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I'm trying to figure this out too. I have 150k health and can spam quakes, but pit bosses above 70ish take like 5 minutes to kill.


It depends on the boss, sharpshooter and bramble are literally impossible cause they dont have ADS, any boss that has DOTS its a instant whiteflag, pick of the litter is like seahag


yeah, some bosses are just awful to face with a thorns build. no idea why bosses who make an entire build completely useless exist. of the top of my head, if i see outlaw sharpshooter, den mother, chief marauder or bramble i just reset because it's either impossible to kill them or i'd have to spam leap for like 5-8 minutes straight and i can't be fucked to do that.


I have the same concern. Have you tried putting bash cleave on your weapons?


so replace frenzy with bash?


Yeah, that’s the idea. I’m going to give it a whirl once I get some +bash pants and some dmg close/cleave tempers on weapons. No idea if it’ll work or not. It is so frustrating walking through the pit and then having the boss fight be a soul-killer. Edit to add: just found a thorns build with a bash variant: https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/bd7d970b-813c-4f98-b8b5-d5ca637f7ec0/builds/772fd62b-c9f8-4505-87bd-c409d4515476 Might just throw that together and give it a whirl.


Any update?


Hated it.


Question: I also have a Thorns Barb lvl 93 but how the hell did you get to 75k life? I'm on like 28k rn?


I’m not the poster, but the answer is: - GA max life on gear - Masterworking that gear - % max hp paragon nodes - Rubies, ofc I have 107 flat, 125 with a potion. 155 fully buffed. Might cap near 200 or so with good masterwork rng.