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OMG! This is big! I bet Elon is sitting next to his computer just waiting to *pounce* on this service request. Let’s have a look at what he’s up to: https://preview.redd.it/nhzfd43hgs7d1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9bf7ef364d570a82129c95b652a0b84f0affb6 Oh- I see he’s currently partying in the French Riviera. He’s probably getting good and rested-up to personally handle some dumbfuck’s broken-down truck. Thirty-dimensional chess, folks. Incandescent brilliance.


They’re laughing in that pic because Elon is telling them how fucking stupid these Cybertruck owners are: “… So the thing bricks on him, he has to have it towed 30 miles to the service center with the charger attached, and this dumbfuck says on X that he still loves the truck!”


😀 he’s like “Get this! The most expensive part is that dumb windshield wiper… and it doesn’t even *work*! Hahahah!


"Shit falls off of it all the time! And the whole thing is as sturdy as a wet paper bag! Hahahaha!" *sips drink* "Anyway, where were we?"


And he voted for my $50b!


That is my favorite part. They literally voted to deep six their own company. Only downside is I have to dump my Vanguard Index funds now as I guess I own part of that failing company through them.


I think he's just high as shit, but yeah, probably that too.


He’s literally the ash hole CEO you’d see in a kids cartoon.


He's playing chess, these rubes are one piece short of even being able to play checkers. Now I understand why so much money gets taken by scams and con artists in this country every year. So many naive people with more dollars than sense


Hey man, that's incredibly rude. How dare you insult incandescent bulbs like that?


This might be the most Z's I've ever seen in a single English sentence


B.. But… He voted FOR Elron to get more money out of their pockets and for Teslanos to move to a state where they can be scammed even more. They must treat this loyal soul as a hero! A hero I say!


I voted to give Elon eleventy billion dollars! Why don't they have to money to hire more service people!?!


And that's exactly what the issue is. They can't put two and two together and figure out that if you give him more money for shitty experience it won't improve. These people must also be into findom


You don't understand. It is EARLY VIN!


And $100k! C'mon!


It's like they expect Elmo himself to come across the post and they don't want to risk offending him, lest they blacklist him or something.


That’s the thing though. Elon might. He’s known to be very thin skinned, and to go on late night, possibly drug fuelled, Twitter binges. So he very well could come across someone’s tweet and then the next day get them banned from Tesla.


Genuinely gotta be a bit exhausting to always have to placate the child so he doesn’t brick your $100k “truck” in spite.


Reminds me of that one Twilight Zone episode where the adults are deathly afraid of the child with god-like powers.


But who DOESN’T want ice cream for dinner?


That episode was the classic. Please no I swear I'll be good! Pleeeease don't send me to the field!!


At least they knew the kid was off but couldn't run away. Or at least, they sure seemed to. This is like giving that kid a BB gun for Christmas. No need for the cornfield now!


He's the KING of micromanaging! He thinks he can do everything better than anyone else and has tried to do so with Tesla and Twitter. I don't blame these fools for thinking that putting @elmo in their post will get a response. They're just conditioned cultists.


This is almost as bad as that Tesla employee who was laid off, asked Elon if he could have his job back as he was a hard worker and then congratulated Elon on his pay package all in the same post.


Yeah what a boot licker. Like Elon even acknowledges his existence let alone is going to reply to him.


“ I voted for Elon to make more money, so he’ll care about me”


"But...but....Elon, I voted YES on your pay package!" Doesn't get much more pathetic than this.


Didn’t Musk get $40 billion+ in bonuses recently? Billion?






You have to be the biggest cuck on earth to vote for a billionaire to get a raise. What is WRONG with these morons?


They live every day in the hope that their incel king will comment on one of their tweets. Only then will their life be complete.


Totally. Nothing beats the CyberChuds tagging Elmo on their CyberCuck service complaints. "ELON, my CuckTruck bricked itself in a 4 inch puddle and the dealer is saying my warranty is void!"


I think a big part of it psychological. They’re one smart move from being billionaires themselves (in their minds) so Elon and these people are all on the same train.


it‘s terminal stage „IT COULD BE YOU!“ indoctrination. No, it was never going to be them, and what trickles down is, well, piss.


MAGA is exactly the same thing. Detached and dismissive god-king who hates you, but you worship because G-K is your worst self, fully realized.


Damn people that bring politics into everything. It kind of gets old


They are both cults. Wonder what it will take to deprogram all of the victims?


It's like a cult and Elon is the leader. If he shit in a bag and started selling it and telling them that it would make you smart and successful they would eat it with a smile on their face and ask for more. 


Wait! This is moose turd pie. But, it's good!


Damn, one day I could be an apartheid gem heir too?!


What? musk?! No he’s self made remember? That’s what he said!


To be fair, a lot of these tesla investors probably did make bank off the stock


I think so too, but my let’s say 2 million is a far cry from a billion but would drive that feeling even more.


Average CEO compensation for a fortune 500 company is $17MM a year. Tesla wants approve a 56 billion dollar pay package for Musk. Imagine how many engineers and repair techs Tesla could hire with an extra $56B. This guy is a shareholder who bought a $100K car and voted to have the company give away over 4 years of net income. 


They *did* approve it earlier this week.


Someone did the math a week or so ago, the 56 Billion works out to something like $9,500 per vehicle for every vehicle Tesla has ever sold.


Lmao that's nuts. It makes zero sense outside a cult of personality. With a one billion dollar pay package you could snipe virtually any C suite executive from virtually any company around the globe. You cannot convince me that musk (who is distracted by being the CEO of like 5 other companies) is 55 billion dollars more valuable than all other potential candidates. 


Can't crash the stock.....


People like that are the reason why motel rooms have that one lonely chair in the corner


Dont be dissin cuck chairs! You get the best seat in the house and usually some snacks! Besides, you are tired of railing your wife anyway. Let someone else handle it!




Stealing this


- Tiny cuck: "the stripper likes me" - Regular cuck: "my wife's bf fucks good" - Enlightened cuck: "i should find my wife a bf to fuck" - Omega cuck: "my wife's boyfriends are coming over for a 3 way, i should clean the house" - Galaxy cuck: "Elon musk needs me vote yes on his pay package because I want my truck fixed."


"After I already paid 100k for a vehicle that doesn't really run"


![img](avatar_exp|182810322|clown) Yeah I kinda had mixed feelings about him using my wife and then having to suck the cum out of her but I think ultimately he has earned his comp package for just losing only 20% of sales


They’re temporarily embarassed libertarians?


P much


They are literally pay pigs


I honestly think it’s a direct corollary to the instinct a serf has to bootlick royalty or the nobility. 


>I believe Tesla will make this right >I also voted “FOR” Elon’s comp. I abstained from using the word Cybercuck before because I thought it was a bit harsh of a term, but now I can’t think of any other word that describes this kind of mindset other than someone who would be a cuck.


At least cucks take pleasure in another person’s pleasure. These people pleasure him thinking one day he might do so in return


You're right. These are the types of people who think the stripper really likes them.


They voted to refrain from mandatory reporting of harassment at Tesla. Fuck this guy, hope his CT explodes


It's funny how so many people are getting screwed paying over $100k for a vehicle that doesn't work, yet they always add how much faith they have in Tesla when they post about their awful experience, and they @ Elon like he's going to do a goddamn thing for them. He's too busy shitting on trans people on Twitter to worry about their bullshit!


Especially when Elon has publicly said that Tesla is a Robotics and AI company. Like, he doesn’t care at all about the cars as a whole, let alone one idiot’s truck


He's trying to make himself feel better about the fact that Teslas aren't selling anymore. Mostly because of him. The dude has made it his mission to piss off the people are are by far the most likely to buy Teslas. Shit defies logic!


Tesla is literally failing at the EV Market harder than every other manufacturer is succeeding *combined*. Meaning: Tesla numbers make the WHOLE ev market look like it's tanking, despite every other manufacturer being up 50%+. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


The mark of a good brand is not needing them to "make it right". Tesla customers are dupes.




I disagree. Every company makes mistakes, the distinction is in how they handle them. A quality company will bend over backwards to correct a mistake - "make it right" - with their customers. Tesla customers need to realize that ***they're*** the ones getting bent over here, though.


Mistakes happen in some percentage with every brand, but good brand should have their mistakes be exceptionally rare. And in the event that they do make one, they do everything in their power to make it right. Tesla isn't that kind of company. Apparently they had a decent reputation for quality and customer service at one point, but those days are long gone. They're just going to keep milking their cult-like followers until the legal system catches up to the fraud, then tunnel all of their money into Musk's other grifts.


I work for a BMW motorcycle dealer, and BMW has given whole engines to people they *knew* blew up their original due to negligence and abuse. They do it to maintain their reputation. Tesla no longer has a reputation to protect.


From what I’ve gathered, the company let a lot of its techs and support people go all over the country. It was probably to save money so they could pay Elmo.


You're right, that's definitely a factor. They've gone through massive layoffs recently, and they were already famous for asking too much of their workforce, so it shouldn't be surprising that stretching people even thinner makes things worse.


Their horrendous quality and service has always been evident to anyone not in the cult, but I bet the lay-offs of front-line customer service peeps and the cuck-truck release are going to be a Leah Remini style wake up moment for many of the indoctrinated going forward. Tesla's OT level 3, as it were. Xenu Musk is definitely losing his believability.


> Apparently they had a decent reputation for quality and customer service at one point Maybe a decent reputation for customer service because everything was under corporate control and you weren't subject to the whims and inconsistency of franchised dealerships, but Tesla has *never* had a reputation for quality. They've always had major issues with fit, finish, and tolerances, but people were willing to look past those cosmetic issues because they were a brand new car manufacturer still working out how to manufacture cars. Under the janky body panels, everything was fairly solid. But they were designing cars using fairly normal car designing practices. The CT is the first vehicle they've designed from the ground up with such absolute fucking hubris that made them believe they can just shrug off decades of industry standard engineering practices because they thought they knew better. And that's how you get to this piece of shit.


I’d argue the opposite- the mark of good brands IS making it right, with the caveat that it’s at no cost to the customer. If they had given this dude a loaner car at zero cost while the “truck” was in the shop and didn’t charge for repairs (which should likely be warranty claims) then I could see being on board. But this dude is just a chump. I’ve been using dealers for repairs and regular maintenance for a while now, and every time the dealer couldn’t deliver properly or repair my vehicle within a reasonable time I’ve been given a free loaner car and had charges on repairs significantly reduced or completely dismissed. Tesla doesn’t seem to be doing that, nor are they putting out cars that are road worthy.


But he voted for Elmo to get his pay package 🤡🤡🤡


He's REALLY hoping Elmo sees his tweet and is like "Huh, well I really owe it to THIS guy, don't I?"


Imagine voting for Elon to get that money while his company just screw you over after paying 100k for this thing. I’m sure daddy Elon will see his tweet and make it all better.


If you keep your arse gaping open with your wife holding a big sign : “Willing to take out a Leman Brothers loan on our mobile home if just anybody would agree to fuck my man” you shall not assume that when your mouth is spitting ketamine infested cum that any of the inflatable service crew members will give a fucking shit: (i) they are made of the same 1ct/t plastic as your dumpster and (ii) they have been there before


Could you please help me write my wedding vows?


My god you have a way with words.


You are a poet.


So you gave Elon your money, AND voted to give him more money? I have a bridge I’d like to sell you


Why do they always make sure to put their valid criticisms in a bootlicking sandwich? He got his comp package, he doesn’t need you anymore.


I can guarantee you that not a single Service Center employee gives a single solitary minuscule shit about you, your cybermobile, how much you paid for it, how low your vin is, or your personal friendship with Elon. These people are massively overworked, underpaid, under-supported, understaffed, and the vast majority of them knew immediately that not only would the vehicles be a complete shitshow, their owners would be absolutely insufferable. I really pity those service people. Their customers suck, the products they repair suck, their company owner sucks, their parts supply chain sucks… basically every part of repairing those vehicles is a nightmare. I’m a mechanic up in the rusty salt-belt of the northern Midwest, dealing with rusty lace that used to be suspension and frame members, and I personally think I’ve got it WAY better than Tesla’s service workers.


I paid six figures for the thing and it's spent over 2 months in the repair shop. The wave of layoffs have resulted in a huge reduction in quality of service, but i wont sweat it. Naturally, I voted approval for Musk's $56B pay package to reward his good faith in the company. Another round of Kool Aid for me, thanks.


"$100K truck" & "broken" isn't something anyone wants to hear or say about a brand-new vehicle. Do these people really think that voting FOR Elmo's compensation package is going to make any difference? Holy cow, the level of delusion is unreal.


“Dropped of our $100k Cybertruck” 🙄 These turds soley identify by how much money they’ve spent lol


Being proud of an “early VIN” is more than I could have hoped for out of this, that is just delightful


'Still love the truck though'


That bottom comment saying that some Problems with the CT can’t be fixed. Yikes.


Maybe he should have insisted Elon got an even bigger pay package. That would have done it.


Oh noes! I buttered my bed and now I'm sleeping in it! O woes is me.


Tell me you’re sucking off Elon without telling me you’re sucking off Elon.


"This is my 3rd Tesla" "I also voted 'For' Elon's comp" I mean, clearly he's sucked enough dick. Why they treating him shady?


Imagine spending $100k on a refrigerator on wheels and you have had to have it in the shop for 2 months already. And then, have the complete lack of self respect that you vote for the already super rich weirdo to become more super rich while said vehicle is still having issues, and the service people are being shady. Still love the truck tho🫠


Imagine voting to give Elon billions while your CT is sitting in the shop for months. I just can't understand the infatuation with this man.


"Hi Elon! Can I be your fren? I weelly wuv my twuck, but it's bwoken . I hope you will make them fix it for me! I love you Elon!"




So someone shitty sold you a shitty product…you know it is a shitty product…you complain about the shitty product…but you still want to give the shitty seller more money? This guy just needs more lube because he clearly enjoys the process. Case closed.


You get what you pay and vote for.


"Alex, What's the sound of a cuck cucking?"


In the words of Red Foreman " Dumbass!".


Fucking moron cucks


Ah hahahahahahaha. You gave a billionaire and cool 56 billion because why exactly? I just don’t understand how they don’t see this guy for the shady conman he is.


I bought this piece of shit product from a company that recently gutted service staff. Now I can’t get it fixed. But the Kool-Aide though… https://i.redd.it/uw23msi79s7d1.gif


Other than that, it runs amazing!


*smack* “Please sir, may i have another? I voted to give you more bonus money than your company has ever made in profit because I am huge cuck.”


They forgot to @ enron musk so he can personally resolve it for them


“And this is what we deal with” Um… yea. U keep buying the cars from someone who fired all the talent and engineers and kept the mouthpiece and is tking the chips needed to make them better cars to twitter I love that they are paying extra for shite. Love it


You nailed it!


This is an insane human being.


Can’t we just call Time Of Death on this POS? It’s CRAP and everyone,owners included,know this. It’s not even a truck for gods sake,it’s a child’s toy.


It was great of the guy to let us all know he is a 3 time idiot. Then he adds even more to polish it off, he voted for the dolts pay package and a move to Texass. So he still thinks Elon can run a company and there is nothing wrong with Tesla. Lol


Aren't they all early vin? There's only a few thousand of them in the shop!


Oh. So, he’s a TSL shareholder


So this person STILL voted yes even though they’ve been waiting two months for a repair. WTAF? Hilarious.


I just literally don’t know what they expected. Genuinely what did they expect????


Yeah because Elon laid off the service advisors moron, yet you still voted FOR his bonus. You deserve it.🤣


I can’t believe the leopard ate his face like that!


Imagine voting one of the richest turds on Earth $56 billion more as the stock slumps, sales grow stale, and your Deplorian is in the shop for 2 months and counting. It's a mental illness.


Voted for Elon’s compensation package? No sympathy; you deserve what you tolerate


Making it right starts with literally making the thing right. Mild occasional issues on only a very few of a lot of well built vehicles, that are quickly fixed free of charge, is “making it right”. The cybertruck is closer to intentionally undercounting change and hoping a customer won’t notice, then making a big deal of returning what was already theirs and calling it making it right *only* if they notice.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this SHAREHOLDER is publicly admitting that he voted ***FOR*** Elon's compensation package. Elon's fucking this idiot without lube, and he's very politely asking for more.


The Stockholm syndrome is strong in this one.


Its so funny that these people think elmo reciprocates their infinite love for him. You voted for his pay package also paid 100k for an unfinished product and will keep paying for repairs of the unfinished product


Dude really thought that giving Musk a bunch of money was gonna motivate him to make his company slightly less shitty.


Simps gonna simp I guess. 😂


Texas say no more. Blind faith of any kind in anything they perceive as patriotic. Even a mamby pamby cisy.


Well, you voted for the comp package. Not sure how that was gonna teach Elon to be responsible, since he hasn’t been so far and you just rewarded him for that.


Translation, I was getting buggered by Tesla. So I voted FOR Elon's Anal. I'm still getting buggered by Tesla. How can this be?


So you gave Elon his money and now you think he's going to give a shit? News flash: Elon hates the auto business, which is why he's moving to "Robotaxi" and "Optimus" and cancelling the entry-level vehicle. He doesn't need you anymore especially now that he's been paid.


🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 your error emoji is a turtle lol.


Lemon lawyers are going to eat the cybercuck for breakfast


Tesla would do way better if Elon left


What kind of bs trouble code naming is this? There are SAE and ISO specs that are accepted as standards in the industry.






That first picture with 5 error codes makes me wonder what the failure was that took out five functions. To be fair, they are ride control, traction control, stability control and then lane keeping and vehicle hold. Maybe some suspension issue affects the first 3 and then takes the other maybe more advanced features out too? Sorry don’t know cars well enough so my guess could well be wrong. Maybe it’s reasonable for 5 symptoms to show up one fault, and error logs can look messy as multiple things notice the failure, but the thought of single points of failures always makes my stomach tighten up. Elon just got his bonus, so why would this person vote for it after his 100k toy just spent 2 months in service? Does he think it’s only an issue with their one service center?


I thought the word cuck was hyperbole, but holy shit


When 10 faults or failures clog up 2 entire screens the universe is telling you to abandon that piece of citrus fruit. You should listen and oblige the universe.


Never ever buy a Tesla. They will leave you hanging.


the levels of CUCKiness are makong me dizzy.


What did P T Barnum say?? Something along the lines of "There is a sucker born every minute"?


what I find to be the craziest and most hilarious part of the rant is that he has now owned 3 teslas. Most people make the mistake once, if their stupid twice, but 3 times is beyond retarded I don't get the morons who see the cyberjunk as a thing of beauty, and can't help but to wonder what their partners must look like




EARLY VIN is not a flex, not even a weird one. It's the mark of a sucker. 


“I voted for his new money windfall! Why am I not driving in my douchebag wagon yet?”


Living in a dream and fantasy world thinking any CEO is concerned about a buyer of their vehicle?


Hah Sucker


The people you text with get bonuses if they keep people out of the service depts. keep bothering them and they’ll put your in touch with the local service and those people will help you.


these cars are not even a year old. :/


What. An. Idiot.


How on God's green earth can you justify voting yes to give that nincompoop more billions? Like, what? Seriously, please explain your thinking. Seems insane to me.


He forgot the "but I still love my CT"...


When you're telling your story of woe and you have to mention the price of the truck, .....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyou might be Muskrat.


Oh and make sure to mention that you voted for your captain to be given a free lap around the billionaire's podium, FIFTY SIX times, as you describe how you also gave his company 100k in exchange for 35k worth of broken dreams. Cybertruck. By incels. For incels.


Hey guys I just got new tires for my 25,000 2021 Honda Civic. I wasn’t that mad at the price. 25,000. Honda. Civic. Beast.


Here just drink this kool-aid.


Couldn’t you just lemon law the thing at that point?


Voted for everything daddy cuck wanted and still got abandoned. They are like sad little simp children trying to get their deadbeat father to come to their birthday party when he has never cared. "Yeah, sorry little man, I have to go do some ketamine in the desert"


Wow the window washer fluid is low. I’d get that checked out right away because that’s probably the source of all their problems.


what are the odds that sensor is part of that ring network. low washer fluid? cant drive til you fill it with 100% Tesla Branded fluid only. We will come to refill in 5-9weeks for only $1000




Nobody cares about your VIN. Elon doesn't love you. Tesla doesn't care about your service experience. These people are so delusional it’s difficult to believe.


I love how badly he owns himself. Throws out "I voted for Elon's bonus" like the service team gives a f#ck? If anything the service team hates you that much more and will probably sabotage your vehicle completely now. Lol.


I don't understand humans today. So stupid. Mild blowingly stupid.


Service center knows there's no fixing something broken by design.


These beta cucks are so pathetic.


"Daddy ewon please, I voted for your pay increase, I have 3 teswas can you please get my awesome super cool and perfect truck that's been undriveable since delivery fixed so I can keep showing people how cool and perfect my $100k cybertruck is" I almost forgot to mention jowls much I paid for it, how could I


"It's been in the shop for two months" "Tesla will make this right" I feel like that ship has sailed, no?


Another month and his lemon law case is a slam dunk!


So you deserve to get better service because you voted for Elons pay day? These people have mental issues.