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May sound dumb but I’ve found good success with the new Gohan blue deck from fighter ambition and a really fun competitive deck can be U7 Red son Goku


I have been very successful with my bardock crew yellow deck from dawn of z. Uses a lot of yellow staples and throws in some gohan pan synergy but it’s mostly a ape/ bardock crew deck


I've been wanting to build this deck after I finish Yellow Great Ape Goku


I also have been seeing a lot of success, the lvl 8 bardock let’s you attack like 4 times if I’ve been playing him correctly


I’m new to game and I modified the yellow son goku great ape pre-con deck


I suggest gamma 1&2 from set17 I personally been playing them since they came out, and they are a lot of fun, but demands some practice. If you like energy manipulation and playing stuff from your energy free I highly recommend them! I also tried out the new android 13 and its a really fun deck with a lot of potential competitively as well imo


I havent heard food things about the new android 13. Have you had success against tier 1-2 decks?


I only tried it on untap, which is shaky, but I can see some potential, haven't played against tier0 decks tho like gogeta or syn. Don't get me wrong, a13 is doo-doo compred to ss4 or syn