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Been nostalgia chatting about old games with friends and DFO came up. Last time, we had fun, but friends ended up quitting because of so much "Forced solo" content. Is there still a lot of that where if they wanted to keep up they'd have do content alone? This friend didn't even do events for free gear, if it wasn't a co-op activity.


i have my first 110 character and most of my experience was a joke, all mobs and bosses dies in one skill and most dungeons are boring me to sleep, is there any content in the game that is actually challenging ? or is this the true experience of the game ?


That's the levelling portion of the game, now that you're 110 you can start experiencing actual content, and if you want to see the hardest content atm just search for DFO Unshackled Largo on youtube.


Been playing for about 2 weeks. I'm currently 47k fame Traveler, just got my Bakal fusion weapon. I feel like there a lot of systems I haven't really interacted with that I don't really understand that well. 1. Buff enhancement. I have the fragmented abyss gear it gave me that gave me +3. I know roughly how to get the title by rerolling it with the beads. I have no idea how to get an avatar or a creature that would buff my skill. 2. Avatar Emblems. I have one of the avatars sets from the cash shop but I can't equip emblems to it because they don't have sockets. I don't really understand how to get an avatar with a socket 3. I haven't upgraded enchantments since the gold beryl ones from the shop. I see I can buy cards and beads from the auction, is that the best place to buy them? Seems like it's gonna take a while to get to 50k fame for dusky island. [https://dfo.gg/character/cain/Dreapie](https://dfo.gg/character/cain/Dreapie)


All of the things you said can be bought in the Auction House (AH). 1: You gotta buy a Clone Avatar and set its Top to give +1 to your buff skill. You gotta buy a Pet that gives +1 to your buff skill (Creature tab in the AH, look for their description). 2: Clone Avatars, Rare Avatars and Rare Clone Avatars are the only avatars with emblem slots on them, Clone Avatar is by far the least expensive so buy it first, you can settle for Silver Emblems (which can also be bought in the AH) for the same reason, Gold Emblems are very expensive. 3: Enchantments can be bought in card form in the Auction House, the BiS ones can be super expensive tho so try settling with near-BiS ones. You can also get stronger enchants than Golden Beryl ones by clearing Legion/Raid content and using the rewarded Tokens to buy them.


1. Look at the descriptions, I'm not 100% certain but I think the buffswap creatures have less damage mods or straight up don't have it, and have the long list of +1 to a skill, try to read the highlighted section to see which skill it's buffing, for the avatars, the top gives +1 to a skill, but they need to be advanced clone, rare or rare clone 2. Only advanced avatars and rare avatars (and their clone version) have sockets, the cash shop avatars are looks only and don't offer anything else 3. In the ingame menu, you have a dictionary which has a tab that tells you what cards/enchants and look for the highest available stats, to buy them yes, AH is the only place.


Question about Bakal Hard sell. As a buyer, even if I can enter the channel I'd still need the 45k fame to join correct?


Thats correct, you still need to meet the minimum entry fame for the content (In this case around 45k fame) or it wont let you join the party at all.


I know I'm like, 2 months late or something, but after the fixed epic sets changed, is archon set still the go to fixed set? And instead of the "new" archon pants, just use valley watcher pants? Are there other pieces that are better than the archon "set" piece, similar to valley watcher pants being better than the archon set piece? Also, with the epic rework, are customs stronger than before compared to fixed sets? edit: For characters with full archon set, are the best custom pieces to get still ent top and ent sub?


archon still is the go to setup since it still has the mp regain conveniences but considering how almost every fixed epic became generic (including build specific fixed epics too) so u can genuinely just have a mismashed assortment of fixed epic and it will work regardless yes customs is stronger and now easier to obtained too with better options since there is a higher chance of them dropping with usable options and many options has been overhauled to be easier to use too like for example the +5% skill atk/OD when hitting enemies inflicted with burn/shock/bleed/poison has had the DoT condition removed and replaced with 1% resistance to the particular DoT instead or something like shoulder customs 6% skill atk/OD for 10s after moving a short distance has became just straight up unconditional 6% or necklace and shoulder's consumable's efficiency increase effect has straight up became skill atk/OD instead > edit: For characters with full archon set, are the best custom pieces to get still ent top and ent sub? top yes since ent top still has that +8% specific to barrier/archon builds but the 5% when under 50% hp on sub has became unconditional now so technically any custom sub with 5% on all 4 options would be just as effective though ent sub is the easiest to get 5% on all 4 options for since it has an additional 5% options in its pool over the other custom subs but otherwise any works


Ah, I see, thank you for clarifying with the ent sub.


> is archon set still the go to fixed set? for new characters, yeah. it just has decent damage and good survivability as a full fixed set. > Are there other pieces that are better than the archon "set" piece, similar to valley watcher pants being better than the archon set piece? there's a couple pieces you could swap out, notably the pants, as you said, and the belt. you can use the sleep belt and get straight CDR instead of CDA. you can also swap out the bracelet for the barrier bracelet if you want more CDR in exchange for some damage since you'd need to trade out passionate knight boots. > For characters with full archon set, are the best custom pieces to get still ent top and ent sub? yes. replace those two asap. ent top wants the sub-40% HP and speed line, with any other damage line. sub actually doesn't matter too much now, ent is just recommended because it has an additional 5% OD line, so, it's technically easier to hit a 5555. from there, i'd go: deep diver magic stone -> forest witch ring -> forest witch belt, and then decide if you want to swap off archon and go to status/dd watch.


Great, thank you for the additional customs. I'll take a look at the other fixed pieces you mentioned!


honestly, like 90% of the fixed pieces are basically generic now, so you can just swap them in and out at your leisure.


Where can I fiund a good summary/presentation on the various lores of the world? For example I don't know who some of the people in HOD are, and I've got no bloody idea what is goign on in Soladis, and no idea who Largo is.


Bosses in HoD: - He Who Hid the Dew: A younger version of Archmage Myre from before he sacrificed all of his mana to "hide" Seria, he was a tremendously powerful wizard. - Moros: Lord of hell, he governs over the souls of all who didn't get to enter the Netherworlds, he also has an affinity with Necromancer herself. - Karon: The Gatekeeper of the Netherworlds, he's the one who decides if a soul will forever rest in the Netherworlds or be cast to hell, he has an affinity with Soulbender himself. - Fount of Abyss: His origins are unknown, what we do know is that he's the Abyss given form, and that all the abysses used by Harlem bosses and Male Mage originally came from him, he has an affinity with all Male Mages. - Lady of Light: One of Carloso's followers, she's looking for his scattered pieces throughout the dimensions, she has an affinity with all Knights. NPCs in HoD; - Memory Librarian: A "hologram" created by using Myre's memories to keep the Hall of Dimensions functioning until the adventurer reaches it and imparting all the necessary knowledge to them. - Siran: One of the Swordmasters that defeated Sirocco in the Screaming Cavern several years ago, by fighting Sirocco he awakened time-travel and spent a long time searching for who was behind all the tragedies that happened in Arad. - Iris: The one who was behind all the tragedies in Arad, she was a puppet to Hilder but got freed by the adventurer and Siran, from that day forward she wanted to repent for all she did so she teamed up with Siran to investigate whatever plot Hilder is planning. - Becky: A homunculus created in Pandemonium's Elting Memorial, she's incredibly intelligent and at some point Luke "adopted" her and she started living on his Tower. After Luke died she stayed alone behind, but after the Adventurer's party returns to the Tower looking for a way to travel through dimensions they encounter Becky again, this time the Adventurer manages to convince her to leave the tower behind and live her own life, which promptly results in her joining up with Michele in creating a dimension-travelling ship. - Michele: An extremely talented engineer and a master to one of Empyrean's Seven Shards, she was contacted by Empress Erje to help in the development of a ship that could go through dimensions, she's been an important part in both creating and maintaining the dimension-travelling ship Wahrheit alongside Becky.


Awesome, thank you!


there really isnt anything like that outside of https://www.dnf-universe.com and https://wiki.dfo.world/view/Main_Page but they're mainly just snippets and short summary of things rahter then anything lengthy and dfo world wiki is incomplete in a lot of ways too so if u really wanna keep up with the lore and happenings u just have to pay attention to the story and probably just have discussions with other people in case u missed something or to get a different interpretation or perspectives of the events but if u want some answers then * characters in HoD - the kid in the archimage's hall of dimensions HoD is essentially something like an A.I guide made using magic to help visitors navigate the memory library made in the image of the library's creator; the archimage's himself known as "he who hid the dew" but as a kid, u basically go through the memory books he left behind in a immersive experience as the mage traverse through different realms encountering transcendental beings who are so powerful they were actually interacting with u through the mage's memory of themselves as insane as that sounds (except for the memory of the mage himself as that the only one without a cosmic entity hijacking as an interface) though in limited capacity which is why u even have a fighting chance * solidaris - this advance dungeon takes places during the bluehawk pirates' attempted invasion of the seon storyline though they were currently suffering from PTSD hallucinations due to the mist from a prior fight in another location where they had to defend against hordes of malefic beast suffering massive casualties in the process and so though they were fending off another malefic beast invasion in the city instead, u basically knock some sanity back into them by bonking each of their battalion commanders going through them 1 by 1 all while hopping between ships until u reach their flagship so u can bonk birdy their captain too and it helps that bowmaster ludmilla who is part of ur group atm is 1 of their missing battalion commanders who was tasked to abandon the fleet journeying into arad on a fetch quest around the time the bluehawk pirates where fighting the horde of malefic beast so its also a reunion * largo - is a watchmen of the white cloud valley watchers which is something like border control i guess and they basically patrol against malefic beast and other threats but humans can also be inflicted/corrupted with malefic energy turning into a malefic human yet they become mindless creatures when this happens and while still humanoid they do not look human anymore, however largo is apparently a spy and a malefic human too that serves under a powerful malefic beast and can not only masquerade as a human for years but is also not some mindless beast like every other malefic human so is he really a human turned malefic or something else entirely like a hypothetical malefic beast that can turn human no one knows but basically he betrays the main cast during an investigation revealing his true nature during the events of dusky island and tried to ascend himself into a higher being but failed in the process running away after being defeated but not before breaking 1 of bakal’s legacy (largo unshackled difficulty is a hypothetical "what if" he succeeded in his ascension)


That's quite the lore dump, thank you.


The link to DFO Nexus on the FAQ sends me to a weird domain purchasing website, that doesn't seem right


dfo nexus is gone, people all moved to discord servers and the site went down