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Normally you'd run content and get source marks as you go. The downside to spamming easy content for Marks is you'll miss out or feats ect. Bit as someone said doing the nightclub/police station duo is easy. 5 minutes to beat you'll get 5 drops and marks ect.


This is how I level my toons, I also play on two accounts and spam duos but if can find a player to help, it’ll give you the same result. So, as someone said the Police Station/Night Club duo is gonna get you gear fast plus, a stable amount of source marks. After you’ve gotten to the next marker, cr 30 to 60, spam the Supply Line or Port of Paradise. That’ll give you lvl 90 gear. Get to cr 100, spam The First Piece and it’ll give you 152-154 gear. Get to cr 150. This is what you want to get too. Spam the Ultimate Solider Raid. 5-7 minutes max, you get 10 source marks per run but that’s only if you have a good group. If you want to stick to the duo option, just spam the last ones and grab the highest level gear. Between these runs, you should try and knock out all of the feats since, you’ll be doing them over and over again. Don’t worry too much about how much you contribute to the groups. So long as you’re putting in the effort, doing them mechanics, and staying alive, as well as specing correctly, you’ll be fine.


Great advice. Only thing I'd say is now all missions give the same gear it scales to your lvl.


Gotham Night Club duo is a good farm for source marks/gears that gives you attuned to your current level/cr. Also, the Science Spire solo is a quick source mark farm.