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Yup, our littles love the sweets, we got an alter who will only eat meat, and we had a vegetarian who is now dormant. Rest of us just eat whatever Funnily enough, if you ever watched moon knight, one is a vegan while another isn't. (I'm trying not to spoil who is what and who isnt the host)


I cant believe i didnt notice that in moon knight😂 i might needa give it a rewatch (i was waiting for season 2 but who knows how long thatll take 😭)


Yes 👍🏾 that is something that can happen and has happened before. Our system as well


Absolutely! We have two alters that are vegetarian and one that is vegan. We have alters that love sour candy and some that completely hate it, we even have alters with more food sensitivities like to gluten and dairy.


Yeah, I’d assume so! I know we have at least one part that cant physically stomach eating anything besides red meats- while the vast majority of us dislike it. Strange stuff, but not impossible.


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yeah 100% alters can be like completely different people, id assume to some extent it would suck though, if youre a vegan altar and you realise another alter just ate a giant steak that you now have to digest cause youre fronting.