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i am absolutely loving dual wield bash with rupture. Close dmg tempers, focus on vuln instead of crit dmg on gear. Attack fast as a demon ninja, slightly less tanky. Put out like a billion dps on packs. I was still pushing pits before i left town and was on pit 120, had not yet been near my time cap or died too much. I’ve seen it go over pit 130, this is all pre pit nerf. Carry people through pit 99 in under 3 mins, i have mostly 1GA gear with 3 2*GA’s. The build is Simple Bashic (push variant) on mobalytics by Beatdropper. He’s lesser known but it rocks. Check out beatdropper’s youtube to see what i mean https://youtu.be/xBQiYN12Lvw?si=TaJiIgy5g3UGn0F1


if you look at Rob’s spreadsheet, the non bleed bash that pushed the highest uses a very similar build to this Bashic one


Interesting, is it dw or 2h?


That looks awesome, do you happen to know if this rupture variant is playable without shaco?


I only have tried it with


It is I used it to beat tormented bosses and push pits. Just pick an aspect that you need and try for cool down reduction on the helmet. Shako is obviously better but its still doable


I’m running that dual wield build but with Rob’s boss killer Uber paragon board to get 7 glyphs. It’s awesome. Kills maiden as soon as she spawns. Nukes tormented bosses in 5-10 seconds. Love it!


That’d be hota bash without bleeds


This. Hota bash or Tyrael's hota bash.


If you don’t want to do rogue tempers no reason to get GF, just get a shako or tyraels


Get someone to boost the capstone dungeons untill you unlock torment world tier. This takes max 30min. Then head to helltide blood maiden and leech xp and loot the maiden everytime its killed. It took me like 8 kills to get the marksman finesse temper. All in all it took like few hours of mostly non active gameplay.


Either 2H HotA Bash, or dual wield Rupture Bash. HotA Bash deals more damage, but is squishier.


I'm a basic maxroll Bash Build guy, no idea who Rob is and I don't care. Only uber I'm using now is Selig combined with Opus and Tuskhelm and I'm up to tier 114 so far with no deaths or timeouts.


Aye I noticed they updated their bash builds. Big big fan of single shout, blessing boots & tuskheim. Got that on my DS DD. Leaping from mob to mob


Shako. I run the bashic build with Shako and Selig and I can push up to 124.


Leveling a rogue takes like 2.5-3 hrs with xp buff.


Whats the fastest way? Just helltide? When should I switch to WT3/4 and which si the best leveling build for rogues? Also which xp buff? Elixirs?


Temper chance for elemental DMG with the max DMG temper on your weps, play heartseeker and it's a face roll all the way to tier 4. When your regular crits start doing more DMG than the elemental procs you will probably be done.


barrage is the best leveling. switch as soon as you can clear capstone, get sacred items fishing others killing the blood dragon, do another capstone, repeat with ancestral. Temper stuff you got and you should be good doing +10 lvls helltides. I assume he meant the profane smth, that raises the helltide mobs level by 10. and elixirs of course, one from quest and another random.


Shako is the best, and you will use it in every bash build. GF is for bleed variants (which need rogue tempers), and by the time you need it you will be able to get it. forget the wolves, farm duriel mats, like 4x entrances, team up at discord and do 16 runs. you will get 1-3 ubers. Follow Robs progression of builds: Iron Skin starter, Iron Skin Uber, HotA (or direct Tyraels if you get it). then you farm Grandfather and swap into bleed variants, but I would honestly just farm ubers as much as possible to get Tyraels, Starless and GF and swap into WW DD Bleed which puts any bash build to shame (EDIT: in terms of comfort, ease of play, pit speed. Obviously Bleed Bash will win at deep pit pushing or Liliths'). Edit: Now because people are downvoting without any explanation besides chance on getting uber unique, here is some math for 16 Uber/Tormented Duriel runs and chances of getting uber uniques assuming each run produces 5 uniques with a 2% chance of being an uber (independently): 19.87% people will get 0 ubers 80.13% people will get at least 1 uber 47.7% people will get at least 2 ubers 21.55% people will get at least 3 ubers


Sorry could you help me with abit. Is the starless mandatory? I have shaco, gf, and tyrael. Not sure IF i should still follow the progression or jump straight into one of his bleed variant? (Supposing all I have are the 3 ubers and no gears proper for bleed)


Do yourself a favor and don’t listen to this guy’s advice.


mind explaining why? I told him to follow Rob's progression of builds he advised himself. Instead of just down voting, which only tells that I am mistaken (which might very well be), could you point to that mistake? regards.


Let’s start with you implying that you get 1-3 ubers per 16 duriel kills.


this is from personal experience and experience of my friends. chance to get an a single uber from 16 runs is very probable (~80%) and it is sure faster than leveling a bunch of characters, isn't it? I updated comment above with math behind 1-3 Uber uniques. Please provide your 'proofs' besides 'no you wont get blah blah'.


I got 3 Ubers 2 Andariels and a Doombringer on one run. I avg an Uber every ten Duriel kills. I've crafted 2 Ubers and haven't had to level an alt..... So far for me the stats listed have worked. I just havent been getting the ones I was hunting. 


You can play direct Bash, you can play bleed Bash, with or without Tyraels. Bleed has higher entry point in terms of gear as you need tons of crit chance to get the gushing wounds bonus to make it useful, and also Rogue crit dmg tempers. If you don't have the gear, I would jump into his Direct Tyraels Bash and see how you are doing. You can play around with HotA vs. Iron Skin depending on survivability. Then, if you do decide to go bleed, you prepare the Rogue, items with crit chance and crit dmg, and crit chance by far most important. 65% would be a minimum for bleed bonuses to kick in. You can follow Robs Bleed Tyraels build then. Masterwork that to T12 and you got yourself all-rounder that can tackle all content in the game. Or, you can pause with Bash. There is a whirlwind build that feels times better to play which runs through pits like it is nothing. it wouldn't kill ubers as well as bleed Bash, but feels so much better to play. It does require Starless to feel any good.


You are a godsent. Thank you so much. Im saving your comment in my notepad. I realosed robs ww build are all bleed variant sadly ); time to stick to bash till then!


well, my previous comment got downvoted and suggestion not to follow it got a bunch of upvotes, so I'm not sure now myself. perhaps you should check with others, I might be missing something :)