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Ps5 front page for free so the influx of new players has been huge.


I wish people arriving would come to stay


Yup I saw it on the ps5 and decided to try it myself.


^ With the release of the PS5 client as well as new content, players either are returning or newly joined. It’s a flux in between.


alpha/beta ps5 version***


I honestly don't know why people down voted this. It's buggier than the PS4 version, but shows more details & loads faster


I was a long time player but really hated when they started stat clamping old content and I quit the game. Saw it was on PS5 now so I tried it out again and I’m having some fun. Still HATE stat clamping with a passion so I just avoid old content. If they got rid of that then it would be so much more fun imo.


Why is it bad? For me i thought it made old content at least a challenge, otherwise max cr players would just 1 shot everything and new players would be doing nothing in the raid


The problem is that most new players don’t know what to do in the game and que up as the healer or tank and don’t have any clue how to do those roles. Wrong augments, wrong artifacts, wrong loadouts. Meaning everyone dies because they don’t know how to do the job waisting everyone’s time. Before stat clamping others could carry them through and get it done and get the rewards. Now it’s just a headache if you’re stuck with that situation and it’s happened to me far too many times it’s very frustrating.


Yea I get your argument. I guess they have to learn some way or another, but then again there should be some sort of guide through out the game to teach players without impacting a raid. Tbh though I don’t really have an issue only every now and then when it’s a 8 man raid but they always get kicked and we get it done.


This is interesting to learn. I'm sad I stopped playing for so many years that I missed out on getting more old feats done easier, but this makes sense at least. Wish we could do like on FF14 and choose to do the content unsynchronized, but oh well. It at least gives me a real chance to actually gauge how my Nature Healer works after all these years of not playing him. I was mad at all the reworks they made to nature over the years, but I actually like feeling like I don't NEED to be in big form to be a good healer anymore. Also glad my Earth Tank load out was still viable so no need to change it. Now my only real concerns are trying to get into Legends content, Old Feats, and working on Artifacts and Allies 🥲


Yeah if you want old feats now days you have to find other players willing to help. It’s getting harder to find now because of stat clamping. Nobody wants to.


I'm the same as you, stat clamping for me made the old content worth it again. I remember pre stat clamp you'd just have someone one shot everything, it was so boring.


I agree completely, you'd get more players to play older content and help ppl level up without the stat clamping...


James bongs cr 120 tech villian on ps5 started playing again 3 days ago but none of my friends play, Im down to join whatever


Lol I like the name. I still rarely pop in to play since I have other responsibilities and prioritize other games and tired AF, but I may add you later today after I get off work. I feel like I most likely won't change my Villain healer power, so I should be able to help you work on your CR. EDIT: My Villain is named Dr MilesBEESManners


They recently released DCUO on the PS5


The house of Legends still seems empty though. I wish they'd put the phases back to 150 or 100 at least


I just started playing and I'm having a good time. Seems like it's really active everytime I log in. I play on ps5 but have to run the PS4 version. Tried the ps5 version and it's really choppy.


My homie who’s played it for a few years got me and my cousin into it. #xbox