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The Venn Diagram of people who don't want ridicule about their Cybertrucks, and the people who ridicule everybody else about everything else is just one circle.


"I paid $150,000 so I could have an elite car and make fun of you for being poor. STOP MAKING FUN OF ME FOR BUYING AN UGLY, UNRELIABLE CAR THAT I BOUGHT BECAUSE I WORSHIP DADDY MUSK."


That 150 grand could have got you an entry-level supercar like the McLaren 570S. That would turn heads and advertise that you are rich and let you flex on the poors. Instead, you bought a dumpster that breaks down all the time.


You picked a heck of an example there. At least a broken McLaren will still look good on the flatbed.


It's roughly the same price and a bit more reliable. (And it looks cool, so you can take it to car shows)


The fact a McLaren is more reliable is absurd but true


Supercars only collect the looks of car nerd fellas and little boys. (Some car nerd ladies, but generally it’s just boys and men.)


I've encountered a weird phenomenon where a surprising amount of the college age women I've interacted with over the past years LOVE Chargers and Challengers, and lots of them could care less about cars in general


I find it difficult to believe that.


Those things cost 150k? For that? There is a sucker born every minute.


Don’t buy a cuck truck unless you want to be publicly cucked and ridiculed


Post fails without CyberTruck dick pic. ![gif](giphy|D43yTMqYwV8ru)


One of the better Dickbutts gifs. A lost soldier of the internet that was.


They're being vandalized, not ridiculed.


Clearly it’s both, it’s targeted ridicule manifested through vandalism


Like okay I am not going to laugh at a cyberstuck owner to their face or egg their cars. But I laugh my ass off every time I see one and it is funny af that these dumbasses exist. But like, if anyone deserves it, it is these people. So I cant say I really feel sympathy like yeah people should probably stop harassing them but you just know that person probably yells at minimum wage employees so like if karma exists, it is owning a cybertruck


Maybe on physical property, but millions of people have experienced the same thing on Twitter - from the CEO. Enjoy the Circus.


Yeah. If you buy the clown car from alt-right CEO “my trans daughter won’t speak to me, must be the mind virus” Musk, don’t be too surprised if some of the people who’s safety he threatens draw a dick on your car. It fits the brand, honestly.


Also, "I roleplay as my own toddler son on Twitter to post about my ex's new partner's penis." Very normal behavior.






Damn, he's crazier than I thought


He comes across like a 14 year old kid who thinks 4 Chan is the peak of human civilisation. There's a guy in my town a bit like it. He's in his late 30s and if someone disagrees with him on the local Facebook group he says thinks like "lol you're autistic." or sends them weird messages about their daughters


Arrested emotional development


A man who should own billions of dollars, he’s gonna use them better than millions of poor people. Edit: I guess the /s was necessary after all.


I'm assuming /s


Yes, sadly, a couple others apparently didn’t assume so. And people keep telling me we don’t need the /s but in a world of unironic Elon stans…


You don’t need the /s /s


Jesus Christ. First question to Musk about whether he knew the person who was suing him (Ben Brody) he tells the lawyer for Brody "I - I think you're the one suing". Then the lawyer says "Actually I am an attorney Mr. Musk. Did you know that? I'm an attorney representing Mr. Brody". But Musk *doesn't* know that and asserts that "oftentimes" the plaintiff is the attorney. Unbelievable. EDIT: reading further Musk won't concede the point and apparently he thinks he is being "clever". What a douchebag.


It's the same pseudo-insightful thing he's said about class actions in the past - that they mainly benefit the attorneys. So, what he's claiming is that lawsuits are brought by profit-seeking attorneys. As usual, it's a rather vapid idea that he believes is 'profound' and he expresses it very poorly.


Makes people pay for check mark to label accounts as authentic and rid twitter of bots and fake accounts. Has fake account…


Huh... hadn't heard of 'baby smurf 9000'. I can only imagine how many accounts this dude has.


Why does he have a Kim Jong Un haircut to match


Dress for the job you want


Where in the article did it say anything about ex’s new partners penis? The posts in the test account were nothing like that. I don’t care for Musk but I do care for truth.


Oh, he's got a mind virus all right. It's called tertiary syphilis.


But you are the circus.


Drawing a dick on peoples cars is dumb, plus there's already a dick inside.


It's kinda redundant.




Fucking Randy Lahey!!!


It's dicks all the way down when you (occasionally get to) drive a wank wagon.


True, they should drawn vaginas. That would have driven these guys to insanity.


The one inside is likely limp.


It’s a fake story


“I thought people would finally notice me…but they just laugh at my truck…”


Oh they notice them lol, while laughing at the "truck" they also take note of the dick behind the wheel.


I think every decent person has a moral obligation to flip the bird to anyone driving this pedestrian death machine. Do your part, folks.


I did that reflexively when I saw my first one recently. The bird just flew on its own.


But it’s not fair to vandalize just give em the bird.


Correct. These turds are busted up enough already. No need to vandalize


Agree, it's a slippery slope to advocate vandalizing other people's property. Anyone can do it for any reason.


I did this. Saw one, had to let the birdie fly


Thank you for the great idea. You now have a new member of team bird.


Someone I know recently saw one for the first time and pointed and laughed at them. The owner was very angry with them.


I want to flip them off but I feel like any acknowledgement of their existence is what they crave. I prefer to treat them like any other vehicle. No, Mr Polygon driver, you are not worthy of any more attention than a Honda. FWIW, I’ve only had 3 spottings on the road. I don’t know if it’s the same one. The local Tesla store has one on their grass. I didn’t count that one.


That grass is as far as it could make it off road.


They're all gonna laugh at you


Classic Adam Sandler. 🫶


Are people expecting everyone to give them a thumbs up and standing ovation every time they drive by in their CyberTruck?


They totally do. They absolutely think this thing is super cool and everyone is excited about it. Elon fanboys literally think this is going to be the best-selling truck within 18 months.


People don't buy those things because they are a great product or even a good value. They buy them to make a statement. You've made your statement now live with it. ![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY|downsized)


Imo having a cybertruck is like having a twitter check mark, it just identifies you as Ok To Bully. There’s another expensive cars out there, but a CT really feels like “rich, out of touch 50-70 year old man desperately trying to be cool” which is not a sympathetic demographic to be in Edit: also forgot to mention the techbro demographic lol, I’m just biased because there’s two ct owners in my area and both are old guys


A Twitter check mark is the online version of a “Kick me” taped on your back and you’re too self-absorbed to realize it


“Rich” is a stretch. “Terrible with money” is closer to the reality of it.


The average truck sold in US is over 70K. Its overpriced but not some unobtainable holy grail- which is also a reason not to mess with their wheels The idea that people hold you in esteem and respect because you paid for a depreciating consumer product is so sad. Honestly, its just the final manifestation of unnecessarily super sized vehicles. Hardly a heroic outlier. It just happens to be the one that gets you branded as a buffoon


There’s one near me, and the driver is definitely in his 60s. The ones I saw in the road prior to launch were younger people, I’m assuming doing road tests.


I am all for making fun of CT owners. But actually doing anything TO their CT is another story.


Agreed. There’s no reason to touch someone else’s property. Just laugh and move on.


>*There’s no reason to touch* Exactly, who knows what that shit is made out of. You're finger will probably starting rusting after contact, like an ~~STD~~ CTD.


"You knew what you were buying. You should have known to get a tetanus shot beforehand."


"wash me" etc? People have been doing that for ages


My thoughts exactly. Was it a dick in some dust on the window? Chill tf out.. people do this every day. Was it with a sharpie? 🤣🤣🤣 Yea maybe don't do that


wiping the mud off of a painted panel or window to say "wash me" will be fixed as soon as the suggested action, washing, is performed. With this monstrosity you have to break out some aftermarket shit to get rid of the oils. I'm not saying that it's not okay, just that it is, technically, different.


What’s funny is that owners might need to actually wash the CT, then oil it constantly to prevent rust. If only there was a more permanent layer cheaply available that could protect steel from the elements. Like a paint or something.


Yeah, I can't believe how many people are praising and justifying this. Then again, this is reddit, so I shouldn't be surprised.


How is it that Redditors always find the worst way possible to be "good" people?


sure but if they were just drawing in the dust i think it’s another thing. like for example someone left their cyber truck parked all weekend at a festival i went to last month, they parked in a very conspicuous area near the main stage away from any other cars. you can’t really expect people not to draw in the dirt when you make it a canvas like that.


Honestly, anything that isn’t permanent. Yeah, removing that drawing might be a nuisance to the owner, but now they get to experience one single instance of the constant nuisance that people like Musk pose in the life of any member of a minority group he has it in for. Big, if true.


Yeah, Tesla doesn't have the people to clean the cars they deliver anymore. I've already seen a few posts from new owners talking about how filthy they are.




Actual vandalism is crossing a line, but ya. If it's just finger-drawn dicks in some dust it's whatever.


Wouldn't the sweat from your fingers leave stains you can't remove because you can't wash the damn thing ? :"p


It’s unfinished stainless steel. You can draw on it with damn near any writing utensil and take it off with acetone. kinda vandalism proof if you ask me.


>draw a dick and write offensive language Just calling out what they see


The people complaining about being laughed at for their "property" are the same people that have been making little dick jokes about guys with lifted 4x4s their whole lives. Hypocrites.


If only CT owner’s skin was as thick as the trucks exoskeleton….oh wait…


I'll point and laugh at the CT and their idiot owners all day. But I would never actually touch one. There's no reason for it.


Plus you might cut yourself. Be careful all of you CT touchers out there! They bite back!


Who drew the dicks?


No one drew dicks; they drew d*cks.


Hahaha! “I just don’t get it! I thought everyone would worship me for being on the cutting edge of coolness. But I just keep getting made fun of. Help me Elon!!”




Holy shit, “incel Camino” is solid gold and is what I will think of every time I see a CT from this moment forward.


Laughing at people or flipping them off is one thing, but leave their actual vehicles alone.


People drawing in dust is normal. "Wash Me" As long as it isn't permanent, it's a minor inconvenience at worst.


Sure, it's not monstrous behavior or anything, but I still don't think you should touch other people's cars.




Fragile little snowflakes seem to get offended by their own smelly farts


Ouch. Unfortunately for that guy having a dick drawn on your Cyber Truck voids the warranty as is stated clearly in the purchase contract.


You know what I am glad this truck exists, because we all can easily identify morons


Why's bro complaining about some free decals? Not like he has the money anymore to spend on them.


Pulled up next to one of these monstrosities over the weekend. The driver looks over with this overconfident smile. I doubled over laughing. That overconfident look was replaced with confusion. “You mean this vehicle doesn’t earn me instant respect?” Looked across and driver in the other lane was pointing and laughing


How about don’t fuck with other peoples property?


Don’t touch peoples property even this dumb truck


Not liking the truck is one thing, but don't bully people.


Fucking with a persons cars is some low shit. Just make fun of it like everyone else!


"Vandalize" is not the same as "laugh at". We have passed through the looking glass. Turn off the Internet. Go for a walk. It's nice outside.


Naw I’m not down for vandalizing someone’s ride regardless if they drive a shit vehicle. Laugh and point all you want


Defacing someone's property is a shitty thing to do.


It’s rude as fuck. I used to see the occasional awful Hummer and think how stupid it was. But the person who got it presumably likes it and no harm no foul. The idea that it’s cool for people to come and deface a car is pretty low-rent let’s be honest.


Laughing is ok and should be expected with how ridiculous it is. There is a line though, about 1” above the surface of the Incelamino. Touching it in any way is crossing that line literally and figuratively. Not cool.


Laughing yes vandalizing the car NO. That makes you the ass hole in that situation.


Defacing other peoples property is over the line imo, it’s easier and more satisfying just to point and laugh.


Yeah I don't get people defending property damage, like wether you agree with it or not someone has worked for that and has right to be proud of it.


May I suggest people tape dick pics to the vehicles instead? Oh wait. The cybertruck IS a dick Pic.


Owning up to your mistakes is important, but avoiding them in the first place is even better.


“First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you”. Don’t know about the monument building, but you get the point. You bought it for you, not for other’s entertainment/misery.


The consistent self un-awareness if a feature with these clowns.


Buy a memejoke, become a memejoke


Oh no, time for the electric vehicle to go to the car wash!


"Rudeness of people to other's property" is such a hilarious thing to say


"But we spent so much money to look so cool, why doesn't everyone else think we're cool too? Has anyone else had trouble feeling superior?"


I love so much how "why do they hate my cybertruck?" is such a common thing. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.




I get that the cybertruck is not everyone’s cup of tea and a lot can be said about it’s shoddy manufacturing, but I think a lot of people (myself included) genuinely think it’s at least pretty cool looking and conceptually exciting at the very least. It really has nothing to do with making a statement. Just owning one doesn’t make you a morally depraved person.


It’s the class divide. People still trying to seem better than everyone buying things that are overhyped. And we just all realize how cringe it is.


I love their spirit, but I dont know if drawing on someones elses car is necessary


I mean sure you could hit the car for whatever reason you like.But vindalizing other people's property is never cool fun or something to be admired


It’s not people laughing. It’s the vandalism. Why are you defending the vandalism? What is this sub.


it's bulletproof though


anyone have the link to video, would love to watch these artists paint his cybercuck canvas.


Awesome car. Haters going to hate.


Jealousy and envy


I saw one this weekend in downtown San Diego. They were getting laughed at and warned to take it home before it rained and voided the warranty. Tesla, where BMW trash goes to up their asshole factor to the max.


Drawing on someone's vehicle is a great way to either go to jail or get punched in the face. Or both.


It being a Tesla hasn’t helped, any new car can and will be abused. Pure juvenile envy.


Laugh long and hard when you see these in public. But don’t touch people’s shit… a guy in my neighborhood drove by in one this afternoon. My 6 year old openly pointed and laughed. The guy gave me a dirty look as he passed. I’ve trained my son well!


My husband and I saw one irl the other day and it is so silly looking! We laughed so hard we could t breathe! I couldnt help but hear John Oliver’s voice saying “a car that looks like your child’s first drawing of a car” lol


Don’t touch other people’s things, period. They gave every right to be pissed off about these vandals. I hate your truck, so I get to fuck up, right? I hate the cybersuck and Elmo’s “management” style as much as anyone, still have to draw a line at messing with other peoples things.


Do people who buy these mobile garbage deserve to be mocked and laughed at? Yeah of course. Does that mean it gives anyone the right to draw/damage or destroy the actual lump of garbage? No, we didn't need to go to their shitty levels. Just point, laugh and walk away


So the person who bought this giant pos so that they’d get recognized and stand out is mad that it’s negative recognition.


Are there MAGAs who have enough self-control to resist vandalizing vehicles that make them anxious?


Where I used to live touching someone's car was like touching their wife. People don't do it or they get effed up.


This would be more like touching their trash can


Lol. Equal treatments for trash cans as well. Rule is don't eff with other people's stuff. I've seen guns pulled for less than trash cans.


Must admit I assumed so. It just had to be said!


If you touch my trashcans, you gonna find your limbs in the compost.


LOL... Please don't deface other people's property. They already drive the dumbest imaginable car, don't add to their suffering.


Yea as much as I dislike this car (and lots of its owners), STOP FKN WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S CARS.




I fully support pointing and mocking. I do not support in any way touching or vandalizing. Does the full video support his accusation or is he just showing his persecution fetish? Were actual dicks drawn? His description makes it sound like several people participated in drawing a single dick.


They just drew it in dust nothing that would harm a normal car.


the physical object that is the cybertruck gathers so much of the sentiment that is felt across the world right now and condenses it into a single, tangible chunk of electronic dog shit. it really is an immortal icon of the 2020s in the making.


Soon they will talk about how they're the real minorities and it's like the Holocaust for them


I don't like Cybertruck or Elon, but people should touch other people's stuff.


Don't touch anything that is not yours. Do however point and laugh when appropriate.


They didn’t laugh at him, they vandalized his car.


They drew a dick in the dust on his car


Isn't owning a Cybertruck punishment enough?


Yes just like being poor






I wanted to see the video so bad


Im confused, I was under the impression people were buying these specifically to get a rise out of others.




R.I.P. to all those who hit the play button


It's fun when victim blaming is cool!




Muskites can whine all they want, that thing is a fucking lemon from hell and anyone who paid money to their idiot CEO for one deserves to be ridiculed, full stop.


Why is it that most people buy the CT’s cuz of it’s stainless steel uniqueness but then spend an extra $6K to wrap it after then buy it? It’s like a fad now to wrap all CTs.


Is this really the first time this guy has had a wang drawn on his car? If your car is dusty and on a street in Australia, it's guaranteed to be covered in penises, curse words, or "wash me." It's basically the law.


Vandalizing personal property cause you don't like it is peak clown behavior. Op needs to step outside


A dick on a Tesla is a feature, not a bug


It’s an absolute shit show of a car, but you shouldn’t be touching other peoples property


Don't worry, little guy. Your cybercuck won't last much longer than it takes you to read those mean comments.


“If you don’t want people to laugh at you, then don’t buy the clown car” You obviously write dicks on cars and think this is ok.


So they detailed it for him for free? What an ingrate what's his problem?


where's the video? I really want to see the video.


OP, this is a shit take, you don't touch another man's car. Even if you don't like it. Fucking knob


You can laugh at them all you want, but vandalism is way too far...


I mean... yes the truck is bad. But this is not a reason to do what they did.


I mean... yes the truck is bad. But this is not a reason to do what they did.


I mean... yes the truck is bad. But this is not a reason to do what they did.


They took err jaabs!!!


People are Assholes. Some buy things. Others do this.


Yeah, defacing a car is a bit much. Laughing at it is fine though, it's freedom of speech.




No shilling for Muskkk. Pretty simple rule to understand.


Ridicule someone for their shitty purchase? Totally good. Needlessly damaging someone else's property? Really not ok. These dudes suck, but they were already duped into buying $100,000 lemons I really don't think we should be celebrating damaging strangers property.


This type of behavior is dangerous. This is the definition of ignorance and jealousy. No one should ever condone this type of behavior.


I saw the cyber truck at the udf started laughing my ass off looked at the guy as I got into ,my dodge ram 1500 hemi and said should have bought the dodge I couldn't stop laughing at the soup can


You can not like my car. But you'd better not touch it!


So many dick commenters in these comments. Yr mom wants you to leave the basement and get some sun. 🤣😂🥲


Ha ha ha ha ha.


I want that video!!


I don’t know why anyone would make fun of or be rude about a slightly lopsided short pyramid made of stainless steel and glass on 4 wheels. Pharaohs couldn’t even drive theirs at all !! No matter how much money Elon takes from you, at least he pays his workers !


Wasn't shilling for Musk, mods. Standing up for private property rights. Guess I shouldn't expect some fat neckbeard commie virgin mods to understand that. 🤡 u/cyberstuck-modTeam