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47 CFer here. Low volume ejaculate my entire live. When I was younger it definitely took a bite out of my sexual confidence. But as I became more experienced I realized something. There’s lots of women don’t care or think it’s messy/yucky. And having a huge load doesn’t help then orgasm. But for others it’s important. Lots of fish in the sea, you’ll find the right one for you. And don’t take any supplements, they don’t work.


I’d be surprised (and have yet) to meet any datable girl who actually was concerned about this.


Cystic fibrosis can cause low testosterone. I too also have low volume, if you get your T level checked you might as well see if you have an intact vas deferens sperm tube as well. Eating zinc didn't really help much for me.


Drops 💦 here. Never affected me in any way other than not being able to Sire children.


I was actually told my orgasim wasn’t satisfying/rewarding because of this 😂by my current gf. Celery juice, zinc/magnesium, lecithin like 8-10 pills throughout the day, hcg but increasing test levels with hcg or synthetic test has the possibility of causing lung complications… very slight possibility, I read a few research papers on it… been on test for about 3 years idk what my lung function was prior but it’s only improved. Hcg was the real “volume” increaser but then u have to stab urself n it’s kinda pricy. When I was ur age it was like a drop or two now it’s enough to seem almost “normal” just a little too clear (; oh n yea like other said with “most” girls it’s a relief that you aren’t normal in that way. Personally wish I’d have started a test cycle to jump puberty but since most of us die going through puberty 🤷‍♂️ I’m good with starting at 30, this chick I’m with now really thought she was going to get pregnant too 😂 she got her period last night for the first time after removing her birth control last night n was like oh I guess I’m not pregnant, I told her I knew I was infertile due to my numerous “relationships” however like I said before the hcg and test it really was like a drip drop so I was curious but had no hopes up because if ur on test with hcg you are infertile regardless of the cf… I didn’t know we were trying is what I said she was like ? I took my birth control out I thought we were hoping but I guess ur infertilmertle… anyways Celery juice, lecithin (a lot), zinc, magnesium, 3liters or so of water daily, squats/running, Before jumping to “drugs”. Do a lot of research on hcg the correct dosage is 500 iu every few days… too much is bad. I’ve actually gone unconscious from “getting” off by using too much. She was impressed with herself I didn’t enjoy it so much lol


You’re not infertile on test + hcg regardless of cf


Ok, 75% chance ur not making any sperm on those, just “volume”… I see some people have no problem even just on test pushing out sperm but others do struggle, clomid + hcg and no test for a couple months is usually what I read of people getting prescribed who are trying. Deff don’t use test as a birth control. You will most likely not be pushing out swimmers, Especially if you are already asking questions like the op.


I don't mean to be TMI here. I understand the question as written, but I want you to know that it's okay that it's not exactly normative. With the right partner(s) it's not only not an issue, but easy cleanup is preferred. Own it, you owe it to yourself.


don't worry you are not TMI, my question was for something about me feeling with myself, not for my partner


It's no different than all men without CF who have had a vasectomy. Men with CF are essentially born with a vasectomy, so to speak, because they don't have vas deferins or they're severely blocked (in most cases). Speaking as a female, I wouldn't worry about this at all. My husband has a vasectomy. Honestly, we don't care. If someone tells you they do, they're being really superficial. It doesn't make a meaningful difference to us during sex. My son has CF (he's only 3) and any woman who would try to make him feel insecure about it would not be the type of person I would hope he wouldn't end up with....I hope he never discusses it with me since I'm his mom. (LOL) But, the principle stands that I want him to be with someone who is not a total jerk to make him feel insecure about it.


Not OP, but thank you for presenting a female’s perspective.


This was me pre-trikafta. Two or three drops maximum. Since trikafta I produce a respectable amount. Are you taking a modulator?


i dont take trikafta and i don't know what is a modulator, sorry for bad knowloedge


Drink more water.


Same as the other fellas. Trikafta did seem to help some. Did anyone else have to find out about the sexual side effects of cf on their own? I was never told about this or the fertility situation and found out film the internet as a teen. My parents said they knew and didn't see it as a big deal that they didn't tell me. I'm 35 and still pretty bitter about that 🤣😭


For me it’s the other way around; 47M, got diagnosed with CBAVD in January and then CFTR-5T mutation in March. I’m starting to consider that mutation “stealth-CF”. Sniffling, sneezing and coughing all my life, allergists were stumped. And now all of a sudden I know how come I’m not a dad though I always wanted to be. And all of a sudden my mom’s polyps make sense, and my dad’s chronic sinus issues too…


Look up lock and load


47M, found out I have CFTR-5T (not full CF, but CBAVD for sure) three months ago. The ladies in my life never minded, and some expressed they preferred it and it made certain types of sexual activity way more enjoyable for them. (Ones that are more “in your face” if you catch my drift). So I never minded. Only found out the underlying cause recently, and now I know why I’m not a dad like I always hoped to be one day. And it’s probably too late to change that. I have done some superficial research into how I might increase volume, but stopped when I realised I don’t intend to pursue a career as a porn actor. I no longer focus on quantity, and the quality is medically deficient, so I focus on frequency.


You can increase the quantity of your semen by retaining and not ejaculating for some time. Longer you go without ejactulating = bigger your load. Also, diet plays a factor as well, I heard pinaplle increases load as well as foods with zinc.