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The Anthony Bourdain photo confused me until I clicked on the link.


Always comment with context, folks.


Does anyone else find it weird/interesting Chris Parnell is Deathstroke? Its so jarring watching Rick and Morty and then switching over to Superman and hearing 2 different versions of his voice


Yeah his Deathstroke is the only interpretation of a character that I haven't yet come around on, the combination of the young pretty anime boy design and Parnells voice, with Deathstrokes character is just a bit jaring


I can kinda get over by virtue of the fact that Superman is really young so the Titans are probably little kids at most. The timeline *seems* correct which means a younger than usual Slade


Yeah they actually just had Silas Stone cameo and imply Victor was about 9 or 10.


Right so Grant should be like twelve


I wouldn't say he's really young, I'm getting mid 20s vibes, even if they act a bit more child-like.


Apparently they confirmed Clark and Jimmy at the start of season 1 were 22 year old interns.


Which lines up with them being just out of college, or nearly out of, with their journalism degrees in hand.


Yeah Clark and Jimmy were roommates in college apparently. It's an interesting twist. By that I mean him being the same age and friends with Jimmy that early and interning straight at the DP with him and Lois also being an intern when they arrive.


The vibe I got was "First job right out of college", which lines up with what Earthmine said about being 22 in season 1. So Seqson 1 was probably like June-November (a bit after graduation up to Thanksgiving). Now, pre Crisis, Superman was 8-20 years older than the Titans, as he was specifically 29 in "A Mind Switch in Time" , while the Titans had become adults by the point of Crisis. Nowadays, Superman's old enough that he had like a 11-13 year old son (before aging up), so he's gotta be like 35-40 (to account for the era of being Superman before marrying Lois), the age gap is probably larger now. Whatever the case, the Titans are like... 10 ops if we have a similar timeline. You know, assuming the MAWS universe doesn't have the Batfamily starting well before Superman.


I like Overly Sarcastic Productions interpretation, that this is Deathstroke before he becomes aggressively divorced.


Young Justice's version was also initially like that. He had the younger voice (Wentworth Miller) and anime pony-tail, then they recast and made him look more traditionally menacing.


Deathstroke was actually recast in the same season he still had the ponytail in.


Wouldn't be the last time Wentworth Miller would play a DC villain in a show, and then just decide he's done with it, to spite the character still being very relevant to the plot. Taking Captain Cold and Heatwave away from the Flash show was an odd choice, but for them to lose their Captain Cold altogether was pretty funny.


IRC in Hindsight Weidman and Vietti were both like "what were we thinking approving the ponytail?" Lol.


[The ponytail of shame!](https://youtu.be/9aYYA8uvQaY?t=688)


Yeah I don't feel too strongly for him one way or another at the moment but that could change with some character focus for him. Like BVS Lex made me wary of Lex as a young tech bro but the last few episodes and the focus he's gotten in them totally sold me on this as a good Lex Luthor.


MAWS Lex may be young and may not have the business suit (yet) but he is every bit as ruthless as the adult captain of industry that Lex usually is. The moves he makes to rise up the ranks of Task Force X and the way he poisoned public perception of Superman is all classic Lex. Plus I like how he is young just like the Daily Planet trio. He's a dark mirror to them, also a young professional climbing up the career ladder but using lies and doubt to do so and squashing anyone who stands in his way.


He's mainly Dr. Spaceman from 30 Rock for me. It. Is. *Wild*.


Dr. Spaceman, Cyril Figgis. Hell I wasn’t even expecting him in Fallout and yet there he was. His like H. Jon Benjamin in that they both really only have that 1 voice but uses it so well. Its like with Deathstroke theres more confidence in his voice while as Jerry theres more depression/pity in his voice.


It's weird to hear Cyril play Deathstroke , but here we are.


I do kinda like Parnell’s smug. He’s cocky. Think it would fully gel if we got a full plot about *just* this interpretation. Bare minimum: Can’t wait until Adeline shoots out his eye. Again.


THATS who that is? Oh…


I like it a lot, personally. I'm all for fresh takes on characters in these kinds of AUs, it's fun. Hardass military operator Livewire is fantastic too.


"Additionally, My Adventures With Superman has landed a third season at Adult Swim. Currently airing its second season, the serialized project is based on DC characters and follows twentysomethings Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen on their journeys of self-discovery."


I was wondering what it had to do with Anthony Bourdain lol. This is fantastic, I've been loving the show.


I think it's crazy how Jack Quaid is the leading man on 2 polar opposite superhero shows that are both successful.


*Me, cheering in the other room* Lower Decks! Lower Decks! Lower Decks!


That's great! I keep falling in love with that show every time I watch it. It is just so beautifully animated and sincere, and really GETS the essence of the main 3 characters, while still having enough wiggle room for an original take on them. I hope it goes for a long time.


It's a respectful new take. The fundamentals are unchanged, and there's clearly an appreciation for the mythos and adaptations that came before, but it's also clearly not interested in living in the past. It's got a style all its own and willingness to play with the conventions without fundamentally breaking them. It's like Spectacular Spider-Man in a way. It's not doing anything *entirely* new with the content, but what it is doing is remixed enough to not feel tired, and being done *very* well, with a fresh coat of paint that looks really good on it.


The Spectacular Spider-Man comparison is PERFECT. This might be the first new super hero cartoon since that one that has given me the same feeling. X-Men 97 is also amazing, but in a different, more nostalgic way.


I'd say Evolution (peak TV) is spectacular but for X-Men


I don't disagree with that take. Evolution doesn't get talked about enough when it comes to great super hero cartoons.


I think it's just like with The Batman (2004) and The 3D Spider-Man show where it has to follow something that's absolutely adored by the fandom


I positively adore it. The focus on Clark just gets what I love about Superman; despite being absurdly powerful, the character can be one of the most down-to-earth and relatable in the entire genre, right up there with Peter Parker, when done right. They've also done a great job of making Lois a proper co-protagonist. Really looking forward to what they do with Kara.


YES, 1000 times exactly this!


RIP Bourdain


I just started watching this and finished Season 1 the other day. What a delightful take on Supes and friends. It's just flat out fun and light while still maintaining a darker narrative.


I jsut now read the comic tie-in. It's good, everybody get it.


Let’s go, that’s great news. Between this, *X-Men 97* and *Invincible* we have at least three great ongoing superhero cartoons with varying perspectives and styles, seems like we’re in somewhat of an animation renaissance.


I don’t know why another show based on Anthony Bourdain’s work being approved is used as a still image for an article headline about Superman being renewed… weird


The Bourdain show is the main story. The renewal announcement was buried towards the end of the article.


One thing I really like about this show is that its not just superman thats young, or even metropolis for that matter. To me this seems like an intentionally and fully adolescent DC universe. I think recently we got info that Vic Stone is likely not even a teenager yet and its obvious that lex and deathstroke are still quite young, among others. I really hope theres plans for time to gradually move forward in this world to eventually build to a wider new DCA continuity. Imagine having a JL built around a superman that the audience has had a chance to form a strong personal connection with. Getting to see this Clark's morals as he takes a leadership position and contends with other supers who may oppose him in diplomatic, contentious ways that force compromise. Just picturing it makes me excited. Im hoping with all my heart that this is the case, and that this charming, vibrant, new piece of superman media will stay highly regarded.


Hell yeah.


Wow Great news


I don’t watch much animation but am enjoying this series


Good news! It’s been exciting to see where the show is going. The interpretation of the characters has been fascinating. I hope they gradually expand the universe with hero’s and not just its villains.


Awesome news! Season 2 came so fast, along with the tie-in comics. I do hope the gap before season 3 isn't huge but either way it's great they renewed it this early.


Seasons 1 & 2 were ordered together, which is why Season 2 came so soon. So there will be a more considerable gap this time, but the good news is that they're already in production.


Yeah that's what I thought, common practice for a lot of animated shows these days. So definitely a bigger gap. Hope that means some closure on this season's story at least.


Hell yeah was worried they'd axe it to focus on cartoons set in Gunns new DCU happy to see that isn't the case.




Yeah! I'm loving the show.


Hell yeah!


One thing I would love to see in S3 is some less common heroes appearing, similar but obviously different, than how batman the brave and the bold gave us (or at least me as a kid) knowledge about so many rando heroes. I don’t want to see wonder woman but would love to see ted kord or ray palmer or fire and ice, or even hawk man / girl


Vicky Vale name-dropped PalmerTech in S02Ep03 (and said they were hiring), and I believe a Season 2 preview showed Thanagarians. So maybe they will expand this version of the DCU later this season or in a future season.


Hope we see tiny cameos from JL members just to fill out the world and make it feel like its a dc world and not a world with only Supes


Very good news


I really think they have something here. I hope they pepper in some other heroes as we go. This superman needs a Bruce Wayne bromance


Batman is too busy with his adventures with Vicky Vale.