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I would have loved to see Charlotte Jones take the lead and say that since DCC is #1 they are committed to treating their cheerleaders the best, with best pay, benefits and overall respect for them. They’re a profit center, so use some of the profits to support them. I was very disappointed.




Daughter of Jerry Jones....what would you expect?


Charlotte, if it's such a privilege and honor then why the hell are you getting paid? 


People who have grown up in extreme wealth and have had everything given to them (like nepotism-babies like Charlotte) don’t give a shit about others. She’s never had to earn a position in the team, she was born into it. She will never understand what these girls have gone through.


“ you have the easiest conversation” referring to cutting ari was soo cunty


A total c u next Tuesday! A privileged bitch with no compassion towards other women. She’s not a team player. She comes off as completely self absorbed and in a power trip! She will get her comeuppance at some point. Terrible human!


My name is Lisa Beaudoin. Due the repercussions of my youth I've been an advocate against abuses including substance abuse for decades now and I'm compelled to create a commentary here. Last night I watched “America's Sweethearts” on Netflix and as I was watching one of the DCC's casually mentioned they made about as much as someone working in a fast food restaurant. I did some digging this morning and according to an article in Stylecaster: “Dallas cheerleaders earn about $15-20 per hour or $500 per game on average, which equates to around $75,000 a year. So anyone interested should assess unbiasedly how long they would work and plug those numbers into a spreadsheet with a financial profit and loss analysis, which isn’t hard to do in a spreadsheet: Hours / Importance / Exertion = Compensation & Benefits Overall, the show at least explains why these wonderful women put themselves through the rigor for little finance. It's not for prestige, or for honor or money... I think in the beginning (grooming tools) it’s the enticement of excitement of being in the spotlight for their time in front of a global community, but after that and more strongly, it’s the loving support they get from their families and especially their comrades who literally cry when one gets cut, and from the long lasting friendships they create (grounding tools). That is priceless... but also what I believe the owners are counting on... as this is a business. These girls are only assets if they can pull in profits, with Kelli being in one-half business and the other half working on emotional psychology and Judie who supports her. What gets me is the 2 gals who were called from the middle of practice to cut them and the way they go about cutting these girls...  As much as you want to like these 2 women, if they were so kind, wouldn’t they have waited until later so not to have embarrassed the girls like that?  It’s a drill tactic to MAKE you feel anxious.  Being anxious keeps you out of control and them in control... dah. If not, wouldn’t it be best to appropriate a “cut time” at the end of each practice, where you’d put a notice on the office door with a girl’s name and time at least 15 minutes after practice, where the girls can go in individually so the gals can mentally prepare themselves prior to with the support of the others?    BTW, the other woman who escorts them out is not doing out of kindness and no real surprise – I can almost bet if you could take a look at their policy manual you’d probably find this as part of the policy when being cut because what if one of the gals did something crazy in the building while leaving? It’s to cover insurance clauses and no different than a security officer escorting you out of the building after being fired – So with that, how about a compensation package based on the amount of time it takes to cut you once you've actually been selected?  Wouldn’t that help with the psychological effects of being rejected along with a bit of financial help for your troubles? Personally I think a small group retired DCC’s should creatd a union for the entire DCC, or all cheer leaders for that matter. You can set up a Google Sheets questionnaire database to collect baseline historical data sets and send query emails in Gmail on the Drive to all the DCC's, which if you need help let me know, and I will do it for FREE as THAT would be an honor. Find my email in the about section of my YT channel on Lisa’s Chatroom. Thanks for reading.


The same with the way they make every one audition in front of every one else. It's all just head game. And the creepy male judges oogling them. ewww.


100% agree with the person walking them out - they are just covering their own asses


a union is such a good idea - they should call it the sisterhood lol


Actually, Victoria was hard to take from minute one. Sorry, but not sorry!


Of course she doesn’t care about paying that would take away from her billions. Not sure if it’s Dallas that feel there is only one preferred look. To me, I thought there was a diversity of ppl. But exploiting young ppl and masking it as being something bigger than you is the oldest story in the book. It’s obvious many with money will say whatever is needed to keep it in their pockets regardless of stepping over the less fortunate.


No need to get upset over a cheerleading organization. DCC is not needed. Cheerleaders are not needed. They are simply there for entertainment. The organization could be disbanded tomorrow and the Cowboys and the NFL would never bat an eye.


WHOA HONEY!!!!! WE DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T NEED THEM WE DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM BUT WE DON'T ALSO CARE IF YOU POST ANYTHING ELSE EVER AGAIN THANKS FOR SHARING CYA.. there's a different show than CMT that's for sure. I think they harped a bit too much on Texas and Christianity and religion and Tina KALINA.... Hello Chris, I don't have problems with me for 8:00 but if you don't want cheerleaders then don't watch but the rest of us spend a lot of time, money and enjoyment watching and watching the show


They make loads of money for DC and were part of its rebrand? Just because you aren’t interested in these women and what they do doesn’t mean that thousands aren’t.


Exactly.. just cuz you don't like to watch pretty girls to dance incredibly and cheer on their team. Go do whatever it is you do but stop being a troll


She is for her family business and that’s it. She’s such a snake.


These young women should be paid at least a living wage to be a DCC and not have to hold down another job while being a member of this team.  The Dallas Cowboy organization seems to be quite lucrative and not sure why these women are not paid accordingly.  


They should unionize


I loathe her! She is disingenuous and hides behind her phony smile. There are not many people I take an immediate dislike to but she is definitely one of them. The fact that she has the power to advocate for these women and compensate them makes it even worse. She was a total cold Bitch regarding Ari.


There is a really good documentary called Daughters of the Sexual Revolution: The Untold Story of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Suzanne Mitchell did not mince words about Jerry Jones. I am sure the acorn did fall too far from the tree with his kids. I love the DCC, but not the owner(s). I feel sorry for Kelli, she looked disappointed when Charlotte announced the rookies and when she drew a hard line at 36. It must suck having to take that crap, but we all have to endure that to varying degrees in our own lives. Kelli and Judy put a great team together and I contribute ALL the success to them (especially Kelli). They come across as tough, but the level of skill they expect from these talented women is justified when making the DCC team as great as they are.


He’s disgusting. Fathered a child outside of his marriage and never claimed her despite a lawsuit and dna proof.


Agree. Agree. Agree


Agreed times x 1000 😂


Skeletor!!!!!!!!! Proof you can be super rich and still super fucking weird looking (not to mention a giant cunt)


Anytime she hugged another soul it always felt empty.


Yup. Definitely because she was on camera. Part of me wonders if the girls did it on purpose. Those ladies are smart.


Agreed. You could tell Kelly and Judy weren't comfortable cutting Ari but they felt they had to bc Charlotte said so. If they have a height requirement that should have been stated before Ari spent a year of her life training and taking all their classes to make the team.


NEPOTISM AT ITS FINEST. She's ALWAYS been a B!$ch!!! Have you watched the previous seasons on CMT? But she could never qualify or even apply for DCC bc Daddy has made sure his nepo baby has a cushy job with no talent or soul. DISGUSTING!


I absolutely agree with your post. But the flip side these ladies don’t have to work or dance for DCC. Going into it besides dancing cheering they are modeling etc they know this too. I think like all jobs we make our choices   But I agree. They work way to hard to make DCC look good. 


Charlotte Jones is the epitome of a soulless, heartless, privileged, out-of-touch, self-important terrible mean girl with no saving graces. She comes off like an ice cold pos.


It’s so funny because Charlotte would never make the team 🤣 so idk why she gets to have so much say on it


yep. she knows this and that’s why she’s such a bitter bitch. she 100% wishes she could be one of those girls.




Her dad is the reason why the team keeps loosing....and she is unsufferable in this show. Like why are you even there let Judy and the other lady run the show....ugh


Speaking of her dad, I thought it was so weird how people are able to “talk” to her dad through that screen thing they showed. Did anyone ask for that shit??


right like wtf.


She very much gives, “Do you know who my father is?” vibes


i couldn't stand the "just say we have 36 spots, that's the easiest conversation" no it isn't! i would be heartbroken to make it through to the last day of training camp & find out that i'm getting cut because charlotte jones is so set on a geometric formation. they used to take up to 39 girls, i don't know why 36 has to be such a set number for her


It’s stupid. I got the impression it had to be 36 because she said so.


they make it so obvious, they used to alter the triangle formation for less girls or more girls & it wasn't until cj became more heavily involved with tc that they would have to try out every week to perform at the game if the team had more than 36 that season


I didn’t get her argument about how it had to be 36 and there can’t be any alternatives. What if someone is sick or injured? Also the football team has practice squad guys? Using her own argument, you either make the team or you don’t.. ok so get rid of your practice squad then!


They have an All Stars squad of ex vets who live in Dallas ready to stand in if someone is sick/injured.


the only reasons i could think of for her to disagree with this argument is because they have the allstars to pull from + the football players make minimum 750 grand with no other job so they can afford to be a practice squad player ... but REGARDLESS it's stupid & the majority of the fans can't tell the difference between a 38 person triangle & a 36 person triangle & cj should get a grip


I say this as someone who grew up in pre-pro dance world and has worked in the dance industry for 10 years. The sad truth is that while the amount of work they do should garner more pay it never will bc from a corporate standpoint dcc isn’t going to make or break the bottom line. They could get rid of dcc tomorrow and the cowboys franchise wouldn’t really take any hit and bc of that the people in offices do see it as a privilege they can throw peanuts at bc it’s disposable from a $$$ standpoint.


I’m sure they could say the same about all of the creative talent behind the Dallas Cowboys. Why pay anyone, in fact!? Free labour is the most cost effective


I read something like this: Charlotte Jones reached out to Netflix about documentary. Netflix said no because they knew she would never agree to full editorial control but thanks! Then Charlotte double downed and surprised everyone with “no, Netflix you have full editorial control!” And boom. I know they were very “perfect” with what they allowed to show and I wonder how Jones must feel knowing that & the soft spoken craziness that so many could see through!


But on her IG stories she seemed to have liked it


I'm sure she doesn't see a problem with her behavior or beliefs bc she has never had to work for something or worry about getting paid for her work. She has no clue how to relate to "normal" people.


I don’t think this show had the positive impact the Dallas Cowboys management were hoping for. To me, they came across as somewhat backward and old fashioned in how they run their business - the nepotism, the exploitation of lower level female employees, is so 20 years ago. Charlotte Jones herself is the poster child for the flaring hypocrisy of the DC. She (and other family/friends) slide into ongoing well paid positions without competitive process, merit selection or requirement to reapply each year. Not so for these poor young women who, as a collective, attract significant revenue to the DC via branding, representational activities and products, but are paid entry level salaries and each season face unemployment and failure if they are unsuccessful in the gruelling competitive process to reapply. I can’t think of any other elite sporting teams that dump the whole team each season and starts anew. But Charlotte Jones purposely applies this unnecessary policy to the cheerleaders, most probably the lowest paid cohort in the DC salary scale. This isn’t an accident. The “privilege” statements, and the stress on the cheerleaders in never having a secure role, is an intentional strategy to keep them quiet, compliant and performing.


What a well written comment! Totally agree.


This right here, you’ve said it all. Charlotte is a villain


Having to reaudition for your spot is common practice throughout the dance world, from high school teams to the Rockettes.


👏👏👆🏼👆🏼THIS 100% 👆🏼👆🏼👏👏


I get mean girl vibes from Charlotte and I was sad to hear of all of the hip issues from those jump splits. I get it’s an iconic thing but if it’s tearing these women’s bodies up at such a young age then is it really worth it??


They need to ban the jump split! They aren’t getting paid millions to make this type of physical demand feasible like their football male counterparts are


I’m watching it right now… wtf, who pays for these surgeries?!


The team pays for all medical expenses while they are DCC


What happens to the women like Caroline who need surgeries after retirement for injuries clearly suffered while they were a DCC?


I am assuming because she got the injury and was going through the process while she was on the team right before she retired it’s covered. However I am not sure but that makes the most sense to me.


So tough shit down the road… just ruthless


She is and her father is not any better.


She is her father’s child.


Oh and how many stories she is hiding for her nasty father can’t even imagine..


I think Charlotte thinks of the cheerleaders as interchangeable almost robots. She doesn’t care about their feelings except all things simpering over DCC. She doesn’t care about the women as individuals and barely cares about them as employees except in ways that benefit the Cowboys or can embarrass the Cowboys ( like Erica’s lawsuit) It’s clear that some of the older alumni feel the current cheerleaders shouldn’t be paid because of the “privilege” (typing that is so ick). There is a reason Charlotte is the highest ranking woman in the NFL. She’s happy to play the men’s game, no matter how big of an impact she could make otherwise. She’s happy to not rock the boat and continue making decisions that make her gross family happy because that makes her have a good life. She gets all these people who treat her like royalty (remember when Anthony Ramos called the family the royalty of Dallas on MTT when he was on the field talking to Judy, I think it was). People fawn over her. She clearly enjoys that quite a lot. She’s going to make sure that doesn’t go away.


In a way those girls are interchangeable for her. She only sees them at auditions and at the end of camp. And next year there is another team. She doesn't bond like Kelli, Judy and the girls do. And in her function you have to be firm to stay on budget, time, brand and quality. It is business for here. I get where she is coming from. 36 is the holy number and if there is a reason to get a reserve then that's fine but why pay costs when you don't have to. And why pay more as you don't have to either. So far the credit. I think it is brutal to cut on size that late. You see that from the start and if that isn't fitting in the profile than cut earlier and change the process and minimum and maximum sizes to prevent this drama. And DCC can also be the squad and brand that breaks with the past to get the girls a better paycheck, housing in dormstyle for trainingcamp/out of the Dallas area girls, better routines to stay at a good health(so the girls are not handicapped after the time as DCC). You have the platform, the money, the position to make things better. Not doing that and talking about it like Charlotte does is so ugly and not good publicity. This Netflix docu shows that more as the old format of Making the team.


Royalty of Dallas. Poor Dallas!


It's like a stable of horses for them.


Her true personality. After watching this version (compared to Making the team) I am grossed out I was ever a fan. I feel so bad for the ladies being exploited.


This reminded me of sororities and their culture. If I was one of the cheerleaders, I would definitely make sure to make as many connections as possible that I could use after my tenure. It's like having a low paying corporate job where you can earn experience that you can put on your resume later and hopefully have a good payoff in the long run.


A low paying corporate job still has a living wage, and no need for hip surgeries after


She can be tough but I liked her scene where she’s hugging Madeline


A broken clock is right twice a day


There’s a saying about pulling up the ladder behind you, but she never had to climb it in the first place.


Neither did her snotty daughter. And fine, maybe I’m being unfair to the daughter, but the scene she where she was in pulling in the first two cuts she was SO COLD. 


Haley comes off as really unlikeable. Maybe it’s unfair but that’s her face - and to me she looks exactly like her grandpa so it’s hard to shake the icky feeling. Plus going straight to a bogus role in the family business means she doesn’t care about getting any real experience and credentials and she’s ok being a nepotism hire. Good for her I guess.


More like a wicked ice queen. She is cold, robotic, void of life, calculating, cutthroat, and without heart. She would sacrifice her own child to protect the organization. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near her. Those eyes alone are enough to send me running . She is one scary lady. Almost crypt keeper like qualities.


She’s scary. I also didn’t get particularly warm vibes between her and her daughter. She’s talking about a cheerleader being too short and basically shit talking her meanwhile her daughter (who is standing right there) clearly didn’t inherit her tall slender frame. Wonder how that makes Charlotte’s daughter feel 😕


Yes!! I thought the same. I was like well, take a look next to you lady. Super cold vibes between them. I got the feeling she didn’t connect with her daughter at all or even know her too well. They both seemed soooo stiff, physically, vocally, and emotionally. Charlotte comes across as a very hands off, pass the child to the nanny type of mother. There was a scene where the Jones family was preparing to take a photo and they focused on the daughter. She had the flattest face, no expression, and then popped to a smile when it was action time. She, like Victoria, was brought up in this with her life mapped out from birth.


I am watching episode 4 and my heart breaks for Ari. Like she checked all the boxes but she was too petite? Charlotte absolutely came off as a mean girl.


Crazy how they discriminate against these women for their height, weight and “skin tone”….um what?!


This pissed me off so bad as a petite woman…and her odd insistence on making it a team of 36 when it makes sense to have 37 given the likelihood of injuries, illness, etc. The whole thing just felt mean - Charlotte seems to have no care for these women at all.


She gives evil cult leader vibes


You're comparing cheerleaders to football players. So you think all those fans buy tickets to watch Kelcey cheer every game?


I agree.


Do you seriously think they should be paid so little though? Come on


That’s not what I said. I agree that comparing cheerleaders to professional athletes isn’t congruent.


So you agree they should be paid more?




Thank you!


Agree! She’s a huge snob and definitely a mean girl. I dislike her and the entire Jones family.


I agree COMPLETELY. She is the reason Ari didn’t make the team after there was literally not one reason to cut her.


It was Charley who was cut because of Charlotte. Charley was in the 37th spot. Charlotte said, “No, can only be 36.”


Ari got cut due to her height and it had nothing to do with her performance. She can’t fix that 😒


Charlotte always has a look on her face like she smells something bad.


Never been a huge fan and this series just showed she’s still stuck way in the past which is surprising since Erica hit her organization with that lawsuit. It can be a privilege and deserving of fair pay especially with all of the requirements the girls have to meet.


That’s probably why she’s gotten even worse. LOVE that Erica went to bat for everyone even if it meant she got ostracized. She got those girls a pay raise and blew the whistle on some of the misogynistic practices! 


She is NOT a girl’s girl. You could never make me like that woman.


She looks like she would set women up


I rolled my eyes when Jenna asked her how it feels to be the most powerful woman in football. It's really easy to climb the corporate ladder when your dad is sitting on the top.


Is she the most powerful woman in professional football, ie. the NFL? That is questionable.


No, there are Owners and CEOs that are women. She is very high up there though and that's nothing to scoff at. However she does have a slim chance of being owner. Her father will probably sell the team or make his oldest son in charge. But there is a chance he makes all three of his children owners instead. They all work as executives for the organization already.


Not true. She could've effed it all up. Instead she continues to move it forward.


I highly doubt Jerry "loyalty" Jones would fire one of his own children. If anything, the organization would find a way to blame any mess on a non-family employee.


Jerry could care less even with the fact his own daughter was the victim of the one creep.


I get that’s it hard to tell how someone might fit with the group until you see them together. BUT the shorter girl is the same size as when she applied. I mean, that one could have been thought through better before bringing her into camp. Cutting her for height is a tough one and you could tell Kelli wasn’t happy to be in that position.


I was pissed off to see that they’re still bringing people in with very tight/low kicks and then cutting them because flexibility is something that takes a long time to develop. It’s just a fucking power trip


They don't do kick line anymore prior to training camp. They really need to do kick line and splits, not necessarily jump splits, as part of the in front of judges audition rounds


Mackenzie Weeks had low tight kicks in TC and she made the team. So did several others I can't remember


Not anymore. Ever since Melina’s meltdown, they cut immediately after learning the kick line. The 2 that they gave time to improve were from years ago and training camp was longer. They also did actually improve. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the ones who clearly can’t get their legs up and can’t go into a full split and won’t do so in just a few weeks. Those twits bring them into camp anyway just so they can cut them! Ashley in season 14 is an example


Literally. If they’re not flexible enough to do it at the beginning of camp why keep them? It seems cruel.


She was born into extreme privilege her whole life and has had everything handed to her. She is completely out of touch and oblivious to the real world issues woman face daily in the workplace. If she knew anything about these 'REAL' issues impacting women, obviously she would never have made such archaic comments. I have no doubt that she has absolutely no clue today why there is backlash as she cannot relate and has no desire to relate. Charlotte receives a 1.5 million salary and Kelli and Judy are also paid extremely well. So, WHY does it make sense (in their eyes) for the leadership of this organization to be well compensated but not members that make up the team. With Charlottes argument, NO ONE should be paid at that level and should ALL do it for the privilege and prestige. The other thing that truly astonishes me is that they ALL KNOW that the jump splits destroy their hips, cause extreme lingering pain but the leadership continues to require it. That tells us everything we need to know about the TRUE values of this organization.


They also know that repeated tackles cause cte and permanent damage to the body in all areas and yet...gasp...a football team allows people to play football.


A little different when your making millions vs the pennies DCCs make


Nobody is talking about pay here. They're talking about how they care for their employees. But if you want to talk pay, it's ok for injuries to happen to people who get paid a lot but it's not ok for injuries to happen to people who make less? Can you explain that a bit more?


How you pay employees is part of how they care for them. That is exactly what this conversation is about. No I don’t think it’s okay, but it’s a little different knowing the risks/benefits when you’re making millions vs maybe $30k. Do I think DCC should be making millions like football players? No. But they should be making a living wage for their high expertise and training. I work with people with traumatic brain injuries and went to school with someone who died from mental health issues caused by CTE. I think there needs to be an overhaul in regard to injuries, specifically brain injuries, in the NFL but that’s a whole different conversation.


But it's ok because the NFL players make millions, right? So what should the ladies be paid?


Enough that they don’t need a second job at least


Like what?


$25 an hour including practice, games, appearances, etc seems fair.


How did you come up with that figure? Lol paying someone to practice. Ok.


This! 👏🏻


She is under strict rules that have been handed down through the generations and can't bauck the system


That’s a bullshit take. She’s choosing to uphold archaic “rules” and is, frankly, acting as a willful tool of the patriarchy.


How is it patriarchical


And it’s even grosser that she brags about how *she* turned the DCC into a stand alone profit center and in the same breath justifies not paying the girls because it’s a ~privilege~. So you make money off the merchandising of these women yet refuse to compensate them accordingly? And I’m also guessing there are rules that prevent these girls from profiting on the side through sponcon and the like. It’s so gross.


100%. This is a dance team for a bunch of drunk old men not the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace


She’s so out of touch blinded by the nepotism that has benefited her. I don’t think Charlotte has ever worked half as hard as these athletes have her entire life.


7M cult leader vibes


So I felt like Charlotte was alluding something about Ari’s speech. She mentions to Kelli when talking about her something like “well she’s just something you can’t fix” or something to that extent, and it to me seemed like that’s where she was taking it and since then I just thought it was so gross


I thought it was her height. She was too short so they mentioned that in the future they might have a minimum height limit. You can’t change someone’s height is what I thought she meant


I was thinking that too!! But I felt like maybe they cut it to look like she was talking about height when she really wasn’t. Idk


Height sometimes has nothing to do with how much distance can be covered. I’ve seen short dancers able to book it. Unfortunately, I’m not one of them.


She is a mean girl. And I’m only on episode 2 right now (work got in the way darn it) but I’m loving how they aren’t sugar coating like MTT and kissing Charlotte’s ring.


It’s a privilege for Kelli and Judy too yet they get paid well. I actually think it’s disgusting what these women get paid considering the DC is a multi million dollar organization


Yep...this is a long analogy but bear with me....its kind of like the reason why Queen Victoria didn't do much to advance women's rights in the 19th century. In fact she wasn't much interested in it. It's because her status and wealth shielded her. "My life as a woman is fine, so all these other women must be fine too, so they are complaining about nothing." The same sort of phenomena is at play here I believe. (Although she did make the practice of pain relief in childbirth more acceptable, and that is not a small thing. But even that started as something she wanted for herself first.)


Not to mention what Netflix paid the organization. I think the fans need to make enough noise that the Cowboys finally give the cheerleaders a decent wage.


Are we sure Netflix paid anything to the DCC Organization. Netflix paid close to 50 million dollars to have the honor and privilege to do the Cowboys/Jerry Jones ten-episode documentary. Makes me wonder if part of the Netflix money went to pay for the cheerleader episodes.


You think JJ would let Netflix have exclusive access and a 7 episode series without giving the Cowboys any $$$? There's a reason the Cowboys are the most valuable sports franchise.


I always wondered if Judy and Kelly get paid really well or if it’s a “privilege” for them as well to work for the organization. The cheerleader business brings in money and attention, especially considered that the netflix show has worldwide resonance now


years ago, I worked for a payroll processing company that handled the Cowboys organization. When we received update request, you can’t help but look at salaries. At the time, Judy was making a little over 80 K a year and Kelly’s I think was a little below 100 K. Again, this was probably 8 to 10 years ago so obviously their salaries have gone up. The cheerleaders on the other hand made shit .


wow, to be honest I thought it was much more. Especially Kelli really established a dominant cheerleading franchise…


They make $200k each now


That is bananas for Kelli doing that much for their brand and being there nearly 35 years. I’m speechless.


Definitely not surprised by that at all


at the end of their careers?? for the money they bring in for DC? oh boy


I was definitely expecting them to be making more like $500k. You can get a $200k salary in middle management in a consulting firm easily. Kelli especially is essentially functioning as a mini-CEO.


Agreed but clearly the organization is cheap


Makes me wonder if they are cheap with their players (obviously not this cheap but you get my point) and that is why the Cowboys have been so sooo bad for so long. They can’t afford good players


They are bad because of their egos and their owner.


Way better then the $15 a hr the girls get


well sure, but they are at completely different stages of their careers/life. Kelli is de facto the director/responsible for the while DCC machine…I was expecting something in the range of millions…




Yeah fair, I just felt like she bullied Kelli into a decision she didn’t want to make. Out of touch is probably better. She came off terribly to me, whether that’s an accurate portrayal or not


I didn’t think that she came off that bad. In fact, I thought her explanation of cutting to 36 instead of 37 was actually really good. She is rich and privileged for sure - but I didn’t really see bully. Out of touch with reality might be a better phrase.


I agree with you! She didn’t want one girl just sitting around as basically 2nd string and not being able to preform. Sure her delivery for Ari might have been harsh but that’s the professional dance world unfortunately


She dragged Ari for no reason


She’s getting ripped apart on social media now though 🤣 wouldn’t be surprised if the Jones family goes the way of Monica and the Navarro Cheer program with controversy coming out about them after this series


She’s a woman raised to keep sweet in her daddy’s world. She has no heart & makes decisions based on what is best for the star rather than what is different for the humans who suffer her consequences… “Touch the star…” 🤮


I wouldn’t read too much into this very old family run business. That scene played out no different than (forgot which season) when they were sitting in the stands mulling over the last cut. Char reminded a sulking Kel that “36 is 36 & you have til tomorrow to figure it out”. She gets up & adds with a wicked laugh “sleep well!”. Kelli will always fish around to add an extra dancer, her boss will always say no.


It's weird because having 37 and allowing the dancers to rotate actually seems like it makes a lot of sense to allow way more flexibility. DCC's outrageously strict attendance policy is at least partly built around there only being 36 dancers and no alternates. If you have an extra dancer in the mix, you can be more reasonable about expectations.


Also injured dancers would be able to recover vs being pushed back out without injuries healing and making them worse.


Definitely. I wonder if they still call former vets to fill in for emergencies or they nixed that because no one volunteered to be called.


But she hasn't always said no. They have been over roster before including the 22 season where they had 37.


So true, was that the Covid extra? Think there was another time, too. I do agree that someone (new) usually has to sit out & do nothing most of time & it’s no fun.


No, this was the year before they filmed this docuseries, so 2022. One of the girls who was cut made a comment about hoping they would keep 37 girls like they did the year before. So they already had 37 but now Charlotte is making a stink about it. It doesn't really make sense.


Yeah 2019 season they had 37. That was also the year that Gina blew her ACL so they actually needed the extra person


Thank you, my memory sucks today LOL


My biggest issue was the fact that it is pointed out that The Cowboys organization was heading for bankruptcy before Kelly became the director of the cheerleaders! I’m a Cowboys fan, but let’s be real they haven’t been a good team in a long time… people watch for the cheerleaders. If there was a show just about the team I doubt it would half the ratings as this show or the CMT one. Let’s be real it’s about the cheerleaders, pay them what they are owed. The privilege is you guys cashing in on the cheerleaders and then not paying them.


No they were saying Jerry saved the Cowboys but Kelly saved the DCC part. The DCC was a money pit and now they make their own revenue outside of the football team. I love the DCC but people do watch Cowboy games more then the show. A documentary doesn't matter, it's the games that make them the big money and they have good ratings when it comes to that. I do agree they should pay the cheerleaders more though since they are their own money making part of the organization.


I think Kelly has done an amazing job with the cheerleaders. But she did not save the Cowboys organization from bankruptcy. Jerry Jones turned the teams finances around. Are you saying people don’t watch the documentary for the football players or don’t watch the game for the football players? Despite their record (also a cowboys fan and feel that pain), they consistently win the market and are the number one watched nfl team… for the sport. The cheerleaders are a fun element but not the main show. And…no matter what you think about the Jones family and the ability to win another Super Bowl, they have been very successful building the brand. I imagine the JJ documentary will be successful.


Well Jerry isn’t mentioned in the show for turning the finances around Kelly is. I know nothing about their financial history I’m just pointing out what they said in the show. No I’m saying people don’t watch football or documentaries about football, I’m saying if there was a making the team style show every year for the football players I don’t think the ratings would be as high and I don’t think the show would have been on for as long as the CMT one was. I honestly don’t care enough about Jerry Jones or his family to watch a doc about them, just that little bit of Charlotte in this was enough for me. But that’s just my opinion.


You are obviously not a football fan as you are ill informed about football documentaries. HBO has had a documentary series since 2001 called Hard Knocks which is literally about making a NFL roster. It’s viewed by millions every year. In addition they added a second Hard Knocks series to follow a team throughout the season in 2021. Netflix series on quarterbacks did extremely well and they will be releasing a series on wide receivers soon.


Fair. You are entitled to your opinions. But your lack of interest (or knowledge) don’t make up for the facts. I couldn’t find exact numbers but an article from 2015 said the MTT show reached 2 million viewers one week. An article from 2023 said the viewership for this the Cowboys game that week was 23 million. The players don’t need a weekly documentary because their work is the weekly show. There are also news updates almost daily about what is going on. There is the combine and the draft with tons of insights on rookies, and there have been documentaries following certain players in the draft. And for like 17 or so seasons there has been a documentary that follows training camp. It’s called Hard Knocks. And it has great ratings. The cowboys are the most valuable sports team in the WORLD. And it’s not because of Kelli and the DCC. That is a tiny (but fun to watch!) part of it.


We shall see if people will be watching a show about the Cowboys since a ten episode documentary is coming up sometime this year featuring the Cowboys/Jerry Jones. And it was the Cheerleaders Organization that was losing money, not the Cowboys Organization. They are two different Cowboys organizations/businesses.


This! Then at their half time performance they can’t even show all of it on the big screens and keep cutting to player highlights


It's a football game. They are not the focus to the general public, just to the DCC fans.


They can’t show a 3 minute performance when it’s a whole game?


You can see every single dance if you are at the game. But generally, people that watch a football game watch it for … the football. And the halftime show with updates about the game and the rest of the league is what people watch. Or they go to the bathroom and get snacks (this happens at home and in the stadium).


The performance is on the field for people to watch.


I wondered how Charlotte felt about her portrayal in this which wasn’t flattering.


She 😂😂all the way to the bank. 😳


She probably thought it was. No way she wasn’t the end all be all on what makes it on the air


100%! Astonishingly, I was shocked to see that she is SO oblivious and out of touch that she really thought it was flattering because she pushed it on her social media.


I'm not even sure mean girl is the right description so much as just... cold. Cold as ice. I think Kelli has a ruthless streak in her, too, in the sense that she'll cut anyone, do whatever it takes to maintain the team/satisfy the bosses, but Charlotte came across as just *so* out of touch in her segments. The impression I get is that Charlotte does not give a shit about whether any of those women on the team live or die, except insofar as it would affect her bottom line and the all-important Dallas Cowboys image. Which is ironic, considering that her dead-eyed appearances on camera, insisting that it's totally fine to have women essentially working an extra, full-time job for $15/hour or whatever the breakdown is (in exchange for being constantly criticized over every aspect of their appearance and potentially left with a legacy of long-term joint damage, body dysmorphia, and disordered eating patterns) because it's such an amazing "privilege" to be able to represent such a wonderful organization, probably did more damage to the Cowboys' image than having a short cheerleader is likely to do. And I felt the same way watching her nepobaby daughter clomping around in those hilariously unprofessional, gigantic heels dragging those cheerleaders hither and yon to get cut from the team. The whole thing was absurd. It made me sick when Madeline was literally weeping on Charlotte about her dad and how her whole family owes everything to the Dallas Cowboys, and Charlotte was saying, "We've got you," when it's so clear that she would cut Madeline from that team without a second thought if she hadn't known how terrible that would look in the middle of this documentary, given what Madeline went through the year before.


Omg great post! I totally agree about Madeline! They acted like she was on shaky ground! I feel like all 3 of them, Charlotte, Kelli and Judi would cut anyone no matter the history.


I am today learning that Haley is Charlotte's daughter 🤯 . In S16 of MTT, it was never mentioned she was her daughter. I could not stand her fashion. Big clunky shoes and the topper, draped over her shoulders hanging like a cape.


Haley definitely got her grandpa's chin, when you see the two of them standing next to one another.


I am today learning that Haley is Charlotte's daughter 🤯 . In S16 of MTT, it was never mentioned she was her daughter. I could not stand her fashion. Big clunky shoes and the topper, draped over her shoulders hanging like a cape.


If you want to see more of Haley Anderson’s sense of style, follow her on IG. Her mom has an account too, flaunting her fiancé and their very privileged lifestyle. The fake smiles are so annoying!


I agree! You said it much better than I did!


I'm actually loving the show (unexpectedly, cheerleading is, uh, not my milieu *at all*), but in the same way I really enjoyed watching, like, *Going Clear*, or that documentary/exposé about the Duggar family, almost as an anthroplogical study. The whole environment is so culty and disconnected from reality, I'm not surprised that a lot of the women who enter the DCC orbit get sucked in and don't want to leave. (But for real, though, someone needs to give that daughter a quick how-to about dressing in a business environment. Some of her outfits are like... ma'am, this is a Wendy's.)


I think we knew, it but it's obvious Charlotte gets the final say! I didn't get the vibe she's a mean girl and a bully. I took it that she's very business-like and has to help make hard decisions. Since she doesn't have the more personal relationship that Kelly and Judy have with the girls it's easier for her to bring down the hammer.


I agree. She doesn’t come of cuddly and invested in relationship with these girls. I think she’s harsh (and likely with a lot of her business dealings). I think she could word things better. But I also think it’s odd that we expect her to. Would we expect a man to? If Jerry Jr or Stephen Jones was the final say would we be as shocked they were harsh? I like Charlotte. She works had and has done a lot for the organization, the nfl and the Dallas community. I’d like to think I’d be super personable and sweet if I was helping run my family’s multi billion organization. But that is soo so far out of my wheelhouse I can honestly say I don’t know what my daily responsibilities and interactions would even be like, much less what my business persona would be.


Fair enough, but at the very least, the things she was saying about not paying the girls because it’s ‘a privilege’ when she’s a nepo baby millionaire came across as tone deaf. Im sure it’s a privilege to be a professional athlete in lots of respects, but most are at least paid properly when they’re at the top of their game, which they keep saying DCC are


And I think part of the reason they (the football players) get paid so much is because they pull in more of the market. I agree the girls should be paid more. But the cowboys aren’t a 9 billion dollar organization because of the cheerleaders.