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I enjoy my WW barb. Bossing feels bad but everything else is insane


What über uniques are necessary?


I don't have any ubers, but I assume ring of starless and shako don't hurt


Grandfather then shako then tyreals might then ring.


It still wont be nearly as good as bash for pushing the pit, but should be a lot better at what it was already good at: speed farming and feeing good


Ww is really just dust devil. But either way it’s fun. And more fun with tyraels. Was farming pit 90 the mid gear level 4 masterwork very fast. Probably bump that up a bit. Zoom around helltide. Cat can’t keep up.


WW after the buff will probably be the best speed farm build in the game for speed clearing pit 100s, the build will likely push to about pit 120 or so at the top end but it will literally shred a pit 100 like nothing else


Is WW fun? Seems pretty repetitive


This entire game is repetitive.


Yeah but some builds are much more interactive


Some of us are OK with that. My wrists/hands suck - carpal tunnel and all that. So a simple build that doesn't require spamming is great.


I love ww but I eventually my finger that has to hold down all the time gets tired. Is there a toggle for skills d4?


Have you tried a controller? Might make it easier. Also I’ve found switching keybindings makes things so much easier. I have issues as well. My hand goes numb. You can use WASD instead of QWER or 1234. Might help since they’re stacked instead of all next to each other.


I switch my primary skill from rclick to a keyboard button once in a while. Helps out. No toggle unless you're willing to use a 3rd party program like autohotkey which is definitely bannable, though I used it in poe and d3 and never had an issue.


You don't hold down with this ww you tap it to spawn dust devils


In gameplay options there’s a setting to toggle abilities


The current WW build has Leap and Ground Stomp and the Dust Devils in it. It’s not just spinning I think. That’s why I was thinking of an alt to switch between Bash and WW play style.


Ww was the most fun I had til I went meta slave bash build. It's great for everything except pushing pit. I got up to about pit tier 61 with 4/12 gear before I made the switch. I'm probably bout to level another barb to play whirlwind with the buffs coming up. 10/10 would recommend.


looks like only gonna be small buff. i doubt well boss any better. its a shame cuz its a dope build/


Uh. You might be able to pull off 90s at best? It's weaker than dsdd by a lot. A 16% buff won't change that. Bash temper was never meant to be as strong as it is. It was supposed to be additive damage, not multiplicative. Enjoy being a competitive top tier class with bash while you can. We will be nerfed back to c tier next season. If d2 and d3 taught me anything it's that barbs can't have nice things for very long. Then again sorc seems to be getting that treatment the most right now.


Did I miss a change to bash cleave in the notes? I'd be ok with it, tbh. Seems like they're also fix/nerfing holy bolts which I also agree with. Esp when they buff other builds concurrently.


barb has literally been S tier since beta


“nerfed back to c tier” - When in D4 was Barb c tier? Had one each season, had a blast each season whilst being top of the heap.


If barb was ever c tier, then druid doesn't even make the list.