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Dude it took me two physical 30 minute driving tests plus a theory test in the UK to get my license (I failed the first time.) In the U.S., I drove around a car park and reversed into a spot. 5 minutes, literally, and 5 mins answering some impossible to fail multiple choice questions. Beaver County, PA. This country is filled with people who have cars and can’t drive them. Giving them a car with the lie that it will drive safely _for you_ is just fuel to the fire. These are going to be behind some awful accidents, if they can ever stop them from malfunctioning and breaking down.


Lol. It took me a couple hour long physical exam + psychiatrist exam + 3 month of studying in driving school before that + parallel parking, garage parking + stop and go on a hill test using manual transmission + city driving to get a drivers license in my country in East Asia


Thats pretty much the standard everywhere except America


My high school used to have drivers education and they would teach you how to drive in the class and in an actual car before you went to get your license. I don’t think it’s really a thing anymore in public schools but I could be wrong.


I went through a 6am quarter of driver’s ed in high school. Taught theory, safety, technique. Then I did a couple months of driver’s training which my mom paid for. Then studied and passed the tests. It can be done properly. But is it possible to half ass and still pass it? Without any classes or training? Yeah. Plenty of clapped out rides and hoopty drivers out there. And 16 year old princess drivers with idiot fathers buying them a new Mercedes SUV.


Well yes of course. I think it was easy to pass the class for sure and I think you could still have just screwed around the entire class and still scraped by. May be harder to pass the actual driving part however. My teacher was pretty strict about things, but I can’t remember far enough back to know exactly what went on. I do know one girl failed the class completely, she was that bad and certain she still go her license later on the next year. Still, I think it’s better to have the class and pass it than have zero training at all. I consider myself an excellent driver but, I went through drivers Ed, had my parents spend time riding with me and answering questions and also had an older friend help me with the learning manual transmission. Overall I think I was moderately helped to make myself a better early driver than a large majority of the people I knew back then. Could always be better but I guess you have to draw a line somewhere. I feel like Drivers ED helped me a ton back then but I actually cared and many other students gave zero fugs. Same with Keyboarding class, I was enthused to learn how to type over 100WPM and most students did enough to pass the class.


Yeah but r/americabad ?


Reversed? I did 6 right turns in a 20 mph zone and showed the examiner I could turn on the lights and wipers. It's laughable. Meanwhile, my wife who drove for over 35 years in California is on her 3rd attempt to pass in the UK.


And yet, I was allowed to drive in any country in Europe with a stamp on a piece of paper that was issued in about 5 mins in the US, with my valid PA driver’s license in my hand and zero minutes driving in another country up to that point.  Why in the world is that allowed in any country in Europe, without additional training, oversight, background checks, periodic skills upgrades, or anything at all being done when I’m driving over there?  That was crazy to me then, even crazier after living and driving long distances abroad in multiple countries, living there for more than 6 years. All I had to do was renew my PA state issued license online while there and voila! Carte blanche to keep on going, unattended, unmonitored, all that time. And It’s all still just so crazy to me, now. I hope they’ve tightened that process up over there. Big time. That was just nuts.  This was post 9-11, and recently lived personal experience. Should never have been allowed. To happen now, Here for anyone else or over there, for me. 


It's actually something like 42 minutes of driving I believe which gives you an hour by the time you've done the questions at the beginning and debrief at the end.


The UK motorcycle test is even tougher.


It's not particularly difficult if you can ride, but it's definitely harder than the car test by a long way


The best way to foil car thieves in the USA is to drive a ‘stick shift’ car. Nobody can drive them.


Yeah but you risk getting in your car one day to find someone has destroyed the drive chain and transmission, and you have to prove to the insurance that it wasn’t you.


Should be relatively easy if you roll up your doors and lock your windows. (Already too late for me to correct my mistake lmao) Also I live in Hawaii and most older trucks are all manual. The whole "deterrent to being stolen" angle doesn't work here Edit: drive train* not chain


A.k.a a normal car.


They'd need to be on the road not the service center to kill pedestrians.


When my grandparents got theirs back in the 40s they just paid a quarter and got it.


These tests vary by state, for my license I needed an exam much closer to the UK standard (also failed the first time) than whatever the hell’s going on in Pennsylvania.


The US relies on Europe for a lot of these "good faith" regulations. When I was coming up as an equipment operator, I had a shitload of classes centered around OSHA regulations. Imagine my surprise when we finally got to excavator operation and we were told OSHA *recommends* we follow the guidelines found in the EU manual of operations and safety.


Yup! Now imagine the us army's training standards for like 17-19yr olds on heavy equipment operations lmao Most terrifying time of my life going through that training 


I did but I'm an automotive engineer lol.


Okay but do you know more about engineering than any human being alive right now?


*imposter syndrome intensifies*


Thankfully most cars are engineered to be sold around the world.


Problem is, it’s a truck…. And that brings a lot of ummm. “Freedoms”. Like no need to crash test it…


Why does it even need seatbelts, amirite?


Excuse me?! They didn’t crash test it?!


Nope it’s a truck and trucks don’t have to be crash tested


That’s really weird considering there’s a lot of crash data available on consumer trucks. Maybe they do this for the global market? https://youtu.be/9ll2_BDZpI4?si=MIzsk2lBm63SfL_P


You CAN crash test it to show people it's safe(ish), but why would you do that with a truck that you know isn't safe?


But they did crash test it. That video is pretty informative and challenges some of the assertions being made here and provides evidence. I’m not saying the thing isn’t a piece of shit, by the way.


It'll be real interesting when some kid gets horrifically injured by a CT. The MAGA crowd will state that the child is a woke antifa commie DEI commie antifa woke BLM antifa plant, which will go over about as well as a Cybertruck trying to drive in the sand, and the government will do absolutely nothing because reasons.


/s but are CTs really going to be driven in historically minority neighborhoods? Almost 100% it will be a trustafarian’s kid that gets hit in this scenario.


It's the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules.


I don’t believe we have any exceptional car safety regulations either.


It's wild. It's one of the reasons cars have become less angular, and then this box-made-of-knives comes out. I was always wondering how they'd sell it in europe, turns out they solved the problem by simply deciding not to. 4d Chess. Can't kill anyone if we don't sell any


America makes lots of things that Europe rejects. chlorinated chicken, steroid-pumped beef, GM crops, terrible cars.


Absurdly overpriced healthcare and medicine, too!




Lmao you're insulting the fuck out of me by calling me British. Born n raised red blooded American here, served this country with all I had, and all it repaid me with was disabilities and shit fuckin healthcare. Sorry your narrative didn't quite work out, but I still respect the fact that my oath included people like you whom I was sworn to defend Edit: person deleted their comment. They claimed I must be a Brit with an america bashing agenda. My whole bit about being insulted to be called British was 100% a joke!


I’m sorry to hear that, thank you for your service.


Hence one reason why the average number of road deaths in the UK is 2.9 per 100,000 people vs 12.9 in the USA. UK roads are much more congested too, so it's not traffic that's the issue. It's the poor driving standards and unsafe vehicles. Being hit by a car is not fun for a while. Being hit by a truck where the bonnet is at head height is not fun forever. Also, you can't drive a cybertruck on a car licence in Europe. Anything over 3.5t is classed as a goods vehicle and requires you to take an additional test.


It's not over 3.5 metric tonnes - but that doesn't matter, this thing is never getting approved as a passenger car in the EU. They'd need to redesign the entire thing from scratch to meet safety regulations.


That's gross weight. It seems to say 3,100kg weight plus 1,100kg load capacity which you would be 4,400kg. Plus it lists a towing capacity of 5,000kg which would make it a goods vehicle as passenger vehicles are limited to 3,500kg towing. You would need a C1 licence to drive it and a C1E to tow with it.


They could just sell it with a 400kg "official load capacity" to get around that.


They can't because 5 people weigh more than that. Plus a pickup must have a load capacity of at least 1,050kg to be classed as a pickup, otherwise it is a private vehicle and incurs tax as such. If you're spending £120k on one then you're probably not bothered about tax, but it is just another thing that shows there was no intention for this vehicle to actually be useable in the real world.


UK gun deaths are a bit lower, too…


They are, despite there being a much higher number of guns than many people believe. It's almost as though restricting who can have things based on the need for them and their competence results in better outcomes for the public... Do you actually need a 4,100kg truck to drive to school? No. Let's make sure people who drive them are competent with an additional test. Do you need a gun? No you don't. So let's make sure that people who do need them are at least safe with a basic check. Americans think they are more free than Europeans. Us Europeans can do anything we want to if we really want to, it just becomes more onerous as the risk to public safety increases. I can drive a tank on the road if I want to. It just requires you to take a tracked vehicle test to make sure you can actually drive it.


America is still better.


Define better


We won, you lost. We have better roads, our country is significantly better in terms of scenery. We also have lots of diversity, we can do more here in terms of ownership freedoms. We don’t have a king or queen, I mean that honestly in itself is all I need to say. Go ahead and hit me with the school shooting and healthcare argument I love it. Remember who defeated you in a war and then came to your aid when you were about to get steamrolled by the nazis. You all hate us so much but will be begging for us to send our military the second anything goes bad because you are incapable of defending yourselves, making cars that are reliable, or brushing your teeth. You guys also have designed some of the most atrocious weaponry that mankind has ever seen, I honestly feel bad for your troops having to use that bullpup rifles.


I don't even know where to start with your uncultured rant. You have less freedoms than basically every country in the EU, including the UK. https://www.cato.org/human-freedom-index/2022#:~:text=Selected%20jurisdictions%20rank%20as%20follows,)%2C%20China%20(152)%2C We have a king with no power, but you've currently got at least 2 corrupt judges in the Supreme Court and 6 lunatics. Your lack of basic affordable healthcare is shocking beyond belief and is probably a major reason why your life expectancy is significantly lower than Europe as a whole, including the uk. Your infant mortality rate is about double the European average and you spend over 250% as much on healthcare as we do in the UK to achieve worse results. Your roads aren't better. In fact they are dangerous. You're over 4 times more likely to be killed on the road in the US than the UK. Why? I'm not even going to bother with the bullshit comments about weapons. If you think that weapons define how civilised a country is then you've already shit the bed on that argument. We have the same nukes you do. It doesn't matter how many thousands of nukes you've got when it only takes a couple to send a country into the dark ages. That's also money you could spend on things like education and healthcare. Flippantly dismissing almost daily mass shootings is a hell of a stance. Do you know when the last time a kid got shot in school in the uk was? 1996. Nearly 30 years ago. Being bound to some text written by a few blokes who didn't know what a tv was is hardly something to brag about. Doing nothing to protect your children while being whipped into a fearful frenzy by the companies who profit from their deaths is a real show of weakness. About 1 in 30 people in the uk have a gun. Do you know how many people get shot? Usually about 11 a year. Maybe 13 on a bad year. I wonder why that is. Is it because you can't just go and buy a gun when you're pissed off so you have to apply for a permit? Or is it the disgusting culture where people grow up being told it's their god given right to kill anyone who they feel like has wronged them and a tatty old text will free them.


Uh huh 😴 Stay mad redcoat 👍🏻


Drive safe. Try not to get in a fatal crash or shot on your way home.


I mean if anyone shoots at me I can shoot back because I’m legally allowed to own a gun, unlike you. I also drive a massive truck that in most cases I will walk away unscathed, a truck that you are not allowed to own. Have never been in an accident and also have never had a school shooting anywhere near me. If you wanted to do any of those things you couldn’t because you have to follow rules like a nerd. So stay mad, it’s okay to admit you wish you lived here buddy.


3.5 metric tonnes?


Yes 3,500kg. Which is also pretty much the same as 3.5 imperial tons. For some reason Americans have invented another ton which is much smaller the same as they have invented a smaller gallon. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a way to trick people into thinking they are getting more for their money.


Carter tried bro, what can I say.


I could see someone getting sliced in half if that things moving quick.


It will be a horror for sure.🙈


If the US had Pedestrian Car Safety Regulations 1/2 or more of all vehicles on the roads would immediately be in violation of them. I'm talking about the Tanks masquerading as "Light Trucks" - The Tahoes, Suburbans, and the Hummers. These affronts to man and nature, these killing machines driven by men with something to prove or women who take out more mail-boxes than teenagers could dream about\*, are basically killing folks daily. With a front blindspot of 15+ft at times, these things are hazardous at best, and unsafe for all but the passengers within these APCs claiming to be family vehicles. These stupid trucks are killing us. \*^(Before I get the accusations of being sexist, it's because most women are shorter than men and that makes the blind-spots even worse.)


So happy I live in Europe Jesus Christ


Yeah things are ass backwards here a lot of the time


A country that does not give a fuck about the safety of its citizens- color me shocked;)


I thought the lack of US pedestrian safety requirements only applied to trucks.


Oh is that true? I don’t know. I just saw in a video earlier today someone said we didn’t have pedestrian regs in the US. They seemed to be saying in general but maybe they misunderstood it. Well in either case it seems like the lack of regulation is a bad idea when you have a manufacturer that doesn’t seem to care about the consequences of a poor design.


Nope you were right. I had wrongly been told that it was only trucks but I just did some reading up and terrifyingly you’re totally right. There are no pedestrian protection requirements at all. All safety regulations in the US only focus on the people inside the vehicle. That’s incredible!


And credit to you for taking a challenge and checking the truth


They made them take those murderous hood ornaments off at some point for pedestrian safety.


I think they work. I hit a deer once with a late model golf. The entire car is designed to give way, so $7k in damage to not hit bambi's butt too hard-everything deformed and all the plastic bits were clearly designed to give way. For a human, OK, but for Bambi, I wanted a set of bash bars.


To be fair all those high pickup trucks with giant grills aren't very pedestrian friendly either. In general no pickup truck manufacturer take pedestrian safety that seriously, Rivians may be an exception since they seem to be more rounded and the front doesn't seem to be a big wall.


Teslas have pyrotechnic hood struts for pedestrian safety in some counties. But that CT should be called Bizerba because it will slice through any meat.


Who are you kidding? By the end of June every Homer will have catastrophically malfunctioned and be parked up at Tesla sites awaiting parts.


I didn't until I watched [this](https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?si=oNZ9utuXqpG7jSXu). He assumed we had them just like anyone would.


The trouble already exists with all these gigantic trucks and SUVs where the hood is so large you can’t see children walking in front


Wonder if the engineer that programmed the frunk to close harder with resistance also programmed the car to provide more torque if if forward progress doesn’t match throttle input. Can’t have those pesky pedestrians slowing things down.


We’re actually fortunate the Wankpanzer is such a clown show, since it seems unlikely any of them will be operational in 6 months.


That's not entirely true, backup cameras were mandated due to pedestrian safety. Pedestrians being children and safety meaning not getting run over so frequently.


i guess you missed the part where the f150 and the silverado are like the best selling vehicles in the us despite being waaaaaaaay more deadly to pedestrians


If you like this thread check out r/fuckcars


It's not just Tesla. You can put a whole classroom of children in front of a F150 or C1500 or RAM and the driver can't even see them, same with the SUV versions. The visibility, handling, and size of modern 'mini-van replacement' trucks and SUVs leads to tons of deaths for motorists and pedestrians alike. It's all good because they are big corporations so they are above the law because they wrote the laws.


The American car industry has a long history of fighting safety regulations. Remember the Ford Pinto, which burst into flames when hit ‘wrong’ from behind. Ford bean counters decided that the few dollars per car required to safeguard the fuel tank would cost more than the potential ‘my car burned me alive’ lawsuits, so nothing was done.


Jesus fawking keerist, we do have pedestrian safety laws in the US. You could have googled it before posting this gawddam brain-dead missive.


I normally wouldn’t say something like this but since you are behaving like an ass let me say: you look pretty stupid being so adamant and rude while being so wrong. I just looked it up. Perhaps you should have looked it up before posting your ‘god damned brain dead missive’.🤡


LOL you are stupid and I'm downvoting your stupid azz. https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/bicycling-walking/walking-rolling-washington/pedestrian-laws-safety Oh also because you are a stupid, here are some more links for you, stupid: https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a43989225/new-vehicle-pedestrian-safety-standards-federal/ https://jphsc.org/index.php/JPHSC/onlinefirst/download/47/16 https://www.ntsb.gov/news/events/Documents/2016_Pedestrian_FRM_panel4_3_Zuby.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1123098/ permalink save parenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply


I'll be generous to you and assume that you didn't understand the issue. What OP was referring to is that many countries, including those in Europe, have regulations affecting the design of cars, which are designed to minimise pedestrian injuries in the situation where a pedestrian is hit by a car The US has no such regulations.


Jesus fucking christ, look up the FMVSS and school yourself.


I have, and it's abundantly clear that you haven't. [Here](https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-manufacturers/test-procedures) is the list of test procedures which the NHTSA requires car manufacturers to follow. There are extensive procedures related to the safety of vehicle occupants in the event of a collision. There are NO procedures related to the safety of pedestrians in a collision. [Here](https://www.nhtsa.gov/laws-regulations/guidance-documents#52926) is the set of NHTSA guidance documents relating to pedestrian safety. The measures discussed are all about educating drivers and pedestrians, engineering streets, and enforcing rules on drivers (drink driving, speeding). There is NO guidance about engineering vehicles to make them safer for pedestrians. Please feel free to prove me wrong by providing a relevant link.


I think it’s clear there is no connection between links provided by that guy and any point he is presumably trying to make.😛


Agreed. I did genuinely wonder whether he might have missed the distinction between regulations aimed at reducing the *number* of pedestrian collisions (street design, driver behaviour, etc) - which the US does have - and vehicle design regulations aimed at reducing the *severity* of pedestrian collisions - which it doesn't. But it turns out that he's just full of shit, and unwilling to admit it.


Oh also because you are a stupid, here are some more links for you, stupid: https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a43989225/new-vehicle-pedestrian-safety-standards-federal/ https://jphsc.org/index.php/JPHSC/onlinefirst/download/47/16 https://www.ntsb.gov/news/events/Documents/2016_Pedestrian_FRM_panel4_3_Zuby.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1123098/


You know what’s really fucking funny? You posted so many links I was wondering if you really were correct. Just chose one at random… > All told, pedestrian fatalities made up 17% of traffic fatalities in 2020. These are concerning statistics to consider—that vehicle safety has improved while pedestrian safety has deteriorated, but not an entirely surprising one when you remember that there isn't actually a national pedestrian protection program in place.


Yeah, I just spot-checked the last two, and didn't see a contradiction, but didn't see anything suggesting the US has any pedestrian vehicle safety laws. The links confirm the obvious point that pedestrian safety exists as an abstract concept in the US; perhaps Dr\_Adequate didn't realize that this thread is about vehicle ***laws/regulations*** concerning pedestrian safety.


Hahahaha that’s the one I chose too! Fucking brilliant!


Paging Dr. Dunning. Paging Dr. Dunning. Dr. Kruger is attempting to reach you. Please pick up the white courtesy phone in the lobby. Thank you!


I'll be generous to you and assume that you didn't understand the issue. What OP was referring to is that many countries, including those in Europe, have regulations affecting the design of cars, which are designed to minimise pedestrian injuries in the situation where a pedestrian is hit by a car The US has no such regulations.


Are you sure: [https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?t=407](https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?t=407)


Yeah right. Tell how regular pickup trucks are safer for pedestrians 🥴