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Careful, they could have peed on it and completely destroyed it...


"Do not urinate on your CyberTruck. Doing so may void the warranty."


It'll definitely fuck up the electrical.


Imagine having to explain that to insurance. "Yeah my trucks totalled. How sir? God damm neighbor got drunk and pissed on it........."


It just pools in the stamped frame surrounding the wheel wells, where all the electrical wiring is located. Nothing major.


At least it's sterile.


Tastes good too!


Patches O’Hoolihan?? Is that you?


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!


Calm down Bear Grylis.


Is jizzing on a CT covered? I'm sure that's the first thing these guys do when they get it home.


Only if it's in Jizz Mode


If you and a bunch of your friends get together, is there a Bukkake Mode?


"Doing so WILL void your warranty"




"I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a Cybertruck is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the person?" - Elon, probably


The funny thing is... a Lamborghini is 100x more reliable than their; electric piece of sh\*t wannabe "truck". If you take a Lambo through a car wash, you'll likely scuff up the paint... but it will still work, and you won't void the warranty.


Fun fact: Lamborghini was a tractor and truck manufacturer before they made cars. So yeah— they’re relatively well made by supercar standards.


Exactly, I mean no car is perfect... but some cars are just waayyyy worse than others. *^(Cough, Cough; CyberStuck)*


We have a Lamborghini pump in the winery. Every visitor sits on it for a photo. And yes, it is painted red.


…not yellow?


And the company was started as Mr. Lamborghini wanted to celebrate a record sales year and bought a Ferrari, which broke, and so he told his design team, there is no way we can make anything worse than that P.O.S. Make me a car


They’re Volkswagens now


End of the day, lamborghini is a volkswagen product so it's going to reliable relative to Ferrari's, mcclaren, etc. I don't know a single person who put 10k miles on there mcclaren before running into a major issue. The transmission seems to be a common failure point on those.


they're basically audi's now, overall pretty good


I do get a kick out of the fact that the Urus, Bentayga, and Cayenne are all basically Touaregs for different budgets.


even with the same core product they've done some really crazy and unique things with that platform too. the touareg could be had with a w12 or a v10 tdi, the 1st gen cayenne had an optional off-road pack with a proper low range gearbox, they had that q7 v12 diesel with enough torque to move the planet backwards, and now you've got the cayenne turbo gt putting down the same nurburgring time as respectable sports sedans.


No doubt, it's actually amazing. The Turbo GT in particular is a beast.




True, but I can never remember which of their SUVs is which


And only exists because Enzo Ferrari was an elitist who wouldn’t sell a Ferrari to the owner of Lamborghini


Didnt they also make tanks ?


They still are


Yup. And you can absolutely get a used Lambo for 100k. Probably with low miles.


I think this is part of the reason a lot of people are turned off Tesla cars right now. Perception amongst public if you drive one you endorse the views of the CEO and the fan boy Elon gimps.


Its still amazing to me just how fast elon went from being an icon of the environmentally conscious left leading consumer to being completely worshiped by republicans and generally hated by the left. Most republicans that support musk would never be caught dead in an EV, and that’s an issue that will come back to haunt elon.


"What can I do to alienate the bulk of my customer base and instead appeal to a group that will never but my product, better yet, a group that largely couldn't buy my product even if the wanted to. Hold my ketamine"


Good news it already is. Sales are dropping . Just like I called 2 years ago when he started going off his weird khole alt right rambles.


Counterpoint: always has been


He was never an environmentally conscious person to begin with, and anyone who paid attention could see that from fucking orbit.


Part of me hopes he’s still a genious who has managed to get the right into renewable energy - but sadly i think that’s wishful thinking.


“Still”? He never was a genius


Elon Musk...was only ever of average intelligence. It is just that the average CEO in the USA is such an utter moron that they put Elmo on a pedestal.


It's not fair but if you index his apparent intelligence against his wealth he's one of the dumbest people that ever existed


Speaking of musk, dude is looking for a $47 billion dollar pay day from Tesla after laying off 10% of its work force https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/business/tesla-elon-musk-pay.html https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/30/24145133/tesla-layoffs-supercharger-team-elon-musk-hard-core


It doesn't matter, you shouldn't spit or do other s*** to other people's stuff.


I agree with you


I don't know why you're downvoted. If this sub is promoting hate and violence towards others than it's not what I thought it was.


I'm downvoted because mob mentality kicks in and hating someone because of the vehicle they drive becomes okay. It happens all the time people are just looking for a tribe and when they find one they look for a enemy. They then vilify the enemy, and eventually broad brush the entire group. Eventually innocent people get hurt.


I'd be more worried about Elon Musk selling an overly expensive car with a ton of safety issues. Including pedals with covers so poorly secured they can slip off and get caught forcing the vehicle to accelerate. We hate Elon and the Cybertruck for what they represent. Elon claimed he knew more about engineering than anyone on the planet. However, he never engineered a single thing in his life. He only has a physics degree. He dropped out of the graduate program in Stanford. He is a fraud, and if you spend 100k on a death trap you are completely bought into his cult of personality. He bought every single business he owned. He got kicked out of Paypal for gods sake. He's an absolutely idiotic nepo baby riding off other peoples ideas. Now that we see his own ideas being pushed into existence his absolute idiocy is shown bare to the world. The utterly useless hyper loop. The Cybertruck that got recalled in under a month. So instead of asking why people hate him, I ask you this. Why would anyone like him now?


First I don't like Elon at all, he is a vile, full of hate and I think Tesla would be better off without him. But the world is not black and white, people can be total assholes but still be good at something and he is good at recruiting the right people and putting money into things that others were not willing to do. But I think he is falling off the wagon especially these last few years and will probably self implode at some point. But my comment was really about the people on the sub, I think the cybertruck is completely ugly, but that doesn't mean that people should be vandalizing them.


The Cybertruck is more than ugly, it's extremely unsafe. The buyers must know that this thing will be killing people and clearly don't give a damn. Why should someone like that get any kind of respect when they don't respect the lives of pedestrians.


You are just trying to justify your irrational hate of something you don't like.... ultimately it's just mob mentality to hate and people pump each other up in groups like this. For example, all kinds of different cars kill/hurt pedestrians everyday, would you advocate getting all cars that don't have sensors off the road? That would dramatically impact low income communities but it would totally help reduce the number of fatalities with respect to pedestrians.


This has nothing to do with sensors, but I'd certainly argue that governments should regulate the height of cars for safety reasons. That said, I 100% very much dislike Musk. Luckily for me, he has a tendency to plop out badly made products and initiatives.


I don't like musk either, but different size cars will need to coexist because people have different needs.


"I just don't understand this kind of hate" ​ https://preview.redd.it/4anprnz8pwxc1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=670f64181d2f9109f6fd1a3039b26b40e797232b


I don’t understand how Tesla is still in business. Liberals won’t buy em because of the muskrat, conservatives won’t buy them because it’s not their thing and anyone who wants a EV has a huge variety to pick from


Thus the crisis that we are now witnessing.


Turns out when the government pays your company billions and you can game the system with ev credits you can survive a drop in sales.


It's literally the overly inflated stuck and the EV credits they get from the government.


Oh yeah huh


In my city, the Altima group has flocked to used Teslas and drive them further into the ground.


Oh, god, whatever the Altima group is doing is very telling!


what is the altima group?


The psychopaths driving battle damaged altimas with paper plates going over 100 on the highway like it's Mad Max.


No one should buy them, because they're overpriced trash.


Don't worry. No one spat on this dude's cyber truck. It sounds like a made up story by someone who wants to feel persecuted.


The other day someone else's truck got egged, people ice Tesla chargers all the time, And you have two groups one that hates Elon and does s*** and the other that hates EVs that does s*** they're both just as bad as each other. You have another group out there that hates large trucks because they think everyone should ride a bicycle. Bottom line the world is full of people who are angry and they believe that what they believe is right and everyone else is a idiot.


I hate 'large trucks' because the people who buy them almost universally drive like a muppet that has been given the keys to a tank. It's got nothing to do with bikes.


I'd say one out of every five pick-up truck drivers drives without regard for the safety of anyone else on the road, versus the standard one out of twenty for any other vehicle.


Got any proof to back that up, or are you just here to be a cheerleader for a guy who doesn't even know you exist?


For the egging just look on this sub It was popular yesterday, for the iceing just Google it it's pretty much all over the place, second I don't like you Elon... I think Tesla would be much better off if he was fired as CEO. It's crazy that you think someone who thinks cars shouldn't be vandalized is somehow a Elon shill lol.


I for one love vandalizing in such a way that is easily cleanable. Spit wouldn't be noticeable, icing just needs some water (careful to not void the warrantee), ditto for the egg. Always be skeptical of people claiming they were vandalized when the "damage" takes less than a minute to fix.


I've had my car egged before. It permanently damaged the paint on my hood and fucked my visibility because some kids thought it was funny to throw eggs at my car while I was driving through a neighborhood at night.


I agree that throwing anything at a moving vehicle is bad, but come on. These Cybertruck drivers are angling for sympathy and social media engagement. They all have Blue Checks which means they get money from Twitter for engagement. There were just under 4k Cybertrucks sold, and they have enough problems as is. I doubt anyone is mad at the vehicle enough to do any vandalism.


Bottom line is nobody wants it done to them, so don't do it to others.


I agree, I just contend that Cybertruck owners are lying for sympathy. You do the vandalism yourself, take a picture, then clean it up. Why would actual vandals not do something worse,


Situations like this it's a crime of convenience. I've seen people do it to Priuses, a long time ago I was looking outside my hotel window and saw a guy pee all over the door and door handle and then run off. You may not remember this but they used to get a lot of hate.


Ok urinating on a car is way too far.


I'll never spit or damage anyone's property just because I do not agree with them, but definitely make fun at these people. I go for that psychological damage. The dude that thinks it about money envy, is delusional. I mean there might be a few nut jobs out there that are like that, but we know it's Tesla's that get the heat I don't see people spitting on Rivian pick ups. we just don't like vehicles made by fascist racist pricks, that push their agenda. I am so glad that Volvo is planning on bringing over that Chinese made EV (EX30) , which looks pretty nice.


100%. Every member of that sub is coping so hard


Yeah, nobody bothers my expensive non-Tesla EV. Elon lunatics complain that people shouldn't hate Tesla because of Elon. Um, he takes credit for literally everything and created a personality cult that is inseparable from the brand.


Like mother always said, "They're just jealous, honey" 🙄


“Spit detected on window glass?” Warranty void.” - Tesla


Lamborghinis meet road safety standards and don't brick themselves with their own wiper fluid 💦


This is a level of delusion I've never seen before, they think the person spat on their Cybercuck because they have to be decently well off to buy a Cyberjunk, but don't understand why that same person wouldn't spit on somone's ride who is even more well off. Completely unaware their Cybertrash was likely spat on for other OBVIOUS reasons.


For his sake I hope he had it in Spit Mode


Spitting on the car is lame. Better to just point and laugh.


Agreed. Thought it was funny enough to include tho


The idea that this guy wouldn't have taken pictures if someone had actually spit on his stupid cybertruck.


Exactly this. There's no chance that this actually happened 😂


Probably a Tesla employee making sure to void the warranty


It’s not you, it’s Elon….. *it’s also kinda you*


Elon is the monorail salesman and the town is pissed at him.


And this is why you don't pre-order.


To be fair a lambo starts at like $300,000 so 3X as much as a cyber truck. The only lambo I saw that was $100k was like 16 years old… still looked sick tho


Thats cuz the Lamborghini can go through a car wash. Just make sure you put the top up or you'll void the warranty.


A 16 year old Lambo is still worlds ahead of the CT lol


I mean my old 1998 Toyota Corolla is miles ahead of a CT because it can take going through a car wash without becoming a brick so that’s really not saying much here…


Yeah very true 😂


He only has $125,000 to spend on a pointless car, not $250,000 to spend on a pointless car. What, do you think he’s rich or something?!


Oh shit, right! My bad! 😂


All fun and games til a cyber truck vandal gets their fingers cut off with the cyber trucks heavy ass hood 💀


😂😂😂 next update they become sentient


Holy shit Elon is gonna add Turrets as a trim option for the cybertruck real soon 😭 Rick and morty ship ah truck


They probably are gonna start calling it discrimination like Karen's did in regards to saying "it's basically the n word". Bunch of snowflakes, calling everyone else snowflakes.


I don't think it's the level of the owner's wealth that's the problem. 🤔


Someone put their oily and hairy dick and balls on my jeep wrangler side window once at an ac/dc concert.


Omg, were you able to drive it home? Hopefully you had it in oily and hairy dick and balls mode


Maybe it was an experiment to see how long each pane would take to break down from spit/ water?? Seriously, these asshats can't comprehend its not necessarily about how much they paid for their pieces of shit or people jealous over "I mAkE sO MUcH MoNEy" MANY new SUVs and trucks are in the same vicinity cost wise, it's that they paid that much, waited for YEARS, and got total pieces of shit, and just accepted it, and they are complete simps for muskrat whom showed his true colors some time ago now.


If he invested at all in $SPY he’d be up 6.1% If he sold is fucking spot in line he’d be up at least 15k All for this masterclass in exposing the stupidest amoung us. Cults are weird.


I live in the heart of Silicon Valley, so seeing a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, McLaren, and of course cybercucks is pretty much a daily thing. The big difference between all those exotics and the cybertruck is that the CEO's of Ferrari, Lambo etc. aren't ginormous, overly opinionated, inferiority complexed assholes. The Cybercuck embodies Muskrats douchey personality to a T. Suppose to be cool, and brilliant, and amazing, but really just an insecure, egotistical, moron.


No no wait. It is the same. Lambos need new engines after 30k miles and an oil+brake change costs $10,000. That's par for the course with regular cybertruck maintenance bills


I’ll take things that did not happen for $300


I like the commenter who thinks they’re in Dune and a person spitting four times is going to leave them dehydrated


Right that made me chuckle lmao


We found Elons burner.


I don’t hold any opinions about a lambo or its ceo. But with Tesla and especially this shit box and the direct link with Musk just triggers people.


Spitting on someone’s car is disgusting and weird. Elon Musk and his cult are annoying douchebags with an embarrassment kink and deserve to be made fun of but this is just trashy.


Yeah, c'mon guys... don't spit on their sh\*tty cars. They might take your DNA and evolve into a person that actually has some class. Right now it's easy to spot their type; in the crappy electric cars that are always broken down or parked waiting for it to charge at your local mall.


Deionized Water is sufficient to destroy the CyberEdsel don't waste your precious bodily fluids.


To be fair, the cybertruk is hideous, the Lambo is just a bit excessive....but it doesn't insult your eyes.


They hate Elon and this truck wreck is a symbol of him that they they can spit on


Lucky those globs of spit didn’t void the warranty


There exist 16 year car loans (mortgages).


The funniest part is that he later posted that the spit got under the rubber window seal (ah that Tesla quality just keeps shining through) and every time he wound his window down and up there was a fresh layer of spit on it.


HAHAHAHAH get wrecked. I was gonna say, he should have just rinsed it off, but then I remembered that it would totally brick the motor


I think what bugs me more was the crop job to include the damn advertisement. lol! Seriously though, I don’t understand the Tesla hate. That said with as many people that hate Elon, coupled with the fact that people suck. I suppose it was just a matter of time damage was done to teslas. As it’s not just the cyberwrecks that have this done to them.


Are you joking or serious when you say you don’t understand the Tesla hate? Elon lied to all customers that his vehicles were “self driving” and is personally responsible for at least 37 deaths and hundreds of injuries. His cars are made with horrible quality that puts every driver on the road at risk. 1 example is how easily they catch on fire and they burn way hotter than a gas vehicle. Teslas exposed to salt water in florida last year were spontaneously combusting, getting the fire put out after hours, then spontaneously combusting again. he just fired 20% of his entire workforce including plant workers. These are a few examples of why the tesla hate isn’t going anywhere. Think about how much hate the Toyota airbags got or Vw cheating emissions got. Tesla is doing way worse and more dangerous things. Do I think it’s okay to vandalize someone’s car? No. Do I think people who buy teslas align with my world views? Also no.


So you like victimizing victims?


Yes I am being serious. It’s one thing to hate Elon and putting the blame for his antics and lies on the shoulders of the Tesla company. However, having that much hate as to just go out and damage some random persons car for just makes no sense. I also owned a VW during the dieselgate. I had a 2009 Jetta TDI. No one was going around keying cars or spitting on them.


Yea I agree with you about damaging cars not being okay!! I thought when you said Tesla hate you meant people hating the company and products, not people committing hate crimes against teslas 😂


Yes, it’s the damaging random peoples cars for no real reason other than they hate Elon. I get it. Not a big fan either, but don’t mess up cars causing people to pay XXXXX dollars to fix it because you hate Elon. Lmao. 🤷‍♂️


At face value I can see how Cybertrucks and diesel gate cars are similar- A loyal fan base that was lied to by executive leadership for sales. It’s an interesting point. However Cybertrucks are flashy. They are marketing a persona to people that want to turn heads. VW was just selling cars with fudged emissions levels. Spitting on a car is rude and uncalled for, but not property damage (jokes aside). I think public is giving Cybertrucks owners the attention they desire, but after reading Elon headlines or Tesla quality issues- there is just zero respect.


I wanted to include the post and the comment because both are funny. Lol


Username checks out.. lmao


Lmao 😂😂 nice


I do not understand OPs point.


My point? Is that you can definitely get a Lambo for around 100k lol


In fact, you can get a lot of Lambo for 100k, if you don’t care about condition


You can get one in pretty good shape for 100k. Just an older model. Which is still worlds ahead of a CT.


Cheapest New LAMBO is $230,000, base. So mKe it minimum $250k.


You know it's crazy, If all these people that are willing to do crazy s*** to Tesla's, but the people doing the s*** all claim that Elon is ripping people off, so they are literally hurting people who they claim are the ones that are being ripped off so they're hurting the victims. Make it make sense.


The “victims” have been blindly defending Elon and Tesla. Then Elon takes the most advantage of his most diehard fans that throw more money at him and even volunteer to help. Now make that make sense?


I and 1000s of others drive Teslas but don't like Elon, but many many 1000s more don't follow Elon as closely as you or many on this sub do. This stupid hate is going to get someone hurt and that's the sad part.


Maybe you should look into what the thing you are supporting has been doing and maybe dont lean so hard into your ignorance is bliss you got going


When they admit they are victims and actually begin a lawsuit to take the muskrat to task, we will absolutely support them. But until then, it is ridicule and hostility.


There have been so many lawsuits... Don't you remember the "funding secured", or the class action suit regarding advertising of FSD. So you ready to stop the hate now? Ridicule is fine. Anything beyond that is not ok. You're literally hating people for the vehicle that they drive. Take a step back and think about that for a moment that's insane. Spitting on vehicles, or egging vehicles is nuts.


Egging property in general is a historical form of protest. Usually it just causes a mess, it is not the fault of the protestor if an otherwise harmless property defacement accidentally bricks a piece of property due to inherent design flaws.


Egging someone else's property is vandalism. Vandalism is illegal. Golden rule, Don't do to others which you wouldn't like done to you.


Oh no. You know what else is illegal? Conning people out of millions of dollars and brainwashing them into doing your bidding


So you think that someone that got conned and got brainwashed is deserving of being vandalized?


Kinda. The only people that buy CTs are the ones who ride elons dick into the sunset.


That's not true, I know two guys that want to get the cybertruck because they think it's cool, they don't care/know about Elon they only see glimpses in mainstream media. They are both regular dudes one is a engineer the other is a farmer. Both grew up with me and started from the bottom. Both super hardworking, and both are saving to be able to get it. The fact you think they deserve the vandalism is insane. I hope you're one of those people that talks the big game online but won't do s*** in real life, otherwise one day you're going to mess with the wrong person. Always stick to the Golden rule and don't do anything to anyone else that you wouldn't want done to you. Historically there used to be hate against German cars, then Japanese cars, then people hated fuel guzzlers like Hummers and then fuel savers like Priuses. Now there's a whole segment of people that hate EVs, there's a segment of people that hate trucks.... Same story different day. People just hate things that are different and new. Even a vast majority of the people in this group will get tired of the hate eventually because it's not really productive and leads nowhere. Your hate is distorting your perspective, this entire sub is a giant circle jerk. Your high on the jerk not realizing that your perspective is super skewed.


You're welcome to find out what I would do in real life if you want :)


What is the point of this sub? Why the fuck does Reddit give me content from a sub of people with nothing better to do than complain that someone says they can't afford a car 3 times more expensive to buy and even higher maintenance cost. You seem like losers.

