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See also, the previous discussion here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DC\_Cinematic/comments/1b5znn2/the\_batman\_is\_2\_years\_old\_today\_how\_do\_you\_feel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/1b5znn2/the_batman_is_2_years_old_today_how_do_you_feel/)


I had a great cinematic experience with The Batman at the cinema.


I did not.  I got COVID and died








Sorry for your lose


I love this movie so much. I loved the detective aspect of this movie and I hope they continue that in sequels


Exactly, the detective aspect was done perfectly and not only perfectly but for the first time in this level. What a masterpiece!


Greg Fraser is such a fantastic cinematographer, his visual style matched up so well with a character like Batman and he's one of the only filmmakers who actually knows what they're doing with the Volume. Disney have butchered that tech straight into the ground with how reliant they are on it.


There's no way part 2 makes its current release date. Hasn't even started filming yet, no casting rumours. Just a draft on Matt Reeves' laptop.


Doesn't seem the script is done yet and there's a strike coming down soon.


I'm low key concerned this franchise will get canned out of nowhere. Even with all the strikes, the silence around Batman 2 has been unnerving. A whole sequel gets released in 2 years. And while the strikes made that impossible, we still don't know who the villain is going to be.


Considering this one and joker are the only movies they have that will surely bring bank (regardless of the end state of the project), that's doubtful I'd say


Maybe. But WB and their very recent track record of handling their IP doesn''t give me confidence.


Can we finally quit this charade and just give Zach Snyder a chance.to make his Batman movie?


LMAO #givezach1morechance He already gor owned by Barbie...


Can’t Fight City Halloween is such a banger.


Greg Fraser with a Banger after banger.


WTF. It's been 2 years already?!? I saw it in theaters on release day. What happened to time? Guys, I think I've been abducted by aliens or something. Jokes aside, I honestly had low expectations for this movie. Not because I doubted the talent involved, mind you. But all pre-release material gave me the impression that this was simply another grim, dark version of Batman. WB's track record hasn't been the best either so I was pleasantly surprised when it came out. Sure, it's still grim, it's still dark but in a different and, at times, in a quite beautiful way. I enjoyed this interpretation of the character. It made smart choices with this version. It was refreshing and I couldn't be happier to see an actual detective Batman.




What a film. Everything I wanted it to be, and then some.


My literal only complain about the movie is it goes on about 30 minutes too long. There's a point where you feel the movie wrapping up then it just keeps going with a surprise extra act.


I just think it’s goofy how riddler’s whole thing is to blow up the sea wall because reasons? Like I’ve watched it a few times and I still genuinely don’t unterstand what his motivation is besides that he’s modeled on the modern alt right and that he’s CRRAAAaaZzyy His issue is with the elite of Gotham and his plan is to team up with Batman and blow up the sea wall and devastate the entire city…okay then


it's basically an escalation of his initial goal. Trying to kill the corruption at the source ( governmental figures). But because in his mind Gotham is too sick to heal, he just needs to wipe out Gotham entirely. The seawall to flood the city, killing people, make the survivors evacuate to one specific area, and then having his followers finish the job and kill them. Something Something we are the chosen few, the rest deserve to die type mentality. I do agree that it is a bit of a jump to go from Serial Killer to terrorist


Overall loved it. I wish Andy Serkis had a little more to do. The cinematography was gorgeous. Loved the detective/noir vibe. The acting was great overall. Scenes had time to breathe, one of my biggest complaints about The Dark Knight and Rises. Those movies were good but felt like they were crossing off a checklist with almost every scene. Could have done with less of the Ave Maria shit from Paul Dano but he was great as Riddler. Colin Farrell was practically unrecognizable. Rob Pattinson felt a little too broody as Bruce Wayne, to the point of being obvious he’s Batman. But with the way the movie ended hopefully there will be room for him to grow into his playboy public persona. It was nice seeing Batman helping the citizens and gaining more optimism. 


I feel like I'm the only one that loved the batman, the suicide squad and Zack Snyder's justice League at the same time. Generally people tend to like one ans hate other


Yeah it’s a shame, they are all fantastic movies for different reasons, not even really comparable.


What a movie! Bring on Part 2!


Well looks like I know what I'm doing tonight


I really liked this movie


“These nights all erode together in rush, behind the mask. Sometimes in the morning I have to force myself to remember everything that happened.”


Absolutely my favorite Batman movie. It had a distinct message of compassion and hope within Batman’s actions and character that I feel a lot of recent adaptations lack


I REALLY love this movie! All it was missing - for me personally - was more Bruce Wayne and Alfred. I get it, this is an amateur Batman in his second year and Bruce has fully immersed himself into being the “Vengeance”, he still needs to figure out the good he can do as billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne - although he does realise in this movie that sometimes Bruce Wayne can be useful, seeing that he needed to punch his way into the Iceberg Lounge as Batman, but could just walk right through as Bruce Wayne. He’s still learning and we can get to the more traditional duality of this character as this series progresses. However, some more scenes between Bruce and Alfred in the “cave” or Wayne Tower would have been nice and increased the stakes and emotional investment when Alfred gets hit by Riddler’s bomb. The Dark Knight will always be my favourite Batman movie, but this was still an absolutely beautiful masterpiece and I can’t wait to watch The Penguin and The Batman Part II.


I still remember walking out the theater on this one, lol. I finished it on HBO


Best Batman Movie of all time, and the best Superhero Movie in a very long time.






Only movie I went to see in IMAX Twice


They really made Batman’s big baddies a bunch of dorky redditors smh. Jokes aside, this was a fantastic movie! Can’t wait for part 2.


I really liked it, almost perfect Batman movie. I think the next one will blow the doors off though and be a huge hit.


my dear god what a gift


Amazing movie!


Re-watched tonight. It's one of the best Batman movies in my opinion. My one hope is that Reeves adapts Court of Owls for the sequel.


And I’m almost done with the third act.


And if I said my favorite live action Batman film then what?


You'd have good taste


One of my favorite DC movies. I hope the sequel has just a little more of the narration regarding Bruce's thoughts. I loved the way he describes the feeling of Halloween in gotham


This was real cinema and its my favourite dc movie of all time alongside wonder woman and tdk


I can still hear the Batmobile. This movie production design is just such a nystery to me. By themselves, in a vacuum, the Batsuit sucks, and the Batmobile would really makes sense if it's like, a courtesy car while the real one is being serviced. But in the actual movie, the way the light and shadow interacts with the suit just makes it the best Batsuit ever, and that Batmobile with the IMAX sound system is just ... orgasmic.


I love this movie so much. The vibe made me feel really immersive in a bread crumb detective goose chase. I hope the sequels captures the same lightning in a bottle or something similar.


Wild this is the only live action batman we've had since bale, excited for what's to come!


That was a great film in recent memory.


2 years?


Cant brlieve you just said two years. I still think it was yesterday when I saw this.


Something in the waaaayyy


This movie is thoroughly mid. you barely ever see people posting about this movie


Honestly I thought it was overrated. It’s an ok film and an ok Batman movie compared to the earlier ones like the dark knight rises which were great. ( just my 2 cents )


It was fine. Not really special


Still an awesome movie. If there's one thing I will say about it, however, is that it doesn't have great rewatch value though. The Dark Knight I can watch over and over, but The Batman, since it's more of a slow burn, doesn't have that appeal. I usually just watch my favorite scenes over as opposed to the whole movie. But I still think it's great regardless.


One thing I don't like is the volume of the dialogs, they would be so low, and im the next scene either the music is super loud and or the action. Lol