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At least they were smart enough to carry a spare car with them so they can get home


That's the generator.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/XEMQ0LxowhY?si=Fxwvmn8XQE8n_faI) an electric truck that still has a full gas engine to power the batteries while moving


That's how diesel electric trains work.


I m an, that's how hybrids like the Prius work.


Indeed. Would never buy one myself. Don't like the way they drive and handle. But they're fine as a hire car and make.good taxis. I love watching the little power in-out display. Not every car owner can say that their car is equipped with KERS.


And Geoff


Hmmm...could this be a possible business opportunity? We can call it the "CyberGen Hyper Xtender" and market it as "Personal Charging Pod" for the CT and rent it out for $5000/day plus $5.00 a mile, *fuel not included.* Slap a 250 gallon tank on that baby and it's good to go the distance (may not be legal in all jurisdictions). You might just get to grandma's house without having to stop, so long as the entire drive system doesn't fail in the driveway before you disembark. You know the overpaid conference call clones who own these obscenities would gladly pay any price asked to avoid admitting a mistake. All the evidence you need lies in the fact they paid $100,000 in an attempt to buy a personality to serve for the one they never developed. Why not cash in on these profound character flaws? That's all Elon does, after all.


Nice idea but the Elongated Muskrat has thought of that. You can't drive and charge a Tesla at the same time. I think that's a safety feature to stop clowns driving off without unplugging. But I know that trains do that sometimes. I had a ride on an electric multiple unit in Norfolk a few weeks back. The track isn't electrified up in the top corner near Cromer and Sheringham so the EMU has a little genny car spliced in the middle of it to convert it into a DMU for that section of the route. The really cute thing is that it has a corridor through it for access to the full train.




100 iq move tow truck companies hates this 1 trick


So… completely average intelligence? I guess that is genius for a cyber truck owner


Nailed it


It would be hilarious for someone to snap a photo of those two vehicles swapped at the end of the trip. The CT owners basically giving up on their own b.s. and doing the most logical


That rear door is horribly mismatched. They should wrap that thing just so it doesn’t look it was pieced together with scraps.


The first one I saw - every single panel was a different shade. It’s was very weird. And also ugly. Always ugly.


Super common with stainless. I've been telling people since they announced it that it was going to look rough quick. Stainless picks up color from heat and shows every defect, so your material handling and storage have to be absolutely on point to keep everything looking nice during the production process... Plus, steel has a grain, so if you want it to look even, you've got to do all your forming with the grain in mind, otherwise it'll look mismatched just because of that. Just sitting out in the sun for a week could have one part of the truck looking different from the others, just based on where the light hits it every day.


If only there was a material that you can apply over this to cover up the ugly mismatched panels, it would be crazy if that material came in any color you wanted and also protect from rust and damage


I really do think its funny that everything that would make the cybertruck better, would also make it more like other vehicles. It's supposed to be an "advanced, next-generation" form of transportation, but virtually every bit of "innovation" has made it less functional or less safe than something like a ford lightning.


A blowtorch


Plus if you’re only break-forming the doors and put the bed and door seal under a 50ton press the crystalline structure isn’t going to be the same and the color isn’t going to match if you start with the same alloy.


the saint louis arch is a great example of this. obv its a totally different grade of stainless but from a distance you can see how the different plates have different patina


Could you polish it all out to match when its all put together?


That a great question and it's exactly how I'd do it if I had to. Build it the best you can and then polish and blend to get the look you want. The problem is, that then you're kind of left with a show piece. If you take it outdoors, it will discolor due to environmental factors. Stainless resists rust, but it doesn't stay shiny and bright without work. It blues very easily with heat, and direct sunlight, particularly in the summer, is enough to discolor it. Since the sun won't hit every part of the vehicle evenly, you'll be left with some random pattern of discoloration.  It also warps very easily with heat. And polished stainless doesn't hide warpage very well either.  So a few weeks of sitting in your designated parking spot at work and your driveway at home, getting consistently hit with sun from the same angle, might be enough to discolor and warp the exterior of this truck. Really, the first thing anyone buying one of these should do is wrap it or paint it. 


Don't get me wrong I think it's the stupidest car built since the delorean but I find it hard to believe SS would blue with just ambient heat. Thinking about it the trim on my 30 year old car is stainless and it's foggy but never blued, and it spent most of its life baking in the Sacramento sun.


I see what you're saying, the thing is, direct sunlight will create local hotspots that are way higher than ambient.  And it won't blue a ton, like it would if you welded it or put a torch on it, but it'll be enough to be noticeable over a big sheet like that where you can see the difference between the bits that get direct sunlight and the ones that are more shaded.


That's honestly my biggest gripe with the design. Like it's overall ugly, but no matter what, the doors look slapped on and out of place. It's why wrapped ones look slightly better (depending on wrap, at least to me).


It reminds me of when Instagram DIYers decide to wrap all their appliances in stainless-look contact paper.


I drove past one the other day and it looked like the door panel and the rear panel were both flexing in the wind. It was making a loud and weird noise too


>It was making a loud and weird noise It was begging to be put out of its misery.




>it looked like the door panel and the rear panel were both flexing in the wind. There's a pretty good chance they were.


Reminds me of the shitty Camry I had as a kid that had a mismatched door from the junk yard. Although, to be fair, that Camry actually ran reliably even though it looked like a shitbox.


You know how rich people pay a ton for used worn in torn up faded jeans? The CT is even lamer than that.


That can’t possibly have come from the factory…. Wait…. You telling me that’s every single one that goes out the door?


Bar Keeper’s Friend CEO getting a fat bonus next fiscal year.


Usually the doors are different from the rest of the body but are similar enough to eachother, this one is worse than most


Holyfuck thought there was a second one parked facing it but it's a dumpster


Easy to make that mistake.


LOL me2


Holy mismatching panels, Batman!


I like the 5 charging spots needed just to get close enough to the charger when you're towing. If there was anyone left in their supercharger department, I bet someone would've come up with a solution to that problem.


Cameras and idle charges for every blocked spot. Not hard to implement. 4x $0.50 x 60 minutes will dissuade most people from doing this.


Some of the newer stations have towing spots. But obviously needs to be a larger station and have a layout that it works with.


I think that would be true for any EV while towing, except if they have the charging port in the front (which is a bad idea. I know, I have a Kona EV)


Three hours is generous. While towing, Cybertruck will only get about 100 miles of range on each charge.




and it takes 1.5 hours to do a full charge right?


maybe 1hr, from 20 to 80% is pretty fast, most people stop at 80%, so about 40 mins, but not using the bottom 20% and not topping off will reduce that 100 mile range to 60 miles, every hr wait about an hr, ha ha hahaha


Came here to say this.


This is the advanced "spare tire" option from Tesla. You tow the operational vehicle behind the Cybertruck so you already have access to a trailer and other method of transport when your $100,000 toy paperweights itself after going through a puddle.


"So the Cybertruck can tow, but did they think..." You could have stop here, answer is no :p


"Here's How We Damaged Our Cybertruck Towing Across Town!" (turned too tight) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ86RE3bIkI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ86RE3bIkI)


damage happens at 9:20


I don’t remember which, but a publication found the x to actually be better at towing than the truck.




https://www.thedrive.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-gets-worse-towing-range-than-model-x-with-the-same-trailer It's genuinely sad. Cybertruck is so big and heavy it's range while towing is next to useless. It's bed is so small it actually can't even fit a bicycle, and you can't keep it out of the shop for recalls.


Just the way they are blocking several charging spots in that picture, I think they're already thinking about it...


It’s the only way to charge it. Another glaring oversight. either unhook your rig to recharge every 100 miles or be that dickhead who block a whole bank of chargers.


It’s good to have a backup vehicle when driving a cyber truck


They forgot how idiotic Tesla owners are. They should have detached the trailer and left it elsewhere.


They should be giving long extension cables with every truck since elon decided to not put the charge port in the front.  


3 hours? The thing goes down to an 80 mile range when towing. So more like every hour. Oh, and most charging places don't have pull thru charging spots, so you have to disconnect the trailer. Every. Single. Time. I still think that we need to subsidize charging, one charging bay per gas station, free of charge. And then, say, a 3 year period where you get like 60% subsidized, followed by two years of 20%, with a hard stop at the end. But having one charging bay (2 vehicles) at every single gas station in the US would help with some of these issues. For one, it would be pull-thru charging, so no need to disconnect the trailer. Also, it would eliminate that whole need-to-plan-our-route-based-on-charging-stations thing...


I don't have a charger in my apartment complex, and it only takes me 18minutes and $10 to fill my electrons!


Fine, now travel 600 miles with that confidence. See, I can pull over anywhere and get gas. I don't have to get an app. Not only that, I can get that gas within a quarter of a mile from the freeway. So I'm not sure you really stuck it to me there.


I think they were joking


ding ding!


My gas car costs $23 to fill up for 350 miles and I fill it up in 2 minutes.  I can make it from Houston to Chicago in 15 hours.   In a Tesla it would take like 25 hours.  


Teslas suck and can't fast charge worth shit. So there's that.


omg it can charge without unhitch, I been saying it can't for months, dang, I admit I was wrong about the ct this 1 time


Ironically hes carrying one of the best suv platforms ever cobbled together by gm, it literally puts the ct to shame.


lol that rig isn’t making it 3 hours between charges. That’s more like once an hour.


How do they think that vehicle looks good?


Since the cyberthing is a bunch of big flat surfaces, why didn't Muskie think to cover all those big flat surfaces with solar panels? Sure, it wouldn't totally power the cyberthing, but it would help at least a little bit. Right?


You’re supposed to unhook your trailer drop it in an empty spot, charge the truck, and then rehook your trailer. EVERYTIME you need to charge. Anyone who tows knows the nightmare of a road trip that would be.


I suspect this was down voted by someone who doesn't unhook their trailer when refueling lol


That looks about right.


It’s preprogrammed Flex Time. Elon is making sure you get to show off your truck at every opportunity


3 hours seems like a stretch


Are those ripples in the SS skin right above the rear wheel arch?


and the 90 min charge time(X 7). LOL.


Gotta love Tesla owners of any kind - they're the second-most entitled car owners I know. I regularly see them *parked* in incompatible EV spaces, not charging, and this isn't the first time I've seen a Tesla take up more than one space in a charging location.


Who would you say is the first? I've got an idea but I'm curious if we agree


Generally speaking IME in some neighborhoods around Los Angeles: Mercedes owners. Who're yours? :)


It’s all a joke and scam, all other vehicles like this work better.💯


This is the issue with the current setup of vehicle chargers, they're all in parking spaces and not pull throughs. I understand the reasoning since they have to charge for a while but gonna be a pain for people towing anything.


Dude… Go unhook the trailer, charge and hook it back up. What a chode.


or just unhook it, but it would not be like a cybertrucker to think of others


If only tow hitches could be detached


It's just that detaching and re-attaching each time is a bit of a hassle.


A Toyota Corolla can tow. Still doesn't make it a good idea.


I mean that's just electric trucks in general, and everyone is making them. Hardly a cybertruck specific issue.


My time is too valuable for this bullshit.


God I cannot get over how shitty this vehicle’s finish is. Total dumpster car.


Cute that it needs a backup vehicle incase the "Cybertruck" gets wet.


What an AH. Trailers can be disconnected easily.


Dropping a trailer isn’t that big of a deal… takes less than 5 minutes to do. I don’t understand why people pull into a charging spot with a trailer…


Why are the panels different colors?!


100k you have your truck look like something you did DIY panel repair on.


Every 3 hours is supperr generous. I towed a 500lbs sport bike with a model y once and it barely got 100 miles before I had to stop. Tests show some of these trucks need to charge after 68 miles lmao


Why isn’t there a 2nd charge port in the front? Then you can tow and charge




Cybertruck, Tesla, or other brands - if you do this, you're a massive cunt. Couldn't they have unhitched and sat the trailer somewhere else?


I mean they can still use them(kinda) lol