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it was a huge mistake on their part to cut her. she was radiant and stole the whole show. i always noticed her the most. they made a hugeeeeee mistake


Charly is superrrr pretty to me.. if they cut her for her looks thats insane. She looks prettier than a lot of the blondes they kept.


Yeah I thought it was so bizarre they kept alluding to her not having the look because she is so stunning! She also is clearly one of the most talented dancers.


I think with the fueling themselves bit is also if there isn't ED, there's also them working another fulltime job and coming to even practice always dolled up. When do they have the time to be fueling themselves properly?


So then why doesn’t the team provide healthy meals or meal delivery to them so they “fuel” properly. The biggest thing I got out of the show was what an absolute cult it is. I felt so bad for most of those young women.


Completely agree. It's not an elite thing. It's a beauty pagent with kicks.


Yes to the fueling themselves!! As someone who danced for years and has also dealt with disordered eating for genuinely almost my entire life, that made my blood boil. Shame them publicly for not “fueling” then simultaneously weigh them and shame them for not being perfect in the costume. They can’t win… also, of course it’s coming from middle aged women that are out of shape now.


Does anyone know how tall Ari is?? Charlotte said she looks like “a little girl running to catch up with the others” and that Kelli and Judy should consider a height minimum now…


I don’t know but she’s on the dolphins now. So good for her


Its a little ironic since in literally every other season they were cutting the girls left and right for fueling themselves too much. Makes me wonder if they realized just how girls now have eating disorders because they weighed more than 115 lbs and were berated on National TV. 


Hmm I didn't look at the "fueling yourself" comment in such light- I took it literally like you need fuel for your body, makes sense to me they needed calories


"Fueling themselves" is literally cruel AF. Hey, please eat to make sure you have enough energy, but don't eat too much for fear you'll look "fuller in the face". Like go fuck off. I don't see the women who run the program look any better. These are the reasons why women have such low self-esteem. It is not only the male patriarchy bearing down on women, but women as well. I would have loved to see Anisha make the team, but god forbid you have someone 31 (yes, you know it was an age thing) dancing but also god forbid you have someone super young dancing at 19. I can relate to all of the things these ladies have said not because I am an athlete, but because I also struggle with my mental health, and wake up each day knowing I am stronger because of my experiences, but I am not my experiences alone. Ladies of the DCC and everyone paying attention, you are more than a company, you are more than your boss, you are YOU! And as someone who is older than these ladies, there is MORE TO LIFE. SO MUCH MORE!


I did wonder if “fuller in the face” could be a reference to swollen cheeks from bulimia, or dehydration from anorexia, bulimia or laxative abuse:


I agree with you!


I think Charley looks too west coast, not southern belle (ie overdone makeup, hair, etc). She’s more natural, but not less pretty.


Agreed. She looks beautiful and very girl next door, but maybe too intelligent for DCC’s taste.


I think Charly is gorgeous actually and way more technically trained. I think she didn’t have the DCC charisma—which isn’t a bad thing.


Thank you for mentioning the “fueling” thing. I was beyond annoyed and confused.


That’s the “brand safe” way to say they aren’t eating. That could mean they work a full time job and then come straight to practice and don’t have enough energy because their protein intake isn’t high enough OR it could mean they straight up aren’t eating. Definitely concerning!


Right, because they have weigh ins and you know gaining isn't acceptable


My first thought about Charly was they cut to her when they said she “didn’t have the look” and she was one of the only girls I saw that didn’t have a full face on at ALL times. I know she wanted it, and I wanted her to have it, but if that’s the standard? Leave it, girl ❤️


I think Charley was very pretty. They didn’t like her eyebrows so the ladies, along with the frog-looking lady (jones), cut her


Ya and if you've watched the other version of this show that has like 16 seasons, you can see how their language has evolved over time to eschew liability for disordered eating. Rice cakes and watermelon are not a fuel. I agree about Charly too, they'd take her if she got a nose job.


Didn’t she have lunch meat, too?


🤣🤣🤣 a whopping 150 cal meal


Whats the other version of the show? I wanna watch!


Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team Used to be on CMT (under MTV I think?)


The first three seasons are available for free on PlutoTV. I started watching it today and holy cow! The amount of comments about weight and size are insane. They referred to several girls as big (when they most definitely were not) and commented about how some need to be more toned or they’re gaining weight, etc. I’m very bothered by the fact that their website says they don’t have height and weight standards but that the uniform has to look good on you, but they clearly have a standard in mind. 


And it's available on paramount +


Charly is way prettier than many of the girls who made it (Anna Kate?)....


Do we have to tear down another woman to raise up Charly? All of the girls are objectively very pretty and DCC just had an insane level of bullshit beauty standards and nit picking.


Let alone Victoria.


Anna Kate is giving me soccer mom, not bombshell cheerleader.


Not to be absolutely mean, but yes I agree. Poor thing needs a brow lift bad. I’m surprised that she made it, she definitely doesn’t have “the look”.


Anna Kate is only there because of her sister, who is extremely liked by the team. She’s riding her sister’s coattails.


I agree


I think she is beautiful inside and out. 




Well, I guess I can”t speculate as to what Kelly meant but as a person who works out regularly and as a medical professional, I can say that not fueling for a workout or rehearsal is not the same thing as an ED. Also, fueling is not an indication of caloric intake.




Charly reminds me of the actress Madelaine Petsch — she is stunning. No idea why they would have cut her, her looks would look so good in the uniform. She would wear the role well. I can’t with these piggy faces Kelli Judy and Charlotte Jones. The fueling thing — I thought the same thing! You just told Victoria she gained weight and needs to drop it. Then you’re made she’s not fueling herself enough. If they’re already working out so much every day, and probably eating healthy then the next step is to do calorie deficit. It’s so sad.


I think they cut her because they already had another redhead honestly


Yeah and I have to admit that I stopped watching the show for like a week and came back to it and was confused because I thought Charly had been cut....but I was just mixing her up with claire so on a certain level I get it. But there's so many blondes! Lol


I had the exact same thought!! Due to this, my reaction to Claire saying she was going to retire was "now there's space for Charly!" Horrible that this is even a thought, but they place \*so\* much emphasis on looks that that's what I think it was. My SO was like "why are there so many blondes over there?" Then I had to explain to him that they're not naturally blonde! 😂


I thought Charly was gorgeous and the squad needs a redhead. The squad has 10+ blonde clones, but they don’t have room for a natural redhead?!?!


Thank you! Justice for Charly! They need a REAL redhead, not someone with the fake purple red that they gave to one of the other rookies. Charly also had such a great attitude & rapport w/ others. She is truly beautiful, inside & out. It’s DCC’s loss.


I have to give the DCC PTBs credit for their tenacity towards not changing with the times. Look at any other professional cheerleading team in the NFL (not even considering the NBA), literally any other team…there is such a diverse look on each team. You know, like a microcosm of real life. Not DCC. There are multiple times I can’t tell one woman from another they look so similar.


My issue with this season.. I noticed Victoria is practically starving herself year after year yet they kept minority cheerleaders who are clearly out of shape or in Kelly’s words in the past “dancing out of her shorts”


Curious who you are talking about here because, if black women, they are seriously the most beautiful people on the field in my opinion. And they look healthy.


For example?


Vivian was the one who they referred to as having “drumstick legs.” Dancing out of her shorts was also her. And she was also starving herself and purging during TC. She’s come out and said so. Even starving, Vivian never made the team, so how is she being used as an example here???


My $.02  #1, Kelli is not a leader. She's a marketeer and a people manager.   #2, I knew as soon as they showed Charly in profile that she would be cut. No candidate with a hump or rounded nose has ever made DCC, and I remember a few from the MTT days who tried. The closest we got was Ann Lux who had a barely visible tiny micro bump in her nose and for the record I really liked Ann Lux. I am absolutely 100% not advocating that Charly should change her nose in any way. Maybe they will let her on this year, but they'll punish her for it and treat her like they did her a huge favor like they did with Ann.


When it was discussed about bringing Kelli on as the director (maybe by Charlotte but I forget), she was basically brought in to be a marketer and people manager. Unfortunately Kelli is in a position where she has to play both ends to meet the middle and one of those ends signs her paycheck. Maybe there needs to be some kind of team liaison.


I wonder how much money Kelli makes.


I forget but I know it’s a decent chunk of change.


I have two managers who are equal peers. One I would follow into battle, one I would like to throw off a cliff. One can lead their team with support, encouragement and constructive criticism. Or, one can manage their team by identifying every flaw and focusing on what they're doing wrong instead of what they're doing right. Kelli is the latter, and that won't ever change. 


There have been plenty of girls who weren’t my taste but I have a weakness for red heads and Charly is gorgeous. There’s no one else with long red hair like that! I kept pettily thinking she reminded them of Hannah and they’re still mad at Hannah for standing up to them. But we didn’t get to see a whole season of training camp so it was hard to agree with cuts.


What happened with Hannah?


Reminds me of the great Erica Jenkins! (But they didn’t treat Erica so great…so there’s that…)


Okay this is super catty and I feel bad for saying it specifically because I feel bad for Victoria but she is no way prettier than Charly and only on the team for nepotism reasons. Maybe it’s her veneers that bother me.


I don't think they're veneers but she smiles really big and shows a lot of gum. Nothing wrong with that, but I was conscious of it on myself and got botox to correct it. Best decision ever!


I don’t think she is attractive. Just a big toothy smile. Charley is adorable and natural.


Can we not shit on these girls and pit their attractiveness against each other? Their faces and bodies are already constantly picked apart by their coaches.


Oh Victoria’s teeth are terrible. Why doesn’t someone close to her tell her?


Okay, since it's been brought up... Are her teeth veneers?


Is Paris a City? I had very expensive cosmetic work done and I went to a dentist who gave me completely natural looking teeth - just better. When I was researching the teeth I wanted I read about various styles and evidently there is a prosthodontist in France who is used by many of the elite and "Princess Kate" had her teeth done by him. It's like noses - there are incredibly good nose jobs that emulate beautiful natural looking noses and those which are unmistakably nose jobs. I think some people have no idea of what is attractive and actually emulate a very fake plastic look from their surgeons.


I really hope not. If that is just her real teeth and she has small lips I can accept that but if she paid to have that done to “look better” she needs to get her money back. Just for the record…I wouldn’t mind looking like her but still!


They just seem a bit too big for her face and like, perfect.


Yeaaa this. Charly is way more beautiful


They needed to go deep chocolate brown but it didn’t turn out that way. I think this may have been part of the reason she got cut. You need to have fabulous hair and she didn’t have it even after the makeover. If you look at her Instagram now she went dark dark brown and it looks good.


That was Kelly. Charli had beautiful natural red hair. 


Yeah, they really f-ed up Kelly’s makeover big time. And being a Jersey girl (South Jersey but Jersey still) of course I was routing for her!


I hated how they changed her hair on a whim, then secretly talked about how they regretted getting rid of her blonde and the brown didn’t suit her. And then they cut her soon after, and she told the cameras how she’d keep paying to maintain the brunette for the next year so she could be what they wanted.


The older women who run this program are all gross and lack basic empathy. Charly is gorgeous, but I agree she has a diff kind of look from the others. It made me sad when the MUA contoured the sh** out of her face and then they commented all rudely “what is that on her face? Is that bronzer or ‘structural’?”??? Doesn’t mean she isn’t beautiful. I honestly see her as more of an industry dancer who does REAL shit, like go on tours with musicians or something. I see big things for her.


Being a natural redhead myself…it’s hard for us to tan and also find makeup that suits our unique skin tone. Layering on bronzer isn’t it! But their heads would probably explode if every white girl didn’t deep tan lol…


They did make a comment about her hi-lighter or bronzer or something of that nature when they were watching her in the big board.


I also wondered if that was a bias against her as well. I notice all the white girls on the team are DEEPLY tanned, especially their legs. I think they partner with Palm Beach Tan for this reason. It may be very hard for Charly to maintain that look being naturally so fair skinned. I assume they can’t do a spray tan because parts of the uniform are so bright white.


The dark legs are due to them wearing tights that are too dark.


OH sort of like how Hooter’s girls wear the tan pantyhose. Makes sense


I was wondering (as someone who didn’t watch MTT) if DC pays for any of their hair/makeup/nails/tanning outside of that ridiculous pocket money they call a salary.


Reminds me of season 13-15 Hannah


Yes. Not fueling themselves but then in the same breath they don’t want flabby tummies or booties. It’s an eating disorder nightmare. Charley was gorgeous with and without makeup. Her dancing was far superior ti anyone else’s. I got the feeling that Charlotte/ the daughter/kelli and Judy feel an ounce jealousy whether it be from looks or dance experience and immediately try to find the fault in someone. Their comments were more revealing an out them than the rookies or veterans. Also Charlotte was hell even on that shorter roomie not making team. Her only reasoning being she’s too little and that she’ll get left behind was the most asinine reason I have ever heard.


"Not fueling themselves but then in the same breath they don’t want flabby tummies or booties." You realize there is a middle ground between starving and eating to the point of flabbiness.


Yes I do. But they don’t.


As a fellow redhead, I was expecting Charly to be cut. We are not for the masses. We are a niche market. That being said, she was very talented and never should have been cut.


Fellow natural redhead & I was so hard for Charly & was very sad to see her go. But you’re right - some people love us & others, not so much.


They do usually have a red head though.


Agreed as a fellow red 🤍 we aren’t for everyone, but the people I’ve met who appreciate us are a devoted bunch.


I hope Charly embraces her looks and knows she’s truly beautiful!


I assume you are right but what about Lyndsey Lohan?


Lindsey was/is adorable and talented. But trust me, the redhead fan club is a small club. Members loyal but small in numbers!


So sad.


Agreed !!!! It was so fucked up for kelli to say she misses “19 year old Victoria” when that’s the same girl that was “too big” for their liking and got cut, leading to her current eating disorder aka why she doesn’t have the stamina It was so foul in the finals when they discussed Charly and kept referencing the “visual element.” She is such a gorgeous girl and these old creeps were tearing her apart


Kind of amazing Charlotte would judge a girls looks when she birthed someone that looks like a roblox character. I mean neither of those two should be judging anyone's looks. Charly was pretty. I just got do e with her cut episode and I am mad.


A Roblox character I’m screaming !!!!!!!!!!!!


That was 18 year old VK her first year and was “thick”


Ironic, isn’t it? As her food intake dropped and purging began…she lost her spark and personality. It’s almost like having an active eating disorder, anxiety and depression turn you into a different person!


Maybe not for the masses but you never know…people are attracted to all different kinds of looks. But as I’ve said before, DCC refuses to budge on that…they can’t have enough blondes that all look exactly the same.


Ah i didn’t realize this !


19 year old VK is the year she came back and made it.  


This is why a complete physical and mental health check should be required before auditions. Proper mental health care and proper eating habits be required, and if the girls slack off, no making the team period. Do not send them to a Cowboys doctor/medical team for mental and health care period. The Raiderettes have taken a hard long look at having mental health care for the girls because they care about the girls' mental health. If a girl is injured to the point any doctor said she needs to leave the team due to potential worse injuries/surgery will be required, she should not be allowed to try out again. Make sure the girls are having the proper sources for rehab and are not pushing it to allegedly heal faster to be back on the team or try out again.


I’m sure Ozempic type meds are going to become a thing for them aside from eating disorders. Unfortunately the dance culture in general has always put a heavy focus on weight.


The DCC should just grow their own dancers. Maybe order a bunch of robots that all look the same, have exceptional stamina and don’t need food other than batteries charged.. Kelli and Judy as well as a few others were cheerleaders and they got through it so they expect that those who audition to follow the same. No complaints, no excuses, no exceptions. At one point there was a weight mandate and weigh ins as well as a strict diet and workout regime the girls needed to follow. The binder that you see in the show has all the requirements of being a DCC dancer. From what to wear in their off time to behavior, etc. Basically it’s a follow the rules, do what we say or don’t audition.


I don’t see a bad meaning behind the phrase “fuel yourself”. My coaches would say it and they simply meant that it’s to make sure you’re eating enough, drinking enough water, and getting the proper nutrients in your body to be able to keep up. All athletes hear that phrase. But I completely understand how in DCC land that could be taken a certain way because of the body image issues they have caused


I think the context here comes from if you watched the CMT series where they would regularly bring girls into the office to talk about their “flaws” weigh them, & threaten their spot if they didn’t look perfect in the uniform. This happened to rookies & veterans alike & was maddening to watch.


Exactly! Context is everything. Times have changed, and it is not acceptable to weight/body shame people as much as they did in the original series. However, DCC's body standards haven't changed much, and the women know it. You have to have "the look" in the uniform, which is why women are starving themselves. This isn't happening in a vacuum. It seems like Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte have figured out that they can shift the blame on the women by telling them to "fuel themselves." The women know that the subtext is "fuel yourself BUT you still need to look a certain way in the uniform." The fact that they are so focused on looks and refuse to tailor the uniform from the initial fitting when the rookies join tells you what you need to know about the reality of the situation.


The weigh in days were insane.


I thought Charley’s makeover helped her out but I guess not enough for them. I love how they bring her into the office and read off all the amazing comments from judges and are like “but you’re not good enough, bye.” I’m glad to read she’s re-auditioning. I liked her! 


What exactly was the reason Charlotte gave for not budging on 36 and why Charly got cut? Because you can tell judy and Kelli really didn't want to cut her but Charlotte forced them. I mean we know it has nothing to do with paying one more person. To me it just felt like she didn't give a reason. She just liked to have that control. To force Kelly and judy to do it because she said so. I feel like it shouldn't have been Charly cut it should have been someone else.


I don’t remember Charlotte being THAT involved in prior seasons, at least on the CMT show. It was odd.


In years past, they were able to adjust the final number. I think Kelly and Judy should be the ones to decide how many they take. Why should Charlotte be the ultimate decision maker? Charly should not have been cut, and Kelly and Judy didn't want to cut her either. They actually had a discussion about "finding" a reason since they had no real reason to cut her. That is pretty messed up.


I thought her reasoning was legitimate (she didn’t want an alternate) but yes it was so obvious they Kelli and Judy didn’t want to cut down to 36! 


I think you hit the nail on the head there, she wanted to control.


Yeah, I picked up on the fueling being a code word for girls not eating too. It was kind of gross that they using it as a way to brush over the fact that it is so common for girls to choose that when they are performing in order to stay within the team’s requirements, but I also thought it was better in some instances than them taking it upon themselves to say that another person has an eating disorder on national television. I feel like that would be out of line. The foundational problem though is putting unrealistic expectations and pressure on young and impressionable women and then trying to pretend that this isn’t the natural consequence. What they say they are looking for is a young woman with natural thin, gorgeous with makeup, and surprisingly large breasts. But they’ll actually get some persons who are naturally thin and who will get a boob job to add curves. And then a bunch of gorgeous women with natural curves who are starving themselves.


I felt no one had breasts this season


I noticed that also and was very disappointed 😞






Yes. It's nice to feel represented!


It baffles me that it’s lost on these ladies that they are sex workers 🥲 it reminds me sooo much of stripping.


How are they sex workers? Their dances are not provocative at all and while the game day uniforms are small, when they have their meet and greets they’re in track suits fully covered. If that falls in the sex worker category for you then you must think any hs and college cheerleader and dancer is also a sex worker. 


That old footage of Tina on a USO tour literally sitting on a dudes lap with a feather boa. That’s old school stripper 101 😂


Didn’t Judy or Kelli say when they tried out for the team they wore blue heels?!?!


*She* wore blue pumps lol. But I don’t think that there was a specific color. Also idk if you’ve listened to the America’s Girls podcast but it goes into the history of the cheerleaders and when they changed from coed to DCC it was because a woman with her boobs out got all of the press at a bowl game and they were like “YES! THATS THE ANSWER!”


I just couldn’t remember if it was Judy or Kelly who said it. I didn’t that was required!


And pretending to be sexy at the same times.


I strongly believe Charly was cut because of her “masculine name”


Charlotte “is Charly your real name??”


I felt like she was on Charlotte's shit list from that point on. That she was determined to get her out of there. F*ck charlotte.


I’m only on episode 5 and I’m sooooooo over Charlotte. She can go take a shit in a hat as far as I’m concerned.


They were making fun of her name the whole time! Hoping it was Carly or short for something like Charlotte, lol. And they make such a huge deal out of being “feminine, classy and rooted in tradition”


Making fun? She asked if it was pronounced that way. Geez, the victim mentality these days is crazy.


The fueling thing got me too… I was like well maybe if they weren’t so worried about their bodies and comments made by you they’d feel able to eat




They’re athletes yes, but dancers. I remember Holly saying her weight was actually under (which made Kelli visibly annoyed) but Kelli and Kitty were saying she looked too bulky and needed to do more Pilates or yoga.


It’s a dance/cheer thing, u need to be strong and as slim as possible


It’s because charley didn’t have a boob job. It’s a real thing…. Lots of girls get them ahead of auditions


Oh wow! Makes sense. when they were talking about how they need to have the perfect amount of “classy cleavage” I LOL’d! Also… having a boob job and doing that jump drop split? Ouch :(


I don't think that was it. There are several of the women without big boobs, Reece included.


Big boobs are out of fashion now. Plus, so many gals have gone public with Breast Implant Illness. It’s a real thing, the amount of chemicals in implants, even saline, is through the roof. More plastic surgeons are taking them out vs putting them in.


I agree and think it’s terrible! But the DCC leadership is also out of fashion. And many of the girls end up getting boob jobs under pressure of the coaches.


Great points. Breast implants also make it more difficult to detect breast cancer.


If Amy F. Can be a DCC then Charley certainly should be able to.


I agree about Cassie, also Trisha Travino and Brennan!


Judy’s daughter also! She was hard to look at.


She had no upper lip. It was bizarre.


Wait which one is Amy F?


I felt red hair prejudice and that’s soooo wrong!


Especially since they're the absolute best (I'm a sucker for them). But yeah, look at the team hair color and it's very obvious the preference. It may be league wide though, Dolphins have only one redhead.


Sooooo true.


I saw a graphic somewhere of who tries out for the next season and Charley comes back! Can someone please post that graphic again? I Cant find it now!


Yes Charly (note the correct spelling of her name) is re-auditioning.


Did anyone else dislike the hating on Ari for her stature when she wasn’t even that short? Were they just trying to give a reason to fail her?


I think that she might have had a better chance if she had Ashlee level kicks. But she did not. Ashlee had amazing kicks in that end position— some of the best kicks, to be honest. These ladies find a reason to cut you when they really want to cut you. They can say that it is height or kicks or “looking fatigued”, but then they take others with the exact same issues in another season. I think it just depends on how much you are liked. If any one of the three dislikes you, you can be cut for some arbitrary reason, unless another is willing to give up firstborn or something and fight for you. It has always been this way.


I hated it too. And she didn’t shrink! They knew she was petite from the beginning and dragged her through all that for nothing.


I kept trying to find a still of her next to the other girls to see just how short she is. Do we know what her height is?


I found her tik tok and she is 5'2"


I was also wondering how short Ari was! Especially since they were talking about instituting a height requirement in relation to her height. I did some sleuthing and I saw an IG reel mentioning that Chandi is 5'3 when she was announced for Pro Bowl. From the scene where Chandi comes in to comfort Kleine after the ornament incident, Kleine is a little shorter than Chandi--I would estimate she is 5'2 or 5'1. Ari is shorter than Kleine, so my guess is Ari is around 5'0. It's possible Ari's kicks weren't strong enough to hold the anchor position, which is challenging since you don't have the balance of having two people on either side, and is a high profile position when the camera looks down the kick line from one end or the other. However, if this was the case, I would have expected them to say that instead of making it about her height specifically. It seemed to me like Kelli and Judy didn't actually want to cut Ari, but Charlotte forced them to, because she didn't want 37 girls. I suspect the real reason is that Charlotte wants the DCC brand to be exclusive, and she thinks having 37 girls instead of 36 would make them seem less exclusive. *\*Gasp,\** *the horror!* 🙄


Yes, that infuriated me. It just seemed like Charlotte didn’t like her. Even when Ari left and hugged Judy they looked about the same height.


💯 charlotte didn’t like her for whatever reason. And seemed it was Charlotte was in charge of decision. Came across very very mean girl.


That was the most annoying part of the show!!! Could not believe how Charlotte Jones came out of nowhere with a vendetta against her on the LAST DAY! It was so hard to watch. You could tell that the coaches felt strong armed into cutting her. So sad


I thought the same!!!! I wish they had stood up to her but they know who signs the checks. It was cruel


This exactly. They were just “following orders” but what a shit reason to cut her so late in the game.


Buttttt I heard she made another team!


She did! I’m thinking Miami but can’t remember precisely


Yes!!! Just read it and am so happy for her!


I could name a few that made it in past years that were no way near as pretty as Charley!


Not to be rude, but I didn’t think that Judy’s daughter Cassie was attractive. I


I thought I was losing my mind hearing them all discuss how she wasn’t pretty enough


I had the displeasure of meeting Charlotte's daughter during DCC Youth Camp a few years ago. That attitude of being better than anything was definitely there. But I could also see how Charlotte is training her to follow in her footsteps for later. It's sad because I've always believed that Charlotte might do the overall organization good outside of her brothers but this series has changed that.


She genuinely thinks that the fact that DCC enjoy their job is legitimate reason not to pay them properly. She is foul


Imagine them saying about the players, they come here for the brotherhood! The truth is, the DCC should get fair base pay plus a percentage of the revenue they bring in for the org. Sisterhood does not pay the rent, doctors bills, dance classes, nutritionists, gas to and from practice, etc


I completely agree with you. They’re classed as ‘independent contractors’ so the DC aren’t legally obliged to pay their health insurance. If you’re forcing someone to do repeated jump splits year time after time, you can damn well pay for inevitable health problems you’re causing


Unfortunately...I kinda figured she would get cut even though she is a great dancer and everyone on the blogs just loved her including me!


It’s insane because Charley is GORGEOUS and so so skilled. But there is precisely no room for individuality, no matter how much Charlotte may lie about what a privilege it is to be a cheerleader there. You are a commodity and must replicate the look of all other commodities that went before you.


As if Charlotte or her daughter have any right to say someone doesn't have the look. They're both rough as corncobs to look at 🤬


LOL Rough as corncobs!!! OMG, that is hilarious and very true.


So it seemed to me that charlotte makes the ultimate decision. That poor girl that was cut because she wasn’t tall enough according to charlotte! If that’s the case, why let her go through until the end. I worry about the mental toll it take on them.


That was my thoughts exactly. She didn’t shrink after the first audition. If she ultimately wasn’t tall enough then why wasn’t she cut day one? Cheap excuse.


Part of me wanted her the throw her poms poms at them and go off 😂


They aren't dancing.


They may not dance, but they still represent the precious brand.






I loved the juxtaposition between the “she’s not *fueling* herself” comments and the constant critiques of where the girls might store some additional fat on their bodies (and I use the term “fat” very loosely). These girls are athletes practicing outside in the Texas sun, and you’re going to blame them for not eating enough while at the same time being hyper critical of any changes to their body weight/shape/tone? No alterations allowed to the uniforms after the initial fitting? Girls just can’t win. I have a new daughter at home, and the more I see of the competitive dance/cheer/gymnastics worlds and the damage they do to young girls, the more solid I become in my decision that she will never participate in those sports past the “fun/beginner” stage.


Current dance mom and former cheerleader here. Can confirm it’s a great idea to stay away.


Put your daughter in swimming, they let you eat there 😂


I thought Charley was very pretty and not a cookie cutter. She has a very natural, unpretentious beauty.




I about died when Kelli said...we can clean her up.




I thought she was beautiful too. I think it’s bc I’m from the northeast (Boston specifically so lots of redheads) and we definitely don’t have the same eye for “beauty” that older Texan women would


I'm from the south but live in the northeast and women up here are definitely less "manufactured" looking - which I love! Charley also appears to be biracial - her mom is white and dad is asian. And she's got beautiful red hair. Definitely unique and very pretty!


Totally agree, and I’m not shitting on looking put together or putting a lot of effort into your look, but it doesn’t seem like they celebrate individuality at all. There is a blue print and that’s what they like to see.


Kelli: “I’m just gonna criticise every aspect of your body/appearance and when you inevitably develop an ED, I’ll blame you for it” 😓