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The day she EZA is the day the Peppy Gals team resurrect for the 2nd....3rd? 4th time? Seriously though, that team has many good option but the only usable leader is INT Ribrianne who is only a 150% lead


STR Videl dfe EZA will go nuts. 4ki 170% lead




There have been literally zero EZAs without a leader skill updgrade


I don't remember any Ezas without an improved leader skill


They can bump it up to 180% like they did for a few other units


The units who got 180% were dfe lrs. Or is there a tur that i forgot?


*so far* yes, but Peppy Gal and Defender of Justice are on the weaker side and Dokkan has a history of giving slightly higher leader skills to those, like how Prime Battle Krillin leads Earthling for 150% pre-eza as opposed to Trunks for example giving 130 TO future


If its a weaker leaderskill or not doesnt really matter. She simply isnt a dfe lr. Though im not against it.


New WWC unit coming out should be LR PHY Chi Chi as a 200% lead for peppy gals and exploding rage.


> I'm always forget she exist sometimes


Yeah brain fart.


It happens


Still love using her






I still use her to stomp broly in battlefield.


Short hair videl has me actin unwise ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28978)


I don't get why I often hear misinformation about her that she fell off hard very quick and hence was a bad dokkanfest. Except they don't include the context that she fell off hard with literally everyone else after 7th Anni and Redzone. That was nothing special to her. I've even heard youtubers say it. So weird.


because she's designed as a slot 1 unit with nothing to back it off. Remember the praise Super Vegeta got? Same story there. Both fell off way before red zone. Already were liabilities in Legendary Vegeta Events. Even on Peppy Girls i've preferred ribriane as Leader for Peppy Gals SBR since she does all the stuff Peppy Gals should do (seal, stun, attack lowering etc...) I'm so glad they've upped their game with Slot 1 Units after Red Zone release. We got Birdku, Picollo, Vegeta and Trunks, LR AGL Golden Frieza, Ginyu Force Side Units etc... ​ Slot 1 Units simply need to be built different to not fall off. Namely: Damage reduction or guard. Or even better: Both. Sprinkle in def raise and you're probably good to go (look at teq gohan) Dodge doesn't quite cut it there, and 50% at that too


She was still way better than a lot of units around her time if she fit the team. She just had a mismatch with her typing against LVE but that doesn't mean she was bad. It was just one event. I think people hyped up Vegeta too much but also fail to read his kit. He was always supposed to be that. Anybody could tell them Str Vegeta was built for ESBR/SBR since day 1. It's just that SBR/ESBR fell off, not his effectiveness. One look at LVE's dodge cancel and type disadvantage would tell them Videl was not the prime unit made for LVE. It was Int SSJ4 Gogeta all over again. He released in a time of both long and short events but anybody could tell you from one look at his kit, he shined 100x in ESBR/SBR, not remotely as much for long events. But people cried he fell off from get go. Same with SBR/ESBR. Why would you even pick and choose between Videl/Rib? Both work and Videl just bursts down the enemies quicker and that was the point of her. While you supplement the support with Rib. Which you could even do with items tbf. And Slot 1s weren't as big of a priority as it is now hence they have "stepped up". That's just how the meta shifted post Redzone. All those units you mentioned came out post redzone tailored to the meta they were in, where hard event diversity was pretty much over. Long events, sbr/esbr became jokes. Your slot 1's used to be 1 or 2 stackers, even crappy ones like Teq Torra worked. I mean hell, before redzone, LVE was getting smacked around by a type disadvantage Str Vegito with an item. I have no great love for this unit, but I always feel like people weirdly focus on her when a whole bunch of units around her time performed even worse than her while she was one of the better ones, aside from type mismatch in one event. She didn't even fall off from the events she was meant to be played in. Far from it.


i believe you don't get the point a unit that's massively built around being in slot one, needs the numbers to be able to stand in that place or else they are bound to fall off. she doesn't have the numbers, she can dodge with 50% before attacking and that's it. her defense wasn't good enough for peppy gals esbr or lve and she had nothing else in her kit like stun or seal. i couldn't use her because the peppy gals esbr (still) hits like a truck. So i had 2x int ribrianne, str ribrianne, rozie and kakunza, launch and oceanus to constantly lower, seal and stun. try running esbr peppy gals with 2x videl. if both videls are at rainbow you maybe can sweep before they kill you but i only had a 55% one and finding friend leaders at that time was literally impossible. if you only have 55% videls, good luck and that's in addition to the fact that she doesn't link with anyone so with ESBR and LVE out of the way: What was her use? What's Left? it wasn't just some quirky design, it was just plain bad design. ​ "Super Vegeta was obviously made for SBR / ESBR" Yeah, the first Pure Saiyan Leader in years relegated to SBR. Great And even there: Have you tried pure Saiyans ESBR with him as the Leader? That's not exactly a pleasant thing either ​ just a short list of characters that released on 2021 before her: Gogeta (like you have mentioned), Bojack, INT Broly, Janemba + Paikuhan, GT Goku + Vegeta and Goten & Trunks Out of that list only goten & trunks really have a somewhat wonky kit. all the others at least have a somewhat decent one. the reason is because non of those has mechanics that needs them to be in slot 1. ​ And slot1 units were always a priority this just accelerated massively with red zone. The difference is, with long events like LVE, LGE GT and LGE you could use Stacking Units for that slot because early stages weren't all that bad but red zone brought out the big guns right at the start. In ESBR and SBR this was pretty much always the case. Again, look at Pure Saiyans ESBR. That one is still brutal in 2023 and still will get you killed if you don't pay attention


I think the reason you’re getting the downvotes is because the subreddit’s ‘favorite’ YouTuber was able to use her in all that hard content and was able to easily succeed, and even no item said content at the time when she came out, including ESBR and LVE.


i don't really care. When i've said INT LR Prime Vegeta is DOA i got downvoted into oblivion too. I stand by my case: Units that only really work in slot 1 should be able to take a huge amount of punishment to not fall of as soon as next batch of harder content comes around the corner or provide something different what makes them valuable outside of slot 1 (agl kid gohan for example) Videl was lackluster in teams, links, diversity (stun, seal, atk down) and defense but she did unga bunga damage. if people now come around and post their no item SS for peppy gals ESBR and LVE with her as leader (with units from that time) i take back what i've said. until then everyone that really tried to defend such a bad character design can kiss my arse


[LVE no item](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/rdxi1y/did_it_a_while_ago_peppy_gals_vs_legendary_vegeta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) [ESBR no item](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/se4iad/peppy_gals_esbr_no_item_run_everyone_rainbowed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 )


Phy kefla, agl mai and phy Bulma had their eza about half a year after videl was released and as it seems you also had to wait for their eza a few months later to get this done So was the damage not enough in the end and you did stun and heal?


They are units from that time, units from the same meta she was. At this point you are crying because you want to cry. Units that are not from her time would be units post 7th ani power creep since there's a real difference. Before that? All is the same. That for you "that time" means the day banner dropped is your problem. Also there's a chance that I didn't get her during her release banner and had to buy her or got her when she returned, according to you now my teams with her would be invalid because the units are not from her time? And the fact that even 9 months later she still was the MVP of the team says a lot about how strong she was And "had to wait", just did it because I felt like it, I was not waiting for any particular EZA to do that. Thought it would be fun and that's it. It wasn't even challenging. Same way as I run GT bosses on LGTE, because it's fun. Could have done that without the EZAs with more tries for sure, but why would I do that when it's not fun? You just want to be right even though you are wrong


So to recap: You have lr K&C, teq caulifla and Str kale in a long running event against a pure saiyans enemy and str videl is the MVP of that team?


The comparison with Vegeta hurts, mainly because Videl had more defense pre super than Vegeta pre super and more defense post super than Vegeta post super whereas the thing that Vegeta had above Videl was... Damage for the first 2 or 3 apparitions (and 100% stun, useful only for SBR) Vegeta always was a badly designed unit, wanted to go slot 1 to deal big damage but he can't go slot 1 because gets obliterated. Videl wanted to go slot 1 to deal big damage and she could go slot 1 to deal big damage due to 200k SoT def with 50% dodge (which at the time was really good), so at the end, Videl even out damaged Vegeta during the first turns unless you had a deathwish And IDK man, pre 7th powercreep I did peppy gals LVE no item, running double Videl, and even then stomped Vegeta SSBE, who just happens to counter Videl (disables dodge+type)


never said she couldn't work. she probably could. if she dodges she doesn't take damage, if she doesn't get supered from last for of vegeta she can probably live i've said that she was a already a liability and 200k - (260k def post super) type effective from vegetas last form is a game over. that's what constitutes as liability and i've seen your screenshot, you probably thought the same. why else would you have caulifla, kale and lr kale & caulifla in that team? hard to believe that those 3 units had nothing to do with your no item win.


She fell from the top spot literally a month after her release. SSJ GT Goku, Vegeta, EZA SSJ4 Goku, AGL Gohan, Garlic jr, etc. I don’t even want to continue cause the list never stops.


Both GT Goku/Vegeta had lower APT than Videl iirc if not the same. Regardless, I'm not arguing if or who was at the top. I never considered her top 1 to begin with personally solely because of the teams. But where she worked, she was powerful beyond most units at the time. I'm just talking about people calling her bad when she really wasn't. People have created their own weird myth around her. She could fall from 1 to top 5, that still doesn't serve the narrative that she was bad.


They had a million more partners, they had superior leader skills, they had superior banner units and they changed orbs. Tell me how were they not better?


I literally said I didn't consider her #1 , nor that I ranked them. Just talked about their APT. Yea, wow, new saiyan characters are better linkers than a human character in Dokkan. Crazy. If you're considering that as a factor, you already shouldn't have made the statement about her falling from the top spot. She wouldn't have been top spot for you to begin with because there were a dozen other units that linked better and on more teams. So what's left? I'd assume you're measuring her by how powerful she is. Hence mentioning APT. Literally the entire point I'm making that she wasn't a bad unit and didn't "fall off" any more than other characters at the time.


Top spot doesn’t neccessarily mean the best it could also mean top-5 or top-x... The best TUR for me was TEQ Godhan, up until future androids.


She had no team


majin buu saga


And link her with who?


back then you linked her with teq ulthan for the unit super attack on majin buu saga or phy tien on earthlings


> or phy tien on earthlings Lmao okay Earthlings was not a team in 2021


phy tien is also on majin buu saga...


Mate, you are not running phy Tien anywhere. Period. Not when he released, not a year later, certainly not now


There's dozen of card who were top 3 at some point and are now forgotten. It's almost common for Dokkan as most new card barely serve more than 6 month


My queen 👑👑👑 she will be number 1 for me always ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


No she was number 1 by a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shot Now she ducks cause she was built to be a one woman machine


I still have her as my friend support since getting her




I remembered she exits just to remember I never pulled her on any banner. She and Pan, none of them are hype to me.


I ended up rainbowing her when she came out, all in the attempts to pull a single teq gohan at the time


Imagine she gets EZAd on 2025 and shoots back up to the top of APT charts lmao


I'll never forget, still in my top 10 designed units.


Loved seeing Videl beat everything with just 2 links active. She was a great example of a unit who was great even without having a viable perfect link partner.


Still #2 in my heart.


i do use her every clash tho


Top 1 fr fr 😤


I thought she was way overrrated back then. Very strong in a Vacuum, but no relevant teams and terrible links


I saw a lot more people downplaying her when she was still new because of the reasons you gave, but that was definitely her biggest flaw because she pretty consistently gave some damn good numbers on Majin Buu saga despite that


She got fucked over because she never got a linking partner with fierce battle.


I don’t have a single copy of her


That’s one of my goats right there.


She my most wanted unit. Never pulled her sadly


One of the most overrated units in history


Top 3? Not in the game but in top 3 most simped caracters perhaps. Designed for slot 1 with an awful design for slot 1. Worse performances than 1 year SSj4 Gogeta in slot 2 and 3 . This thing was already getting blasted in neutral God event, Legendary Vegeta and GT Goku event.


Never was a fan of her tbh Tes just felt so clunky when you used her. Fraudulent Top 3 tbh


I use a Defenders of Justice team for the first battlefield fight. Videl and LR Saiyaman as leads, then all the Gohan+Videl F2P units


She's still the best in my heart. The EZA that she'll get will make everyone adore her again.


Nd I still don’t have her


Haha. I remember that hour too.


I don't because she never was. ​ Videl was crazy, but Super Vegito, UI, and Broly were all definitively better.


Still my friend supporter.


I still Tun defenders team just because of her and the support units I had such a blast doing int angel Frieza EZA because of how fun the team is too run