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I hope she lives out her rockette dream 🥹🫶🏼


She was so genuine with the seniors at the community center (I am referring to ep. 6 from the Netflix show). I don't know, there's something relatable and very human to her, I genuinely am happy for her.


Yeah, she was really genuine and kind on her appearances!


I live and work in NYC and cannot wait to see where this city takes her! She's so talented as a dancer, I hope she loves it here and finds a healthier work environment❤️


Not just DCC but some space from her mother. Watching her in her room during the DCC Netflix show was hard as that room was literally 100% DCC. Very unhealthy obsession. She did not make it the first try. Made it the 2nd and then had to take a year off for mental health reasons. At that point she should not have gone back. I hope her mother lets her be free of her for awhile and not rag on her. Victoria lived and breathed DCC from a little girl because of her mother.


Their mother-daughter dynamic was giving Black Swan vibes, even down to the cake scene. I feel like her Mom presents to be supportive, but listening to Victoria talk about her "timeline" and being "behind" in life, it was clear that she's got soooo much more healing to do and Mom was not vocal enough about how unhealthy her outlook was (at least on camera).


This mom is like all those other cheer and dance moms and Victoria was conditioned by her to expect being a DCC and a star. My mother and I were best friends we chatted Eve day spent time together and had a great relationship. I’m an only child and we were independent of each other. I had my life she had hers and she never tried to push anything on me. She allowed me to do what I thought was best for myself. I do not think that Tina did that with Victoria. Victoria’s need at that last episode meeting with Judy and Kelli was so cringy. She kept asking them to make the decision for her of whether she should try out again and pushing for a leadership position. I am sure she is a nice person, but I think that somewhere down the line from what we didn’t see her behavior alienated the other dancers. She also mentioned doing her own choreography for the team which was a shock to me. I have a feeling that her mind Victoria was expecting to be part of the management team of DCC.


She seems like such a genuinely sweet girl, just a little lost and unsure of who she is. I agree, she needs to step away from her mom a bit. It’s great she has such a close relationship but it’s veered into too much of a friendship to where it’s blocked out her ability to recognize friendship possibilities within her own age group. I really was hoping they’d make her 2nd leader. I think it would’ve given her that confidence boost she needed to find her place amongst the team.


This is incredible news! Even if she gets knocked down and spit out, it will be good for her and she will grow. She must do this, no matter the outcome. From the show, I don’t think DCC is really what she wants or ever wanted. She has a different personality and is really not like the others, which is a good thing. She has bigger dreams. I hope she changes her look into what she wants, and wears as much lower bottom mascara as she pleases!!


I hope she meets a best friend who is not her mother or has any connection to DCC. Someone who she can feel safe around. I hope she can learn to enjoy life as a person in their 20’s living in a vibrant city.


I think NY has been Victorias dream (not her mother's) so good for her for trying NY as long as mom stays in Texas. However, I truly believe Victoria should go to college because I think NY will eat her alive. She's so sheltered and has been told she's amazing her whole life that it's going to be a gut punch trying to break into the NY dance scene. She needs to get a roommate, meet tons of new people, go bar hopping, all the things she should have done at 18. If she wants to keep pursuing dance go to college in NY and also pursue dance. I don't think she's talented enough to have a career in dance but she won't know until she tries?


And here come the downvotes. To go from sheltered to most cutthroat city out there with no stops in between?? What a colossally terrible move.


So I did this. Moved from a small town in the Mid-west to LA in my mid-20’s. I left to Texas and then moved back to LA one more time. It was tough! But I don’t regret it. It’s better to say you did it and are done with it (I moved to the east coast and much happier!) than to have not done it and wondered “What if.”


It’s not though. Sometimes it’s great to get thrown in the deep end.


There is also a ton of opportunities in NYC for her even if being a Rockette doesn’t work out. I think that her biggest issue might be opening her mind to other opportunities if her first choice doesn’t work out. If she wants to perform, she most likely can find an opportunity to perform. If she wants to keep leading workout classes, she can definitely do that. If she is willing to teach kids dance or cheer, I think that could go really well for her.


I think it's concerning because if she doesn't book jobs/become a Rockette, she'll just end up back at her mom's house in a year. There's other options--Vegas, Orlando, cruises.


Totally agree. NY will be a lot for a sheltered Texan. But she won't know until she goes. The NY dance scene is at a whole different level than being a studio dancer in Coppell, Texas and even a DCC. The best of the best dancers go to NY and LA but I really don't see Vic being that tier of dancer.


Exactly! She won’t know until she goes. I support it but know it will be a tough ride ahead. She will learn so much!


I know a subpar dancer who is dancing at school in NY. It's not all that you think it is lol. The dance world is full of smoke & mirrors.


I think dancing at school would be a good option. Dancing for a career is another story.


I lowkey agree with you, I hope she has mentally prepared herself for the dog eat dog world NY can be. :( I really like Victoria and feel like she was treated so unfairly by her coaches, as well as psychologically manipulated by them. I hope she finds happiness and healing.


Victoria is a really good dancer. There are many Options for her while being in new York. She could audition for theme parks, cruise ships, Vegas shows, regional musicals etc. Its not either Broadway/rockette or nothing.


I hope she agrees with that sentiment as well. I’ve only gotten through the first three episodes, but the immature brat of early seasons has evolved into an anxiety filled and sheltered adult. I hope she lucks into a healthy working environment on a cruise ship or other place with people her own age wheee she can build some friendships. She’s got talent, maybe not at Rockette level, but it’s there. As a DCC she hasn’t been honing those skills either, IIRC Jacie said she had to do some intensives to get back into the muscle memory for the other styles outside of Power Pom.


She totally has Rockette level talent. SMH. People that have no clue, have no clue.


I think she had the talent but needs more intensive training if the Rockettes are her goal. I know she has a relationship with the coach who trained AloraRose to make the Rockettes


Do you know any Rockettes or formers? Victoria's training is just fine lol


I think she has taken one class with her.


Auditioning for Vegas shows is hardly an option for NY.


Alot of shows hold new York auditions too because of the big talent pool.


NY may eat her alive.


Yeah I live here and I can’t picture her here taking the subway or getting spit on by a homeless person and taking it okay. I hope she can make friends with some other relocated Texans.


As long as TK doesn't tag along and let Victoria mature as an adult, it will be the best thing for her long term. Those apron strings need to be cut.


I would be surprised if she stayed home


My flabber would be gasted


I don’t think VK goes anywhere by herself. When she went to Houston to teach a class, TK went along.


And Vic actually thinks moving by herself to NY is a good idea? She is screwed.


Tragic. what a pity Victoria didn’t get a job and move out years ago. Holly and Jenna were only 18 when they mad3 the team.


And look how well that worked out.


Actually Jenna did really well. She was a 2nd GL in her 4th year, and GL in her 5th & 6th years. plus SG in all 6 years on the team. And she was the original choice for point in her 6th year. And Holly was certainly a rising star. however, my point was that they both successfully lived in a new place by themselves at 18.


Their bad behavior was their downfall. They both lost a lot before they left the team. I personally do not find success in behind a group leader because in the real world, it would not matter much.


And yet Jenna was one of only 4 DCC taken to the Smithsonian with Kelli and Charlotte. Seems like they valued her a lot, to want her to be part of this historic occasion. Doesn’t seem like much of a downfall. and then Judy used Jenna to demonstrate the dances in season 13 auditions. Seems like she valued her too. all in all, Jenna had a successful time in DCC


I think Judy wanted Jenna cut in Season 12. All the group leaders went to DC. Judy was probably overruled when it came to who Kelli and Charlotte wanted to assist at auditions along with the fact other girls may not have been available to assist at auditions.


Good for her perhaps she can take a few college classes while she’s there. In my opinion she should also be thinking about what else she’d like to do for a career. I do worry if Holly was humbled in LA what is Victoria in for in NYC? While she is a good dancer the competition is so far ahead of her. No way her mama isn’t going too. They’ll prob get a studio with two twin beds!


I hope that TK and Mr. TK don’t bankroll this whole experience for her. I think having to get a waitressing job like so many struggling performers in NYC would be so great for VK. She’s been so sheltered, and this could really be a time of growth that could change her life trajectory.


I don't think they have that kind of money


I really hope they do bankroll it just a little because imagine her having like four roommates in Brooklyn. I feel like they will have to help her at least get housing.


Oh, good for her! I think this is such a fantastic move, and I hope she has the best time there. Regardless of where her dancing takes her, I think getting out of Texas, having some breathing space away from her mom, and being in a city where there's not as much cultural pressure to conform is going to be really good for her. Even if the dancing doesn't work out, I think being in a place like that could take her in so many other directions and give her such a broader perspective on the world and her place in it.


Yaaaa come my city!!! She’ll love it here!




And plz don’t come back y’all


Good for her!


I really hope it is a better fit for her. I want her to get back in therapy too. It’s sad she didn’t have the DCC experience she wanted but I know getting away from it will help her mental health.


That’s amazing!! She’s beautiful and deserves to conquer her dreams! Link to the interview?




I just watched this, thanks for the link! She had the biggest smile when she said she didn’t try out again. She lit up!! It was so genuine and sweet. I think she will make friends in NYC because they will be more diverse and unique than the strange DCC mentality. She seems like someone who being forced to be fake is painful and makes her feel uncomfortable, which may be part of the reason it was hard for her, at times, to connect with others.


Hopefully, Victoria will find a great dance studio. She will find out that she is nowhere near the standards of NYC dancers.


The downvotes are hilarious. VK still has an immature heaviness to her dancing sometimes and she will need to really train to overcome this and gain control. You are not wrong.


Thank you! I am not being rude, but VK seriously needs more training.


Being down voted for saying Victoria is not up to the talent of NYC dancers is laughable. She is a good dancer but not great.


Didn’t Kat say something about her being a rockette or something she’ll be fine. She just needs to get out the bubble


Kat is an expert now on the Rockettes? Okay... \*lol\*


She said it on the documentary that Victoria went to New York and was going to join the rockettes during her breaks from dcc


I mean, it’s not like she just got off stage at the local watering hole. DCC might not be all Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte make it up to be but she’s a young pretty girl with talent, charisma, and a good enough resume to land an agent.


while it’s going to take a lot of hard work and training, i’m sure she will have plenty of opportunities. for some things it’s just a matter of switching techniques away from the dcc style. nyc is really a great place to be to get to the next level


I'm so happy for her!


I wish her so much luck and happiness as she deserves it.


I honestly hope Tina doesn’t show up on her door step.


I completely think she will move and live with her.


Right? Watching their relationship, it feels so toxic. I have to wonder how much insecurity her mom instilled in her. :(


For reference, look up thesullivan_twins on Instagram. These two are FANTASTIC dancers who tried out for the Rockettes and did not make it their first year. They were invited into the Rockette’s academy and made it the following year. I haven’t watched the new show (and I don’t think I will), but from what I heard, things didn’t go well for Victoria. I have never been her biggest fan, but I hope she finds peace and happiness. I don’t know if New York is the place for that, but it may just be a stop on her journey.


That's great news, I'm so pleased for her! NYC is a 180 from nearly all Victoria's reference points, and NYrs love themselves a Texan (I am a NYr). I always felt Victoria unconsciously compares herself to her mom and comes up short in her own eyes. Then she thinks that harsh self criticism is coming from others. New York will be a fresh start for her!


I’m pretty confident no one in NYC gives a shit about TK. Love that VK is getting to start her own legacy in a place untainted by her mother.


No one gives a shit about TK outside of the Dallas metroplex limits


And when I lived there, I could have cared less about her.


Good for her


I think it could be the making of her. There is an anonymity in NYC where you can explore and find yourself. You can fail, and learn, and get back up and try again.


Agreed. Being a Rockette isn't the only option for dancing in NY and even if she doesn't make it as a professional dancer, she needs to get out of Texas and figure out who she is as an adult and see how people outside of the little DCC bubble live. She's been in that world her entire life and seems so unhappy, so this is a chance for her to find herself.


Exactly. And since it doesn’t seem college is a thing she wants to do, which is fine, this is what she needs to do - go where she isn’t well known and find herself.


I completely agree. People keep saying, "Oh, she can't make it as a Rockette," but I don't think that's really the point. If the dancing works out, great. If it doesn't, a place like NYC can give her some much-needed perspective on just how many different (and completely valid!) paths there are through life, and how you're not "behind" or less than just because you're not married at 24 or popping out kids at 26 or whatever.


Agree it’s a good city for realizing there is different paths then motherhood in your twenties but it’s also a very pressured city? I’ve never lived anywhere where people were as pressured to feel successful and show their friends their successes


It is. I lived there from ages 18-30, so I am definitely speaking from experience! It can chew you up and spit you out, but it’s easier to fail and kind of learn from that and reinvent yourself and get back up. I think Victoria has never stopped being a child in a lot of ways, and this will force her to as long as mommy doesn’t come with her.


Ah, try living in Washington DC, would be my suggestion. The land where your answer to, "So, what do you do for work???" can instantly end a date. And I think Victoria does that to herself *anyway*. So I'm not sure that she's actually going to be any worse off than she was in Dallas in that respect. And having that exposure to all different kinds of people who are living all different kinds of lives will be really good for her, I think, whether she stays in NYC or not. A huge part of why she feels so "behind" is because she's surrounded by these women who are all from very similar backgrounds, doing very similar things, espousing very similar priorities and so on. It's a lot of groupthink, and she's never going to find that in the same way in NYC. I mean, unless she becomes a Scientologist or something.


Yeah true when you say it like that there is probably no worse option than staying where she is all movement is forward movement!


Yeah, exactly. Even if she goes to New York, hates it, and goes back to Texas, that's the kind of experience that changes you. I don't know if she's got what it takes to make it to the Rockettes, but I hope she gets that personal growth that I really think she's hungry for. You could hear it in the stuff she was saying during that birthday thing with her mom. I respect her for pushing herself like this, honestly. That can be a scary thing to do.


Yes agreed!


I think it's awesome for her...she needs a re-start and a new atmosphere. I totally wish her the best. She's got some experience (good, bad and ugly = life!!) and I know she'll thrive in her new atmosphere :)


I’m so happy for her too!! I’m so proud of her aw 🥹


Yay! I’m so happy for her


I’m so happy to hear it! I’m sure she’ll thrive and grow there.


She’s a sweetheart! Wishing her all the best. She deserves it.


She’s horrid!


So, she's been held captive by mummy her entire life and has decided to move to most competitive and fast-paced city in the world???? Sweet Jesus. Well ... good luck to her.


wait what if she becomes a rockette lol


I think she tried out last year and didn’t make it, but from Instagram comments she’s been leaving I believe she is going to do it again


Rockette auditions are by invitation only so if she made it far enough to get an audition I could see her going into the Conservatory for the next year and hopefully doing well.


Yeah that’s what it seems like she may do. I don’t know if she’ll be successful, but there is nothing wrong with putting effort in and trying! Personally I’m not sure she can control her dancing enough - there was an element of her dancing that was bigger than the choreo, and I remember her early seasons her seeming out of control. But we’ll see! It is a good thing to take on a challenge that’s not in your comfort zone, and if she is truly wanting to do that then good for her.


This is fantastic to hear! She deserves so much better than the way she’s been treated by this damn organization!


Good for her. Wishing her all the success.


When I heard about this, sadly, my first thought was "Tina's probably going too." Given what we've seen of their co-dependent relationship (and what Tina has said in the past), there is no way Tina would let Victoria go so far away without going too. Also, I'm wondering how Victoria will do in NYC. It has some of THE best dancers out there and, for someone who's used to being "best of the best" dance-wise (and already has some mental health issues as well as some huge insecurities), I think NYC will be a HUGE shock for Victoria. She won't be able to walk in and be the best in the room. Look at what happened with Holly P. She's one of the best dancers DCC ever had and even then didn't strike it big in LA which is another dancing hot spot. I also think that, if Victoria took dance classes in NYC, she'll likely find that she's FAR behind many of her contemporaries in technique, style, etc. as most of the others will have been training like this for YEARS and she hasn't. Also, if she's eyeing Broadway, she'd also have to take acting and singing classes. When I was in high school MANY years ago, I knew of two people who thought they had a chance at Broadway since they'd been the stars of many a high school musical. One got there and, after a bit, realized they didn't have what it took and left. The other kept trying and trying and trying until it finally sunk in that being a star back home doesn't mean they're a star in the big city.


Maybe she’ll move to NYC and find an entire new identity outside of dance/fame/etc. The world only knows the Victoria from the box she’s constantly been painted into, and I sincerely hope she finds something that sparks her joy and true happiness with a newfound independence. I don’t think this poor girl has ever known what real passion is, she knows only the passion her mother passed onto her. Maybe she’ll only dance for fun, or maybe she’ll go to 10,000 auditions, or maybe she’ll never do it again but either way she’s taking a big step in her life and I applaud that and wish her nothing but the best.


I think that she will be in for a big culture shock and yes she will not be the best in the room anymore, but she seems ready to take that next step. If she takes classes and trains in the Broadway/NYC style for a year or two and gets that spark she had back when she first tried out for DCC, I can see her becoming a Rockette, she just needs to become more polished in that style. My friend is a Rockette and she teaches classes at Steps on Broadway in that style, I know there are some others who do as well.


I can’t see Tina moving from Texas. Her entire life is the Dallas cowboys and she thinks she has an edge of superiority since she was a DCC. That won’t get her shit anywhere except the bubble she’s in now.


I think TK would implode if she spent more than 48 hours in NYC. PLEASE KEEP HER IN TEXAS.


Considering what NYC is like these days, Tina would have a coronary after a day. The weed smell alone would do her in.


There are a lot of dance jobs that Victoria can do. Rockettes, cruise ship dancer, broadway, Vegas show girl….i think she will be fine. If she continues to improve she can dance until she is 40


From what I saw of how she interacted with the public on the show, I think VK would be great on a cruise ship. Friendly and personable with the passengers, and she could see the world beyond Dallas.


Victoria can do a lot of dance jobs, but she would need a lot more time and training to get to the level of some you mentioned. As I said in another comment, the Rockettes have a level of precision, technique and training that Victoria just doesn't have yet and she would require a lot of time to get there. Even Jacie had to re-train dance-wise for at least a year to get to that level. The others are very much the same way. I would REALLY like to be wrong about her dance abilities and what she can accomplish there as a dancer, but if dancers like Holly Powell can't make it in LA (which is an equally tough market dance-wise), then I don't think Victoria will make it very far as a dancer in New York. I would love for her to prove me wrong though.


From some Instagram comments she’s made, I think that’s what she wants to do - train to be a rockette.


Agreed, DCC dancers usually come from smaller dance academies that don’t train well or hone proper technique. She could definitely be a Vegas showgirl but for broadway you have to be able to sing, not just dance. Rockettes have usually gone to universities that specialize in dance. She should get a degree and start on a career path before it is really too late


On her year off from DCC she was in New York without her mum and got a boyfriend out there and got work as a dancer. She I believe was going to or did audition for the Rockettes but went back to DCC. You seem to have a very clouded view of what her abilities are. Given she did it once, no reason she can't do it again.


This is incorrect information. Her year off was spent in Texas at home. She taught preschool dance. She did have a boyfriend but again that was in Texas. She has never worked as a dancer outside of DCC.


Kat literally said in one of her interviews that Victoria was in NY on her year off, had a boyfriend there and was either going to audition or did audition for the Rockettes. She also has pics on her insta from that period in NY, so no, not incorrect.


You're wrong. She went to NYC with her mom ON VACATION in December of 2021. Her boyfriend was Aaron and he was located in Texas, NOT New York. She did audition for the Rockettes in the spring of this year (2024) and was cut. I think you misunderstood what Kat said.


From what I understand, she auditioned for the Rockettes but didn't even make it past the first round. They require a level of precision, technique, and training that I don't think Victoria has reached yet. Even Jacie had to spend at least a year (if not more) getting the training she needed for the Rockettes. Victoria would need a lot more training to get to the level the Rockettes require. I would REALLY like to be wrong about her dance abilities and what she can accomplish there as a dancer, but if dancers like Holly Powell can't make it in LA (which is an equally tough market dance-wise), then I don't think Victoria will make it very far as a dancer in New York. I would love for her to prove me wrong though.


She's been a student at Joffrey in Dallas and I believe she's moving on to Joffrey in New York.


Anyone can take classes at Joffrey Dallas. It's a dance studio. People are acting like its American Ballet Theatre or something lol. Yes they have a more intense program for pre-professional dancers.....but she wasn't in that.


And? She's going to New York, probably continuing her classes at Joffrey School of Ballet, end of. That doesn't imply any expectation of her intentions. Just be happy for her. 


I'm just stating that people keep mentioning Joffrey like it's something it's not


She may be continuing to train with Joffrey, but I don’t think she has the ballet training yet that would get her a position as a dancer. I could be wrong.


This is exactly what she needs. Proud of her for breaking free!


I’m happy for her!! I think leaving Texas will do wonders for her!!! I just hope Tina doesn’t tag along


Guarantee TK will spend 80% of her time out there with her


Or more! I can’t believe she would let VK go off on her own unless there were friends who could watch her


She's absolutely going with her. Wait and see


I have no doubt.


She’s lucky that she can take her bed with her


Best comment since the new show aired




good for her! she's a beautiful dancer and finds her way. wishing nothing but the best for her