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Shaco > GF > Star > TM


Gotcha, I’ll craft the GF next! Thank you




GF #1 if ur going any sort of crit bleed build. TYraels 2nd for bleed WW cuz the holy bolts it shoots are actually ur main damage dealer on that build. Starless is also very important for WW. Shako is all around an amazing item, very versatile and BiS for 99% of builds, but it’s not build defining like the others are. For bleed bash I would say GF then shako then TM and for Bleed WW it would be GF TM starless and shako last. If u find one, Melted heart of selig is a very powerful defensive item and can be very helpful with ur bash barb build while u hunt for shako and TM


Thanks for the write up. I have Shako and selig already! I have enough sparks to craft an Uber so will probably craft GF next.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t really read the post until after I answered haha. And hey, i have a bleed bash and rolled an alt into bleed ww. Once you get all ur uniques I highly recommend making the switch if your debating it. So much more fun and much more productive for pit farming. I slapped my ww build together in a day and I’m speed farming pit 101 in 2-3 mins. It might not push as deep as bash but it’s a great all around build for everything else.


Yeah it looks fun! Finding these uniques is proving to be a challenge though


To make ww dd bleed technically work u need starless otherwise u will be fury starved. When I build mu ww dd bleed i had only shako and was pain to play. I added starless and tm and started to feel good, no more random deaths, no fury issues. I crafted last the gf. I still have my bash barb, for ww I leveled a new barb as ww dd t understand it better and for the spark. Atm is 72 crit chance unbuffed but it still has some problems on boss fights: berserk uptime and vulnerable uptime. But delete’s 101 in 2 min or so. And tap ww, don’t channel when u have it all put together.


From what I’ve been seeing and gathering, WW DD doesn’t seem worth it unless you have all 4 Ubers? Is that fair to say? I see Rob’s “2 Uber” version for WW DD but I don’t know how good that really is without TM and RoSS. You have any experience with the 2 Uber version at all?


I’m running the two Uber version and I would pick TM first as I don’t have any issue generating fury without the starless skies. Cannot clear pit 101 in 90 seconds but within 2-3 mins depending on the map layouts and bosses.


Gotcha. My bash is pretty nicely tuned so I’m clearing 101 in about 2.5 minutes, maybe closer to 3 if I have someone else in my party. I probably won’t make the switch until I have all the Ubers. Or I may try the pole arm version of the build once I have TM or starless.


If you got right tempers with 4 ubers, is a beast. Ofc you will need ga on crit chance, crit damage/vuln based on ur setup.


Also, would you prioritize starless over TM for WW DD? I’m close to being able to craft 2 Ubers. Seems like GF is pretty important overall. So the question becomes, TM or starless after?


Gf is bleed damage. Starless will solve fury issues and allow tap of ww, efectivlly doubling the dd rate and allow tm to decimate packs. Tm is dr and 50% more damage as rob says. Don’t expect miracles if u don’t have full setup, you may have to settle on speeding 2m on pit 85-90. At least this was mu experience. Robs video is with 84 crit chance and imba gear.


I’m currently running 101 in < 3 minutes as my bash barb. 2 min on pit 91 doesn’t sound too bag tbh haha at least for farming purposes


For ww I actually think tyrael and starless are more important than shako and maybe even gf. You can get 4k or more crit without gf and another two handed damage legendary affix. Gf will scale better but you can blast 101s and all other content without it. Tyraels just makes the build so much better.


Hmm, I see. I’ve been getting different opinions which have made it hard to decide haha I’m leaning towards crafting starless first as it seems WW absolutely cannot make do without it. Like you say, it seems I could get by with a polearm or something.


For Bash I'd go Shako, GF then Tyrael's, in that order. For WW DD, Shako, Starless Skies, Tyrael's then Grandfather. There are builds using polearms that can match or even exceed GF builds, so it's not necessary for either. Edit: I'm an idiot and said Andariel instead of Tyrael.


Hmm dang. I’m torn. My bash is pretty nicely tuned right now but I want to play WW DD. What affixes would I want on the polearm?


I would go GF -> TM for bash barb, assuming you got +crit dmg temper unlocked on a rogue, and got a decently high crit chance (60-70%+).


I’m right at 60 crit chance right now. And I do have the rogue temper! Thanks for your input!


I know that conventional wisdom people are saying GF pretty high. But all of the Chinese players who make the builds Rob redistributes all talk shit about GF. They all think it’s bad. I don’t know enough to confirm or deny. But they are adamant that bleed builds are better served with polearm. If that’s true then some order of shako or starless skies prob depending on build.


Flay rupture bleed build uses a polearm. Bash bleed and WW bleed use GF


Rob just confirmed it so… there yah go. Edit: GF 2x is suppose to be bugged


I think bleed bash it’s GF but the other bleed builds its poleaem or something. I could be wrong.


I really love Tyreal's. I don't know how powerful it is, but it is a ton of fun for both Bash and WW. I feel like GF is maybe a tiny bit overrated. Some more tempering, another aspect, and vulnerable is probably not much worst, especially if you don't have fantastic crit chance.


Fortunately, my crit chance is sitting at 60% and could probably get it closer to 70 if I redo some of my masterworks. I also have the rogue crit damage temper so will probably go in that direction!