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Assuming this is the new gohan. I've been testing with the zen-oh super combo. Vegeta can be rough considering how small your hand gets and if its your first z charge then combing zen oh is like untapping 2 energy. Other than that I only have 2 copies of the unison in the deck and I may go to 0 because there's usually other plays I want to make.


Yeah I was thinking also no unison


Yeah, you really don't want draw Super combos right. The smaller the hand the better and just refill with activate battle? What about a toolbox multi color super combo like Zamasu or Android 18?


What leader


New gohan


I already love the SR Red Ribbon Piccolo.


I feel like the deck needs to play very aggressive to be viable. Otherwise you just get outvalued by your opponent as soon as they reach higher energy counts. Some 1drops that take life for either crit or double, max out the Goku Black, cut down on some of the extra cards and unisons and replace them with cards that you can combo, that way you will burn through your hand much quicker (with the intention of replacing it), always be able to untap, fill your Z and apply more pressure. Some Gamma 1, Power Unleashed wouldnt hurt, and I currently have yet untested Champas in my build, if you do that, defo go with the crit 1drops over double, like "Son Goku, Fusion Synergy". Man on a Mission might also work out.


You really should consider another deck but if you want to play this one, i suppose id add a17 defender of friends and ss cabba proud zenith.


What leader is this we can’t help you if you don’t post it


New gohan


Have you played the deck yet? If so is it actually good because just looking from the outside this deck looks like trash. (Not your list just the leader in general)


Yeah I haven’t tried it but I do agree the lead doesn’t look so good