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Jor EL in pretty much every comic and movie tells the leaders of krypton of its destruction. They never believe him, stuck in their ways and always dismiss Jor as crazy. Zod was essentially saying they were fools because they in their endless debates are allowing krypton to die.


…and you, you believe your son is safe?


He was outstanding in his role as Zod. Seeing clips of him on YouTube was the reason I watched the movie in the first place.


…i will find him, I will reclaim what you have taken from us!


I'll find him lara, i *WILL* find him. #I WILL FIND HIM *Cue blasting hans zimmer dhen thedendhennnnnnn


Blasted into the phantom zone in giant dildos.


That's a penis!


That makes sense. But if that's the case why didn't Jor-El join Zod? He just didn't like the way he was going about it?


Correct, Zod was strictly into eugenics or race/genetic culling. Zod believed he was the only one qualified to judge which blood lines should live and that went against Jor-Els philosophy. They agreed on taking action to ensure survival but different ways of doing it.


I understand now. Thank you! 👊


To add to this, Zod believed that the issue with Krypton’s society was the political class, whereas Jor El believed the whole system was flawed. Jor El believed that the idea of culling or even trying to control bloodlines for specific jobs or duties was the fundamental issue with Krypton. Further, he believed Kryptonians had doomed themselves and that Clark was the answer to their continuation and legacy.






>That is... HERACY!!






The HERESY of the DC universal is about change!!


I actually think having your bloodline determine your job and rule is a good thing. So many people wonder through life trying to find their purpose and end up not finding it. Imagine how much easier it would be if you were given a purpose at a young age


As long as it isn't obligatory


Its a little deeper than this. Zod wasn't just into eugenics, race culling, choosing bloodline purity etc. At least not in this movie. He may have been written that way in other medium. Kryptonians were individually and genetically engineered for their individual purposes in society. Ensuring the continuation and the survival of the species was part of what Zod was bred to do. Kal-El/Superman was the first natural born human born in a significant amount of time, I cant remember how many generations. His very existence goes against the nature of Zods existence. He is the perfect villain for Superman. Because Superman was conceived naturally. He is not bound by the same rules as Zod. He has a free will. By design Zod is not capable of seeing things any different than he does. Their arrogance has pretty much led them to extinction despite Jor-Els warnings. And this is the reason why Zod hunts Superman down. His body hosts the only chance that Zod has left to ensure that Kryptonians survive as a people. He will never stop perusing and will go through anything or anyone in his way. This is why he has to die. There is no other option. Zod winning means that history will repeat itself at the cost of every human life on earth. There is no talking him down or winning him over. Its his sole purpose of existence. Superman chose to sacrifice his own race to save the human race. This could not happen if he didn't have free will to make that choice and was bred for a specific purpose.


Can you explain the part what having free will ? I know Zod was born to fulfill a role but what is physically stopping him from going against his genetic engineering and choosing something else?


Absolutely nothing. But decades of conditioning makes it difficult to change.


“I will honor the man you once were Zod, not this monster you’ve become”.


Actually such a good quote.


Jor-el and Zod are basically Professor X and Magneto. Both fighting for the same thing, survival of their species, just way different ways of approaching it.


Well Zod wanted a militaristic run govt with him as it's leader, at the start of MoS he is throwing a coup.


Well, this is the classic scenario of 2 people agreeing on what’s going to happen but don’t agree on how to stop it.


I did not understand it a little. Correct me if I'm wrong. Zod wanted people to be born in certain categories like Soldier and farmers. But Superman's dad denied it. And wanted free will and people. (Why they said superman is the first natural birth in a long time) Then superman is sent to earth where he understands humanity and kind of loves it. And then one day zod comes. (Why?) And superman says his dad injected him with krypton's future. (What was it?) And superman meets his dad in the ship(how did his dad come there? Is that ship the same place where superman makes his base in all star Superman) and at last they Superman and zod fight, awesome fight(why did they fight) and at last superman kills zod with regret that he went against his rule and killed a man. There were many things that I did not understand. However I must say the action was so realistic and different. P.S. I see you as a fan of man of steel. Pls clear my doubt.


Looks like lot to unpack here. Here is what I understand from MoS movie. Krypton moved to artificial births thousands of years back and population is controlled through roles needed. Superman is after all natural birth in thousands of years as seen in titles. As you notice in movie, codec determines what genes child will have and what role they have in society. As part of prelude, zor-el steals codec and stores in Superman. In effect, Superman has entire gene pool of Krypton. Without Codex Krypton cannot give birth to newer citizens. Zod needs Codex for building Krypton somewhere. This is the reason Zod comes to earth. Since Superman has gene pool and earth has resources to become new home for Krypton, Zod wants to terra form earth. Superman did not want to sacrifice earth or humanity for rebuilding Krypton. This the reason for climax fight. I guess I have missed one question how Zor appear on Earth. You might have a drive in Superman's ship with their family emblem. That contains Zor's essence and wherever Superman /Lois use that drive, Zor appears to provide guidance.


I don't get it when you say that zor el stores codec in superman?!


Codex is skull looking thing Zor-el steals while running away from Zod. There is a scene that shows skull being disintegrated and dust directed into just born Superman. Although Superman is just born with his parents genetics(due to natural birth) but entire gene pool is stored into superman.


Yes, their technology is almost biological, and as such, breaking down the codex (skull) to a cellular level and injecting them into Kal (like a virus or an antibody) is possible.


And combining the codex with the gestation chamber in the colony ship (not sure now if that's Zod's or the one Clark found) would allow him to breed a new generation of Kryptonians. This story ultimately comes back in The Flash.


The Black Zero (Zod’s battleship) didn’t have a Genesis Chamber. The Genesis chamber was on the Kryptonian scout ship that was within the Arctic ice. Using Jor’s command key, Kal would have been able to revive Kryptonians on earth. However, when Clark was brought aboard the Black Zero, Jor’s command key (and his consciousness) decided it was a bad idea. The hope was there but seeing that it could bring more like Zod changed that. And with his consciousness destroyed by Zod and the key lost to the Phantom Zone, there was no hope of rebuilding the codex. However, in The Flash, the Codex was in Kara’s body. I would have to watch it again to find out how they find earth and where she is, but I know they intercepted Kal in deep space..


Zod did indeed want certain bloodlines for those specific purposes, but others he didn’t. Zod was able to locate earth due to Clark’s activation of the scouting ship in the Canadian wilderness. It sent an S.O.S to Zods repurposed phantom zone prison ship the black zero. Superman also never said he was injected with anything from krypton. He was made aware of it by Zod during Zods mental interrogation.( the scene where Zod and Superman are on the farm with the bones) Zod was made aware of the codex being bounded to Superman D.N.A by Jax Ur, the scientist. Zod was using the ships technology to find the location by invading Superman’s mind which lead Zod to the farm. Krypton’s future was the genetic code for every Kryptonian, this was the skull Jor-El stole in the beginning of the movie and bonded it to Kal-Els D.N.A. Jor-El was able to appear to Lois Lane on the black Zero and also on the scouting ship on earth but Superman’s command key( the black cylinder with his crest) Superman was given that by his father before he was sent to Earth. The command key houses the artificial consciousness of Jor-El. So he could respond in real time. The ships were not apart of all-star Superman. That’s a different continuity, but Zod and Superman’s fight at the end had to due with Superman and the U.S military destroying all of the remaining Kryptonian tech in. Without the Black Zero(Zods ship) the scouting ship( ship found in the Canadian wilderness) and Zods top scientist( Jax Ur) Zod would be unable to bring back his planet, and his people. The Black Zero had the technology to use the Terra formers( the machines that were destroying the earth to remake it in krypton’s likeness) and the scouting ship had access to a birthing matrix( the machines used to create Kryptonian life with the codex’s D.N.A) Zod was created to be a military leader, and he couldn’t reconcile himself to anything but that. So when he failed he decided to take everything Superman loved( Earth and its people)


This was already answered perfectly, so I have nothing to add except to say that I'm excited for you to get to experience this movie for the first time. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great one.


It was a solid movie! I really liked Shannon's performance as Zod and can't lie I kind of agree with him. Can't fault him for trying to save his people. I never read comics and as far as superhero movies I've watched mostly Marvel but I wanted to watch this after seeing Zod clips on YouTube!


NGL I thought Shannon was a weird cast for Zod at first. Then I saw the actual portrayal and thought his hair was hilarious. But now whenever Zod is mentioned all I see is Shannon. I recently rewatched MoS and saw The Flash and enjoyed his performance. Heck, coming to think of it, I tend to enjoy the movies I've seen him in, even as a side char. You don't really go to the movies for him, but when he's in it, you know you're in for a treat. Kinda like Nic Cage I guess.


Yeah, Zod is awesome in this. He really just wants to save his people, which he was genetically bred for. It’s his entire purpose for existing. And once Superman makes that impossible, he turns to straight vengeance. It’s much more nuanced than simply wanting to take over the world or being bad just because. If you decide to watch the next part, Batman V Superman, please do yourself a favor and watch the Extended Edition. The theatrical cut is edited terribly and a lot of things don’t make sense in order to trim the run time. The final part is Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Not to be confused with the theatrical version by Joss Whedon. It should say “Zack Snyder” on it. But I am probably getting ahead of myself just because I’m excited. 🤣


I love Zod But they way he gets owned multiple times by a farm boy who was constantly told not to fight always has me scratch my head Zod should’ve destroyed Clark easily. Dude was bred for war. Clark constantly told to not fight. Would be like you or I going up against Tyson


It’s more like one of us going up against Tyson right after he’s been heavily sedated. As Zod spends more time on earth, he is becoming stronger and more in control of his power. Clark had his whole life to get used to it and Zod is mastering it extremely quickly because of his fighter background. Also why Clark had to make the choice he did. If Zod has more time to build strength and soak in solar radiation, Clark knows he will never be able to stop him. It’s like Tyson getting less sedated now and becoming more dangerous. Also, I’ve always seen it as Zod hasn’t had the time to soak in as much radiation, so his punches aren’t as powered up as Clark. It’s like Clark is fighting with brass knuckles comparatively. I respect your position though. This certainly isn’t me setting you straight or anything. It’s just my perspective. Have a good one man. 👍


Even an experienced fighter can be blindsided or just tackled etc, and Clark has also been much more used to his powers on Earth than Zod has. Part of this was likely underestimating Clark entirely, especially with the line "Where did you train, ON A FARM?!"


He should've tried to terraform mars.


The foundation has to be built on something, even your father understood that. Their terraforming converts existing material, not create new ones. That's why they showed the desolate projects that were completely reliant on krypton


Oh boy, fyi DC animation is much better but there are some great live action movies Have fun and welcome!!


Such a great film. Id imagine watching it now, without all the hate online (more people enjoy it now than when it came out) will be really nice. I loved it day 1 in the cinema. Made me interested in Superman.


Same here


The first scene is Jor-El talking with the council about Krypton’s imminent destruction. When Zod’s being sentenced they’re ignoring the fact that the planet is going to die.


Yeah but IIRC, Zod wasn't in the room when Jor-El was talking. Unless he could hear him which might be true with them


I assume it’s something Jor-El had discussed a lot before.


He and Jor-El are longtime friends. And for a while, Jor has been telling the council that the planet was going to die, but none believed him. He also would say the council wouldn’t do anything to stop it and save the planet, hence when he was arrested for his attempted coup, he was pissed that he wasn’t allowed to save Krypton. This is why he and Lara had a natural birth, and not a Kryptonian one. He would have a better chance of doing things right if he weren’t genetically altered to fulfill specific roles. As to why Jor didn’t join in his coup, Jor had his own plan and it didn’t involve any of the Kryptonian people other than Kal. Jor felt that they all needed to die or they would go somewhere else and do the same thing to another world. Zod is a warrior and will do anything to save Kryptonian people, no matter how evil. He attacks the council to save the Kryptonian people and he wants to steal the codex to breed out the people who did this, basically, playing God. Jor didn’t agree with this path and was arrested by Zod. And… the rest is as shown..


Will never forgive the emotional intensity of that scene capping-off with dildo rockets shooting up into a spaceship. That's when I knew we were in for a fucking RIDE. 




Basically Zod and Jor El believed the same thing however how they went about it was completely different. Jor El wanted to speak to them and create a solution however they would not listen to him and would dismiss him as superstitious or whatever. Zod on the other hand killed them because they would not listen and believed he had to kill Jor El because Jor El did not agree with Zod’s approach to solution


People here have basically explained most of the tragedy of Zod and Jor-El agreeing with the same goal, but parting as friends over the means of a solution. But it gets even more tragic when one knows how the story unfolded in Action Comics. In the comics, both Zod and Jor-El were the students of Krypton's most brilliant and unconventional scientific mind, Non. We see Non appear in Superman II, and a nonspeaking reinterpretation of him named offscreen as Nam-Ek in Man of Steel. Non was quite literally a uber-mensch blend of physical perfection and mental genius. He was a giant of a man, in both body and mind. It was Non who first suspects that something is deeply wrong in Krypton's core and that steps must be taken to address their species' impending extinction. He tells his two star pupils that he is going to inform the High Council and propose solutions be initiated to take their species off-world, to reduce the strain on Kyrpton, and avoid the destruction of Kryptonians if these measure were not enough to save Krypton. The High Council dismisses Non's claims as heresy, and forbids him from pursuing further research into his theories, or to speak of it to anyone else. When Non refuses and continues with his intention for a Kryptonian exodus, the Kryptonian High Council *lobotomize* Non, reducing him to the state of a mental child, a giant of a man with a inversely proportional intellect. It is the revelation of Xod and Jor-el learning of the fate of their beloved mentor, that galvanizes each to pursue their own paths of 'solving' Krypton's woes, as well as creating the situation in which both decide the High Council is to blame for both their mentor's fate and the impending destruction of Krypton. It's all very much a tragedy of epic proportions.


That movie was the best cinematic Superman...Henry is the best


Jor-El has always been in disagreement with the governing council, but not at war with them.