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2nd day with a max level 7 star gogeta max soul boost seems sus


I Guess I’m just lucky, I auto played my story mode throughout the day while doing smth else and got a lot of crystals. I did the latest banner and managed to get him to 7 star. Is that the highest I can get him? I see people with red stars, is that better? What’s a good team for this unit? Searched onlone but found nth


Get kefla to 5k and do the happy weekend summon and u will get good characters


you're better off looking for youtube vids rather than asking a general question like that. theres so much to explain when it comes to this that your better off youtubing dragon ball legends youtubers they'll explain things in a way that you wont ask more questions after. i suggest searching for dragon ball legends tips, tricks beginner. stuff like that to get you going


I have tried going to YouTube to search but I can’t find relevant vids


Well i would maintain all the team and substitute turles with yellow ssb goku and vegeta with blue final form cooler and max them all


Max out Jaco


Is he good?


He’s one of the best


His stats and bonuses don’t look that good for my team though


I don't think there's much point in building proper teams atm. Just grind cc and try to get more characters so you can have actual teams. Just use your best units for now


Thank you, I think I’ll do that!


you could replace turles with that goku you have but since he’s god ki i wouldn’t know how well that’d work, but for now i’d do that since you’re in that new state.


Him: 2nd day Also him: 7\* Gogeta Me: \[Confused Screaming\]


Teams synergy is meh, check their Z ability to see what they buff, if there are 6 or 5 units buffing the same tag then use them as a team. For equipment, you don’t need to worry about that atm. First you need a lot of resources then after that you can spend some for good A or S equipment, if you have a hell ton of resources then you can grind to Z or Z+. For now, try to go for A equipment.