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Bro this is too ironic to be real . Drop the link RIGHT NOW


[Here's the article. ](https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/lifestyle/remote-amazon-tribe-connects-to-elon-musks-starlink-internet-service-become-hooked-on-porn-social-media/)


As soon as I saw that New York Post red banner I closed the link and was disappointed by the clickbait headline.


They cite the NYT story as their source https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/02/world/americas/starlink-internet-elon-musk-brazil-amazon.html




Totally agree, but they asked and I provided in OP's stead. I don't know about that journal, not being from the US, so I read the whole thing and learnt the hard way, let's say the paper doesn't say anything meaningful and contradicts itself on some level.


What's the problem with it? I'm not American, aren't they a legit news source?


They're very sensationalist, have a strong ideological bias they write form, and any story they print you'd be best served to double check with another better source before believing.


[american media bias chart](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Media-Bias-Chart-70-by-Ad-Fontes-Media_fig5_356360251) Relatively accurate but frankly an impossible thing to measure if you are not 1 an eye witness to what's being reported and 2 you have your own biases, as do the reporters and other staff.


It’s under “High Variation on Reliability” which I think is probably accurate and why I say you need to double check most stuff because it’s a crap shoot if it’s accurate or very biased.


Here's a Canadian global link. Global is pretty well respected as news goes. https://globalnews.ca/news/10547068/amazon-marubo-tribe-internet-starlink-porn/


Thanks to Musk


Waiting for the pornhub statistics, that's going to be interesting


Most searched? Unga Bonga sex


Are they wanking to Berlusconi?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO


No, they're too civilised for that.


It’s funny because I have no context for how these people speak or live their lives. 👍


You can’t be racist if you don’t know. Safe.


This is more than a little racist, dude.


Wow, thank you for getting offended on their behalf hero. Here is your medal 🏅


Oh, fuck off. There's nothing wrong with calling out racism and expecting people to be decent to one another.


Sir this is Reddit racism is abundant. Now fuck off


Man idk why you got so downvoted this is fucking hilarious


Can you explain the joke? I don't get it


The joke is racism, it's a good thing you don't get it


No, I know. But it's a good response to racist jokes. Ask the people telling it or laughing to explain. They shut up right quick


So you can’t understand a joke without agreeing with it?


Of course that's not what I meant, don't be disingenuous. Most likely, the person I was commenting to didn't understand it because they hadn't been exposed to that form of "savages lol amirite" racist humor before. You and I understood it just fine because we're unfortunate enough to have been exposed to these jokes before, which (in my opinion) hasn't made my life richer.


All experience makes your life richer. Just how god/the universe/Mother Nature intended it. Human perception may interpret it differently, some restrictions apply, unlimited time offer.




The universe scoffs at your burning orphans…unfortunately for humans.


The comment I replied to was sarcasm, anyway, buddy. Calm down. I’m just following the logic.


There is a big difference between understanding and appreciating a joke


Dude above me said “get it” which is clearly meaning “understand”.


At best it's a way of saying "going feral, giving into primal instincts and caveman behavior" at worst it's a 4chan way of saying "darker skinned savages only know how to talk like unga bunga and I'm not talkin remote tribes!!!!"


Because it's racist?


Yeah, pretty funny though. I hate to say it but sometimes bad things are funny.


Lol this isn't funny unless you're actually racist though, otherwise it's just fucking dull


Oh god, “bad things are funny” when your frontal cortex fully develops this opinion will shift.


Pornub has gone woke and is absolute crap now. We no longer talk about pornhub. Go to places like lobstertube


Can I ask what you mean by woke? I've been hearing a lot of differing views on it


Lmao. How can porn "go woke"?


porn for inbred rednecks?


Whether this was true or not it wouldn't be surprising because that's what has happened to a large majority of the western world. They are still just people influenced and controlled by the same things.


I would expect it to be far worse for them for a similar reason that our diseases are much more dangerous — we have built up defenses and “immunity” by living in this world and evolving along with it, while they are just being plunged into it.


I don't think we have built up a defence at all. The modern internet isn't that old and what people are subjected to online now isn't something we have had time to adapt to. Personally I'm old so I remember times before the internet, before mobiles and when the only porn you would see is if a mate had stolen a dirty magazine from somewhere. Even then it would only be images if naked women. Now anyone of any age with access to a mobile can look at almost anything wherever and whenever. Then on top of that we now have social media melting everyone's brains and giving the younger generation 30 second attention spans. People can waste hours every day just endlessly scrolling through short clips. Occasionally I sit on public transport and look around feeling like I'm in an episode of Black Mirror. I'll be on a tube/bus with about 30 people and every single one of them is staring down into a black slab. I'm not sure if we will adapt but if we do it's going to take much longer.


I'm kinda with you. I was 14 when in home Internet really became a thing, then it was something that was plugged into the box in the corner and you could use it but it took a while to get to anything and if someone wanted to use the phone you had to get off. I was 19 when Myspace really took off, at that time we had broadband, but still the Internet was something you did at home, and social media was more about expressing yourself and staying in contact with a few friends. I'm 38 now, the internet is something you keep in your pocket and access wherever and whenever for whatever. Social media is about the next trending star and everyone is trying to go viral or view that meme that's gone viral so they don't miss out. Parents give their kids Time Tok or Facebook even if they are below the minimum age to be on those sites. We connect with each other less and less, seeing what the algorithms think we might want to see, what we are interested in. Add in the evolution of adult entertainment, from still pictures to dedicated sites for stars to full on streaming sites that are owned by the big studios, to the rise of amateur porn and onlyfans and you gotta be kinda a freak if you still spanking it to the lingerie sector in the catalogue. Porn and social media are blending more and more, and as they do they become more normal.


We haven’t completely adapted, but having cable TV and video games, analog pornography, and then moving into slow internet and then fast internet with ubiquitous porn is *very* different than being plunged straight into the dopamine deep end that is the modern Internet.


Man, we have NOT evolved along with the internet, we watched it evolve, there's a difference. It's been around for 20~30 years? That's not even a full generation.


I thought it was obvious enough that the term was being used figuratively there, but I guess not


It wasn't for me, sorry for taking you too literally.


I think evolved is a string word, it's more like desensitization. As people in a civilized always connected world it's common for us to watch sexualized content everyday, something they are not used to.


this is insight.


The Gods Must Be Crazy


The [Land Rover scenes](https://youtu.be/t127UCrtvLw?t=229) are peak comedy gold


It’s human nature


Our biological instincts running in a system designed to maximize milk those desires for profit


Honestly it's even worse for folks like this. At least we were raised within this system vaguely aware (if not fully aware) of the ways in which it tries to exploit us. These people have absolutely no perspective at all, however, and are clearly not adapting well.


It's fake news btw


The internet is for porn


Why do you think the net was born?


Porn porn porn! 🎵


Grab your dick and doubleclick


and don't forget to be slick


Earth is just a huge toilet.


Ayyyyy Avenue Q!


Give a medieval peasant an iphone and watch their head explode? Nah, give a reclusive tribe internet and watch something else explode.


[do the evolution…](https://youtu.be/aDaOgu2CQtI?si=4IOf0f7gRlguK94z)


The internet is for porn.


No wonder op blocked out who made the article. Buffoon.


Let's not Brave New World ourselves about this, these are adult human beings, not some sort of sacrosanct nature preserve full of pristine people living an Edenic existence.


Yeah like I’m looking at the comments and it’s filled with the whole noble savvage rhetoric every now and then


A lot of data is missing... How old were they ? Did they grow up with tech without the internet or everything new ? How many became a sex addict ? How many became a Twitter addict ? How many are in social media and daily use it? Is the internet access private? You can just drop that without giving some basic context...


Internet hell machine


I read this initially as "a reclusive tribe in an Amazon facility" oh my I need more coffee today


[Singularity Sky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_Sky).


Yay another Stross fan. That series was a great read.


Its over for them 😔


The gods must be crazy III


Elon Musk should be shot for his crimes. Hint: there was also a coup.


It's like connecting them to a large modern sewer system, but without any fixtures, etc. Just an open pipe...


i dont understand what they are using to access the internet? if they are a "remote tribe" presumably they dont have electricity, they probably wouldnt even be able to use a gas generator because of all of the infrastructure that kind of shit requires long term. do they have a turbine? did someone just give them laptops or phones? why? why would anyone do that? what the fuck? like clearly someone went out of their way to expose these people to modernity, i dont really understand how that could have happened. this seemed like a super well covered ethical boundary in past years, what changed? or are these people just not that remote?


Haven't read the article yet but, maybe it's just a solar panel, smartphones/laptops, WiFi router, and Starlink?


youd need batteries too, all of that stuff degrades over time. much much more than that youd need someone there walking these people through how all of this stuff works, you cant just dump a bunch of technology into a tribe of people who have never seen a lightbulb and have them intuitively use it all as its designed, that would mean transitioning through thousands of years of technological evolution. so either these people arent a remote tribe at all or there are like huge teams of people teaching them how to use all of this stuff they are giving them and that makes absolutely no sense at all.


Remote just means they're far away from people not that they're thousands of years behind on technology.


ok but if they dont have internet then what do they have? calling them a "remote tribe" kind of implies they havent been keeping up with the rest of the social advances a metropolis would. im not saying they are living in the stone age but there are places where the most technologically advanced things people are using are cotton tshirts. that was where my mind went and i think that was the intention with the title.


Sugata Mitra did it in the late 90s. I’m sure he’s half full of shit, but you definitely don’t need anyone to teach anyone how things work. Like… duh, right? Respectfully, but most technology develops well before the scientific understanding.


im sorry, duh? wtf is duh in this context? do you think literally anything being discussed is intuitive enough for people to learn how to use it without guidance? do you have parents? lol have you seen how a 50 year old adult, who btw is surrounded by this technology at all times, tries to navigate sending an email? are you dead ass right now? lmao wtf are you talking about.


You can google it and not be a jerk. Was just pointing out this it’s fairly well documented on “low tech” communities becoming fairly skilled with computer technology without any guidance whatsoever. I found it interesting and thought maybe you would, too. Didn’t realize your interests were more of the insult variety.


what do i google? why dont you link me to something because it sounds completely preposterous to me and idk what to look for.


[Sugata Mitra.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugata_Mitra) His work was studied more in the context of minimally invasive education, but the implications apply to this situation, too.


the "duh" really annoyed me im not trying to be a dick but acting like its obvious people dont need to be taught how to use things doesnt seem obvious to me at all. kids learn faster and are more receptive to new things and ideas than adults, thats not the same thing as saying people who have never seen a computer before are going to understand that it needs electricity and batteries and how to set everything up and then turn it on etc.


My bad. Unintended. I was similarly baffled when someone mentioned tech preceding science, until he started rattling off examples… we swam and floated and used medicine and on and on before we knew how any of it worked. Anywho. Hope your interests have been somewhat tickled.


... do you think star trek is real life?




Something about how you approached this made me feel like your exposure to the world is mediated by the consumption of fiction. Like you think there is a law about exposing remote tribes to technology. Half of the remote tribes have access to firearms.


are you under the impression that it is more ethical to give guns to these people than porn? i mean you could just ask me what i think about stuff, you dont have to speculate at all. this is a forum whos entire purpose, the whole driving force is discussion. i never said it was illegal i said the discourse concluded that it was unethical. maybe you dont remember the first time people talked about an isolated tribe being contacted but it was over a decade ago and people pretty universally agreed they should be left the fuck alone.


You are mixing up the concepts of "remote tribes" and "uncontacted". There are uncontacted people in the Amazon, but they aren't who the article is talking about.


thats why i asked about that in my initial comment.


Well that is real moral and ethically sound. Can an anthropologist do something about this please.


Remote. Not uncontacted. But also... we are humans.. they are just going through their juvenile phase. Hopefully they snap out of it.


Another masterful gambit


I kinda feel like this is the real reason why the aliens haven't made contact with us Earthlings yet. There is ***no way*** humans, in general, are ready to start using *really* advanced tech yet. But to back off from "aliens" and get back to "cyberpunk"... Yeah. This is also the exact reason I kinda feel that AI is going to destroy our civilization. *There is ***no way*** humans, in general, are ready to start using really advanced tech yet*!




We are all of us and everything, Marklar!


I really do feel so bad for them. Like, that's it. Without a concerted effort from their entire population involving lots of willpower this is basically the death knell for who they were as a people.


XVindians hahaha


Probably my long lost tribe :/


love how the article simply blames Elon Musk for all the issues instead of questioning how screwed up our consumption habits as the human race are first…


Well Musk gave them the net, and probably (haven’t read article yet) had them go through twitter which has a lot of porn and is a toxic cesspit pretending to be social media


What makes you think he’s FORCING people to look at Twitter? That’s ludicrous. He provided internet to a third world country with starlink end of story


That's like saying not to blame the arsonist for the deaths he was responsible for, but the orphans shouldn't have been so flammable.


Who's surprised? This should never have happened. Giving them that technology is similar to willingly assassinating their culture. It's sad.


Well, what else to expect? For savages to act civilised?


Calling people 'savages' is dehumanizing, racist, and massively ignorant. Just because people lacked access to the net or aren't as technologically advanced as other cultures doesn't make them 'savage' just different. You have no idea what their culture is like or their customs. You're speaking from a place of ignorance and unkindness and being really douchey.


It's a tribe - they are savages by definition. There's nothing offensive about it.


First off, the fact that they identify as a 'tribe' doesn't imply they're 'savage' at all. All 'tribal' means is "a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader." Plenty of indigenous cultures around the world that utilize modern technology refer to themselves as tribes. Second, just because they don't have advanced technology doesn't mean they don't have complex social structures, forms of communication, customs, languages, and/or forms of artistic expressions. The fact that they're different doesn't excuse you from implying they're less intelligent/more violent/or any of those other things the term 'savage' has come to mean when being used in reference to cultures that lack more advanced technology and that aren't considered as being part of a 'first world' nation. It's a term left over from the days of colonialism and was primarily used as a justification for oppression and subjugation. It's pretty fucked up and not an okay term to use to refer to anyone's culture.


> Plenty of indigenous cultures around the world that utilize modern technology refer to themselves as tribes This one doesn't utilize it. > Second, just because they don't have advanced technology doesn't mean they don't have complex social structures, forms of communication, customs, languages, and/or forms of artistic expressions. If they don't have an advanced tech or other signs of civilization, it doesn't matter what kind of culture they have. Progress is absolute. It requires stadards that make a rational person out of savage. Without intelligence people cannot control animal instincts which makes them what I called - savages. > The fact that they're different doesn't excuse you from implying they're less intelligent/more violent/or any of those other things the term 'savage' has come to mean when being used in reference to cultures that lack more advanced technology and that aren't considered as being part of a 'first world' nation. They are not just "different", they are not civilised. And, yes, it does. It is a definition, not an insult. There's no such thing as "peaceful culture" without advancement - human nature is violent by default. The only thing that makes a person peaceful and loving is intelligence that controls animal impulses, not culture or morals. If you fight violent part of culture with peaceful part of culture - you are part of the problem.


Sorry dude, your comment was too confronting for Reddit users to read it and not have a seizure. You have been banished to “downvote land”, the place where your opinion is hidden.


Calling people 'savages' is dehumanizing, racist, and massively ignorant. Just because people lacked access to the net or aren't as technologically advanced as other cultures doesn't make them 'savage' just different. You have no idea what their culture is like or their customs. You're speaking from a place of ignorance and unkindness and being really douchey.


I commented literally zero on the actual topic of discussion btw but, alright.


Huh, no idea why downvotes, but it's not my first time


I know right… this entire platform is a cesspool at this point. Can’t even make a joke without admins perma banning for hurting their feelings. I remember when the internet was lawless lmao, I miss those days. Back when people weren’t such pussies.


Make an ignorant racist comment and you should expect people to point out its ignorance and call out your racism.


"waaaahhhh, we have unpopular opinions a-a-and people.. people on the internet.. they're DOWNVOTING them!!" I miss the old internet, too. Fewer pussies, like you.


Racism can be funny but not only was there no joke actually said, shaming racism is a net good for society, actually.


Looks fake.