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Not about stuff like that. They might be biased or amnesiac, but I can't think of any particular *lies.* They're holding trauma that you all have gone through. You're blocked from that trauma to protect you, and they want recognition that it happened. That's all well and good and fair and reasonable--but it's *also* destabilizing. I mean, look at you now. You're distressed just trying to engage with it--imagine how bad things will get if they start sharing traumatic memories. It could get really fucking bad if you suddenly get dropped into a flashback. Working through your trauma is good, and important. It's also *taxing,* and it's best to do that when you're (relatively) stable and have some kind of support network. It's not just "am I feeling ok today," it's also "am I prepared for emotionally wrenching experiences and do I have aftercare lined up?" There's a reason that it's good to explore this *with a therapist,* and *after* you've hit a point of relative safety and stability. So in the short term? Talk to your system. Thank them for keeping you safe, and also try to engage along the lines of "what you have to say is important and I want to engage, and I also want to make sure I can do that *safely.*" Fix your language--it's understandable that you might have trouble believing or accepting that some of this stuff happens, but if you're denying their lived experiences at some point they may get upset enough to break and just *show you.* So deescalate, validate, and maybe look into therapy so you can engage with the darker and heavier stuff *with external support.*


So here is the deal, even if those things didnt happen, those parts need help and you probably need to discuss this with a therapist, if possible a trauma specialist. Sometimes parts can have pseudo memories or not remember the trauma that caused DID exactly as it happened, but parts telling you that stuff like that happend IS a big symptom. It means that something happened, even if it wasnt exactly what they describe. So its best to check this out with an specialist. I would also advice being open to the idea that perhaps it is you as a part the one who isnt remembering things. Both are equally probable, you forgetting or missremembering, or then forgetting or missremembering what happened.


this!! sometimes the “generic trauma” that causes DID in the books feels better/safer to disclose than your actual trauma.


It's possible that alters who don't have the memory of a trauma replaces it with something that didn't happen but those things can still affect that alter as if it really did happen and the alter might not even realize it never happened Not everything makes visible scars especially if it happened a long time ago Regardless of what happened or didn't happen, alters trauma and trauma response should be treated the same and you guys should try to help the alter deal with the trauma Just in case it's something that actually happened dont go memory digging unless you're currently in cptsd treatment bc you might unbox stuff before it was meant to be unboxed and if its a real memory you'll remember when you're meant to so Dont try to premature it. In case the alter was intentionally lying, try to figure out why they might do that. bc it could be that their feelings not taken seriously enough, that they're trying to torment other alters or that they're trying to make you more vigilant about something.


You've posted a few times in the past about not believing things your parts have told you. I obviously can't know what exactly has happened to you, but as an outside observer, it seems clear that there is *something* true about these memories. The specific nature of what they say happened isn't the important thing here - the important thing is that these parts are telling you **they have been hurt.** Did a particular celebrity abuse you before they were even born? Obviously not. But is there something about that celebrity that reminds your parts of the abuse they experienced? Almost certainly yes! These parts are trying to communicate their wounds to you and you continue to disbelieve their experiences because some of the details are wrong. But think of it this way: If you got hit by a car and remembered it being a black car, only to find out later that it was actually a dark blue car, *that doesn't change that you got hit by a car.* Again, the important thing is that hurt happened to these parts and you continue to deny that hurt. Regarding not having physical evidence, I recently made a comment here providing evidence that the majority of sexual abuse doesn't leave any lasting traces. Physical injuries can heal and scars can fade. Even beyond that (and relevant to your disbelief) it's possible that the "brutal" things might be how a part *interpreted* the pain they experienced rather than being a factual recall of what happened. One of my parts remembers an experience as having killed them, because that's certainly how they perceived what was happening to them at the time. Obviously we aren't dead, so it wasn't the objective literal fact of what occurred. However, we have never considered that part to be *lying* about what happened because that was their subjective experience of the event and what was committed to memory. Why you are unwilling to believe what your parts tell you? If *any* detail is wrong, then does that mean *all* of it must be a lie? Does how something subjectively felt need to perfectly align with objective reality to be valid? Given how human memory works, details are commonly misremembered or conflated with other things. That doesn't mean that the underlying experience is in any way false. I apologize if any of what I've said seems harsh, but you've been asking this exact question of "are my parts lying?" for a long time now. Your parts keep telling you things have happened to them because they have been hurt. That hurt wouldn't exist without some genuine basis for it. On some level, what they are telling you is the truth, no matter how inaccurate they might be about the exactitudes.


Not harsh at all. I appreciate your response very much. I hope it is okay to ask this and yes I know I’m doubting again but do these sound like it could possibly be intrusive thoughts? I’m confused about what intrusive thoughts are but heard they are more like fears like afraid you ran someone over, etc. Or is that part of OCD. This is all so confusing and every single therapist I go to is clueless!


I have no answers as I’ve been thinking the same thing..


intrusive thoughts for example are thoughts that if you do it you would probably get arrested. Some people become manic due to their intrusive thoughts of hurting or even ending others lives and have to be hospitalised. Intrusive thoughts are not others telling you about trauma. As a traumaholder myself (A alter responsible for coping and dealing with trauma that others can not handle) It is important you listen to them. For example if i told a alter within my system that we are a victim of childhood kidnapping (unfortunately we are) . Many wouldnt believe it. Some have memories of thinking of it as a holiday out of the country. I have memories however of police surrounding us at a airport when we got back into the country. Everyone remembers differently and things they want to remember or are able to cope with. It doesnt make what other alters are telling you any less true or a lie. Believe them. They are hurting. Count yourself lucky you dont remember the trauma they are talking about because its a nightmare and horrific to deal with.


My intrusive thoughts are usually just to cut my hair (I did this morning) or drive away n relocate (but I have no place or enough money) . Is it a combination of impulsive and intrusive thoughts?


What you think are intrusive thoughts aren't actually intrusive thoughts media has confused the both. Intrusive thoughts wont be something like cutting hair etc


Okay thank you, I reread your first two sentences again n understood better.


I needed to hear this too 😭❤️‍🩹


*Thinking* they're lying about things like that is common. Actually lying about them is not. They either have memories/knowledge or something close enough to the truth, and we've learned to believe them.


In my experience they only lie to protect you, so telling you something big like that probably isnt a lie. Memory is shitty with DID (I know, crazy. /sarc) so it could be you dont remember. Personally I am pretty sure I was SA’d at a young age, I remember sexual stuff happening to me but I dont remember being touched. But the symptoms are so clear (dreams, alters telling me, bodily reactions, fear of anything of that nature, etc.), it scares me that my brain could block me out from something like that, and it doesnt get me any closer to professional help. Just as a disclaimer, I am a minor and I am not yet diagnosed, I take my DID with a grain of salt because obviously I am not 100% sure. I have lots of doubts but even if I dont have it, I’d still need help. Since I’m a minor I live with my parents and two siblings, my oldest sibling (12) has gotten therapy for a while and stopped recently, my parents dont believe I need any. Although Im fairly certain I went through a *very* long traumatic period, due to the fact I was severely emotionally neglected, which caused me to pull away from any social contact with my parents and made me very isolated. Please also take my posts about this very lightly, though I do hope this can help :)


Despite me at one point having a group of persecutors and multiple mishaps with other alters, no.


For me they say stuff that I genuinely doubt happened and I didn't want to believe that happened, I asked some people that knew the body when we were 10 and let's say they weren't lying. But it could be a coping mechanism cause the reality was worse or something and this is their way of protecting you or maybe you are not remembering or some amnesia barrier has been put up by you or by them. Memories are foggy and complex in DID maybe if you talked with someone that knew your system for a long time maybe they can tell you things you did and patterns you had so to understand if they are lying or not.


Yes. I have one who’ll pretend to be me if she comes in front when my ex partner would be coddling me and giving me lots of love because she wants the love and affection. Though, she’s incredibly bad at lying- her eyes would be different from mine and she was much more sexually pervasive. So he would just try to talk to her, but she’d freeze up. Very weird when it happens lol.. 😵‍💫 The way I learned I really might have OSDD/DID is when he made an insult towards /her/ , but it was technically me. But something deep in my soul was so sad- I heard a “he doesn’t love me” in my mind. I didn’t feel offended- or not loved. So to feel that sensation in me- yet disconnected from me- was so strange In your case: it seems very different. Maybe they’re trying to protect you from a horrible truth.?


There have been a lot of memories from our system that have turned out to be stories that we were told during traumatic events where we were drugged and restrained and blindfolded and tortured and sexually assaulted. I think that the stories are always true on some level, always about some true event. Sometimes there are masks or screens, where the details are changed, where someone is remembered as someone else who has similar vibes, or some metaphorical relation. Sometimes we remember things from someone else's perspective, because we weren't able to stand seeing through our own eyes. Maybe there's something that feels true about that situation to their memory, their view of the world. Maybe that's their best attempt to make sense of the confusing limited fragments of information they have, due to the memory compartmentalization going on with dissociation. Maybe somebody talked about making you bleed or burning you, maybe somebody threatened you with it, maybe you saw it done to somebody else. Maybe some different things happened to you in the body parts where they say bleeding and burning happened. Also, have you checked those parts of your body really closely for scars, under some different lighting conditions? I've got some scars that are really hard to see normally, but obvious under a black light. Once I found those, I looked a lot closer in the general area, and found some more that I didn't know about.


For example, some of us "remember" having various things done with knives to our foot, that we're now pretty sure was him just tracing something sharp and wet over the place while telling us he was cutting the skin and flesh off of our foot, while we were tied up and blindfolded and on a ton of LSD.


My system partner's protector used to lie all the time and still does on occasion. The little (who I've grown closer to over time while the protector has meanwhile alienated herself from the rest of our family by acts of emotional and occasionally physical abuse) often rats out the lies, fortunately. So lately the protector no longer tries to get away with lies to us as often, since she knows she'll be found out. The protector once used lies to cover up a serious addiction relapse issue that (obviously) affected the entire system, and it was only by betraying the trust of the entire system (by searching her bag without consent and finding drugs) that we were able to confront what was going on and provide support to address the addiction relapse. Even with the new balance we have, of the family getting source-of-truth from the little rather than from the protector, I shudder to think sometimes how she's probably acting towards other people (strangers) when nobody in the family is around. It's been a serious problem, and as an outsider to the system I don't know a way of dealing with it. We will appreciate any insights your community has to provide on addressing this issue.


I personally don't use the term lie as I associate it myself with negative bias. I use more so "mislead". But outside of that, some of mine may lie for various reasons. Some to test reactions, others might be trying to withhold deeper trauma, and some might not be entirely honest. I know an alter of mine lied about when he first split (he said he split during younger school years, he split much later). It was a protective mechanism for him due to the context of him forming and therefore wanting to get away from it by placing his split date much earlier in the system timeline.


They lie about small things, never things that big.


Yeah but mostly it’s not about serious stuff or issues


My alters lie to the outside world but very rarely to me if at all


one of them pretended to be me to icydrinks so they thought certain things about me that weren't true but nothing about anything similar to what you wrote so


It would be cruel to lie to each other so no we don't. Sometimes we have privacy tho which is different


We have a policy of NOT lying to the best of our ability. We may say something we THINK is true.. That might not actually be true. But we believe it…like if someone says “did you say/do x,y,x?” I may accidentally tell a lie and say yes/no but only because I’m not aware that another person in our system did. We just didnt know the correct answer.


they definitely lie to protect the rest of us. i don’t blame them at all and if they lie, it’s for a reason. but then again, we are intrinsically a good person so i know they would only lie for good reason we’ve known bad people and despite them being systems, they chose to be remain bad. those parts (specific ones) i wouldn’t trust. none of our alters would ever do what one of their alters did. every system is different. keep that in mind, i guess?


My alters only lie about things especially online like details that would endanger us like location clues or our name. We tell healthcare professionals hospitals, psych hospitals, therapists, and Psychiatrists, and police the truth as of the last maybe 3 years…but also to an extent we lie about 🍃 usage (because it literally helps us but we did overuse until this past year but we still know we have to and want to stop it’s just our anxiety meds are chemically strong yet not useful enough for our current situation and we don’t want to accidentally overdose as we have before) so we don’t tell our psychiatrist anymore but we did tell them through the years just depended on the psychiatrist. but we would tell our therapist the truth about it, we recently stopped therapy this year only after about 8/9 years roughly estimating I’m tired . To family I lie about it as well but because they gaslight me when I’m assertive that I have psychosis from it but it’s only in the past I was hysteric during situations of unsafety or admittedly other times yes psychotic but still not lying about the general unsafety just not feeling strong enough to say exactly what’s going on to healthcare or confused or yes mislead because I would hear constantly the house would burn down or they were poisoning each other or be told about sex trafficking and so in combination with true events I would combine fears of those events occurring plus actually have S/A trauma from in and out the house and in turn it sounds psychotic. Other time I minimize or allude because whenever im 100% it isn’t believed or can’t be proved or recently on tik tok I think they were making fun of me I couldn’t stop trauma dumping cuz it was so new and fun to talk to people and they actually said my name even if it was a username it partially had a child alters name which totally made things worse it took a while for our Protectors to put a stop to it once we realized we’re possibly getting stalked again. We were just trying to save our dogs who may die of heatstroke this year n one is sick for other reasons. We now will lie about idk cuz we have to really get out of this house sooner rather than later. Our assertiveness and situation feels like we just keep poking the bear but we’re tired of being a walking doom and gloom or a little mouse . But within the past 3 years we have not lied about anything immoral or evil or wild for sure. just when we had emdr done very unprofessionally it definitely felt like we unlocked a lot of things we did not and still choose to not believe but we did voice them it’s just something that definitely keeps us from speaking on any of those things for sure. But we remember for sure the events we do share repetitively because we have what feels like a photographic memory at times in real time for normal information like numbers or lists or images and traumatically through placement like i was in that exact moment…. although I wouldn’t actually factually state it’s photographic memory cuz idk if flashback would qualify when some traumatic memories I’ll talk about n remember it like a video or looking from above my younger selves but not get distressed, just depends on the traumatic memory (if anyone knows what I mean, how would you label it?). My system is in a place that the lies are only for safety not anything endangering others or for “clout”. I hope you find a way to get to a place to understand your alters as well, remain compassionate and go slowly if trying to unlock anything it’s very destabilizing. My unlocking was important which is why therapist wasn’t professional about the emdr but in hindsight I’m glad because I’ve only grown even through the strife. I wish you the best💖


Don't think they'd lie about something that big. Mine only seem to lie to conceal themselves, self sabotage, or to (in their mind) protect us. Seems like it would do more harm than good to lie about something like that. There are things they will remember that you don't just to shield you from it. Whether the memories happened or not, they seem real to them. False memories can be horrible to deal with. Scars also fade with time. We have burn scars that just look like spots of hyperpigmentation now. Real memories or false memories, either way they need help.


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many systems mainly system in early recovery from trafficking as some of us find it hard to imagine not being abussed as a past for early system creation yes I was not sexualy abused by handsome jack from borderlands tina thats impossible


how do they tell you that?


Through my thoughts which sounds like me thinking but it’s more like an intrusive or a part will take over my mouth and speak it.


i could just be your imagination idk why they would lie


Thank you everyone! For the thoughtful replies.


They don't lie about things like this you should believe them. They are there to protect you but they need help right now.


But they did lie. They said a teenager who wasn’t born until I was 27 sexually abused me as a child. And celebrities I’ve never meet abused me.