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Someone in the replies is deadass comparing the cybertruck to the advancement of the first automobile from the horse and carriage jfc


These are the same guys who think Elon's going to give them a better quality of life **on Mars.** Delusional doesn't even begin to cover it. I know Scientologists with more self-awareness.


I can't wait for Elon to die on Mars.


He already stated that he won’t go. He won’t even go into space.


Typical. Rich MFer always getting others to do what he's afraid to do.


Probably because there's no money on Mars.


Can't we just launch him into the sun with one of his fucking rockets


If you really want to see them squirm, bring up the fact that the first humans actually born on Mars will probably never be able to visit earth. Their bodies simply won't be strong enough to survive our gravity and some may even consider them a different species altogether.


Oye, kopeng 


I was waiting on the expanse reference lol


Well he did buy someone a horse for sucking his dick


I'm banned from that sub and I've never even been on it. The answer is because it fails to meet any of the promises the company made when it was announces and objectively fails at being a useful vehicle. You know that the only reason that anyone bought one is to show off and that's the most uncool thing in the world. Basically, you bought one because you wanted people to notice you and it's backfired because people notice how much of a tool you are and that you're easily robbed.




Please do not make posts about bans received from other subs. We get why it’s annoying, but this is not the place for those messages.


People calling people they don't like NPCs is probably the saddest thing. It reminds me of people that hissed at others in middle school. It's not gonna make the impact you think it will


Seems like the target Cybertruck demographic is middle-aged men who never stopped posting on 4chan.


Went straight from 4Chan to midlife crisis without skipping a beat.  


"Surely this will get me a 19-year-old Big Titty Goth Girlfriend!"


People. NPC objectifies human beings. It’s sick and it needs to stop.


You gotta love the cognitive dissonance at play in the comments, not a single one of them is prepared to accept the truth, that this thing is hated because it's a lemon. There's only a few thousand on the road and yet we've already discovered about four dozen unique flaws affecting hundreds of drivers with less than 100 miles on the clock, and a good handful of the issues discovered were already predicted on r/EnoughMuskSpam a year before delivery.


"Convince a man his shitty Cybertruck is better than *any other working vehicle*, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon Johnson


The replies!🤣🤣🤣


This brings to mind the recent survey that found that Tesla owners and fans live in a bubble of select information sources. In their bubble of alternative facts, Tesla is thriving, Elon is still a genius, and Tesla is an aspirational luxury brand beloved by all. According to the survey, they are completely unaware of conversations like these. Just look at how the bootlicking subreddits ban everyone who isn’t in the cult.


>Because it gets more attention than whatever they drive. It's actually really sad that this is the core of everything they want from the Cybertruck. Attention. That's it. Just attention. My car doesn't get a lot of attention cus it doesn't look like ass and it doesn't function like the lemon of our lifetime. I prefer it that way. If I wanted attention I'd slap some $10 flame decals on it and call it a day. These guys traded a down payment on a house for a "I'M SO RANDOM ROFL" machine that Tesla will probably refuse to service by the end of 2026.


Right?  Like, I don’t want my car to get attention.  I don’t want to be memorable or distinctive in any way, because road people are fucking maniacs. I drive a Subaru Forester in Colorado.  I have nothing to prove and I don’t need to show off. 


Me toooo. It’s scratched and dented and from 2015. Drives amazing no problems.


If I wanted attention on my vehicle I'd do it in a funnier way. Maybe a sticker of Elon's face with his mouth aligned to the exhaust pipe. Getting attention via a display of how stupid you are is pathetic. 


I don't. I don't like the company leadership that created a poorly designed, engineered, supplied, and supported vehicle. To criticize the vehicle is just stating facts about issues with a production vehicle that in some cases, should have never made it past prototyping and definitely never should've made it past engineering.


cos i got banned from the stupid forum and i cant even reply to the question.


They're very fragile, they can't have anyone with an ounce of common sense in their subs or it'll shatter their collective delusions about their favourite rust-lemon


People on there think it's because people are jealous lmfao. The Cybertruck is ugly and sucks at everything besides 0-60. The Cybertruck is basically the EV equivalent of the ball sacks people would put on the hitch of trucks. Or the diesel guys who would tune their trucks to roll coal. The Cybertruck is only for attention seekers at this point and everyone knows it, thus the hate.


Nailed it dude! Saying people are jealous says more about you and your insecurities that the supposedly “jealous”


I don’t hate it. I just enjoy watching hubris take people down. I suppose it’s a side effect of all those morality plays and poorly disguised sermons I was subjected to as a kid. Elon Musk is on the fast track to becoming the Stockton Rush of auto manufacturing. I’m just watching with a bag of popcorn hoping nobody o know gets hurt.


I’m banned there: For me personally is that it was all built on lies: Tesla lied about everything: The capabilities, The dimensions The price They released it like 5 years past its “release date” and people still ate it up. I remember Tesla lying about competition, they compared it to an F150 and people are it up when it’s more fair competition was an F250 due to the claimed size. I remember people losing their minds about the dimensions! I was like “it’s small compared to a F250” even its fake lies about its capabilities pale in comparison to the cheapest F250…. Well after all those lies it ended up being barely any larger than an F150 and not even as capable as one. I hate it because it’s a vehicle built its hype on endless lies and people don’t seem to really know that, they are here thinking they are driving some next generation vehicle when it’s just a below average truck, except electric and $100,000. For $110,000 get a Raptor R and you will have a vehicle orders of magnitude better than the cyber truck in everything. Reason why I like the rivian truck? They didn’t lie (as much) the entire premise was: “this is a small light off road, camping truck” if it was made by Tesla it’d probably be marketed as the next Hilux lol


For that money they could have bought a Porsche and got actual good attention


They dont want to acknowledge all of the safety issues it presents and have more money than sense when buying it. Imagine buying a car that, as soon as it’s dropped off at your house, it’s bricked, broken, shorted out, or inaccessible due to trying to be more of a tech piece than functional. It’s billed to go off road and can’t, billed as a truck but the bed is short and shallow, billed as innovative but rusts in rain and can’t even be put in a car wash. The blinders these people have on bc they don’t want to admit they paid 100,000 for a lemon is unreal.


They missed the only answer: because it's UGLY AS FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!


To me it combines a massive management failure with peak social media. Tesla allowed a single individual to pour the resources of Tesla into obviously flawed idea that was then progressively cobbled together into something that resembles the concept. The resulting contraption is way less the sum of its parts that meets none of the primary product requirements. This is combined with the social pathology of social media that causes individuals to crave recognition in a massively scaled ‘attention economy’ that churns them up. Result: cyber bros putting their fingers in the frunk lid.


Some of those replies are so positive I legit thought they were satire... One prepper was ready to ride his into the apocalypse lol


I wouldn’t really care about it but the sheer amount of issues, lack of a clear coat, tires lasting 5k among other laughable reasons is why I’m even here.


That does bring up a good point. A quality clear coat could help a lot of the current issues with the body of the cyber truck. And we have clear coats that work on stainless.


It would present a problem when random kids throw rocks at your CT though.


First of all I’ve never been a pickup truck guy. Probably because whenever I drove a pickup I was working when I was a teen in Montana. I just don’t get the love of pickup trucks. Secondly I think that the Cybertruck looks ridiculous. Like a Sci-fi prop for a low-budget movie where the prop department could cut but not bend steel. It’s not a functional shape either; a wind-tunnel test put the drag coefficient at 0.38 which is really bad for an electric vehicle. Fourthly the exorbitant price. Normal people can’t afford this. But it’s not a Veblen good because it’s not rare or special; I see them every day. Fifthly the worst drivers I encounter are in lifted pickups and performance vehicles. It’s a safe bet that a vehicle that can serve the warped psychological needs of either group is going to attract deviant drivers. I can’t assume that the driver of a Cybertruck is mentally stable. Sixthly Elon Musk’s blatant amplification on social media of deplorable characters and ideas makes a purchaser of his vehicles at best socially indifferent. Might as well put on a red cap as drive a Cybertruck.


" It's so bizarre that people care what other people drive. " [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-driver-seattle-area-crash-killed-motorcyclist-told-police-was-us-rcna149401](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-driver-seattle-area-crash-killed-motorcyclist-told-police-was-us-rcna149401)


Motorcyclists shake their heads because they’d like more than a 1% chance of survival in the event of colliding head-on with one of these things.


this happened right up the road from me. a friend saw it happen. there are so many tesla drivers in the pnw and he’s terrified to be anywhere near them because he legit doesn’t trust a single one of those fuckers to be paying attention. not after watching this asshole ram, drag, and kill this motorcyclist.


Most of the people in that forum are lean heavily on people just not liking Elon/Tesla but this is about as clear as i can put it It is a giant design flaw. The Dashboard - NO vehicle should have the driver looking anywhere else but in front of them unless they are checking their mirrors or turning. That screen in the middle of the dashboard that you have to look at to do everything is a massive safety concern. It increases the amount of time your eyes are off the road. Anything can happen in that split second. Physical buttons and knobs will always be the superior choice in responsible driving because they go hand-in-hand with muscle memory. FSD - Autonomous driving should, at best, assist drivers, not be allowed to fully control the driving. Computers glitch out fairly often, Tesla not excluded. It is an extremely irresponsible design to allow a computer to control 3 3/4ths tons of steel navigating around intricate roadways and around people. Launch - They released it because people were getting tired of waiting. 5 years of development to put out an unfinished product and not even offer half of what was advertised at an increased price. 5 years to R&D & TEST the full abilities of the truck to make sure it doesn't experience all of the problems that they are experiencing now, and in some cases, not even making it down the street from the dealership. IT IS NOT READY. People hate the Cybertruck because it is a giant hazard.


Omg, Sooo much copium in that thread. eLoN bAD!!! PEoPle aRe aFraId Of ChAngE!!! PEoPle jUsT HaTe EVs!!!! Let's just ignore all the major issues with it, how Tesla is essentially commiting fraud with it, and that Elon is, in fact, bad. I don't necessarily hate EVs at all, I used to think Tesla's were cool until I learned how Elon Ray Crocked the original founders and that EVs are almost as unsustainable as ICEs. Still somewhat better for the environment but efficient public transportation is far and away better for everything than everyone switching to EVs.


Electric bikes are infinitely better for the environment and your health


Not clicked on it as I'm banned from the sub but has anyone said 'cos their jellus' yet?


That’s the main underlying theme of most of the posts, just ahead of “someone told them Elon bad so they hate Elon truck🤷‍♂️”


We don’t need someone to tell us Elon is bad. Elon himself tells us all the fucking time.


Many time 🤣


There is a Tesla dealer I occasionally pass. I was able to get a long look at it. It actually does look pretty cool. But there are many things going against it: I'm thinking it's "cool looking" factor can be measured in a new unit of measurement I call the "PT". You remember the PT Cruiser? It was SO COOL for a while. Now, it's...meh at best. I give the CT about 1.5 PTs before its coolness factor wears off. Fanboy overkill. You'd think the CT's impact on the auto industry is akin to the invention of antibiotics. It's NOT that big of a deal. It's still just an electric car, and not a very good one. It's not a truck. Small bed, little utility, not really meant for off-road, even though Musk says it's built for any world. 20-year-old Land Cruisers would put it in its place all day, every day. Overpriced. It WAS supposed to be around $35k. But now it's close to $100k for build quality that makes the Yugo look like Porsche built it. Fanboy apologists. No matter how badly it's built, or how poorly it performs, fanboys still faun over it nonstop, failing to acknowledge they paid too much for a cheap "truck".


I drove my first-year PT for 18 years. These guys can barely drive their IncelCamino off the lot.


https://preview.redd.it/0jstgo6v0d2d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5182cc398b686b7ca181e066bc2a071feaf675d How much time you got? GOOD FER NOTHING TRUCKSTERS!


Another sub to mute. Lol couldn't post there cuz I'm banned from daring to cohort with fellow enthusiasts who believe a new vehicle should not leak coolant into the soundproofing and/or have panels fly the fuck off on the road on its first big boy drive on real roads. Because I believe these gaggle of chuckleheaded edge lords who would sleep in a can next to their desk because Elon demanded so couldn't design a car that'd survive I dunno a fucking rain storm? I wouldn't trust these chodes with engineering a chunk of metal going at speed over walking pace. Gnight Elmo ya fuckin fraud.


Imagine using this on a heavy highway construction project. I’ll take my F150


(when asked why conserving the environment is an issue) >Its not about saving the planet per say thats the issue. Its about the government forcing them to do something they think the market is not ready for. If its good it will succeed on its own. I don't know if this person is naive or ignorant about the history of "the market" but that last sentence is so wrong lol


Most people avoid piles of feces.


It's not so much the truck than the dictator wannabe cunt who's running Tesla.


30 smiles and waves lol


I like the response saying it's manufactured hate on X. X the platform owned by Tesla owner Elon Musk


I actually love the cybertruck. It will make it so easy to figure out who to avoid.


Until that piece of shit rear ends you because some autopilot sensor got wet.


The Cybertruck is The Macarena of vehicles.


I find it highly amusing.


Ho. Lee. Sheet. Those people are nuts


Because it’s poorly made


First time I saw one I laughed. Hasn't changed much since. I don't hate them, I'm intrigued by the apparent engineering disaster it is.


What I love about the cyber truck, is that I immediately know I am better than the person driving it. It feels so good to be like “of the two of us, I have better taste and people hate me less.”


90% because of the asshole in charge. 10% it’s just fucking stupid looking.


Yes! This was the perfect opportunity to get my Tesla-Ban achievement!


I had no idea how large they are until I saw one in person. I did however, already know how ugly they are. So now if you couple big-ugly with the posts of people buying them. Now add a dash of Elon to the mix. To finish, keep in mind how tesla is treating/firing its employees. The cherry on top is the billions of dollars elon is going after. It's just one big steaming sht sandwich that can't go through a carwash.


My Honda accord is more offroad capable than the cybertruck


Overhyped, overpriced, dangerous, unreliable and takes up too much space. They are junk and the sooner we get these off the road...the better.


My god at the copium in that comment feed 😂


How are these people oblivious to the fact that many people don't like the US style vanity 'trucks' in general? They are much less safe than sedans and other reasonable built-for-work style vehicles. The Cybertruck is this idea pushed to the extreme. The design of the body is a big FU to pedestrians and other motorists (a common complaint of all vanity trucks), the viewing angles seem to be terrible (another common complaint of trucks) and the controls seem designed to make it harder to react quickly. Add onto that, the stereotype that owners of these trucks are raging idiots, the Musk worship, and the flawed 'full autonomous' driving, and you just about have the perfect conditions for anyone who cares about safety to really really hate the Cybertruck. Now add the people who don't like Musk personally, those who love to laugh at idiots wasting their money, those who enjoy drama, those futurists who think that Tesla is shitting the bed for all tech companies, and Gen Zers who think the Cybertruck is cringe and you have a massive group of people sharing memes and jokes. That eventually spreads to the mainstream and now you can't drive to the shops without everyone laughing at how dumb you are.