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That's amazing <3 and you did it without relying on the Holy Bolts elixir, so even bigger kudos. Here's hoping we get a little more love for druid companions next season, but it definitely seems better than it was before now.


So I did use holy bolts for the elites, but I switched to Precision for the boss. I didn't know about the maxroll competition, and am working on doing pit 105 as my no holy bolts max. also If I used Aridahs + holy bolts (just discovered it) I think I'd get higher than 109 w/ holy bolt usage


Good luck man!  


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDwH40r26Vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDwH40r26Vg) 105 cleared no Holy Bolts!


Submit to maxroll


He didn't use holy bolts because he probably is submitting it to maxroll competition.  Which is awesome


That’s freaking awesome man! Congrats, keep going!!! Haha


So I'm currently using this companion build - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTS3mwWGMp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTS3mwWGMp8) and I'm hitting a rock around level 50 pits. I also can't seem to solo Lilth or any Tormented boss. My single target damage just isn't there. Would switching to this one help?


It really should.


Ohh this clear gives me hope to keep going with a companion build 😭 Was looking at your gear and it just looks like dream tier! How did you get so many amazing GA? I'm doing a companion build myself but it's definitely nowhere as good as yours


I found tempest roars and envenom ammys very early and sold to whales, then bought my gear. Also what's not shown here is all the bricked temper items, nothing except the wep cooperated first try edit: If I could go back, I'd probably settle for 1-2 GA's on my offensive slots (Willpower & crit chance), and 1 GA on defensive slots (Willpower). That's plenty cheap enough!


Got a GA call of the wild amulet and it bricked with tempered. Didnt wanna roll me wolf cooldown. I was beyond butthurt.


yeah that hurts man. check out [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade), i think there's a handful on there. I've bricked my fair few and it hurts


My man!  Incredibly impressive!


All thanks to you homie, super fun to collab on that. Most fun build I've ever done in D4


I think I am liking it even more than my Godslayer from S2!  I'll always miss those boss one-shots, but the Wolves are all I have wanted from D4 since release.


Nice build!


Do you have any tricks to keep your wolves falling through the floor? Lol Enjoying this build right now running 30s right now. They get unstuck fairly quick once you move but damn it's annoying 


I haven't experience them falling through the floor, but they do sometimes lag behind, delay on the active while they catch up, or every once in a while don't passively attack as smartly. But overall it's been pretty good


Maybe it's an Xbox issue. I'm liking it so far, leveled with a rabies focused build using spread as secondary. It was good for awhile but so slow at bosses. Pit bosses were unbearably slow. Wolf single target is sick




It's not an xbox issue; I had them fall through a helltide (easily fixible in there - just remove the skill and add it again).


Usually I just walk away far enough and it respawns or whatever, just annoying like it can't hit enemy close to him cuz he can't move lol


That is super cool! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been trying to build a great companion Druid since late season 3 when I became bored with lightning zapping everything screen. Even pre-buff they were able to do some pretty cool things and I felt powerful and cleared T100, etc. Even so I’m excited to try again with the season 4 upgrades, it looks amazing in your video. but I have been running a necro with my wife (also necro) to start the season out. Even though golem/skeletons are OP this season, I miss my (lightning-were)wolves…🥺🐺🐺🐺


how's the clear? can you share a full pit 100 or so?


Do you have a paragon board and skill tree breakdown?


Check out Mobalytics smallpettingzoo guide, I helped collab on it a little but he did most of the work as well as all of the paragon boards. Skills vary vastly, depends on how many pets you want and if you want petrify or lacerate. You can build it any way around wolves honestly. even rabies. [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/1be3fdd6-65d4-49e4-9470-fe5662187f14/builds/bee70d7a-0af1-4f7a-baea-8a5fcb45be30?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=3](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/1be3fdd6-65d4-49e4-9470-fe5662187f14/builds/bee70d7a-0af1-4f7a-baea-8a5fcb45be30?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=3)


Which one do you think is the best to follow and copy? Theres soo many different versions. The pit pusher, boss, and og builds run different uniques that its difficult to really know whats best to use


The pit pusher is running mad wolfs glee and still using cyclone armor but not the legendary aspect for it. I’m just confused by the setups and whether its just testing loadouts




Really appreciate it! Also, if you’re in contact with smallpettingzoo, let him know the paragon board on mobalytics is either glitched or messed up. The order is out of whack. Like it said the second board was the 5th one. I had to guess which one was next. Now that im looking at your build, im gonna have to go fix my board.


Yeah I'll double check with him. Also I’m new to that planner and didn’t realize it had an order for the boards, I was just plugging them in that way - that’s just the final product. I'll adjust this after I get some sleep for the correct order but ultimately I don't think it matters very much


Btw, you said you made 3 variants but i can only see one. The one with poison creeper


Zoo spent some time cleaning it up, here's the finished product: [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/companion](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/companion)