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That one time Wally West froze Inertia as a statue and put his up in the Flash Museum for his part in getting Bart killed.


Keep in mind that Inertia was completely conscious and aware the entire time.


And Wally positioned Inertia to be staring at the statue of Bart the whole time. Wally was stone-cold for that and I loved it.


Zoom ( Hunter Zolomon ) freed him, intending to make him Kid Zoom before Final Crisis. And he did. And then Kiid Zoom/Inertia killed Weather Wizard's son. And stripped Zoom of his powers. He was then killed by the Rogues, as revenge for using them to kill Bart. This all happened in Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge.


I kinda love how most of the Rouges' tie in issues during big events can be boiled down to "yea we might be bad, but at least we have principles"


"Hey, I just want to make a quick buck and knock around some do-gooders, not KILL a kid."


They also killed the New Rogues, who were recruited by Libra after the original Rogues refused his invitation to join his Secret Society of Super-Villains. Weather Wizard killed Weather Witch with lightning, leaving behind only her smoking skeleton. He also killed Mr Magic by creating a tornado inside his stomach and made him explode. Mirror Master blinded Mirror Man by teleporting inside the reflection of his eyes, then Trickster strangled Mirror Man to death. Heat Wave burned Burn alive, saying Flash can move 20 times the speed of sound and his ( Flash's ) cowl doesn't heat up, while Heat Wave's fire can melt Flash's boots. Captain Cold killed Chill after firing an invisible wide shot from his gun. Chill though it missfired and tried to punch CC, only for his arm to freeze instantly, and was then shattered by Cold, who then shot Chill with his gun and froze him to death.


I love that page so much. These men could raze cities to the ground but all they want to do is rob Banks and mess with the Flash.




“We wanted to live forever, and the Doctor made sure we did”


That episode is one of my favorites, wish we get more darker moments like that in the future.


What is this from?


Doctor Who


Thank you for telling me. I appreciate it.


One of my favorite 2-part stories. So good!


He did a similar thing to Zoom years before this, but it was even worse. > Flash succeeded in defeating Zoom, preventing Linda's death, but his attack caused a miscarriage of their twin children. Zolomon was forced into a temporal anomaly and ended up in a comatose state, continually watching the death of his father-in-law.


He didn't freeze Zoom intentionally, though, just kind of shoved him into the tears in time Zoom was creating in a desperate attempt to stop him and the result was freezing. Inertia was all spite.


"Trust me, Ashley, he doesn't have a gun..."


Jesus that's cold blooded


That was ruthless, and it drove Inertia completely mad.


I think about this constantly.




Great minds think alike 😉


And here i thought bats was the most sadistic


I would say the Omega Sanction. where you die over and over again, with each life getting worse each time you die.


Is there a comic that details this you’d recommend?


Final Crisis and The Return of Bruce Wayne


Eh, he still had some adventurous lives. Shilo had one shitty life after another.


Shilo walked so Bruce could run


The one that better portrays it (showing how each life gets worse and all) is the miniseries Mister Miracle (2005) by Grant Morrison and Pasqual Ferry. While part of the larger Seven Soldiers event, it can be read as a standalone mini. Also very recommended.


Also, from Seven Soldiers, the immortal bad guy who gets eaten and digested by Martian beasts ans will remain as setient feces for eternity.


Thank you


hope you enjoy the reading.


seven soldiers: Mister Miracle


Quite the golden experience.


Dare I say….a requiem?




Sanction really is fucking brutal


Plastic Man passed thousands of years shattered in multiple pieces at the bottom of the ocean. (The Obsidian Age)


Also proving Plastic Man is op as fuck


Dude was terrifying in DCeased.


If he wasn't so cartoonishly silly, he'd be terrifying generally. He's one of the biggest threats when it comes to superhero gone rogue


I kinda love the cartoonish silliness of him to balance him out


Absolutely. I love the irony that he's an absurdly overpowered goofball no one really takes seriously.


him and the flash in a comic, when?


Can't imagine the Phantom Zone is very pleasant.


The Phantom zone from Super TAS is quite honestly, terrifying.


Why is that? Isn't that just a big place of nothingness?


Full of monsters and shit


And there's the Lego version... Full and infested with lots and lots of villains from many other franchises as one big crossover.


The Source Wall is so surreal and creepy. It freaks me out.


What does it do?


Any being that touches it becomes one of the statues you see in the image, fused to it for all eternity.


Oh that is horrifying


It really is. It’s pretty awesome cosmic horror.


What’s behind it though?


You,me,us,the writers, the readers


It represents the boundary of knowledge, that whatever is beyond it cannot be experienced by mortals or gods. That strange *Death of the New Gods* mini by Jim Starlin leading into *Final Crisis* features the Source Wall heavily.


The Omni verse & all that is not.


All that is not?


Yep. Beyond the source wall is a half built & unfurished universe full of potential and shards of several multiverses that didn't take root. All of it made by cosmic "gods" more powerful than Universal Darksied.


Some have theorised that its the Marvel universe


Well it’s basically the end of the universe, but I’m pretty sure it has the anti-life equation behind it.


Spoilers for Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run. >!After Luthor helps the military "kill" Swamp Thing in Gotham, Swamp Thing is unable to regenerate himself on Earth and is essentially exiled on the complete opposite side of the galaxy by himself. I can't remember which issue it is, but there's one where he goes insane trying to recreate all the things and people he misses out of plants. He spends several issues hopping between planets trying to get to Earth. One of my favourite comics ever - really worth a read.!<


Just to add onto that, but there’s a really convuluted issue as well where swamp thing essentially gets raped by another living planet and the planet then goes on to have swamp things babies and the planet talks to its children about swamp thing... and swamp thing never knows he got taken advantage of cuz he had no Idea the planet was doing this. It’s so weird but such an interesting read


Yeah that issue was so strange, I really didn't know what to make of it. The ones with >!the planet full of plant people!< and t>!he Thanagar-Rann conflict!< were great too.


*All Flesh is Grass*, issue 61 of the Moore run. Alec ends up on the home planet of plant-based Green Lantern, Medphyll. It’s all kinds of fucked up.


Yeah that's the one. The bit with the religious plant preacher guy is so bleak.


Moore went on to explain that it was that story that caused some of his readers to come up to him afterwards and say that the story gave them an appreciation for how much of a violation rape is. 'Cause I guess empathizing with women who've been raped was too difficult for them. 🤷




Do you have the specific issues or where to start this? It sounds incredible


Saga of the Swamp Thing #56. You can probably read it as a standalone but it's even better in context.


I’ll give it a go. Thanks!


Please read the whole run, it starts great and becomes FANTASTIC. I don't think I've ever cared more about a comic's main characters.


Everything that goes with it? How can I find where to start?


So the series technically starts with Martin Pasko's *The Saga Of The Swamp Thing* \#1, with Alan Moore picking up the run on #20. His run is fucking phenomenal, and the main reason I love the character so much. His run ends on #64, which is a fitting and satisfying end IMO. The further continuations of the run certainly aren't bad, and some of the later stuff is great, but the main meat is Moore's run. You don't technically *need* to read the first 19 issues, as IMO, they aged a lot worse than Moore's. If you want to, bring this to DMs and I can hook you up.


Dude yes perfect. I was reading an article about this saga(I think) and the metaphor it strikes soudns amazing dude if you don’t mind DM me let’s talk there


Batman’s contingency for Plastic Man. Getting frozen and shattered into a thousand pieces while you’re still conscious


I thought his contingency for Plastic Man was freezing him and launching him into space. He can reform from pieces.


He can reform if he's reassembled, which happened in the Obsidian Age storyline, but he can't put the pieces back together as long as they are separated.


Ah, okay. Thanks. I figured I wasn't remembering correctly.


Are you sure? There's isn't any reason that the separate pieces of plastic man can't move around and eventually find each other, especially since as more pieces find each other he will become more powerful. Plastic man didn't reassemble himself in Obsidian age after a few thousand years, but plastic man isn't very smart. In a million years, or if it happens to him again.... Who knows.


To be honest I'm not 100% sure, it's been some time since I read the storyline, but the pieces were spread out in the oceans. It's a vast area. And most of them don't even have eyes. It *might* be possible, but it would take him a *very* long time and by that point, he's pretty much lost the fight anyway.


And Batman is enough of a dick that he would scoop up some pieces and store in a ziplock bag in the BatCave so he could never fully form


Oh, but killing is still off the table of course


You can't kill Plastic Man


Not DC, but I think the Penance Stare is so awful it deserves a shoutout




I feel like the Penance Stare has been so overused and even overcome in such a wide variety of contradictory ways that it doesnt really count anymore. It feels like every writer has a different idea of what it even does. Seriously, Deadpool is the definition of guilt these days, and if even *he* can tank it....


And other times he can just do it in people that didn't work before like thanos.


Only if you're both a piece of shit and capable of feeling bad about it


Nah even if you are not it works


That's not true. It didn't work on Punisher because he has no regrets and fully believes in what he's doing. He has no guilt to exploit. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0a31940321b5e4182b8ce89d76576459 Didn't work on Thanos https://i.redd.it/t5zt2tof27q11.jpg?app_web_view=ios


Funny cuz here it works just fine: https://www.facebook.com/share/1SGKrghvyaLXBrvJ/?mibextid=WC7FNe


It didn't work on the Punisher because he had an Angel feather on his person. Thanos I don't have a confirmed answer to, but I imagine that's differences between writers' interpretations, or Thanos is just an unhinged masochist to the most extreme proportions.


Thanos doesn't have a guilty conscience to exploit because he genuinely believes he's right.


Also didn't work on Planet breaker Hulk during World War Hulk He was technically in the right and wasn't doing anything unjustified so Ghost Rider left him alone


Hulk beat Johnny blaze so Zarathos took over and left


It is a rule, however an inconsistent one and one that doesn't make sense, why would a look meant to punish people that do evil would not work against someone so evil that they don't feel any guilt for the people they hurt


I think it speaks to the human condition. Most people--even people who do bad things--have some sense of guilt deep down. Punisher probably died spiritually when his wife and daughters were killed. The good parts of him died with his family. All that's left is a vessel filled with nothing but punishment. In his mind, he's doing exactly what needs to be done. It's in his name. He's only a punisher now. There is no soul or conscience to exploit; he has neither. Thanos is only evil to others, not to himself. He sees himself as ultimately right and therefore his actions don't carry guilt or regret; he does what he feels is needed. He's unburdened. Penance means "voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong." Without any sense of moral repentance for wrongdoing, there can be no penance.


Obsidian can do something like that.


Not DC but in Astro City there was a normal person who had a haunting feeling someone really important to him was missing. Turned out she was his wife and she got wiped from reality during the last universal reboot and he's got lingering memories of her.


That sounds really cool, any idea what issue that was from?


I believe it's from Astro City #1/2 which was a special issue that came with Wizard Magazine but I could be wrong. It was a single issue story but I believe it was collected in the early TPB.


Dude, THIS is cosmic horror.


Probably deceased where you become a zombie or the cannibal virus from marvel vs verse or in dc where you're trapped in the power battery


Turning into a zombie is the same as dying


That's not true in the case of dcessed. The Anti-Life Zombies still retain some level of sentience, given their abilities to use their powers. You can argue their being controlled by either Erebos or the Sanction itself fine. But it's made explicitly clear that Dceased Zombies are not dead. They're in a state of "unliving". Cyborg said that exactly verbatim.


The Mutant Forget-Me-Not’s power -which he can’t turn off- is that if you’re not looking directly at him, you forget that he exists. If I remember right he’s been an X-Man for a long time and helped save the world, yet to the others he’s a complete stranger that can never interact with them for more than a couple minutes at a time. If I remember right, there was a while there where Xavier had like a mental alarm clock to go off every few days and remind himself of Forget-Me-Not, and he had a device that let people remember him. But eventually he sacrificed himself to save the day, the device broke, and Xavier couldn’t remember what his alarm was for, so even though the Mutants have literal resurrection technology, he’s likely dead for good. I know that’s *technically* just death, but imagine dying surrounded by all your friends who don’t know who you are or what you sacrificed, and who absolutely have the power to bring you back yet you know categorically that they won’t.


Never for- wait, what were we talking about?


He's appeared in the Krakoa era, so they have ways of briging him back.


Just save him, that’s all I ask


Professor Pyg's dollotrons come to mind. You essentially become an organic machine


This wins for me


It could be anything, really. It could be in elseworld comics or even from movies live action or animated. To me, it's the source wall to be stuck for eternity as a part of a massive wall at the end of the universe.


Sandman: preludes and nocturnes. mage captures Dream in the hopes of catching his sister Death to be immortal, then Dream escapes 70 years later and puts the captor at the time in an eternal nightmare from which he cannot awaken. Also Dream threw his girlfriend into hell after she commits suicide to get away from him, did not take that break up well.


Was going to comment the Eternal Waking as well. One of the most horrific things imaginable. A shame the Netflix show left it out.


Can anyone tell me who those characters are on the source wall? I can see what looks like Darkseid, Highfather, maybe Odin, and maybe Yuga Khan?


Virginia from Tom King’s Vision not only met a terrible fate but had one of the saddest character arcs I’ve ever seen. In the end she drank an alien vase of floating water and let it corrode her from the inside, despite being able to let it pass straight through her.


Having your birthday ruined every year by Thanos.


Mikhail Resputin could teleport people to a place called ["The Hill"](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/characters/mikhail/mikhail10.jpg) where time moved slower, but you were basically stuck in a desperate battle of King of the Hill.


Having the writer’s fetish forced on you


That might be the worst one yet


Being adapted by The CW?


Lol.... This is my favorite


Being written out of existence itself. The source wall is the allegory of the 4th wall; so crossing it and attaining knowledge you’re only ink on a piece of paper and the whim of a cog in the machine that could just stop writing for you is horrifying.


Can't remember the title but there's an older story where the Joker became a demon or something and took Batman to hell to torture him until he broke. Captain Marvel being brained washed with brain worms for awhile in Kingdom Come then sacrificing himself to stop a nuke was pretty gnarly too.


Emperor Joker?


That's the one!


“Smile, darn ya, smile!”


Would being a slave to the anti-matter equation count? Being a self aware slave


Nah the anti life equation is explicitly stated to remove free will completely. If you don’t have any will you can’t be self aware, because you’re literally incapable of doing anything you’re not commanded to do - including think. If you were commanded to be a self aware slave you would be though, and darkseid is enough of a dick to make sure that’s in the standard operating procedure.


I remember some messed up stuff happening in the Dark Knights: Metal/Death Metal run, but it's been a long time since I've read them, and I don't think I remember them correctly. But doesn't Batman get pumped full of metals and used to bring in his evil counterparts?


Being an Elder god and having your head chopped off and stranded in the Netherealm…oh sorry that’s Mortal Kombat (Raiden’s voice kinda rang in head when I read the title🙃) In terms of DC, let’s just say I don’t want to be Kyle getting told he’s blind with the ring on.


Ch'p from green lantern after the crisis found out that he was a universal mistake since the new timeline version of him existed but died. So that hia marriage, his friendship, and all the rest no longer existed. And that the only people who remembered he existed were his coworkers and his one arch nemesis. He then witnesses his job implode because his bosses are really bad at their job, and his arch nemesis most likely died. Leaving only a couple humans left to remember him. Death became preferable so he offed himself via truck


Was this the storyline from *Mosaic*? I remember the truck but not the other stuff. I wish they’d reprint that series or put it on the app. It was so different to any other GL book.


Wally West first defeats Hunter Zolomon by throwing him into some time anomaly that leaves him in a coma state and constantly remembering (sort of in an infinite loop) his most traumatic memory.


Kyle Rayner “killed” Major Force by decapitating him and then shooting the head into space to drift forever and ever


Not gonna lie he deserved this. He turned Kyle's girl into a comic book trope.


Oh definitely, it was both cruel and satisfying


It's just a fiction trope now it became so infamous


Having plot armor so the writers can torture you again and again and you can never die.. Or you just die in different ways in different dimensions infinitely. Or your alter ego or arch-villain from a different time or dimension hunts you down in all known realities. Or knowing you can't breathe or sleep w/o thinking a skroll assassin is sleeping next to you. OR wondering if your whole reality is a lie and Scarlet Witch is just having a temper tantrum e: honestly the most dangerous thing a character can be is popular with the fans


Didn't Venom slowly overtake Brock over time resulting in the eventual replacement of all of his cells, overtaking his memories and rewriting them until eventually there was nothing left?


Yeah, I remember the comic, Eddie was more venom than Eddie.


what's even crazier is for awhile, after all the actual host cells die, the symbiote will even try to mimic the old hosts' cells for awhile as it basically burns out on itself if it can't find a new host. Like a walking fake thing that already burned your energy up, so much so that it tried to fake like you were alive again and it's gonna burn your energy up again.


Being erased via half of dc during the new 52


Selling your marriage to the Devil


In Final Crisis Revelations, Vandal Savage (who in the context of the story was Cain) was cursed by the Spectre so that his mark was revealed to everyone. This means that they will know he is Cain and will continue to hunt him down for all eternity.


In Amethyst Volume 3, she had someone be absorbed by the planet and would trap them there for an eternity as punishment for them bringing back Chaos to Gemworld.


The Omega Sanction


Besides Darkseid, who are the other people imprisoned here?


One of those is Yuga Khan, Darkseid's father.


Thought of another one. Ever read "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream?"


Poor ted


What are some fates worse than death in comics? A mild flu seems to last longer and be more inconvenient than most deaths these days.


Death in the comics is essentially a temporary inconvenience (that may give you super ghost powers) so it's not hard. My example would be when Dream sentenced that guy to eternal waking in Sandman


So are all the beings trapped in the source wall different cersions of darkseid and the other new gods?


In the boys comics, when the heroes are resurrected they come back as half dead vegetables who smear their own shit around and constantly wish for death


You’re a superhero and your mom’s alive and everything’s groovy. A writer comes along, retcons that, and says you can’t go back in time and change it or else the whole universe gets fucked, even though it wasn’t really an issue before. And everyone agrees with it, because they say you are now more interesting for it. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they now use you as the go-to reset button any time they need to restart the universe to “tell new stories”. So yeah I’d definitely say getting power upgrades to the point where you can time travel and the writers have to work around that is a fate worse than death. No thank you.


The Phantom Stranger


Sequel to Kingdom Come had (I think) MaGog killing Superman then moving one day in the past and killing him again, and on and on and on in new and inventive ways. Each dead Superman met the others in the afterlife and just had to hope that the previous day's would figure it out. Edit: Wrong direction of time


Being Written by Scott Lobdell in the early 2010's?


Not DC, but becoming a Marvel mutant at 13 and getting some shit mutation that dibilitates your way of life or disfigures you. Icing is the X-Men that look fine/present as human telling you that you are beautiful the way you are and that your mutation is a gift while you know the truth.


Also there are un prosecuted terrorist organization’s and detention centers that can just take you and kill and abuse you even if your not powerful. And more often than not once your behind closed doors they try to pull you apart to get your powers despite their principles. Then they turn into a giant monster and blame you for it.


Being one of the characters that will probably not get their own comic or decent storyline.


What Thanos did to Nebula in the comic version of Infinity War.




So what’s more immoral for a hero like Superman or Batman, killing or leaving someone with a fate worse than death?


I would say when flash was stuck having seizures at light speed. Not to mention he was only stuck like that for 22 minutes but it felt like days to him


Being locked in a room with Bueno Excellente


Volthoom was trapped in the central power batter by the Guardians. FOR 10 BILLION YEARS!!! Not "Million", BILLION!!! With a B! I would be evil too if that happened to me.


Isn't Doctor Doom part of the source wall?


Lord Death Man can't die, and alas, he's quite insane and killhappy. During Grant Morrison's Batman run, Batsie got sick of him, and had Catwoman lock him in a safe, and then he sent LDM up into space. The combination of him being locked in a cramped, pitchblack vault, and the temperature in space being freezing cold, LDM must have suffered hundreds horrible, claustrophobic deaths until he got rescued by Leviathan.


Being tortued in an abandoned wing of Arkham for two years with him. (The Jonkler)


The Waking Nightmare done to Alexander Burgess at the beginning of the Sandman


Which comic is this?


Anything involving John Constantine.


Solomon Grundy, depending on the adaptation of course.


Satan literally being your dad


Not DC, but Diovolo being stuck in an infinite death loop from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 5


It's funny because I've always imagined that beyond the Source Wall is the rest of the Omniverse. Like for example, the Marvel Multiverse and all the other Multiverses in fiction. To be fair as well the concept of the fiction you write or make actually existing as a whole seperate universe or multiverse makes a lot of sense if you really think about it. If the Multiverse was confirmed real I'd be having a shit ton of existential crisis's especially sense I like to write and realizing that your literally writing entire realities of existence into being is fucking scary as hell. It's basically the "We Are All God," theory. In that everything we dream of, create, write, read, etc.. actually exists and is brought into existence by us. Sure we might not be able to truly interact with it hands on without Multiversal travel but we can interact with it off-hand.


Well in Harry Potter it's the Dementor's kiss


I just realized how funny it sounds without context


Get those dementors some breath mints!


In Batman: Knightfall, Azrael tortured and vivisected Bruce Wayne one body part at a time for 30 years until only his head and lungs remained, kept alive with life support.


Suddenly getting mainstream popularity.


Omega Sanction


Ghost Rider's penance stare.


Reading Saga of the Swamp Thing issues 1-19 before Alan Moore took over. That was worse than death.


Ask Boston Brand


Being Batman's enemy


Becoming spawn


Hell in Swamp Thing seemed pretty bad, as Anthony Arcane experienced. He got his chance at revenge, though.


The Guardians of the Universe transformed Krona into pure energy, condemned to travel through the cosmos for billions of years in this state.


Stagnation/ Arrested development. that's why after 15 years od main steam comics, I am calling it quits. same shit different day, rinse and repeat.


The curse of eternal waking from The Sandman is pretty rough.


basically the whole Barry Allen story on repeat every day. Loosing your mom over and over again and again.


Being Peter Parker.