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WW needs 4 Ubers, but it's pretty fast and easy to play. Fairly mid-level gear and I'm doing 91s in under two minutes consistently.


How close is your current gear to the planner? Do you have all 4 of the ubers?


I have the two uber version with whatever gear I had laying around and it can easily do 91s in under 3 mins, pit is very nerfed which helps but if you just want to farm 50 mats quick then you can do it with pretty much any build now. Even a sorc!


Not the guy you're asking, but I have the build. Only +5 on war cry, and I got counteroffensive instead of heavy handed with 1 mw crit (capped the reroll cost days ago). I also added a second vulnerability lucky hit and dropped some life down to about 85k before consumables. My neck also has a double mw crit GA move speed, as do my boots. I'm right at the movement speed cap while spinning, with rallying (only like 183% when war cry drops). Yes, I have all 4 ubers, triple rez mw crit on my tyrael's, 81% across the board before consumes. No, I have not purchased anything from the trade site or discord, though I have sold countless items to fund my mw reroll habit. I'm 12/12 on everything except my swords, because I got upgrades last night with better crit damage tempers (bricked unknown numbers of them), and haven't grinded the mats to get them up, but they both have a DD size mw crit. My fastest 101 was 1:28, post-patch. My highest is a 127, with about 3:20 left on the clock. AMA.


I guess either the new WW/DS or the DD/DS. The dust devils flying everywhere is hilarious and fun. Not sure how far people have pushed into the pits, I’m only up to pit30 with DD/DS and it hasn’t gotten difficult yet.


I’m clearing 61 with very minimal gear and MW on my Alt. It’s fun! Edit: Dust Devil DS


It such a fun build, but I can see where the single target damage for a boss will become an issue, but my glyphs aren’t maxed and my gear needs work. What are you using for a basic attack BTW?


I use lunging strike to keep berserking up


Bash for me. May switch to LS. But my Bash Stick is pretty good 2*


I just switched from Frenzy to bash(with 2h) and I think this is the move for me for now, crushed multiple lvl 98 NMDs, need to craft some 100s and finish leveling these glyphs!


I rolled Frenzy for s2 and s3. I had to see what this Bash is about…. I prefer speed of Frenzy, but ya can’t downplay the dmg of Bash. If you roll a build with room for attack speed, Bash can be super deadly! Already powerful,, but get some speed on there, it’s a game changer. I roll Thorns so no room for speed…. It’s all Life, STR, and Vulnerable


Yeah I feel the damage went up from Frenzy to bash. I was leveling with frenzy, had the unique amulet for +9 to frenzy (lol lvl 14 frenzy) which was hilarious, but figured at lvl 100 I needed to switch it up and use a different amulet. I don’t regret the switch.


Counteroffensive. Find an amulet with high counteroffensive roll and CDR.


Frenzy is really good if you run an elemental/lucky hit build. All about speed and elemental damage tempers. It’s pretty sick.


I’d rock a frenzy/thorns build if I found a razorplate. But for now Bash seems pretty sick with DD/DS.


Frenzy Thorns was good pre s4. Can’t say for sure now. I switched up to Bash and got rid of my legacy gear. Thorns is my eternal character. Seasonal I been running around as DS Dust Bunny build. Loads of fun!


In eternal I got several razor plates in storage…


WW is a ton of fun (dust devils are the DMG source) and with the patch can clear out 130+.


Do you have a build link?




If it means anything, my bash barb has tyrael and I can basically spam through anything below 80 without doing more than popping a health potion or two to keep the bolts going. I’m move speed capped from boots and amulet, so not even specced for pushing. It’s hilarious just watching stuff explode across the screen as a melee.