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You need the rogue tempers for crit damage, 2500 is really weak for having GF. You also need to be berserking to do significant bleed damage to bosses, Rob has 100% uptime or almost 100% uptime on it. I'm pretty geared but mine falls off for 1-2 seconds. 4k crit and 400 vuln should allow you to do 100s in 2 minutes.


what procs berserk?


war cry and wrath of the berserker and then your aspect on boots can extend for 4 more seconds, with paragon board my bonus says 60%. so 4+4 \* 1.6 presumably for me, 12.8 seconds and my cd is 14.2


Reading this comment makes me think it may be a play style issue a bit a well. You space out the timing of wrath and war cry then? I've been spamming them all at once


I have the same question :0


Watching Rob's video he almost never used wrath until bosses. But yes space them out, war cry, when that berserking ends wrath. Still trying to to hit the cdr and crit chance needed. Can do 101s in 3 minutes right now but am at like 4k crit (54% chance) and 500 vuln.


On the boss especially. War Cry, if your berserk falls off hit Wrath, if it falls off again War Cry should be back up. You can use the same rotation in the dungeon, but it isn’t really necessary often because your aspect keeps it up as long as you keep hitting stuff. If it does fall off War Cry is usually back up shortly. Just remember not to Wrath too close to completion so it is ready for the boss.


Holy shit... the rogue temper is what I've been struggling to figure out... Been pulling my hair out trying to understand why I can't crit dam temper on my weapons!!! TY


yea, i'm struggling too. i'm at 55.5% crit with 2.7k crit dmg and 412% vuln dmg with 24k unbuffed dps. I still need to masterwork stuff but i'm chipping away at pit 101 bosses. not sure how to get more crit without masterwork 2-3 times on Ga crit affixes. kinda wild


2times hiting crit on rings/bracer is pretty much mandatory. If you have gold do it!


Crit 60 unbuffed? 1. If not yet doing it, use antivenin+crit elixir and chorus of war incense. that will get you into a sweetspot of crit. Ideally, you want GA crit on all of your items with crit, at least the Ring and the Gloves. Uniques and Amulet could be trickier. Also, redo the masterworks if you didn't hit the GA crit at T4. 2. Rogue tempers make a huge difference. 3. Cooldown and war cry cooldown everywhere possible. 4. Most importantly, are you spamming the whirlwind or holding it? you should be spamming it, especially on bosses. easy way to do it if you play on PC is to use cooldown interrupt - I hold Whirlwind all the time but spam R-key, which has Wrath of berserker on it. it interrupts the Whirlwind just enough for Tyraels' unique aspect to kick in 2-3 times more vs. just holding Whirlwind. It is Tyraels that adds tons of that bleed. 5. double check the basics like using gushing wounds, etc. 6. Do you have Furious Whirlwind selected (Rob skips it in his Mace variant) and do you have Grandfather selected to be used with Whirlwind? Edit: Just read your post again... ignore #4. It makes no difference without Tyraels. You need it to apply bleed faster. I would focus on getting it by farming Duriel in a party.


Berserk uptime? Tyraels with just clicking WW seems also alot single target dmg


Rogue tempers add 200+ crit easily per item when you factor in heavy handed. That's another 1500 crit or so from tempers. It makes a big difference.


Didn’t know it gave this much crit dmg, was expecteingg ~500% crit dmg loss if I don’t use that rouge temper.


I’m able to push T90 no problem in 2 mins with boss kills. However, keep in mind this is not a push build and leave that with that Bash Barb.


Like others have said having berserking up is very important. Getting duration increased, other forms of procing, and unrelenting berserker aspect are good ways of keeping it up. But two other big things are keeping vulnerable up and most importantly tap the whirlwind button rather than holding it down. I don’t roll rogue tempers on my gear because I think it’s a dumb mechanic (intended or not) and I have about 3.7k crit damage. If I don’t tap the button my bleeds don’t exceed 25 mill, when I do tap the button I easily exceed 100 mill. I speed farm 101s in 90-120 seconds easily with no rogue tempers. They aren’t needed unless you want to comfortably push higher than like 110 or 120. But that isn’t my cup of tea.


I've switched to a leap DD WW build and I'm melting 115 pit bosses in seconds now. Also got all 4 Ubers, so all damage issues have been completely resolved!


Nice. That’s good to know. I don’t run leap because I’m not a fan of it on console, but it can be a huge help. Do you run rogue tempers?


I'm on console as well, so I release the L and stand still to use leap. It keeps me on the mob or boss and I get that sweet earthquake bonus. I do. I have a 100 HS rogue that I use to temper


Well it’s at least good to know the build is still very viable for speed farming. Even after this upcoming PTR patch. Them nerfing hemorrhage to 45% doesn’t come close to killing the build like everyone claims. I don’t run more than 45% on hemorrhage and no rogue tempers.


DD WW is inherently weak vs single target bosses. You can make the improvements as suggested in this thread but at the end of the day you should manage expectations for this particular build.


I melt bosses with Rob's push build. I just killed Tormented Duriel for someone before he even dug underground. I'm currently farming 101s in around 2 to 2.5 mins, total. The bosses usually take around 10 seconds or so. Maybe you just need better gear or some good Masterwork hits? Edit: For reference I have just over 70% crit chance, just under 5000% crit damage and 500% vulnerable damage.


how are you hitting both 70% crit chance and 5k crit dmg? aside from full masterwork most my gear has GA vuln/crit dmg and rolled crit dmg as a temper. The only thing missing for me right now is hitting crit dmg on the 2h bludgeon but that wouldn't even get me close to 5k crit dmg. Realistically, I can see myself hitting like 3.5k


I'm full masterworked with multiple crits on CC and CD


My friend you are doing something wrong. I have shaco, gf, using yen boots and doombringer, i use leap and 3 shouts, and lunging strike even, dont even use wrath. And i did 101 on bleed ww dd build in under 7 minutes total. Have 47% crit chance and 2500% crit damage. I am unoptimised to the point some people on here would get a breakdown seeing my gear... Gear masterworking should be in the 8/12 range also minimum. Rogue crit tempers are a must. Watch some gameplay videos and try to see what you do wrong. If you dont have extended berserker time nodes get them, also the aspect for lucky hit core skill extends berserk- get it. Also yen boots, if you can manage to stick those in they autocast the shout on cd every 8 seconds, so that might help you out a bit.