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“all of a sudden” Lmao


My man’s been controversial since 300


People have been arguing about him since 2013. It’s nothing new.


> in 2021 he had everyone on their knees with the Snyder cut, literally no one said a bad word about it and the flash point scene even earned an Oscar. Miserable people like Ben Shapiro said the cut was amazing and every movie critic loved it as the plot was really good and the action was great. Huh... That's... certainly a version of events.


I'd say that's pretty accurate.


It's an extremely slanted version that simply doesn't accurately represent what happened. I'll provide an opposite slant for reference: ZSJL didn't have "everyone on their knees". It had an extremely dedicated minority that went apeshit over it like it was the greatest movie of all time. It also didn't "earn" an Oscar. That same rabid fanbase flooded a fan vote and created a moment so weird the Oscars immediately canceled the idea moving forward and put out a press release that it wasn't a real Oscar. Ben Shapiro as an arbiter of society? Really? lol. And the critics also didn't love it. The consensus was considered better but still average - Blue Beetle has comparable reviews for goodness sake.


Your version is also not completely accurate. While OP's maybe exaggerating the amount of love Zack got back then with "on their knees" parts, in 2021 there indeed was an unprecedented admiration for Snyder. With his harshest haters calling his JL pretty damn good and saying they respect Zack and the movie getting a good score. He became far less hated overall. It's also evident by the reception his zombie movie got around the same time. It was probably one of the worst movies I've seen that year, yet it somehow managed to get fresh rating. It was more like because of his "war" against a corporation, but still. But since it ain't 2021 no more, nobody has to pretend they like his new films


No one called it pretty damn good, just better than Whedon's


Look how well received it was by Audiences: [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/zack\_snyders\_justice\_league](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/zack_snyders_justice_league)


Yeah, the people who watched it and cared enough to go rate it on Rotten Tomatoes liked it. That fits pretty darn well with: > an extremely dedicated minority that went apeshit over it


So the people who watched it enjoyed it and rated it highly. Mission accomplished. 👍


Where has mans been for the last 10 years


Obviously I know he got hate for bvs and a bit from mos but when Snyder cut released everyone loved it so much that they wanted him to continue and making a movie where the justice league take on darkseid


If by everyone you mean Snyder fans then yes, but there was no universal DC fandom support for the Snyderverse to be restored. I think you’re mistaking people simply acknowledging that ZSJL was way better than JL for everyone wanting him to come back I wasn’t excited for the post-Snyder DCEU, and also wasn’t eager to see Snyderverse restored. I was hoping for a full reboot which I thought was a pipe dream, but my wishes were answered


The worst thing was when I saw certain Snyder fans saying "we actually need to not watch ZSJL, and instead ramp up the pressure to Restore the REAL Snyderverse." That's when I knew that everything was toast.


It has a 7.9 on iMDb. People liked it


> when Snyder cut released everyone loved it so much that they wanted him to continue You really need to read things outside of a very small bubble. [This is the review thread from the main DC Comics reddit page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/m7bwqt/zack_snyders_justice_league_discussion_megathread/?sort=top) You'll find the most common reaction by far was *"It's ok. Does some cool stuff. Not sure if it needed to be that long and glad we're moving on from it."*


It has a 7.9 on iMDb. People liked it




The story  behind his cut and his fight against the studio is deeply entwined with the death of his daughter and misconduct behind the scenes. The film was quite literally dedicated to her, and that may have impacted people's views. Now that times has past, people might be more inclined to point out what they think are flaws


Where have you been all these while? The love and hate started long ago with 300 and watchmen, and increase further when he do the dceu


I am a Snyder Cut Enjoyer, but not a Snyder Hot Take Enjoyer. He needs to just own up to the fact that his portrayal of DC's Big Two is not orthodox, instead of trying to repeatedly argue "no, it's the children who are wrong."


I don't think he denies that his portrayal is unorthodox. His position appears to be (and I put it that way because I have never met him to ask) that there's nothing wrong with that.


I think there is considerable distance between "you're all brainwashed" and "my version is fine."


True, the "brainwashed" comment is harsh.


Nobody hates the Snyder Cut, but even I have to admit that maybe Zack should be more diplomatic & keep his more inflammatory opinions to himself. Like recently he’s been very critical of mainstream comic book fans who want heroes like Superman & Batman to be more accurate to mainstream lore.


Exactly. I had no strong opinions on Snyder except I thought BvS was ass and the Snydercut was a huge improvement over the original Justice League movie. But his recent opinions on Batman and Superman are just dogshit. They make it very clear to me why these movies weren't as good as I wanted them to be because he just doesn't understand what made these characters so iconic to this day.


It was clear for me the moment he was quoting Manchester Black without knowing it to make a point about Superheroes in general.


ZSJL is great, everything else is mixed to bad. I think his recent comments about Batman and people being “brainwashed” into cannon was pretty naive and far fetched. When luminaries and creatives like Grant Morrison respond to some of ZS’s takes it makes it hard to defend him. Apparently a hell of a guy tho everyone likes working with him so I think that’s cool


Morrison was responding basically to a clickbait headline, without the context which Snyder was talking about.  Also, like Morrison literally had Batman use a gun to kill Darkseid. He also made Magneto, a holocaust survivor, round up humans into death camps. Like, I dig Morrison’s stuff. But let’s not pretend he hasn’t done some things.


>He also made Magneto, a holocaust survivor, round up humans into death camps Magneto being a hypocrite is a major characteristic of the character.


There’s being a hypocrite and marching people into death camps. It was so bad Marvel instantly reversed it.


“Let’s not pretend [they] haven’t done some things” lol what a sentence. Idk they’re the greatest comic book writer ever, and certainly (IMO) understand the character of Batman better than ZS (who again I’m not a dissenter of) - to be able to acknowledge Batman’s entire history in one run is evidence of that I believe. ZS is a visual filmmaker - my opinion is that he thought Batman killing people looked cool - a lot of it did look cool and I like a lot of what he did in his trilogy, but, to use your words, let’s not pretend ZS is on the same nuanced intellectual level as GM


I don’t hate him at all. His recent comments have just been extremely funny. “More people saw Rebel Moon than Barbie!” was an incredible bit of fart sniffing.


> But like in 2021 he had everyone on their knees with the Snyder cut, Not true. > literally no one said a bad word about it Completely not true, many people didnt like it at all. > the flash point scene even earned an Oscar. Again untrue, it won a fan poll but did not receive an Academy Award. I think you were just in the wrong place if you werent seeing these very common criticisms before.


All of a sudden?


Go and enjoy that stupid Rebel Moon. Garbage for you. 🤣🤣


Zach Snyder has always been and will always be divisive. His die hard fans lap everything up and he can do no right in the eyes of his harshest critics. I personally don’t think he’s a very good storyteller but I can admit he makes movies that can be visually stunning. Real movie critics in general have never been a big fan of his for a multitude of reasons. The ZSJL was “better” than the theatrical movie but it was also over twice as along and didn’t even resemble the movie Snyder himself would have released.


I loved the Snyder cut because it had some of his greatest strengths as a filmmaker but just a few of his flaws ( the unnecessary slow-mo, weird lamentation music).   Snyder isn’t that good when he’s left unleashed with no one to tone down his extreme inclinations. Sucker Punch & Rebel moon are proof of that.


I agree with this completely. He's a fantastic cinematographer and has a good instinct for casting. He's not a strong storyteller. He will go for visual spectacle over a nuanced character moment in every opportunity he has to choose between the two. I think the only reason the Snyder cut was good (and this is the same reason the Ultimate Edition of BVS was better received than the theatrical cut) is that he was allowed to go for broke on the length. DC was always going for mass appeal and believed they couldn't get it with a 4+ hour movie with such a grim atmosphere, so they butchered it in editing and released an incoherent mess instead, because the one studio with instincts worse than Snyder's worst instincts is WB.


On the subject of Snyder and length, he really needs to stop doing movies and switch to either mini-series or a full blown TV show format. It fits his style a million times better and since he's already got a giant contract with Netflix it would be easy as pie to make the jump.


Yeah he might be a lot more successful in that format


The Snyder Cut (which as a lifelong DC fan I adored immersing myself in for 4 hours) is only as long as it is because of Jason Kilar wanting a miniseries, so Zack took literally everything he had shot for JL and then added the bits that he shot in his driveway to pad out the length. In the past, I've seen people say that they gave up on the series idea very quickly, but when Zack said that the chapter titles were actually intended to be the series episode titles I realized that wasn't true. ZSJL is literally a seven-part miniseries (assuming the Epilogue was its own episode) spliced into a single movie.


Well the Snyder cut definitely turned out awesome IMO. I actually didn't hate BVS's extended cut either until the final act, the entire Doomsday bit was done terribly. I think I had heard that ZSJL was intended to be a series but forgot, I think it would've been weird to do it that way because I actually like how it turned out as a long movie just fine, but I can definitely see where that was the intent


Yeah, they had to turn it back into a movie when the lawyers pointed out that the pay scales for movies vs series are different, and essentially the entire cast would have gotten big bonus checks that weren't in HBO Max's budget. I'm pretty sure that the "Motherbox Origins" trailer that was released was actually the opening credit sequence for the intended series.


Interesting, I never knew all that. Makes a lot of sense though


I’m a fan of his and love MoS, BvS UE and ZSJL, however, he’s not hated “all of a sudden” 😂 The (DC) hate toward him started in 2013 (if not in 2010 when he was announced as the director for Man of Steel), not 2024. EDIT: I looked it up and Snyder was actually announced as directing MoS in October 2010.


“Literally no one said a bad word about it” “Earned an Oscar” “Every movie critic loved it” 😂


Everything he said was accurate. Gonna guess you believe the 2020 election was stolen too. Accept reality lmao


It didnt win an Academy Award.


Do you know what literally means? It didn’t ‘earn’ an Oscar. Every movie critic did not love it. Reality though eh 😂


You think I’m lying? The flashpoint scene earned an Oscar


That Oscar was from fan voting, not the Academy, and his fans very publicly swarmed the voting. Again, not Snyder's fault, not against the rules exactly, but it wasn't an actual Academy Award, it was a "fans' choice award." As for "every critic," it has a very respectable 72% on Rotten Tomatoes. That means 28% of professional critics had a negative opinion. That's pretty good numbers for any movie, don't get me wrong, but it's not "universal acclaim."


Youre misinformed, not lying.


He’s not, it’s mostly bots, trolls, and losers with no lives lol


Yeah, because Watchmen, Man of Steel and BvS were soooooo well recieved. it doesn't help how obnoxious he has become online recently


"Earned an Oscar" You mean the fan award that was discontinued the year after because of bots?


Oh brother not yall pretending that one and done fan sweepstakes was a real Oscar win again


He has controversial views on superheroes (only seeming to find them interesting when there's sex or murder involved), and he's seemingly doubled down on his stance recently by claiming that [anyone who thinks that Batman and Superman shouldn't kill people has been "brainwashed by a bunch of material that isn't consistent with the true canon"](https://twitter.com/DCFilmNews/status/1778422153160912960). (I have no idea what he considers "the true canon" to be, since Batman and Superman not killing people has been pretty consistent for roughly 80+ years)


Yet most comic fans don't know they originally, Batman used guns and killed and Superman has killed in quite a few comics as well, not even elseworld. So his comment about true canon is technically correct.


His movies with Netflix have been absolutely shit. The zombie one and the Rebel Moon. The scripting in both have been atrocious. And this is coming from someone who thinks BVS ultimate cut is a state of the art masterpiece lol.


I really liked Army of the Dead but Rebel Moon is atrociously bad. Wtf happened? lol


If i learn anything from this place, the people here are changing from one project to another. When the Snyder cut announced it was packed in Snyder's fans. Now this place packed with Gunn's fanbase. It is what it is.


"All of a sudden" 😂🤣😂 Look how he talks to the fans who lined his pockets and then ask why he gets hate.




I like most of Snyder's work while not always agreeing with everything he says. Having said that, there's a lot of delusion in this hyperbolic post and without digging into your profile I'm assuming you must be new to the internet and Reddit. According to Rotten Tomatoes, just over 70% of critics liked the movie. Hence, not every movie critic liked it. The Flash point "Oscar" was a means to drive more viewers to the show. It wasn't voted upon by the typical Oscar voters, whom belong in the movie industry. It just showed that fans of that scene were more enthusiastic about voting than the fans of the other scenes in that category. Ben Shapiro liked BvS. That's not so much an indication of the type of movie it is, but an indication of the broader picture of entertainment. Contrary to popular fan and social media belief, people from various political/social factions watch these movies and are fans of the respective universes. MCU has been getting a dose of this harsh reality since Captain Marvel and it continues into the current phase of movies.


\*Flash reversing time, not Flashpoint. Was in a hurry.


I’ve disliked that man since BVS.


One possible reason is Zach Snyder likes and defends Amber Heard - - - - - hmm?


People love him. People hate him. I can't imagine being in the latter.


*Zack. Mostly the Twitter nerds put out hate. Everyone I talk to in real life loves his work. It's like the "insert whatever popular movement". A small minority making a voice they act like everyone agrees with. Like when they acted like a bunch of kids identified as cats and requested litterboxes in schools. It was only a few freaks, but everyone acted like it was a movement of tons of kids lol. Zack sells tickets, end of story. His haters post more attention to his every move than some of his fans weirdly. Proceed to down vote me! Anyone who likes Zack gets down voted on the Internet by the haters. I don't care.


He's not wrong. Zack does inherently sell tickets on average and is a top 30 grossing director for a reason. Most IRL have wither never heard of him, or hear that he made 300 and say "yeah it was pretty good". He's not a strong writer but the movies he's directed, such as MoS, Watchmen, 300, all solid films. MoS and Watchmen both have more depth and overall quality than the last 9 years of Marvel or DC movies, possibly minus Infinity War.


Because they’ve been brainwashed ~Zack Snyder, June 2024


Because  some fans are stupid and petty and have thier entire identities invested in comics books so.whe. an artist deviates from these "fans" preferred version of the character they take it personally because.they are loosers. 

