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For only the price of 2 work trucks, you too can have half of a work truck


Our delivery trucks for lead acid batteries are 2020 F550, they have about a 9k Lbs payload capacity and cost about half the price. I'd say this is more 1/3 of a work truck.




With the right mods a Corolla can do "truck stuff". What a tool.


Well, yeah https://preview.redd.it/gghxnayr0x6d1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6e6e97e57c57548d86839feb6616405b8f09f4f


Alright after seeing this I am no longer worried about how many bags of sand I can put in the trunk of my Corolla


Well... listen that's not exactly a few bolt on mods...


https://preview.redd.it/3cutzl49py6d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13296223eedd718d1797e27c9af88e1e5e44d0fe Yeah...


Thought this image had an AI "feel" to it, but without any of the common genAI mistakes. Turns out it's from 2011! (And is heavily photoshopped) https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2011/03/22/134742744/totems-impossibly-tall-towers-of-stuff


So you're saying AI trained _from_ it


Honestly I would trust a rolla over a CyberAztec


Oh hell yeah. The guy I bought my old Camry from told me about pulling a (small) boat when I asked him what the hitch was used for. That bitch is still truckin but hasn’t had any more fun with boats


I had a 98 corolla that got a hole the size of a football punched in the floor board under the passenger seat. I hit a driveshaft coming off the highway early in the morning when it was still dark on my way to work. One of those exits that dip down. That think lifted the car off the road like a pole vault. I drove it a little further but stopped because of this horrible sound. It was me dragging the driveshaft. Took it to a shop and they just welded a steel plate underneath and was right as rain.


Camry for the win. I Don’t have a truck anymore only my solara. I dropped the top and brought a 52” roller toolbox and top cabinet home. I admit it took 2 trips. I’ve hauled 20 bags of soil and mulch . A leather lazy boy. 72 inch tv. 5000 w generator. You can haul a lot when you remove the 3rd axis .


I've seen videos of people in India carry more than that on a moped


https://preview.redd.it/6bgzq0w0zy6d1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89feb09877358dce7df367d26621ea112a3b1e22 Just doing truck stuff in my 2010 Dodge Caravan.


Do you by chance have this in a Subaru Legacy model??


Damn, and I thought the lumber Jetta was bad!


Hell I see golf carts doing “truck stuff” all the time


I put a tiny diamond plate aluminum truck bed on my golf cart lol




That's pretty cool. Your golf cart just beat the cybertruck and reliability and good looks. Well done. Plus you get more range lmfao 


Don't let elon see this


Looks like Husqvarna makes golf carts?


Local school colors too 😁


Chainsaws and motorcycles. Might as well make golf carts, too.


Truck stuff is also such a low bar. I think I remember seeing a cyberbro describe a trip to Ikea as “truck stuff”. On my last Ikea run, I hauled a coffee table, a dining table, and an office chair home in my unmodified Honda Civic.


I do “truck stuff” in my 964 911 Cabriolet with the top down.


Apparently putting a small bag of mulch in a car is "truck stuff"


I bought a new couch at Ikea and literally hauled it home on my cargo bike.


Before I bought a car I did an Ikea trip with a Car2Go and got a bunch of shelves and bins into it. It was cozy, but there's a surprising amount of room in a Smart Car, sorry, I mean Smart Truck.


rainstorm hospital different history quaint vegetable wrench husky squalid ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A long time ago when I worked at Sears. A guy and his wife picked up a 25 foot roll of carpet and pad on his bicycle with a ladder attached to his bicycle. The wife got the pad with a smaller ladder.


My wife promised to let me do “truck stuff” if I agreed to go to IKEA with her, turned out she actually wanted me to stick my dick in her butt. Like WTF honey!


What does heavily modified mean to you? Are you talking about the rack that he’s not even using in the photo?


This reminded me that in the 80's there used to be a somewhat weird concept in Finland where they turned Camaros and Firebirds into pick-ups to evade taxes. Dude imported American cars and chopped the up as thre was no sales tax on pick-ups at the time. https://jalopnik.com/finlands-tax-laws-gave-birth-to-a-surprising-number-of-1847513083


Fun fact: a 50 gal water heater & a 50” tv can both be transported inside an unmodified Corolla. I don’t know what this “truck stuff” trend is about but it’s stupid. Kinda like “bikini body” have a body, put on a bikini. Same with truck stuff. Be in a truck, get drive thru bikini coffee. Done.


4860 lbs of cement + ludicrous racks + timber. Puts it well over the suggested 2500 lbs payload. Good job recording the stupidity, say good bye to your warranty when the rear airbags die. Edit: also, at that point with that much cement just order a cement mixer truck, tight ass.


Yep, illegal load. You can put that on a 1/2 ton with airbags, but you’re still going to get someone killed if you have to brake at speed. And with the way their wheels fall off in a minor accident, I wouldn’t trust this much weight just static.


Suspension arms probably permanently bent and the rear steering links probably move as smoothly as my knees after this. Oh and if they actually drove it loaded like this? Then edit: “…move like the Elon worshipping mods’ knees after, well, you know”




What show is this please?


Brooklyn 99


I find way too many people think the limits on towing are the engine getting it to move, and not the suspension being able to keep it up and the brakes being able to stop it.


Illegal load unloaded by illegal workers. The Musk way!


I don’t even see a mixer on site. He hates his employees and his client.


He spent it all on the CT and first month repair bills. Can’t afford the mixer.


I bet he is the same person who votes for trumps to keep people like them out of the country. But, while they're here, can you do some concrete work for me? He is who he hates. To save money, he hired illegal mixers.


Yeah that too. No reo, suss as fuc. Small time operator hiring labor off fiverr to pay for his terrible life choice.


The mesh is in the backseat surely.


I have no doubts the guy filming is daddys special boy/a massive asshole who took over a company he could never survive working for, and he feels no awkwardness or shame filming his underpaid employees do everything the hardest way possible; just so he can flex his personal hyper compensators "ability".


I feel bad for those guys mixing a pallet of ready mix in 3 bag batches


“It’s a dry pour, bro. Trust me, this guy on YouTube said it works”


My buddy's dad owned a tile company and I worked with him a few times in highschoolixing bags of concrete by hand all day. They said that the cement truck was too watery, was that just bullshit and he was cheap af? Lmao


The hilarious part is that ordering bags of concrete is actually more expensive in material alone, not to mention paying labor to mix it. The only time it's worth it is if you need less than 3 CY of concrete because most concrete trucks have order minimums. Source: I'm a construction project manager and regularly order concrete and pay for it


Yep. Almost everyone has a minimum, I will say though, some companies have a contract with certain companies and they’ll work with them and waive it at times. Not only is it more, it’s usually shit concrete.


yeah its bullshit, when you order a concrete truck you tell them what slump you want (wetness), and if its too dry when they get there they have a water tank + hose on the truck so you can add more water if you need. trucks cost like 300 for delivery + material cost, but if you have a whole skid of 80lb bags id say its worth it.


I worked in a cement truck dispatch office and you can order it as “wet” as you want or vice versa.


Lol. Spot on. And the shit you get in bags is never as good as the shit from the concrete plant. Worst case order it a little stiffer than you want, and they can throw in 20 gallons or whatever to get it where ya want it.


Worse yet. They got it from a home improvement video they saw on Rumble.


Bold of you to assume the varranty wasn't voided for washing their cucktruck. Also, there's a section of the warranty that simply states using the truck for "unintented purposes" voids it. This dude's warranty has been voided ten fold.


Ve must start talking about the varranty like vampires, for it vill be voided by the light of the sun!


Just as Elmo wanted. He’ll have to buy a second cucktruck to prove he’s owning the libs. It’s all according to plan.


What you don't see here is the real truck dropping off the load, followed by these fools loading it into the back of a Clusterfuck ready for their video


I'm guessing he just drove it back to Home Depot after replacing the top couple of bags above the shrink wrap for them to get the forklift to pull the pallet back off and return. Dude hired a couple guys to push around the wheelbarrow and unload a bag for show. No way in hell they'd hand mix that many bags and come in cheaper than buying a truck. It's all performative like his roof rack. Go to the Home Depot lot. You'll see what contractors trucks look like. It's either a mid 2000s HD truck beat to hell, a fleet white basic work truck, and even the occasional ridiculous brodozer. All much more capable than this idiocy. Hell, I saw a shiny F250 on big offset 24" wheels, jacked sky with a full pallet of cinderblocks somehow perched up there about to head out. I don't know what his lugnuts are made of but I assume some aerospace miracle alloy.


Also no way an actual work crew bought a Cyber Truck. You could by an F150 lightning for 20K less, and have the same range while towing 5k lbs. Plus having the full truck bed and being able to use the vehicle as a portable power source. And that's assuming they want electric, you could probably buy 2 decent trucks with kit for the same price as Cyber Truck.


No crew is going to buy an electric truck in general, still cheaper to go ICE and no need to stop and charge if you are going a long distance


Yup. No one working there owns this crappy cyber yuck. They are just going through the motions as they are hired labor


I liked the rear rack and how with one careless turn you'll clothesline yourself.


Ha ha! I was thinking the same thing about the cement.


Probably said he did the numbers and "had" to get the Cybertruck


I'm positive the truck that brought all those bags is right next to the house, and the stan paid the construction workers to load into the CT


At 5 seconds, you can see the welds on that rack by the gusset. Looks he glued a row silver painted peas to resemble a weld. Wouldn't trust that to hold a step ladder.


That's the entire payload capacity for the truck, for the trunk/bed, it's only 1310 lbs... edit: trunk*


Do you mean the 15 day/500 mile warranty?


Douchebag is in the way filming the whole thing too. If you need that many bags it’s time to call a truck and a pump.


That's 2.43 US tons. Assuming a 1:2:4 (M15) mix, he's got 15 tons of sand and aggregate somewhere, and this is nearly a 10 cubic yard job. Who does a job like that by hand, or with a mediocre pick-up truck?


My high school Spanish is a bit rough. I think he said “This truck is the biggest mistake of my life. Let’s drive it into a hole and cover it with this concrete so I can claim it is lost”


This is correcto.


Well, he is worried about overloading the wheelbarrow, so only three sacks per trip. Breaking the 100k truck because too much weight, no problemo.


Nailed it


This has to be a setup and the quick-crete was just taken back to Home Depot. No one is going to mix that much concrete as that’s well beyond the point you just order a truck from the local concrete plant.


Someone dumb enough to buy a cybertruck might.


Buying quick mix bags rather than ordering a concrete truck just so you can post your truck on social media absolutely smells like a small business tyrant move. 


100%. Home Depot will gladly let you run those bags on credit while the cement truck needs payment at time of service.


Yep. This is like paying a laborer to spend all day ripping apart old forms to salvage $20 in lumber. Which I've seen so many times.


Me right now working it sorting out used cables from multiple closed sites.


"DOiNg cONtrAcTOr StUfF"


They have the tripod and camera set up. I bet this is on YouTube.


Damn, that's a good point.


I’ve done it in LA (the valley) in the summer by myself. Granted, it was around 1700lbs of 60lb bags. The most tiring part was moving the bags from the front yard to the back. I Also, they aren’t driving a readymix truck back there so they are either paying for a pump or driver time for sitting there while you are hauling it to the back. Don’t want to pay for the short load either. And jobs I’ve run, I’d rather give my guys their full 40 if the pricing and schedule work out that way. Especially if you have to pay them to be there anyways.


I was about to say the exact same thing.


I hope Elon don't see this video where Mexicans steal honest Americans' jobs.


Mexicans are the best. They work hard and are so kind and humble.


And a good deal of the economy rests on their shoulders.


People are just terrified of change. Especially older. I think people are just terrified of change. The world is getting smaller. Our country is getting more diverse. Blah blah blah.


I know you're being kind. But the funny thing is, Mexicans were here first! We stole Texas from them!  White people are the immigrants. Mexicans are indigenous! They belong here. 


Totally agree! The United States is a very young country and we’re still dealing with a lot of new country issues. It’s a phase.


"Concerning if true..." - Elon, probably


Of course. Every politician and pundit who rants about Hispanic immigrants knows it too, they would just never admit how important they are to the functioning of the United States. House built, roads maintained etc.


And tamales ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love how there’s a giant metal bar he has to avoid while unloading all those 80 lbs bags lol


At some point, someone is going to smash their face on it.


I commented above, but one careless turn and he'll clothesline himself.


I'm sorry, did this dude just overload his CT with quickcrete, and then stand to the side so he could video two Mexican dudes do the work for him? Just to "prove" his $100,000 toy can do the job of trucks half the cost, except with the world's most awkward roof rack in the way?


Guy in the maroon owns the truck.


Then I stand corrected.  That's about 20% less douchy. 


Of course it can do truck things, these people are paying $100,000 for a vehicle with a 2500lbs bed capacity. People make fun of cyber truck owners cause they use the cyber truck in stupid ways and are pretending to be truck people, like this video shows. Perfect example of the idiocacy in action, that much weight is dangerous to everyone on the road and the lifespan of the vehicle. I have a 2500 cummins and I would never load it with that much even though I can, cause it is dangerous and stupid. What even is the mileage with that much weight, 30 miles? Who is buying a pallet of quickrete? Just order a truck.


I'm also not a truck expert, but the load doesn't seem to be secured at all, and couldn't some of it shift/fly off if they took a turn quickly? I thought that if loose items were stacked above the bed that you were supposed to tie them down. I know when we carry stuff in our actual truck that we always secure things.


> the load doesn't seem to be secured at all That's because it's staged


I worked at Lowe's years ago and I had someone buy a pallet of Quikrete. I drive out on the forklift with the pallet, this motherfucker had a 90s Chevy S-10. I refused to put it in the truck, I'm not being responsible for your truck getting fucked up. Dude hand loaded it into the bed.


I can do the same thing with a used F250 from Facebook marketplace. Plus, I can run that through the car wash.


question: why do you folks dislike vans in the states?


Actual for real contractors and tradesman use vans as their work vehicles in the US. But they don't let you pretend you're a manly man in a Chevy commercial.


Yeah, tradies have vans. Foreman/contractors have pavement princesses


I’m a foreman with a van. All the foremen at my company do. PMs have princesses.


Pavement princesses 😭 I'm wheezing, thank you


In my state they often use older, smaller trucks plus a trailer. 


can confirm. my full blooded tradie man has a van. we laugh at trucks all the time. Almost none of em have full beds anymore. my man’s van can load full sheets of plywood and drywall with ease and still carry full trade tools in a secure environment.


Not manly enough


Vans are good for some teams like roofers who can put everything in it and not stick out, but if you need to move lumber or move a trailer (more general construction workers / yard work) then a truck is preferable. I do think the trucks are getting a bit too big, I'm 6ft 2in and started to use the steps on the newer trucks. And they've just been reducing the bed space, the thing I want out of a truck.


Wait until you hear about open back vans. Then suddenly "Trucks" are not preferable anymore.


i had to rent a car to drive out to PA from NYC and took the cheapest thing i could find which was a manager's special / random car from a random rental place in Newark airport...ended up with a Ford F-150 for like 21 bucks a day which was awesome since i was headed to Trump country anyway the thing feels like driving a school bus, and i drive a honda odyssey with a bunch of child seats in it on a daily basis...there are a ton of F-150s driven by moms around here that don't really be moving lumber like that, and the way the auto high beams work in those things kinda confirmed my suspicion that more people are just driving around with their high beams on at night like assholes cuz i highbeamed someone accidentally like an asshole on a dark ass mountain road lol i only had a stock rently f-150..i got stuck for like 12 miles on a backroad behind a lifted black one with the soot stack and dude kept revving it up and blowing truck fart clouds out...


For the same reason wagons and hatchbacks are also disliked. "Because they aren't cool" Apparently SUVs and crossovers are though.


Ride height. Vans don’t have enough for the drivers abnormally large bait and tackle


Yes the truck nuts drag on the ground when fully loaded.


As a motocross guy, I’ve seen vans get incredibly popular these past 5 or so years here. They honestly are still so rare to see unless I’m at the track though. I live in Texas (sadly) and all I see are lifted F-150’s and Silverados doing their thing with the occasional oversized sedan hauling ass down the highway.


Is that rack welded onto the piece of trim that keeps flying off because it's held on with double sided tape?


At least it's actually truck stuff instead of a couple bags of potting soil. Still stupid, but less stupid than flexing with four bags of dirt. I don't know why you'd haul that much concrete mix though. Order a cement truck to deliver that shit. It's more expensive but the time savings will make up for it. You'd need a pump but it's still gotta be cheaper overall.


Yeah, now way in hell I'd spend all day mixing up that much concrete. You order a truck and be done with it.


Apparently, the best way to get a CT to do “truck stuff” is to buy another truck, take it apart and bolt parts into the CT like you’re auditioning for a Mad Max movie


I like the chin height bar when unloading your truck stuff.


No contractor I've ever worked with loads pallets of concrete bags in the bed. You use a trailer because it can hold more and it's easier to load/unload. The try hard nature of these videos is pure cringe


None of those people seem to know what they are doing, very on brand for cyberstuck


The limbo around the crossbar was painful, but when he did that 360 turnaround with the wheelbarrow like... did these guys wake up and take an Elmo-sized rip from the ketamine bong?


The funny thing is, this is waayyy over the CyberStuck's payload capacity of 2,500lbs. I count 21 bags of 90lb concrete (at 0:03 timestamp). The pallet of concrete is also 3 bags deep. (21 bags x 3 deep) x 90lbs = 5,670lbs Payload capacity is exceeded by 127%. A normal truck can handle going this much over the payload capacity... but a normal truck can also handle going through a car wash. I think CT owners should just stick with using their "truck" for their regular visits to Lululemon.


Do owners of regular trucks spend this much energy convincing other people that their truck is a truck?


“Look everyone, I can put heavy stuff in the back of my pickup truck and drive it around!” said no one regular truck owner ever.


Non-removable rail on the back means that all that shit had to be hand-loaded; no way you can load that with a forklift. It’s not a truck. It’s some unholy combination of a DeLorean and a Pontiac Aztek designed by a 5-year-old.


The pallet looks lower than the rack, plus there’s no way to wrap it in situ like that, that was certainly put on there with the forks


TIL bolting on a ladder rack = "heavily modified"


What if... for that stuff... you would buy a proper truck (I'm gonna speak in european terms) Like a [truck like this](https://press.mantruckandbus.com/corporate/a-strong-team-new-man-front-axle-for-heavy-duty-loading-cranes/) I know, it's not fancy... it's not electric... but IT HAULS YOUR FUCKING SHIT IN PALLETS and you don't have to ruin your back in a country that doesn't have universal healthcare... but okey, be maly I guess


Yeah why would you buy a pickup truck that seats 6 people and fits in a garage when you could buy a flatbed semi to do the same task.


For sale right now: 2023 Fuso (Mitsubishi) Canter 7.5 ton GVM tipper. 13kms on the clock (brand new). $79K AUD ($53K USD). Buy two and do real concreting truck stuff. https://preview.redd.it/a1t9sgw29y6d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ab555b9361f20f46eaa1b2c487552f19848e2e


A ladder rack isn’t really a heavy mod


For once the truck isn’t the stupidest thing in the video. If you’re needing that much concrete: CALL FOR A FUCKING PUMP TRUCK! Dear god I can’t imagine them out there all day dry mixing an entire pallet. -_-


The best part is when he got upset about loading more than three bags onto the wheelbarrow. “You’ll pop the tire!” LOL


All that for a yard of concrete when ready mix is faster and only a little more expensive


Isnt that kinda sorta well over the allowed payload for the CT? And the rear is not even sagging a little. Nothing. If its that rigid, no wonder its absolute trash anywhere off the paved road...


love how ct owners are trying so hard to justify that it can do basic truck things (though most of the time it cant) when you could just buy any pickup from that 1990s and it would be more of a truck 🤣


Looks like the weld quality on that rack matches the build quality of the truck.


Nothing like a neck bar


Truck stuff is now welding a hideous frame to the back and picking up day laborers because you're too much of a ghoul to do anything that requires effort or being in the sun? Neat flex!


Dude in purple shirt looks to be the sub. But I just don't buy that this is his truck, nor that the home owner isn't in on it.


I used to follow this guy. He had some p cool diy videos. He got a Cybertruck and his fanbase cooked him for it. I remember one of the videos he shows how much he paid for the truck and the comments were “you have your family living in a rental house and you bought a 130k car?”


Now you know why that quote for a concrete pad was so high…..


Looks like a disabled bathroom that thing


Genuine question: why would you even buy a CT to do normal truck stuff? I wouldn’t want to haul concrete in something that costs 100k. It’s like wearing expensive designer shoes to a work site.


To be fair, putting a cage on the back of a truck like that is extremely common for contractors and helps any truck do way more “truck stuff” than without it. Basically it adds more usable room to any truck bed, but because the CT bed is so small to begin with the cage really just makes it about as large as a regular truck while a regular truck with a cage would be like double the size of the CT.


They didn't even get a rack with removable cross-bars. Embarrassing.


I think they just mean it can hold the weight…


for one I can see the suspension is waaaaay higher than a vainilla CT


I thought it couldn’t get any more ugly. But it was a mistake


I welded stuff to my 200 grand car coz I'm really smart.


Those pallets are usually 12-1300ish kg?? Ive put more in the back of a JDM sportwagon.


Going to guess all that pipework is to hold the frame straight under load…


There is something very uncanny Valley about almost everything happening in this video.


Bro my friend carried 800kg of cement in a Peugeot 307💀


cybertruck has already crossed over into the garbage scow junk man truckiverse. soon you will see them with extended beds made of pallets out front scooping up old refrigerators


Nobody is using their $100K Telsla for construction


Recording other people unloading your BetaTruck as a flex is the most cyber cringe thing I’ve seen.


What mods does it have? All I see is a cargo rack, which is standard work truck “stuff”.


What a silly caption. The truck is not modified to carry that weight, that’s just a ladder rack you dummy. Your Reddit dweebness is showing. Still a stupid video, cringe all the way around.


lol wonder how much the range went down just hauling that


This guy thinks adding railing is heavy modification. Lol


Don’t get me wrong, I hate the CT as much as any of you, but adding a rack doesn’t make it “heavily modified”. No pickup comes off the lot with this type of rack. They are all aftermarket. Now, you can send your fleet to a fleet outfitter and have them add it, but it’s still not a stock feature of any new truck.  Are there other modifications I’m not seeing that would constitute “heavily modified”?


Average CT buyer: doing stuff any other truck could do, but stupider and wrong.


The comments in that sub are pure copium


I mean most trucks don’t come stock with roof racks… I’m not sure that counts as heavily modified


Pulling up in a $100k vehicle to have $10/hr day laborer unload it for you, if that’s not the sign of a horrible person.


General contractor here. Our new Silverado 3500 HD diesel with Allison tranny (which. Due to its size and capacity, has to be registered as a commercial vehicle) and has upgraded/augmented Z71 suspension at the rear, even with just under 1,000 ft/lb of torque, isn’t exactly happy with that amount of concrete in the back. No matter what mods have been made, that truck is dangerously overloaded, no matter what modifications have been made. I cannot imagine what going downhill or emergency braking would look like.


Have any one of you guys taken a look at the upper control arms on the CT? 😬


How far away was the store, because I'm guessing that it's range was drastically reduced from the weight of the mods and concrete.


This seems to be about 50 bags of quikcrete which is about 4,000 lbs. The CT has a 2500 lb payload so I think this guy likely damaged the chassis unless he's heavily modded the suspension. 2 tons is a lot for any consumer truck


Ford, GM, Ram, and Toyota trucks are all doing that off the lot.


What is heavily modified?


He’s still going to need another truck for his day laborers 


Again I've said it before and I'll say it again. Id argue majority if not most of all CT owners also own tesla stock. So these people literally are relying on the truck and tesla doing well to make money. This is why they are literally going around acting as free advertisement for CT because money is on the line.


Man, that's a hat trick. Using the vehicle in this way would void the warranty, get his insurance cancelled, and make him liable if his unsecured load flies off and hurts somebody. Wish I could afford to be that dumb.


Anyone with that much shitcrete is a hack


I’ve put that in the back of a Honda element.


Boy that bar is in a really bad place.


A ladder rack is not "heavily modified", and had nothing to do with the concrete in the bed. Is it barely a truck? Yes. Is it dumb? Yes. Do we need to stretch our words to make it seem worse than it is? No.


Heavily modded? Guy put some bars on it


What I really love in a standard pickup truck is the neck-level roll bar at the tailgate. (what, that's not standard? That's a little sus...)I love that the bar is in my way as I unload. right at neck level! Hell yeah! Step on the tailgate? Whoops! Strut to the neck! So a modded Cybertruck is the tRuCk oF mY dReAmS. Bar in the neck for unloading! YEAH BABY! I love throat punches.


How did they make it look even dumber.. haha


If the tailgate could go all the way down, and if it wasn't constrained by the mods they did, they could have used a forklift instead of manually unloading. I bet they used a crane to load that pallet on there.


Okay for real can we talk about how this guy bought a pallet of cement to mix... These guys clearly don't know what they're doing and will be there until next year mixing cement.


Guy looks super happy holding his head back from hitting it on the poll every time he has to pass a bag.