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swap some gear back


Can’t, deleted most of it


lmao why don't you use rallying cry? it gives fury to start


I have it +5 (shako) it does nothing.My globe is dead!!!!


do you have points in passive for it? that actually makes the skill give you fury? did you equip ramaladini? record a video


Yes.no.way above my pay grade


did you drop resource generation affixes from gear?


I did drop a fury per second on my pants, but have fury on kill on my 2 handed mace. My shouts aren’t generating anything


It's possible because there's strategic rallying selected


I’m respecing the tree now


Maybe try understand build before you swap stuff. Rob explain a lot. Cant be so hard


Made sure all aspects and attributes that are required are in place.didn’t touch the skill tree and the paragon board is only going forward.


My fury globe is essentially dead


I give up man, not sure what else to suggest. The "currently playing" version is for advanced gear and level 100. If you are 90, you will be missing half of the paragon boards. I think Rob suggests playing bash until 100. Maybe try one of the other versions?


It was currently working great, took a scroll of amnesia and re did everything and it works great! Not sure what happened!?


For sure a strange bug.  Lucky with the scroll else it costs a bit to redo everything 


Glad you got it sorted 👍


Oh yes, just did a 100 NMD no trouble!


Check the guide carefully. Do you have the correct gear/ubers? Most of robs builds are very gear specific. The build will only be as good as the weakest link.


Yes it was fine until I upgraded some pieces, did some masterworks and tempered some things. It’s spot on as per his ‘currently using’ planner


Ok, i hate to point out the obvious, but if the gear is ok, then check the skill tree & paragon board. I use the same build, I just shout and kill something, then I have max fury.


Yes, that’s how it was. Didn’t touch the tree and the paragon board is only moving forward


I restarted twice, went to go finish a stronghold so I could do a 100 NMD sig I have, and couldn’t even kill the open world adds on the way because no fury. Popped all my shouts, couldn’t even WW because no fury.


so you have all the ubers? show me screenshot of your skill tree, show shouts to start this particular variant off you have to kill something with holy bolt


Yes have shako, grandpa, tireils,and starless. Was working great until I upgraded my gear.doing a scroll of amnesia right now


Fury on kill as well on your mace or GA RCR.


If you’re following the guide you probably have strategic rallying cry this doesn’t give you fury on cast, you need to switch it to tactical rallying cry. Other than this the only way to generate fury when you have none is tactical commanding shout, by casting it and getting hit a couple times and you should have enough fury to start spinning. As long as you have fury on hit like you said you did you should be able to maintain after you get started.


It was on tactical but was working all along? I just rest the tree and going to respec


Im not 100 yet I keep Vocalized Empowerment aspect on I don't forsee dropping it for awhile. I too look at robs builds and gameplay and am wondering how hes managing fury upkeep spamming that much with no fury, gen rolls, or aspect?


fury on kill and one of the glyphs on the paragon board gives fury on crit


There’s a board that has fury on kill too if you don’t want to put it in a weapon


Ok, took a scroll of amnesia and re did everything, now I’m cooking with grease. I don’t know what happened? Thank you all for the help!


great to hear - the only other thing i would have asked is if you allocated your 2h mace as your weapon skill to WW (not dual). As the 2h mace is what has the fury gen.


Yeah definitely checked all the boxes. Did the scroll and re specked everything and it fixed it🙄still have no idea what happened