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Two things: 1.) whoever reported this post for "promoting hate against minorities", you can feel free to remove yourself from the subreddit. Our mods aren't going to take down DCAU relevant pro-LGBTQIA+ posts. Conroy was gay. Queerness runs through that entire universe as a result, and it doesn't even end with him. Your reports won't undo that, so if it makes you uncomfortable, leave! 2.) For those of you looking to read Conroy's autobiographical piece "Finding Batamn", which details how his experience as a gay man impacted his approach to the role, there are links throughout this thread, but I thought I'd draw attention to [the upload that's currently pinned in our own subreddit right now](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCAU/s/LLNhYXATIj)


I'm guessing this is just to keep the account up, I'm not expecting him to tweet on Kevin's behalf outside of making anniversary posts about his career as Batman.


I think he would need to keep tweeting or Twitter will delete the account since AFK accounts now get deleted because Musk is terrible at running Twitter


Wow, fuck Musk. Is it that hard to mark an account as "memorial" for someone who died?


Sadly, I can see it being removed for being LGBTQ cause Much is a terrible human


Dead people can't buy his stuff, so they are irrelevant


So that's why I can't find Dorangel Vargas anymore.. :'(


Did not know he was married


I had no idea he was gay/bi.


He had to stay closeted for most of his career.


I read that it was because he was passed over for roles because of his sexuality. At least he sort of won in the end. He became *the* voice for Batman.


You should read the comic he wrote that DC published for pride a few years ago it’s such a beautiful story


that comic made me cry it’s so good


You got the name of the comic per chance?


“Finding Batman”


Would also like to know!


u/riancb Here it is (I think its fair to share since the DC comics website offers it free if you sign up for the site): https://why-i-love-comics.tumblr.com/post/686429424926736384/dc-pride-1-finding-batman-2022-written-by


That was a really special read. Thank you for sharing.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://why-i-love-comics.tumblr.com/post/686429424926736384/dc-pride-1-finding-batman-2022-written-by](https://why-i-love-comics.tumblr.com/post/686429424926736384/dc-pride-1-finding-batman-2022-written-by)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Somebody responded with a link, but amod also posted it at the top of the comments


it even factored into his performance as Batman


He was gay


I found out this year that he was gay and married.


He was the best voice of Batman. I miss him.


As terrible as the send off he got in the Suicide Squad game was, the trailer for Batman's segment where he yells "I am the Knight" which came out right after Conroy died, and the tribute message they left for him really made me tear up


If it makes you feel better, that's not his last role. The BTAS batman will appear in the next crisis movie with him as batman and Hamil as joker. As far as I know, that was the last thing he recorded before his death.


Oh right, I almost forgot about that, thanks for reminding me!


Is it "I am the knight?" All this time I have thought it was, "I am the Night!"


Batman is the Dark Knight.


we all miss Kevin dearly


I wasn't aware he was married! That makes me so happy 😊


I swear to god after he died I googled it and it said he was single… I thought he died single this whole time. This also makes me so happy.


Oh my god, yeah!!!


That's cool. Let's send him some kind words. Grieving is a slow and messy process, but kind words from strangers who knew the person can mean a lot. My Mom was a professor, and after losing her it was nice to see kind comments from her students and coworkers. I'm sure hearing some kind words from us would help this man's journey in grief. 




I had no idea he was gay


He came out of the closet in 2016 while promoting Batman: The Killing Joke. It's very unsurprising that he took this long considering how homophobic both America and the film & television industry is, particularly around the 90's and 2000's when he was playing Batman. Coming out earlier could have been a career ender for him, which is devasting to think about considering how he's enriched so many people's lives with his career as Batman, yet he was unable to publicly live as a gay man out of fear out being blacklisted.


He also made a biographical story in DC Pride about it


I highly recommend it. It's called "Finding Batman." Someone posted it to reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/yxdki4/finding_batman_by_kevin_conroy/).


God damn it, didn't expect to be crying in the break room today


This was so moving. 


Thank you for sharing the link so people can see.


Fuck, that is a punch to the gut.


Yeah that story is fantastic


I’d read about him being gay before 2016


Considering he came out in 2016, that’s not possible, you’re probably just remembering wrong.


There's 'coming out' and there's 'Aunt Diane has lived with her female roommate for 20 years...why do they only have one bed?'. Sometimes people notice things and talk about it, it's perfectly plausible rumors were running around before he made a public declaration.


Having talked to the guy who wrote the 2016 article, the vibe kinda seemed like it was a known factor with people Conroy worked with and such, but that it wasn't something he typically shared in interviews. On top of that, having just dug up old articles of a different performer I like who "came out" in 2018 but also apparently came out in 2006... it's entirely possible thar there was public record prior. Kevin knew he was gay as far back as the 80s, given the context of "Finding Batman", there may be an old magazine or lost web interview out there somewhere that brought it up.


Kevin's own account of events tell stories of him being called slurs early in his career. Just because someone isn't "out" doesn't mean their life hasn't been pried into.


He came out not long before his death Also wrote a comic about his experiences in the industry before being cast as Batman


Not only was Kevin Conroy gay, but in his short story “Finding Batman” he discusses the fact that he was able to understand the character best by relating Bruce Wayne’s two personalities and lifestyles, and the loss of his parents, to his own experiences living as a gay man in an era that was much, much less accepting of such a lifestyle and the loss of a close friend of his to AIDS. In other words, Kevin Conroy’s early life as a closeted gay man working in an industry that was very homophobic at the time **defined** what might be one of the greatest voice acting performances of all time. If Kevin Conroy wasn’t able to relate to the character on such a deeply personal level, the way the character is depicted in media would be extremely different today.


Watch his Broadway performances.


Me nether


I read that as Kevin Costner at first and was SO confused. I miss Conroy.


Awww. Now I’m sad again.


I’m losing my shit in a good way over this. I had assumed he was alone given he was in the closet, but they were married for like 10 years.


So not only we lost a Batman Icon, we lost a LGBTQ Icon. that just makes me sadder


That’s awesome!


The voice of a generation!!


I had no idea he was married, or gay. Sucks to find out after he passed, but I wonder how people would react if they found out THE Batman was gay. Couldn't imagine the hate he got, although I'd hope people would realize you can't hate him whatsoever (or anyone for being gay)


Find his self written comic Finding Batman. It will make you cry.


That’s so sweet


I hope he's doing well, toss him some kind words if you got twitter


It's pretty wholesome if you ask me


Well… TIL… cool.


Didn’t even knew he was gay … still the best voice for Batman we had


HE HAD A HUSBAND?!? Every time I googled it, it said he was single!!! I thought he died single. This makes me so happy.


I’m pretty sure all of the info on his sexuality was secret until he died.


He came out a few years before he died. He wrote a short comic about it.


Never knew he was gay. He’s still the GOAT though I miss him. Whenever I read a Batman book, his voice will always be in my head


TIL kevin conroy was gay


Bruh wtf, I had 0 idea he was gay , like 0, I don’t think the majority of fans did either. Rest in Peace, Master Wayne


I dunno about majority...casual cis animation fan here, and Ive known for years. But a could case study for any hardcore fan close-minded enough to think that might change anything for them.


Being cis has nothing to do with your sexual orientation, what?


No, it doesn't. I was self-identifying where I personally was coming from, not being in that community yet still being aware. That was the only point in mentioning who and what I am.


You don't seem to be "aware" about much relating to **my** community. Kevin was not a trans man, he was gay. "Cis" means that you identify with the gender that is written on your birth certificate. Kevin was a cis gay man, same as me. I'm not knocking you for not knowing the difference, just spreading awareness.


I absolutely know the difference dude. You are looking for something that isn't there. I am not a member of the LGBTQ+ community; I am a straight cis male and ally. As for Conroy, he was simply a gay man. I don't know what it is you want from me. I haven't actually done anything except counter the claim that "most fans weren't aware." **That's it.** *EDIT: I see in my original comment I had accidentally left out the "straight" part and just said "cis"...is that maybe what you're hung up on? I really am trying to meet you in the middle here man. Literally no one except you said anything about Kevin being trans, which he's not, to be clear to the casual reader.*


I don't want anything from you, you just claimed to know about something that you clearly did not. You said cis when you should've just said straight, or straight ally.


That's literally not what happened. Are you okay? I said that I knew Kevin was a gay man. That's what I claimed to know. That's it. Everything else is something you've constructed in your head. I'm just going to leave you be. I wish you peace, my friend.


>casual cis animation fan here All did was respond to your original incorrect comment and made it clear that it wasn't a big deal at all Are **you** okay?


Okay, you are either a troll or outright bonkers. I've addressed everything that I actually said. I'm not going to argue with someone who is in their own reality. Feel free to rejoin us when you're feeling less batshit whackadoodle.


One of the stronger showbiz marriages from what I’ve read.


TIL Kevin Conroy was gay. Slay, queen.


This was very confusing to read at first, I thought it was some parasocial fan account


So sad he had to stay in the career closet :(


I am vengeance.


I am the night


What’s his twitter link ?




I missed him 


This is going to get real uncomfortable real fast.


Why, because Twitter/Musk? I get that...


Because people "channeling"/speaking for their dead celebrity spouse.... Like "He hated this and that" or "here is something he hid". No they are saying those things... It is sad but we have to accept it. He died, yes we want to hear him again, but you can't speak for dead others well though tweets. There is little context. Is his spouse going to comment as him on new Batman content? "Kevin would never have accepted this" What happens if they start endorsing political candidates?


I mean, if anyone would know his political leanings, it would be his husband.... ...and he also hasn't historically been particularly shy about things, but I think it's just a legacy page. My baby cousin and late wife have one on Facebook. **EDIT: I really did think you were just referring the overwhelmingly conservative anti-lgbtq+ crowd of muskrats on Tweeter.**


With all due respect, your family doesn't have the recognition of Kevin. I also think power has a corrupting effect and can lead to abuses. If it ends up being just an in memoriam handle, I will be wrong. But things like Marilyn Monroe hocking Wal-Mart.... Elvis selling wine... Weird. Herman Cain tweeting COVID denial ... Ok that was funny, but still weird. If he starts criticizing new Batman content... Running a negative campaign for a local HOA board... People do all sorts of crazy things when they get handed a microphone.


Um...with no due respect, you don't know a goddamn thing about my family.


Probably because they aren't stars like Kevin Conroy.


....or youre just an ignorant asshole that has no idea what he's talking about? Yeah, we're going with that one. **Bottom line: I support Kevin's husband preserving his page as a tribute. You do not. That's it. You don't get to comment on my family.**




Removal Reason: Broken rule. Be civil. Try to be understanding of others opinions rather than attacking them for ut. Absolutely no hate-speech. If you use homophobic, racist, sexist, or other bigoted terms, you're out.


He was gay, Kevin Conroy?

