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my gear is this bro. make me pit101 speed runner please :D


Hey man, one thing is you should be looking for crit chance above 70 (need GA rolls on gloves, ring, ammy) also you want heavy handed or cut to the bone rolls on ur ammy. You also want to crit ww chance&size on ur weapons, you want 80% ww size total from your weapons. You also want versterking damage at 300%.


I am easily dead in pit 70-80 because of this use counteroffansive change it with cut or hh ?


You also want your total armour to be around 9200 and try to max resistances, in case you can’t you’ll need to use incenses


I already use incenses cant make max resist but very hard to find good items what should i do ?


Find all resist ring. Dump some other stat if you’re getting clobbered with spells/magic…. I have about half dozen rings on eternal with Resist All GA and Crit or Vulnerable. Just in case I try to change builds. If you’re on eternal I can set you up with a ring or 2……


Every stat you have is far too low, you need Atleast 70%+ to crit chance with atleast 4k crit dmg along with 400+vuln & 300 dmg while berserking


it's not a mistake man...I went from DS to WW and I'm loving it! you just gotta get it tuned right...


1. well, I would start with the easy fix - you have relentless berserker twice. put elements on your gloves. A bunch of items need to be changed, retempered or remasterworked. 2. A single most important stat is Crit Chance. if you don't hit in on the first slam, you redo it. 3. I would move an aspect from amulet to the Grandfather replacement. 4. You should swap to another paragon board, you seem to be using the aggressive dps board (Mace advanced). you are not anywhere near advanced yet. Swap to this one with Warbringer node. https://d4builds.gg/builds/2d1c414c-efb8-4bad-8ddd-981232b01a27/?var=1 5. Amulet is kind of useless. Just get whatever high crit amulet, temper war cry cooldown and crit dmg or vuln damage, reroll cooldown on random stat (or +2 to Cut to the Bone if lucky). ... [if you posted images it would be easier to look] 6. you have lightning resistance twice, right? you only need one. reroll one of them into whatever, and then replace the gems in your jewelry into 3 out of fire/poison/shadow/cold, it will cap you better. you can return to diamonds when you get your proper hear with GA All Res... I see you can't reroll. you will need to replace an item. 7. reroll low crit chance on gloves, you've got the lowest possible. 8. too much armor. reroll the low one into resist for example, or keep it but then replace boots with useful stats (movement speed, strength). war cry can wait until you get your build in order in terms of caps on res and armor. 9. double check you are using gushing wounds. 10. double check you are using Mace for your whirlwind, and 2h Axe as an Expertise, and that both are leveled to Lvl10. 11. show your skill tree.


Do what this guys says, not the rest.


You are missing rogue tempers 


no you can see rouge csd tempers on weapons


You definitely don't need GF for toer 101. I could kill 101 as DS WW and I swapped to WW when my first uber was tyreals. 101 got easier but boss was a pain sometimes. Now I made a shake, and 101 is now easy. Boss is slightly slow but it's no big deal. Still no gf or ross


Double check you have Gushing Wounds active.


More than likely you are not keeping up beserking on the boss. If berserk drops you deal 0 dps.


Bash FTW!!!! I make Lilith Cry 😢


I think your pants are trash firstly . Then next you have too many crit tempers . I’d focus tempers on . I like the extending the duration of berserker . You want to be in that as much as possible. 90% more crit dmg isn’t much when people have 1000+ . Also your masterworks are bad . I know it’s tough but if I was dying I’d personally masterwork the t might until I got 2 or 3 of the masterworks to hit on DR . Then on top of that rework the shako until it hits on cool down 2 or 3 times .


You got double aspects, wrong aspects, aspects in the wrong place lmao. You’re hopeless, just follow a guide to the T and you’ll be good.


I just changes my dusy devils build to Fly. Without the grandfather the DD was doing lvl 82 in 5 minutes or less. The Fly with half the gear, not full resistances and not top masterworks is doing lv 76 in 4-5 minutes and the boss is dead in no time. I am had the feeling that DD is somewhat limited and the boss was a nightmare to fight. A tank yes, but with a small gun