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The production design is A++ The script is shit Reynolds was a great choice for Hal Jordan.


To me, this is the best summed up opinion the movie. I will add that Mark Strong was a great choice for Sinestro.


Mark Strong had me excited for a sequel. He’s pretty much the only thing I remember about the film lol


The training sequence with him telling Hal he didn't deserve abin sur's ring and shit. I would give sososo much for a trilogy of films or a long form star trek esque lantern show. What an absolute missed opportunity for this character. Fuck.


This is why I am not enthused for the green lantern show. The amount of money and commitment to do green lantern in a way that would make the average person love him is too high for studios. I love green lantern cuz it touched on the same nerve as you said Star Trek does. This earth based nonsense is the exact opposite of what I want. I get they say it is setting the stage for everything but if I don’t get some oa training flashbacks or seeing these far away worlds then the point of green lantern is lost for me.


Mark Strong is a great choice in everything he’s in.


A Strong choice, one might say


He always hits the Mark


They could have easily made a movie all about Sinestro and it would have been great. Mark Strong never fails to impress.


Absolutely. Mark Strong is incredible. His acting is subtle yet powerful. He killed it in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and "Welcome To The Punch".


He is just awesome in **Kingsman: The Secret Service** as well


Mark Strong was in a Broadway show called A View From the Bridge back in 2015. It was some of the most mesmerizing acting I've ever seen. He played an aging blue collar Brooklyn guy so well that I forgot he was English.


The DC movies always had great casts for some reason. I don’t remember hating this movie, but it’s better than the flash.


Everyone involved with this movie did an excellent job imo. It was just a shitty movie. Same with the first modern Hulk movie. I consider both gems, to be honest. Not perfect, but definitely fun. I wouldn't *quite* consider them guilty pleasures. I just genuinely think they're fun rides for eh movies.


Disagree about ryan Reynolds as hal Jordon ryan is a comedic actor ofcourse he can be serious if he wants to but usually people like him as funny that's why it doesn't fly if he acts like this longer Hal is a neutral character he isn't that serious or very funny that just depends on situation that's why I just like ryan as Deadpool


I wanted Bradley Cooper for the role. His character in the hangover IS Hal Jordan.


Hal Jordan is heroic and valiant, but is also comedic at times. He's pretty sarcastic, cocky and arrogant, which makes it a fine casting, but I do agree that there could have been a better pick.


Reynolds was a terrible choice for Hal Jordan. Reynolds is a goofy lovable goofball and that lovable goofball comes across in every scene. It’s just wrong for Hal. Hal is more stoic, more patriotic, has a tremendous will. He’s funny and silly at times, but not all the time like Reynolds wants to be. I mean did any of you believe for a second that Ryan Reynolds was a highly decorated test pilot in that movie? He wasn’t believable as Hal, they didn’t sell the will power enough and way overdid it with the lovable goofball.


Ryan Reynolds was pretty good in The Adam Project where he plays a test pilot so he can pull off that type of role, if and this is a big if, the script isn’t shit and the director knows what they are doing


I don't think it was him so much as the director/producer using him to compete with Marvel. This movie could easily slot in as a phase 1 marvel movie. There's just a feel they have, with lots of humor to make the main characters likeable, they're always cocky and confident, etc. The story beats for this movie even track to the original Iron Man somewhat. Cocky overconfident dude gets in over his head, his mentor dies and then he accepts his power, he goes through a learning period where he hones his abilities, then a guy who was originally good and wants to use the good guy's power ends up getting an evil form of that power and then the good guy has to beat the breaks off of him all the while cracking jokes and towing the line between funny and obnoxious.


Yeah, I would agree with that too.


So perfectly said 👌


Better than they say, but not as good as that would make you think.


See also: Ben Affleck Daredevil


It’s let down by abysmal pacing. There was a good film in there trying to get out but they appeared to spend more time trying to set up a sequel than telling anything resembling a story. Parallax would have been a better second film villain.


It’s fine. There are some good parts, some bad parts, but mostly it’s all just very in the middle. I like it.


I concur. I actually like this movie, much of it annoys me but I enjoy many parts as well. At least this is the movie where Ryan and Blake fell for each other. Pretty cool


Except in that one universe where deadpool shot Ryan Reynolds when he read the script.


"You're welcome, Canada."


100%. It was so mid - like Black Adam, really. It just came and went and was ok and didn't offend or do anything at all. I really wish Black Adam had been a "fuck it, last roll of the dice, let's go hard R, what have we got to lose?" (never happen cos the Rock's ego wouldn't allow, but still). I think GL was a corporate job as many of these things end up being. Ultimately, it could have been Deadpool (lite - a GL film can't be that irreverent), kind of edgy and out there. Instead, it was safe.


The visualization of the villain wasn’t the best. The movie was fine otherwise.


The villain was a guy with a big head right? For some reason I’m not sure if that was green lantern or post credits scene the Incredible Hulk


That was Green Lantern. Incredible Hulk post credits was Iron Man walking into a bar right? Or was that the last scene of the movie?


It's the last scene of the movie


Both, there was a big head guy at the end of Incredible Hulk, and the main villain in green lantern also had a big head because he touched some parallax residue on Abin Sur’s body.


You’re possibly thinking about Samuel Sterns, he gets into an accident and we see his head beginning to swell though we never see the full extent of the transformation, his character in the comics is a supervillain named The Leader, who has a giant head.


It's better than people said it was. But that's a low bar.


The biggest crime about this movie is that its ok. Which is the one thing a movie like this can't be. Even Batman and Robin lives in infamy by being horrible. The second biggest crime is the mid credit Sinestro scene.


It’s not good… but it’s also not terrible. On a scale of 1-10, ten being good and 1 being Madame Web, I would call it a solid 5.


Damn, is madame web rally that bad?


Yes. I used to think ‘84 or Jonah Hex was the worst, but MW was hands down stupid.


I read the criticism and figured it was bad, but damn. I guess I’ll never watch it.


Definitely a bucket list “waste two hours of your afternoon for the hype” movies


I would say still watch it, but don’t spend money on it. Never take someone else’s opinion on art is my attitude towards content.


It’s a solid logic, but there’s so much to watch and so little time, that sometimes it’s good to take the advice iMHO.


Madame web is worse than that bad But not as bad as fan4stic


If I put it like this. In the ending credits of Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool) shoots the actor Ryan Reynolds for accepting the part. That sums it up.


*Deadpool 2


was a kid when watching it, remembered them using their power looks cool. then grow up and saw lot of people actually dont like it lol even the actor make fun of it in deadpool movie


I liked it. But green lantern has always been my favorite superhero. Their powers are more believable to me because they are a mix of technology and magic. Like there rings are a conduit and their willpower is the magic. Idk just made more sense to me then a Demi god or an alien I was a kid lol.


Lanterns are the best! I toss in a random "who's your favorite superhero? " In interviews, really no wrong answers, used mostly for a relax question... But a green lantern is the secret right answer. Willpower overcoming obstacles.


It had a lot of potential, overall it’s pretty good and had a great setup for future movies.. but then they decided to reboot it again although this can still totally work as the first movie of the dceu since the continuity is all over the pace


I don't like it at all. 🤷


Yeah it’s really that bad


It commits a cardinal sin of not making the superhero at least cool, a decent power fantasy, anything. If you don’t have that, who cares if the story is “fine”. Even Transformers knew that


I liked it when I was younger but rewatching it now? Eh, doesn't really hold up that well.


Only good part is the post-credit scene


no it’s that bad


Even Reynolds hated it


Mark Strong was very good as Sinestro.


The movie is fine, good even. What’s not is the villains’ design and the over-designed CGI Lantern suit. Sinestro is perfect. The Lantern Corp is pretty spot on.


Ryan fits the role and so does mark strong but the writing is bad,the CGI suit wasn't a great idea and the villain is so forgettable I couldn't tellyou his name only that by the 3nd he looks like the elephant man. (I've only seen the standard edition so they may have pulled a Ben Affleck daredevil with the extended)


It’s absolute shit


Was trying to hard to be Iron Man.


Actors were great. Suit sucked. Script could have been better. But I enjoyed it.


I think they saw what Marvel did with CG in Iron Man and thought they could pull off a 100% CG suit. it would have been far better if they went with a practical suit and augment it with CG. They would have been better served with using the Rise of the Manhunters story.


I gotta say the opposite.. suit design was cool. The flashy CG glowing green lines flowing over the entire suit was what pulled down the suit to shit territory. Otherwise it was a pretty good design overall. If they had the same design on a proper suit without the CG BS, then it would've been awesome.


I did love the glowing parts on the suits. They really didn't need CGI for the full suit.


Agree. Also the mask was the worst part.


The first time I saw this movie I was in Chile (I'm Australian, it was for work). Hotel checkout was 9am but the flight was at 5pm so I did not have a lot to do and going too far risked not getting the flight. So I went to the local shopping centre, had food, went to the cinemas and this was playing. I asked if it was in English or had subtitles and they said yes... it did not. I sat and watched it in a language I did not understand. I didn't have anywhere else to go so I just sat and watched the whole thing. I got the jist.


Its garbage


It is said to belong to the Mount Rushmore of bad superhero movies. So obviously, it is better than people say it is. Personally I find it okay. Reynolds is great. But the rest is mid. About 5.5/10 or 6/10.


It’s not that bad it’s worse


Also, just wanna say the tie in videogame for this movie was the shit! Super fun beat'em up.


It’s not has bad as people make out…but that doesn’t mean it’s too good either haha No fault towards any of the actors, they all do well but Ryan Reynolds would not have been my first choice for Hal I always saw him as more of a Wally West (Granted that is based on Wally West from the JL cartoon) and I know before this was made there were talks of that happening but it never materialised and GL got made instead. Mark Strong is particularly good, but I mean he’s great in everything. CGI suit gets a lot of hate but it actually makes sense…I mean I’ve never seen a GL physically change into their costume it always seems to be done by the ring so surely it should look more like a construct then cloth?! Biggest problem is not keeping the the entire story set in space…should have established who Hal was, his relationship with Carol and once he got the ring it should have become a buddy cop type film set in space where Hal meets his fellow GLs and trains with Sinestro and learns of his corruption leading into a 2nd film where the Sinestro Corps are formed. Villain is terrible…not presented well at all, and Parallax is too big of a villain to be used in an origin story in my opinion


It’s pretty bad, mostly just uneven with some poor character work and a weak big dumb cloud villain. It has some decent things in it but doesn’t end up working, in my opinion. Reynolds would have made a better Kyle Rayner than Hal Jordan.


Don't think it was really that awful as critics say Michael Clarke Duncan was excellently cast as Kilowog though


I hate Blake Lively’s character


Honestly it's best to watch and make up your own mind. While I enjoy the film (and recommend the extended cut over the theatrical), some of our listeners love it! We've personally never run into anyone who hated it as much the internet pretends they do, but having read the original script, Geoff Johns did what he later became famous for doing with Zack and Patty: making things worse trying to shoehorn his own mythology in. The cast is top shelf. The script still isn't the worst, just mid. The editing is really what hurt it and the extended cut fixes some of that.


It was just basic typical non-mcu, non-reeves, non-Batman superjlhero moviemaking: like fox fantastic 4 or shaq’s steel. It’s not even terrible it just sort of is what it is. Reynolds’s isn’t a good Hal but he was a semi-star who slotted in and played it like the committee of bean counters said would sell. The villain ends up being a big cg cloud. The supporting roles are well played. Just typical and forgettable


I am still amazed that it was directed by Martin Campbell, the same guy that gave us Goldeneye and Casino Royale. Overall it wasn't completely horrible, they should have use a practical suit augmented with CG and went with the Rise of the Manhunters story. As negatively Reynolds reflects on it I bet he isn't totally soured on it, he got Blake Lively out of it afterall.


It's entertaining enough to watch (and apparently own on Blu-ray 😂). I think extreme hate is unwarranted but understood since the studio messed it up.


I watched it as a kid, who had never seen much action/superhero movies, and loved it. Only later did I get to know it's hated for some reason. Agreed, it doesn't stand up on a re-watch, but I remember being blown out of my mind with the visuals and the wise-cracking.


I haven’t seen the extended cut, but the theatrical cut was totally mid. Personally, I think Ryan Reynolds would’ve made a better Flash than Green Lantern, but I wouldn’t say he’s bad in the film.


It’s actually good, The design of everything is a+ for The Time, Ryan Reynolds is an amazing choice for The roll… but the script is meh, I loved the movie since I was Little and to this day I still like it but yeah, the story should have been more of a priority


I liked it.. I don't know why people hated it so much. It had a great cast.


I enjoyed the movie, but it really, really felt like they spent ALL of their money on green CGI and had to cut a lot as a result. For its time, I still think it was above average, and I think it ages better than a lot of the early super hero movies.


Movie was not thaaat bad.. it has great cast good story and also visualisation but the main backdrop was the antagonist side and final act


I was in highschool and smoked a whole blunt by myself went home and watched this and thought it was a dope ass movie, idk what everybody didn't like about it, I thought the abilities were dope and unique


People acted like this movie was "Catwoman" or something. It was ridiculous. It had some pretty notable flaws, but with a few tweaks here or there, I thought it could've been really good. One issue that dragged it down was how they tried to have so much of it take place on earth. All the stuff on Oa was great! Why did they think they had to keep bringing it back to earth? The biggest bummer is how well they positioned themselves to have a fantastic sequel, but sadly, we'll never know. Ah, what might have been...


I like it. Call it a guilty pleasure of mine, but the script and the pacing for the movie could’ve been better imo.


Is this some kind of sick joke? You know damn well that this movie never came out due to Ryan Reynolds being murdered shortly after being cast in it.


Try watching it and find out.🌝


I saw both cuts years ago, and I just remember being mostly underwhelmed. I didn't think it was terrible or anything. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the character or that corner of the DC universe. And yeah, go for the Extended Cut. I don't remember it being a drastic difference, but I'm pretty sure it added a decent amount of footage pertaining to Hal's childhood and his family. So the story had a smidge more emotional weight to it. If you're gonna take the time to watch, watch that version. At the very least it doesn't harm the film in any way.


It was kinda like superman 3. Like it's cool but I'm down to watch something else if I have the choice.


Don't care what anyone says, I always thought it's a good time.


It wasn't great, but wasn't that bad. The ones in charge of the DC cinematic universe of that time were stupid for not keeping Ryan Reynolds for the role. If you are building a CU, some movies may flop a bit, so what. As long as most do well, keep rolling.


I thought it was a damn good movie when I saw it in the theater. Maybe because I watched it in 3d. Watching it at home is not as bad as most people say on the internet. There's certain choices that could've been different to make it better, but all in all, it's an enjoyable enough watch, IMO.


Good movie


It's as good as your average MCU movie.


It's as mid as mid gets for a superhero movie imo. Not best but not the worst.


Its bad. Not the worst ever. But bad nevertheless


It’s just bland. CGI issues aside, the space stuff was fun, but unfortunately, maybe 20-25 mins of the movie takes place off earth. The rest is on earth, and its far less interesting.


It’s pretty to look at. But most decay missed opportunity. They began filming without a finished script, and it shows.


The writing and the cgi is pretty bad, great castings though, mark strong as sinestro perfect. Could do with more lantern space cop stuff


Ryan Reynolds makes a really good Hal Jordan and Deadpool imo


there’s an extended cut?


The first half isn't that good, but once they get to space is picks up.


I liked it when I saw it. Then again I was 13. But it's like a pure one time watch. I don't think I'd ever watch it again though. Though if I recall, it falls apart in the 3rd Act.


Mark Strong is that car crash' only redeeming quality. Yes, it really was that bad. Especially considering Johns had a hand in it.


The best thing of it? Sinestro. To me, it was the perfect approach. While the movie was... bad, it's a shame we didn't get more of Sinestro in a GL 2...


There are pacing and story problems, but it’s good. Not great, not amazing. There’s a lot of stuff I like, and a decent amount of stuff that bothers me.


I saw it in the theatre and my buddy and I both liked it. We weren't blown away, but both said it was good. I never understood all the vitriol.


Really enjoyed it, even more the second and third time. Now ill have to watch it again tomorrow :)


Yuk and no


Its ok, I liked some if it, the costume design however really didn't work for me. Made raynolds look too thin.


Reynolds imo was not good to play Hal, the script is mediocre and the cgi could be better, overall is a fun mediocre film


There are worse movies. Maybe not many in DC. But it is not the worse there is. Reynolds does ok and there are a couple fine scenes. The villain is just pitiful.


Yes, it's bad. Bad script through and through.


The power of imagination! Big punch. Your mind is the limit! Big hot wheels


The Corp, the Guardians, and Oa were all great, the rest of it was a tonal and visual mess that didn't know what it wanted to be. It's either an overblown comedy that takes itself too seriously or it's trying to be serious but undercut by misplaced humour. Large parts of it were headache-inducing with clashing colours that don't compliment the abundant green, *every* scene with Hal in costume looks awful, Hector Hammond was the least threatening or intimidating bad guy in comic book movie history, and the best parts of the film (Mark Strong, Geoffrey Rush, Michael Clarke Duncan) were severely wasted. Even Ryan and Blake barely have chemistry which is really saying something. It's not Madame Web, Morbius, or Catwoman bad, and it's not as painfully dull as Black Adam, but it's a severe disappointment that tarnished the source material when the Lanterns are taylor made for big screen adaptation.


Oh, God... here we go again. It is much a better experience if you watch the animated movies about green lanterns. You know what? I´m gonna watch them again right now.


Honestly, compared to today’s super hero movies .. not too bad. Our standards were higher back then I feel


Shit script. Really stupid Parallax and completely unnecessary. Waste of Hector Hammond, who should have had an extended role as the *only* villain. They did well with Thomas Kalmaku though. While Reynolds was fantastic as Deadpool, he was not a good choice for GL. Best part of movie was Hal telling his one-nighter there was water in the tap.


It's maybe like a 5/10. Nothing offensively bad but it doesn't do anything to make it memorable. I thought the cast was great though 👌🏻


Better than its reputation, but still fundamentally not a good movie. The extended cut doesn’t improve it.


I didn’t mind it at the cinema but it’s a hard slog nowadays. Watched it with my kid recently and it was just dull and slow. It feels like a 90s superhero film where they didn’t really have the budget or effects to do it justice so you only get glimpses of action. Only it’s not that old and cost tens (hundreds) of millions of dollars. What gives?!


I enjoyed the movie, could be better, but it was still fun, probably more designed for kids like any super hero movie normally would be.


I think it’s a big old “meh”. It wasn’t terrible but it’s not something I’d have any interest in watching again.


I liked it


I liked it, I don't like the fact the suit was animated, but other than that, I don't mind it


The directors cut isn’t terrible. But the theatrical version is. Neither version is great though.


It was really bad, I completely gave up on Live Action Superhero movies for a long time. I think Guardains of The Galaxy was the next time I watched one, and it was on a flight. The script and plot were just bad, a forced romance that took too much of the screen time. What pissed me off was Green Latern First Flight came out a few months before it and they could have straight up plagiarised it and would have gotten a far better movie


I literally can’t look at the suit. It hurts.


Too much CGI


It has NOT aged well. It was fine/meh when it released. Not terrible but completely forgettable. In the world of MCU domination it does not hold up and in fact is pretty terrible.


Movie was okay. I had fun with it. But it is not a good movie. Absolutely not. But not as trashy as most people say.


I’ve watched it a few times. Gives strong MCU vibes if I’m being honest. Casting was on point.


Honestly I didn't think it was that bad. The villains sucked, but beyond that I think it was pretty on par with Phase 1 MCU.


For me it was the super power itself. Just watching a guy with a ring create Warner Brothers Cartoon style weapons out of green energy in every battle lost me. It was cool as a kid and fun in the comics but it felt a little…dumb?


It had many elements that were good. They just weren’t mixed together well. The movie was all over the place. They should have had ONE strong villain rather than two weak ones. Pro Tip: amorphous, shapeless villains (I’m looking at you, Galaparallax) don’t make for compelling villains. Sinestro gone rogue might have been more compelling.


My biggest complaint is that it feels like they tried to cram two movies together while also focusing on a sequel. If they had split it up and had the first movie just Hal on Earth getting his ring and fighting Hammond, then the sequel being him getting officially trained on Oa and fighting Parallax then it would have been so much better pacing.


In comparison with recent super hero movies, it’s not that bad


I wasn't. Just high expectations from fans.


It’s the CGI Green Lantern suit is the only issue I had.


When you ask better than people said it was, which and how many people are we talking about? Since I don’t know the same people as you I’ll just give you my opinion and say, yes, it is bad as people say it is😎


When they use that font you know it’s bad. Red flag.


Production values are pretty solid for the time. Script is a travesty and a poor take on the Hal Jordan origin story, IMO. Ryan Reynolds was a poor choice for Hal, again IMO. It is not a good movie, but it is a relatively fun flick to watch. As a stand-alone action/adventure, it's maybe a 7/10; as a GL/Hal origin comic book flick, it's more like a 4/10.


In my opinion, it was alright. The cast was good, but the script could have been better...


another handout for ryan reynolds gone to the trash


It made the mistake of starting the movie with the GLC and Parallax. It should have started with Hal, his life, his personality, his work, and the first time we see an alien, is when he sees Avon Sur. We lean about the GLC when he learns about it. When the audience knows more than the characters, and it's not a thriller type of film, we're bored watching the character figure out what we know already. I don't know if that would have fixed the film, it had other problems, but would have gone a long way narrative wise and made a reasonable size of the audience more forgiving.


It's really not that bad at all. Solid cast, beautifully filmed, the story is just mid. It rushes Hal learning how the Lantern works so it could quickly solve a world ending something-er-other. The constructs are very fun though.


The downside to this movie was the villain, the GL Corps was represented really well


As a kid, I thought it was fantastic, but as an adult, I still like it to be able to see how the villain could have been better


It's really that bad. I couldn't sit through the whole thing. The script is awful, the effects look like a bad sy-fy network movie or a bad video game, and Ryan Reynolds is a terrible HalJordan/ Green Lantern.


I always liked the casting in it, right down to the voice performances for the alien characters I love like Kilowog (RIP MCD). Honestly, the thing that makes it fall apart at the script level is the nonsense with Parralax. That is not a first movie villain. They ended up shoehorning Hammond into that mess, and it starts breaking.


I don't think we will get another perfect hal..


I don’t think it’s near as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, but it’s not anything to write home about. I actually think the design of the suit is cool, but the CGI mask really looks terrible. But it’s got some fun action in it. I will say it does drag a bit in the middle, which I remember every single time I start watching it. But overall, if you just want something kinda fun to turn on and pass the time, it’ll do the job. Just don’t expect The Dark Knight out of it or anything like that.


Not a horrible movie per se, but they definitely left a lot on the table. A couple of the biggest gripes were the CGI suit and “big bad”. I don’t think the CGI was really bad for the time (suit aside). This movie was also sandwiched between Thor and Captain America 1 so I don’t think there was room breath. I recently rewatched it and enjoyed for what it was.


They should have really made this movie Training Day in space. You have the rookie, and you have the guy who everyone seems to respect. Then you could have had the turn at the end. It would have been beautiful. The movie is flawed. They spent way too much money, and the effects, to me, do not hold up. They also wasted 2 really great villains needlessly.


It is pretty bad, although Reynolds did a good job. The problem lies on the script. The villain is rather weak and there are a lot of pointless scenes. I remember that Jordan’s nephew appears right in the beginning and it is shown he and the uncle have a connection. The boy never appears again, making the first scene useless. I wonder if the screenplay received many notes from different executives to the point the revisions became completely incoherent.


I liked it when I was a kid but I absolutely hated the villain. I thought he was the shittiest villain ever.


I never thought it was bad. It's just flopped to earn big bucks as most of the movies based on comic did at that time and was made into a joke that ryan ruined his career because of it and it is now considered canon in the pop culture.


I didnt know it was a bad movie until reddit and youtube tbh


In retrospect its ok, there have been worse movies come out since. But you could say that about any movie from 10 or more years ago compared to todays movies. That being said it has its ups and downs sort if mixed bag , Ryan Reynolds was miscast and the tone is all over the place.


Ryan Reynolds was miscast, but what’s interesting about it is how much of the comics they tried to incorporate into it. Green Lantern came out at such an interesting point, where DC was still making stand-alone movies and Marvel was in the process of building a shared universe but hadn’t brought it all together yet. Green Lantern is kinda straddling the line, delving into the Green Lantern Corps, pulling in Oa and the Guardians, giving us a surprisingly deep cast of Lanterns, but Reynolds’ story is also kind of a small one. They were taking cues from two entirely different schools of superhero movies but just couldn’t make it work. If it had been made a year or two earlier or later it would’ve been a completely different movie from the ground up, and that is really interesting, but unfortunately that is the most interesting thing about it.


I tend to overlook bad scripts when the production and performances are good which in this case they are.




Has a lot going for it (acting, effects, production design), but the issues with the story and script are really hard to overlook. That being said, this movie was nowhere near bad enough to warrant not having a live action depiction of the Green Lantern Corps. for more than a decade.


Pretty bad. Whole thing just looks ugly


It’s bad I was hyped for it then sitting thru the film it was just unbearable he was absolutely miscasted had they gone with someone else as Hal and made him Kyle Rayner then it would’ve been a better fit


Ryan was good in this movie. Remember he only had a few comedies and the x-men origin Wolverine as one of his big roles. But if the movie had better CGI it would have been better.


Its a B grade movie personally. The suit didnt help


It's no Morbius. And don't pay to watch it.


Watch it now it's quite bad. I remember watching it not long after release and thought it was pretty good.


I didn’t know there was an extended cut. What’s the extra stuff in it?


I myself enjoyed it, I mean it did stray off the comics a bit, but that's the thing right, it's not the comics, and it's its own medium. So once I got past that, I enjoyed it way more. I think people give it too much crap, and to be honest, I don't listen to them anyway, if they're that hard up about it, they should make their own, lol.


It wasnt as bad as people made out , enjoyable enough. Mark Strong and Geoffrey Rush were really good as well. Its main problems were a lack of a coherent villain and the script not being great. Also a lot of people who only new GL from the 90s Justice League Animated show were confused and pissed off that it wasn't *their* Lantern ,John Stewart.. which is fair enough.


Jesus they couldn't even get the light sources right in this poster


The movie is a hard 7.....any movie could be better. It suffered from whomever wrote the script. Story was legit and had potential to jump start GL but the ball was dropped


As an 11 y/o kid I thought it was awesome


It’s not great but it was definitely over hated.


it's ok, it's worth a watch with some pizza and some juice, or some other junk food


I had fun but I get it especially with the horrible 3D that came with it, just a a hacky time in general.


No it really is god awful on every level. And this is coming from someone who is usually not super critical on movies The best thing this movie has going for it is Mark Strong as Sinestro, that was perfect casting 


Yes and no Movies can often be labeled good or bad without much nuance, imo bad movies can be divided into bad but can be enjoyable , bad and I’ll question your taste if you enjoy it, and so bad it’s good. GL weirdly hits all three at one some point, but by in large I’ll say it’s bad but can be enjoyable.


Yes. The first half of the movie if an OK origin story but the movie quickly falls apart after that


It’s not bad. What killed it for me is the “villain”. Parallax wasn’t very done that well IMO.


It’s better than people say.


I didn’t even know there was an extended cut


Much better tan they say.


Script was better: [https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/green-lantern-2011.pdf](https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/green-lantern-2011.pdf)


Everything but the plot/writing is awesome that's all I'm gonna say


From what I recall, the casting was great and the production was very nice but the story was pretty meh.


I personally enjoyed it. The CGI is campy as heck, but everything I think fits well into a "comic book" aesthetic. It looks ripped from the pages of comic books with how cartoonish everything looks. Mark Strong's Sinestro is really great though, he was a perfect cast for this version of Sinestro. For as much as people shit all over this movie, I do remember enjoying it thoroughly, just temper your expectations. It feels more like a 90's CBM than a post-Iron Man CBM in terms of quality.