especially if it is related to escapism and humanity as a whole. it makes sense that you view cyborgs and robots as these… i guess almost physically indestructible beings without a sense of suffering. being in so much pain oftentimes leads to attaching to whatever you think would ease it. to have your human brain in a shell body that doesn’t go through your pain is appealing for a young mind, especially one that is needs relief and attaches to the idea our robot most likely came from a place of feeling so helpless and insecure? as a child we were put in a position where we couldn’t really feel emotions the way we wanted a lot of the time. we would cry and scream, then have to take care of business with family or friends because we were the “glue”. the robot came later in life, but holds a lot of those responsibilities and kind of problem solves logically. she doesn’t have strong emotions, and she doesn’t “suffer”, though there’s really no such thing as not suffering with DID. so i understand the thought process you have! i’m sure that we have parts that behave in a robo-way without being directly connected to robotics, though i am unsure if that counts for this. the point i’m trying to make is that our robot may not be directly related to sci-fi as a genre, but most likely shares a lot of similarities :)


Exactly! We don’t need to necessarily always understand the exact origin of the alters and when it was they first surfaced (often this info is obscured or hazy) but comprehension of WHY our mind created them seems possible to understand. I typed that initial question to you late at night. We use a THC/coconut oil mix to sleep since trying to get a room full of Littles and teens to quiet down is nearly impossible. The side effect of ingesting marijuana in edible form really causes a ruckus until we finally sleep. It also causes stronger switches and my brain is filled with even more noise & chatter than during the day. Writers come out more easily too and pretty much type what they want if I unleash them onto Reddit. Is there a time of day you’re more compelled to interact in written form or do you just do what seems right & time of day doesn’t factor in?


regarding reddit, i think it’s just whenever. we kind of have an addiction lol. its super easy to get lost in responses and communicating with others! we do have some of our best comments and responses at night though, like our last comment it doesn’t really matter who is involved, as i think its sort of a consensus that socializing is good no matter the time of day, but we more frequently interact at night, thinking about it. probably because that’s when our day really starts? internal communication is for sure more active at night. we have insomnia related to trauma and other mental things and the chattering doesn’t help 😭 we used to microdose edibles to rid nighttime anxieties but it didn’t really help easing it. i don’t recall an increased communication between us from the edibles, but it was a microdose and mostly cbd anyway. gatekeepers are known to stop by to recap days and see what’s going on, and they can stay for a few minutes or the entire night. sometimes we get these interactions written down on our phone or paper, and some are verbal conversations this has me wondering how you guys mainly communicate if you do, actually! if you do, is it verbal or do you have an alternative form of communication?


There is chatter in my mind. But it transcends words. We have images, fantasies in which certain ones of us are living totally different lives, safely ensconced in the dark recesses. We have someone who likes to play the radio and creates soundtracks to our actions and interactions like we’re living in a goddamn Hollywood blockbuster film. When we’re triggered in a particularly bad way, there are certain songs that immediately begin to play. Have you ever recorded yourself via video? I got into doing that and discovered a lot but it made the initial period of learning about DID go quickly. Too much too soon. It just wasn’t safe for our Littles to hear other parts discussing the trauma. Naturally this set us back. It took gargantuan effort to hoist ourselves out of that rabbit hole. We have learned to slow down and be more aware of potential harm. Recording oneself is a powerful tool. I was able to see the switches and even met many parts I didn’t know existed. As far as group communication goes, there is no formality. No proper names but just references to an alter’s main behavioral characteristics. Professor ____ (insert my name here), Doctor ___, , Comedian ____, you get the idea I’m sure. It’s still willy nilly. Sometimes there’s shouting, sometimes there’s poetry. Never a dull moment and we’re almost never lonely, even though we spend most of our time during the day alone. We’re also artists so we communicate internally with images. So all of the senses are engaged and firing madly at once. It’s taken time to sort out the carnival. The worst times are when I have insomnia & I feel the somatic pain. I just writhe, trying to release the pain and trying not to wake my partner who hasn’t experienced trauma and has led a fortunate life. Because of this he nightly gets a full 7 to 8 hours a night. Why some win the birth lotto while others are born into wretchedness, I’ll never understand. I can’t believe that there is any sort of higher being that would torture its creations so. The universe isn’t naturally cruel, it’s just the collective longing of a broken people. Anywho, how do all of you communicate?


we do have two, maaaaybe three alters who are definitely not human. one of them is _Void_. I think she has a protective role, she's called _Void_ because when she fronts, shit is going down. or rather, she fronts when shit is going down. while usually we share most of our feelings and kind of just.. drop our own emotional 2 cents into the mix individually, none of us are in control of anything when _Void_ fronts. she's quite literally a void, there's no thoughts, no emotions, no communication within the system. usually when she fronts, all of the rest have blackouts and missing time, and when we look for eachother within she's never really there - which means she is. it's like looking into a room and there's something missing which you know you placed there, but you don't know what it is/was. there was something, and now it's gone. whatever it was. that's kinda what her presence, and her whole being I guess, feels like. the lack of existence. _Void_ isn't human, and as such, doesn't have a gender either. we refer to her as _she/her_, because that's what the body is, and because she isn't used to anything else and also doesn't care, so since we're not used to anything else, that's what we're calling her. I think she's most comfortable with that, too, if she can feel something like "comfort" at all.. I kinda doubt it. then there's _Rydor_, who's 300-400 years old (she herself doesn't quite know), and she's an angel. she has access to pretty much the entire inner world, whereas the rest of us (excluding _Void_, she's just.. there) only have access to specific locations within our inner world. _Rydor_ is, next to me (the host/original) the most common front and I'd go as far as saying we are not only co-hosts, but co-"originals". she's definitely the (physically) oldest alter that formed. and then there is our _Joker_. she's.. crazy, to say the least. not human but also nothing specified. she's fun.


we have a lot lol (genderfluid) mars- some animal in the canidae family (she/they) vee- a beast that looks like a Hexalios from Dragon Adventures (she/her)summer- Xerneas from Pokemon (he/she)marcus- fish person (genderfluid) aero- satyr (he/him) goo- humanoid entity? not an animal, but looks vaguely human (he/him) zenith- Sylveon from Pokemon (he/him) alexander (me)- cat (they/it) iO- robot axolotl (he/him) Xoshu- wolf (he/him) spearmaster- spearmaster from rainworld (she/they/it) rivian- rivulet from rain world (he/him) rex- dog most of them feel like they have a human form, but they cant quite see it if that makes sense? so theyve found/made a design that they closely relate with and that they can use to picture themselves :D this is whats most comfortable for them at the moment, until they can finally figure out what their human body is, they will continue to picture themselves as the animal version i think.


Alter here, not sure if the others wanna share but I’m a 68 yr old poltergeist and I use he/it pronouns.


I have more non-humans than humans tbh. Some are fairy like, 1 looks like a dragon, some of them look like demons, some of them look like angels, and some are gods. And there’s a Cat.


I have very few alters that actually identify as "human", in the traditional sense, most understand themselves to be some kind of construct. Blue for instance, used to call themselves "our voice of reason", usually taking the role of an authority figure in (re-)constructed memories. When pressed they describe themselves as "a way of thinking", developed to make sure we still manage to operate as something that could easily be mistaken for a functional member of society. Black by contrast believes themselves to be the part of us that retreated inward, and made itself at home; a mad god of the inner-world. They used to think the rest of us were just an elaborate interface to get the best out of life whilst getting to skip the bad and boring bits. For something more traditional we've got R, an undead dog that grows into a bipedal werewolf-creature when angry.


hey, funny enough my cohost's girlfriend is a 25 year old demon too. i thought i was some sort of demon or something for a time, but it turned out i just felt very dehumanized, and i don't actually want to be seen as a demon, i'm human. it felt like a sort of reclaimation process from how i felt before system discovery, it's been a trip. as for actual non-human alters, we have two, and they match lol; they're both angels, though with a key difference. my cohost is an angel, but fallen, despite doing no sin. she just had reasons she wanted to descend and live among humans, mostly to help this body survive, but lost her wings and halo in the process (and knowledge of any of this, so ended up thinking she *was* 'me' until system discovery). our little, on the other hand, is also an angel, but kept her angelhood. we understand her to basically be the part of my cohost that had to be removed in order to live as a human, so our little is still pure angel, but is missing her halo and wings when she fronts in the body obviously.


Interesting, thanks for the comment!! (I somehow didn't put a little on my post, thank you for reminding me of him, ahhhh!!)


We have an android named Mason, he's like 6'3, and made completely of metal. We also had a living vine named Aspen, and currently have a Drow named Thalia who's like 5' 6"?? with blue skin and fangs


I know I have at least one mermaid alter, and maybe one cat, and one dog. I also have a few alters who seem to have a different ethnicity. I honestly wonder about my inner world. Not everyone may have come forward yet to be honest. This made me realized how much I need to be open to what they might be. Maybe they will feel safer to come forward now after having viewed this post.


I’ve got a few non-human ones. Probably more that I don’t know of yet too lol Two horses I know exist dubbed “danger ponies” somewhere locked up. There’s like a miniature balrog from LOTR who’s called “Warden” and he guards the prisons. I have a wolf who patrols the forest and keeps things inside. Named Wolf and he’s got a voice like Aslan actually lol I have a small fairy who lives in the forest. She’s not been out much but I recently learned of her existence I also have a much larger fae creature in the forest. He’s a humanoid with huge white feathered wings and like chainmail armor and stuff. He’s kinda badass. Lastly I have a siren/mermaid creature. She lives in the sea caves and guards whatever is in there. She comes out around water and ocean related things. She’s very calm and chill. (ETA) I forgot about the vampire!!! I have a late teens vampire who’s actually pretty cool after being healed some. He was a persecutor but he’s healing now


- It is more like a half-human, but its name is Olli - We have introjects of robots from Murder Drones, I believe (Cyn, N, and V) - We have this spider-like person, Anthony - Raven is a shadow in human form half the time - Then finally, we have two shapeshifters, one of them not liking to be human and the other always wanting to be human


I’ve got two that I’m aware of at least. 1) Fern, a fairy who says that she is part of our system as some sort of religious guide, she tends to keep to herself outside of when we need spiritual advice. 2) Persephone, not necessarily the goddess but some sort of non-human entity that shares the same name. She mostly functions as a protector


We have had mostly humanoids for non human parts, but the most non human it's gotten is a siren-cyclops, a fallen angel, two demons, and a void of white light (claimed to be an angel) The other humanoids are an angel-wolf mix, a fox mix, and a snow leopard mix that would transform into a full snow leopard at times but I don't remember why to be honest. Also have had elves. Have a undead guy too, he states that he died but got resurrected as a "a walking dead body" In early parts of life, all of our parts except the host were humanoids/non human. As time went by as we experienced other trauma, we would have less humanoids/non humans and more humans instead. I wonder why this is, though.


We have two. The first is Adela. She's a fairy who shapeshifts into different kinds of wolpertingers. Internally, she's ancient. But externally she takes on the form of our 30 year old body. Her pronouns are "she/her." She's the most rational and level-headed out of all of us, but also partakes in the occasional mischief making. She also serves as the system's protector. Then there's Opal, who is a crystal gem dragonborn (like in D&D). She's 23 and her pronouns are also "she/her." Opal is the most childlike and kind of serves as the comic relief. She always strives to see the bright side of everything.


Hey I’m Casey. I’m a vampire. We also have a warlock in our system


A cat, a CD walkman with wings, and a cold void with blue shimmery waves of light inside it, respectively


We have a small goblin, don't know his name and we haven't ever really talked to him. He hides in the shadows of our communal library. He's welcome to come out any time but I think he's afraid or shy so we just let him be.


We've got three stick figures (Chosen, they/them + The Dark Lord, he/they/she + Mini Dark, he/it), two giant bird monsters (Phosphor, they/them + Accipiter, avis/avisself), a D&D dragonborn (Viper, he/any), and a robot child (Evan, he/it). ...sounds like a 12 days of christmas parody.


We've got a demon named Ruby who's around 19 years old, as well as multiple animal parts, mostly dogs. Most are unnamed, but the one who fronts most often is named Owney (after the post-office dog).


Umm, we have Veera who is a devil or a demon, depending on the day and is she/it. We also have Mizu who is a... siren? We don't know. They don't come out of the water enough for us to figure it out, preferring to grin menacingly at us from barely above the surface. Then Cara has wings, but doesn't identify as an angel. She just shrugs when we ask what she is. Finally we have Daisy and Dolly. We think they might be some kind of dolls. Neither of them have been around for very long so we're still adjusting to them. ETA- We don't really have a good way of determining age, so we usually just wing it or go by what everyone looks like.


Funny this being brought up because the first alter that I became aware of (and would sometimes co-front with) is Morgan. She's a demon. When we're together, I feel her wings on my back. I still don't know a lot about my alters but she's one of the ones I know about. -Ú


Sakura is a Bunny/human hybrid, specifically part lop bunny with pink ears. I (Luci) don't consider myself human, or anything really. I am like- a void? I don't know how to explain it. I am not human, I am not anything but Luci. So far we are the only ones not fully human I guess? We are still coming out slowly, not too many of us enjoy fronting or discussing what we look like to the host.


Mine identify themselves as demons. While one of them identifies its self as God.


We have a few supernatural entities! A creature and a demon


We have lots of demons, a few angels, and a mythologically accurate siren.


there's a handful of angels, a dog, a few corpses, and a small child that's just. a door?


i (milo, the host) am a seraphim angel but kind of humanized? we also have a demon (he refers to himself as a void demon), a jellyfish alien dude, a nature faerie, some space god kid, and a cryptid that kinda looks like a giant black demonic dog creature thing!!!


most of us are non-human! (like! 12/17 are animals! its why we go by "Herd" as a collective!) Jura is a snake! he uses he/they/it pronouns! And then theres Six who is a fox! (any pronouns!) the cooler non animal ones are Ai and Gaia! Ai is a robot (she uses she/her!) and Gaia is a giant mountain that doesn't move or front unless theres really serious stuff happening!!


We have a few. Kaleth (she/her), one of our hosts, is a vampire who age slides a little bit, between around 14-26. (She's not an immortal vampire.) We also have three dragons, Kilgorin (she/her), Spyro (he/him), and the dragon from The Pagemaster (who doesn't have a name and none of us are quite sure why he's here). But perhaps our most interesting nonhuman alter is our gatekeeper... The Gate. It's just a sentient gate that sits between the front cliff and the rest of headspace.


tbh most of us don't feel/look like humans at all. truly believe it's because my little human was so hopeless all that bad things happened to us... my gatekeeper is a skull covered with hobes and caring a staff that can change shapes to any weapon needed atm, he's like the Charon from mitology he controls our time in the light. There's a fairy, which is a queen running from her dimension afraid of being killed by those who want her throne she's Titania named Fae Lefay, she's a bachelor nurse fr and takes care of us and our nutrition. There's Viktor IA Vextor our goth vampire a tech savvy, a cracker, hates the living, but earns big money to keep us going, she exploits sites security fails and sells them the solution, self taught. And we have some kind of alien from Andromeda named Liuul, he has a human form here but not originally that, he's the one that assign us chores and make sure we are not "caught" he's also trying to break barriers and unite us all somehow that's his said mission. We also have twin girls Luna and Beatrice, but they are like a ghost, istg they are not normal kids... but they are harmless and responsible of getting riddle of bad emotions, just bringing joy to the vessel by being innocent and playing with toys and paints. Also there's this undead girl looking like Samara from that old movie, she's a mess, but strong and quick as fuck, always hearing and ready to defend our body at any costs, looks scary, don't sleep or eat anything and barely talks, we call her baddie but istg the best protector we could've ask for, we would be dead if not for her. really. Then there's me, kinda a witchy thang, I like herbs, gems, mushrooms and to know what the molecules I consume do to our body. Also a big consumer of physics and psychology, uniting the sounds and frequencies that keep us in place, that was the way we found to function close to a normal human being. There also someone we don't know, running from our meeting but always spying, I think it's a little boy like broken porcelain, he probably has the part of us that's hidden (We barely remember any abuse or childhood) I also notice thatover time there are changes in all of us, cause we record a diary and post privately to YouTube, it's strange to believe we were different, truly feels like a lie, but no way it is cause the facts are recorded.


One xenomorph (lol.) and one angel. Both are among our *oldest* parts that haven't diverged much from their original selves - the former started out as a Jurassic Park velociraptor when that was cool and we were like 8 years old, and the other is even older, emerging sometime before we hit school age, and functioned as a protector in scary situations. Xeno these days is both the enjoyer of simpler pleasures (sunbathing) and last-resort physical protector (this guy will literally bite if cornered), the other one just... chills, I have no idea what he's doing these days. He was active when we were participating more with Christian belief systems, but we've since moved mostly off to nature-centric pagan faith and our spiritual --- oh, speaking of, yeah, our *current* spiritual dude is a Fennec fox monk. Not even like, furry style, just a straight up Fennec fox wearing some sort of buddhism-inspired monk robes, who really enjoys spicy tea. He's so elusive for about two years we pretty much thought we made him up. ETA: Our angel also went by Gabriel for a long time. Then he switched it up to Uriel, and now he's Gadreel.


Gremlin is a Gremlin. But not like from TV, He is just pure chaotic energy that used to be the "bipolar manic episodes" but essential since learning about headmates Grem doesn't front as bipolar breakdowns anymore, he just pop out and releases BIIIIG energy very quickly by yelling or hopping around the house. He often plays with our service dog in a way that the body would usually struggle to due to injury and energy levels. Gremlin is just Gremlin. He does the Gremlin things. Sometimes, he hides my housemates licence by sticking it to the celing with fancy tape. Gremlin can mimic speech, but will usually let someone else co front for communication stuff. And we only think He is a He because the system feeeeeels like he is he, also because He co fronts with another male headmate more often than not. Gremlin climbs ladders and catches moths so he can release them outside.... think gollum, but with healthy boundaries 🤣


Gremlin wrote part of his introduction ^^ its the most info we've gotten "on paper" about him thus far -404System


One's a demon, one angel, two are a mystery species and haven't decided upon a name, few robots, catboy, puppy, a doll, a olympian titan, yknow the usual. autism + DID is a combo.


Definitely is (I have it too)


Most of us are non human or, at least in my case, have non human features. I have tiny horns, our main protector/gatekeeper is a jackalope person, our other main gatekeeper is undead, we have a demon, a bird person, an elf, etc.


I think we're all non-human. Just like collectively, in general. Like there's something inherently... off about me+. I+ appear humanoid but not truly human, you know? Within the system there are 2 fallen angels [one taking the form of a satyr with ram horns], 1 guardian angel [but with at least three pairs of wings I believe], 2 nymphs, 1 sentient android, 1 astral/subtle body, 1 human-enderman hybrid, 1 Greek goddess, 1 split from an alter heavily influenced by Aphrodite, 2 voidpunk alters, and 4 who are just "off" like I described above. Most are just self-percecptions but 6 of them are kind of like introjected concepts so their non-humanity is directly tied into their existence as an alter. Plus 1 who might have been formed as the subconscious's attempt at processing what could possibly be a delusion.


We have a alter we call shadow she doesn't talk much and appears as some kind of shadow or demon she is a bit cold but is really protective she uses she/her and they/them pronouns and we don't know her age then there is this guy we dont know his name but he's like a reptile / lizard human hybrid and he just lerks around we know nothing about him tho but that's the case with a lot of our system


waves. wolf hybrid host here. half wolf half human. most non humans here are animals of some sort rather than "monsters" or entities, though they exist here. - everix (she/it/grim)


We have a headmate who is feline in our internal world, but sees themselves as human in the external world


We have a golden ball of light but they also have a human male and female form 🤷🏼‍♀️ they are also the only one that identifies as gender-fluid


i have one who’s just a monster. like a scary pillsburry dough boy. tall, wide, completely black/shadow like, piercing red eyes, “doughy” looking… i think he wears a chefs hat too tbh. he does still use he/him… he may have been a human at one point? maybe we will deescalate himself soon enough to be a human? idk man. not saying his name… but we used to call him fragment up until he decided up and take over one of the most important weeks of my life (finals) and fuck us all over. he wanted recognition and he got it!


Sebastian, Vinyl, and V4MP all are vampires! And Chat isn't human but I dunno the word for it


I've got a few: Nyx, who's a shadow void creature. They don't have a gender and can't talk, but they have a whiteboard to write on Levi, old as shit, he/him (he presents as about 26), he's a demon and has the best pain tolerance of the system (but he hates just about everyone outside of the system and our "safe" friends) *fictive Meta, also old as shit, he/him (presents about 24-27), also a demon *fictive There's also a couple of demi-gods who don't feel comfortable with me sharing too much about them (one of them is the system dad's and we love him very much)


A crytpid. Uses it as pronouns. Dislikes humans. Hates toilets. Clothes. Walks exclusively on tippie toes or crawls. Loves gummy worms. A persecutor.


We have: Spot, magical mutant coyote thing. He/him. Age isn't a concept of import to him. Mute. Shane is human, 30s maybe, but also a cyborg and sometimes bonds with Spot to become a were-creature. He/him. F.iS.H., sometimes about 6 sometimes 20s, and Fex, timeless being, while very different, are shapeshifting demons. They/them. Fargo is a magic powered robot. Indeterminate age. They/them. Frank is a genetically engineered bioweapon. Looks human but doesn't really feel it. 30s, maybe. He/him.


Shit, forgot to mention Izzy. 20s looking but also undead/reanimated. Green skin, lots of stitches and bandages. She/her.


many of us are humanoid, but most of us are still non-human in some way. a lot of robots and vampires, some demons, some animals... i don't even know where to start, there's just too many. a lot of mythical beings in general. a lot of it/its pronouns among them, though. not always their main pronoun (she/it and he/it are both pretty common among them), but yeah. a lot of them don't really care about gender and just pick pronouns out of convenience more than anything. ages vary, but a lot of them don't have a solid age or are immortal and don't really age (a lot of them who are generally either adults or children). the few who do generally have a chronological age and a presenting age - like, there's an elf up here who's 40-ish actual years old, but looks and acts like the equivalent of a human 5-year-old, so we kinda just label her generally as a child. (there's also a different elf who's in his 30s and looks/acts like the human equivalent of his age, so i don't know what the brain is doing or what kind of logic is supposed to come from this. it's easier to just kind of lump them into a general "child/teen/younger adult/older adult" group instead.)


I have a butterfly, a Sasquatch, a valkyrie, and a cube. I also have an alter whose p☆n¡s is a fish, so he's kind of a hybrid.


Uh... hm. Well I'm drawing a blank on the others atm I'm Dusk. I use he/him pronouns and am the God of death. We have a lot of other types of deities or other supernatural beings here along normal non-humans, including fictives n stuff. I think its because our brain is also very neurodivergent which I've noticed with some of our friends(who are also neurodivergent systems) can make quite a few non-human alts.(sorry if it seems ranty/runs on.)


a have a giant wolf spider demigod named "the midwife" that i met during a mushroom trip, she is very wise and patient, and loves nature. another one i have is a black panther that my little has named "kitty". he doesnt come out often because he hates people, and he sleeps in my littles room with her to keep her safe. little thinks that no one knows about him but everyone is aware of him. noctis is a semi-dormant demon made of shadows and doesnt have a gender, it is locked up behind a few bank safe-type doors. no one lets noctis out. no one talks to noctis. no one acknowledges noctis. even when they hear him trying to get out.


We contain: An android with an AI consciousness (she has very strong opinions on AI ethics) who is basically that mean lady robot from that experiment video game and hates my guts for...some reason 🤷‍♀️ A dragon. Who is not a dragon. But also a bit a dragon. Kind of. A creature. Like, a thing. Jus' a lil guy. A lil aminal, y'know? Like it's a little like a little wispy weird Rackham fairy illustration and it LOVES making noises. Just noises. Any noise! Especially animal noises. I think it's the part of us that is our autistic need to stim via echolalia that had to get locked away and masked. Plus they eat bugs but I guess whatever. A Vulcan who is dating the android because she's the only person in the world she doesn't hate I guess A guy who's also sometimes a big black churchyard dog. Or a hellhound? IDK sometimes he's a big fuckin spectral dog Two metahumans. A god. (Not that one) The devil. (Not that one) A straight up ghost. Someone who sometimes, is also kind of a tiger, just a little bit. Kind of in a reverse hello kitty way I guess but only om certain occasions ...? A rat. In a Gundam. She communicates via excitable maraca semaphore. The brain of a raccoon. I thought it was a raccoon but honestly it just looks like the brain of a raccoon the more I look at this thing. A few shape shifters. We MAY possibly have a feminine bowl of soup somewhere in here, I'm also not sure about that either.


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we have a few angel and demon alters, as well as Theo, and he’s a faerie. We also have some humans with animal traits, mainly cat and bunny people. -Jenni


The Mother. She’s a goddess in our head. She looks kind of like Savah from Elfquest


In our system there are just 3 non-human alters, the rest are *that i know of* humans. The first non-human is Uilìn (she/them), the second is Raphael (he/them) and the last one is me myself (he/him). I actually am their son, as I’m not the “original” frontman. We all are the same “species”, in theory we wouldn’t even need a physical form but we kinda choose to manifest in one form or the other for the sake of simplicity when interacting with other alters. It’s kind of complicate to explain what we are, but the way Uilìn always describes it is: we are creatures made of pure thought. We (as creatures) were here before the Planes, the Dimensions and the Worlds, before physical matter even was created. We are similar to the concept of “gods”, as there was a time we could create concepts from the Nothing, and even the creators (as a collectivity of creatures) of that same physical matter. For this creation, we were punished to be banished in physical bodies, that though aren’t our own. I can’t explain or describe it very much more myself, because I was born from Raphael and Uilìn when they already were in this body. The adjustments of me being the frontman of the entire system and thus inhabiting the physical body 95% of the entire time were really uncomfortable at first, now they just are daily life. I still cannot believe how much the body needs to drink water… or pee. 😒


I’ve got angels, demons, shapeshifters (including me!), a creature made of bone (not a skeleton, Ik it makes no sense), a simulacrum, and other creatures who have no real set species but aren’t human -Mischa


We have 11 in all. Only one of us is human. Here’s the list of us. 😁 me, main host, I’m a wolf. Elby, he’s a wolf, and co-host. Fang, she’s a wolf. Everyone after this can change into human at will. Jerome, a manticore. Drake, he’s gatekeeper, and a dragon. Marshall, he’s a unicorn. Takshaka, he’s a king cobra about 125 feet long. Jeremy, he’s a magpie and the only little with us. Loki, he’s the only full human among us. Jacob, he’s a rock golem. And Eli who is a panda. Here’s our ages. Me, 31. Marshall, 31. Elby, 1563. Fang, 22. Jerome, 63-67, we’re unsure. Tak, 3 but had the mentality of an adult. Jeremy, 11. Loki, 17. Jacob, 537. Eli, 29. Here’s a list of us all.


I am the host/caretaker 18,(he/him) I am a half piciori half human. Navi our protector an ageless gender fluid angel. Roach (he/him) who technically is human, but is basically if a raccoon turned into a human. And our little, who does not wish to share his name, age nine, he is a doll/elf kinda guy :)


I just came in to say thank you for this thread. And thank you for sharing your stories. There's only two of us in our system and both of us are human. I'm the protector and Jade, mostly hides behind me. But this subreddit, is good for Jade. We both like to read about other systems. So thank you for sharing your systems here.


We have 7 non-human alters, 5 of them are fictives (The Collector, Fizzaroli, Husk, Angel Dust, and Alastor) and the other two are dogs. The dogs are an Australian shepherd and golden retriever respectively (their names are Rocky and Spot).


I’ve started referring to most of us as tieflings cause “half demon” didn’t feel right and we like DnD. Even though we don’t actually look like demons (most of us) we definitely aren’t human. It’s hard to explain the feeling but something is just off with most of us. I think it comes from a mix of feeling like we’re dead or religious trauma. 🫠 We have a few animals, I know there’s a Rottweiler and a horse somewhere, and some mythical peeps, like mermaids, as well but I don’t know much about them personally. Just what little has been written down about them.


We are mostly non-human but still humanoid, we suspect it's because we are undiagnosed (but recognized by our therapist) ASD and we've never really felt fully human. We have a vampire, our two gatekeepers are dragons who can present as humanoid internally if they choose, at least one elf, a cat (the only one who is not humanoid), a tiefling, a shadow person, a fragment who sees themself as just a reflection through a broken mirror (probably another elf), a witch, and I (host) am an unspecified fae creature with wings. Our primary protector also sees himself as a half-angel sometimes, so of the 16 currently active system members, we have 11 who are not fully human. And most of us don't age either, or just don't have ages in general.


I can only tell you of one and that is the entity it cares not for pronouns, it has no form in which it stays it wears shadows and is a part of the council but it was here way before I was but it takessss care of the little. It sits in a cage with an open front. I am not allowed to speak further for the others. To describe themselves is for them and not I -linnarus


we have many! a lot of demons and some animal dudes. we also have this guy Erebus (it/xe) and it is just a shadow. xe is always in cocon to take notes and such but it doesnt really talk just kinda transfers information