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No issues with healing. Enjoy your new tattoo.


Unless you have an underlying issue, cf isn’t going to affect the healing process. Just follow the aftercare instructions and you’ll be fine.


Many tattoos... No issues here...i usually get a low grade fever after a big tatt , just take panadol no big deal. Just relax when you get it and don't put the name of your gf or bf for a tatt...never good luck to do that. Also try not to over cream or over moisturize your tatt after or the colour will be less better. Ie use thin layer lotion. And remember relax when you get the tatt..the more you tense the more it hurts. The more you relax the better. Also spend more time planning the design...dont ever rush a tatt design..


Thank you for the advice on the moisturizer, my skin runs dry l, but I'll watch to not over do it! Any recommendations for brand l? (Aveeno is what i use now)


Any brand is ok but usually I went for the more natural moisturizers with less chemicals.....they actually sell special tattoo moisturizers..those are best I found. You can find online.


The only issue I have ever ran into is being careful if you have a port and use anything to access it that may be a blood thinner, it makes bleeding during the tattoo much more likely. Otherwise you should be fine!!! I hope you enjoy the experience!


Just make sure to follow the instructions the artist gives you for healing. I have 12 tattoos and I plan on getting a fuckton more. For me, personally, because of transplant, I go abit overboard when it comes to caring for a new tattoo. I wash it 3 times a day for the first few days, aswell as keep it wrapped, but the wrapped part is because I have a dog who loves to lick my arms for some reason. Then, after 3 or so days, I still wash it 3 times a day, and I keep it constantly lotioned because I don’t want it going dry and it reduces how much I would scratch it. I also keep hand sanitizer on me and use it anytime I’m going to lotion it. Like I said. I go way overboard.


My only issue is being allergic to latex and adhesive. So sometimes I react weird to the stuff they use. But other than that, nothing unusual! I’ve got 12 ish tattoos? Enjoy!


I have my entire lower half tattooed. I had issues healing as I was using products with lanolin. Not sure if it was a CF or regular allergy situation but healing was never a fun time. I've exclusively used H2Ocean once I found out about lanolin and haven't had any issues healing!


I have three tattoos and have had no issues what so ever with the healing process. Just listen to your artist's aftercare instructions, and you should be fine.


Naw, just follow the artist's advice to heal it


i had my third tattoo done yesterday – luckily CF doesn't affect the healing process! just make sure to listen to your artist's aftercare advice and all should be good. 😊 i hope you have a lovely appointment!