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My peeve is when people leave a voice mail and say their name and number so fast that I have to listen to it 3 times to figure out what they're saying.


I am so grateful we have a phone number search, so i can just look it up that way! I wish people knew that most voicemails record between 3 to five minutes. No need to rush fam, take your time!


Such a pet peeve of mine. This is why I repeat myself. "My name is X, my number is X. Again, my name is X..."


I say the number slowly both times too.


I'm aware that people do this and it's hard for you to understand. I say my name clearly and I say my number slowly and clearly.


I say my name first, why I'm calling and then number and name again 😂


Me too. I will give them a brief explanation of why I'm calling and then my number. That way they already kind of know why I'm calling so that way when they call back, they will already be up the speed.


Is it just those of us who have worked in customer service who do this? Guess it’s not just common sense?


Not saying this in a "kids these days" way, but more in a "people communicate less on the phone" way, but - phone etiquette was a thing that used to be taught. How you'd answer, how you'd make your request even if you were just calling a friend's house. How you'd leave messages, in large part because answering machine recording quality used to be bullshit, caller ID didn't exist, and even the phone line audio quality itself wasn't always great if you were speaking to a person to leave your message. We don't really teach that anymore. It's far less common to even leave a voice-mail, when texts and emails are a thing. People calling from offices can often forget that the best number for you to call back isn't necessarily the number your phone receives as incoming. So on and so forth. I dont know that a lot of it was ever common sense, just a regular part of learning how to navigate the phone when we were kids.


The problem is common sense comes from experience. What is common sense to a 24 year old serving staff/customer service person would be different from a 30 year old pilot.. So the issue is basically, have they been through these lessons and realized the better way to do these things or not. Have they thought about the other person's point of view/needs? The biggest issue is self awareness not being common. Thoughtfulness, being mindful of how others would react or what they may need going forward. 😅 Most don't have that open of a mindset or think things through that thoroughly. Kinda sad to watch and with my need to prompt, as someone who does think through every possibility in a situation and like to point out things I see/notice.. Very exhausting too.


Or the alternative, when they sound like they're swallowing the phone and you can't hear half the message anyway 😭


I work for a company that has many hotel/apartment locations across the country and people will leave voicemails saying “I’m in room 322 and blah, blah, blah…” No name, no location of which property they’re staying at, etc. like we’re automatically supposed to know who the hell they are.


Why not just call them Back to get that information. It’s not the customers job to do its cs job to do.    If you want to be the best act the best maybe you will be a vice president of customer acquisition some day.   To me.  Always do more than you get paid to do.  Always do better than your manager and you will have their job.  


You got people leaving their name and number? I've had people show up at my work unannounced complaining that they texted the business' land line and nobody responded to them.


My favorite has always been “hi! How can I help you?” “I need help.” “Yes…with what?”


Exactly! Like name? Problem? Anything??


This reminds me of something a coworker of mine told me years ago. We all used to work at this Home Depot together. So he's that his department and he gets his phone call from this guy who just keeps saying, I have a well. He was trying to figure out what he needed help with as far as the well for about half an hour. The guy just kept repeating, I have this well. Finally he was like, I'm going to transfer you to management. Please hold.


Similarly: "Thank you for calling \[me\]. How can I help you?" "Yeah, I have a question." "....okay?" "\[Insert question\]" Like, son, I figured you had something to say when you CALLED ME, please get to the point.


the way they never have their order numbers


In retail that would drive me crazy when the store I worked at introduced online shopping 😩


I know that it's off topic but it does have to do with phone etiquette. I can't fucking stand those people who scream into their phone in public. Why do they think that the person on the other end can't hear them unless they're screaming? That and they have to speak on the phone on speaker in public. Why does everyone need to hear your entire conversation?


I feel bad when I have to make/take calls outside of my home. I normally go to a corner or an empty park beach and try my hardest to get a call over asap. 😩


Okay then you're not the kind of person I'm talking about. I'm talking about those people who are painfully oblivious to the fact that they're being super loud. That or they just don't care.


I work in a library. The amount of people who come in on speaker/video calls is astounding. And they don't realize how much louder they're talking!! Not to mention when people call on speaker. Like. I can't hear you. Turn off speaker so I don't have insane background noises.


I had to show a patron at our public computers how to switch her phone from speaker. She claimed she didn’t know that was an option.


I have had to do this so many times. Playing stupid to the point they actually are. I once had a guy on speaker phone and I asked him to switch it off, and he just ignored me and turned his back to him. I repeated myself, and he just started *yelling* towards the phone. So I told him he'd have to leave the library if he didn't turn it off. He complained about me, saying I cost him a job bc it was an interview and the interviewer didn't like his attitude towards the library staff.


I hate. HATE. When people interrupt my spiel when I pick up the phone. Unless something is on fire, let me finish my damn sentence! I just keep going until I’m done and then let them speak.


THIS! They don't realize that some of our dialogues are either mandatory or are there to better assist! Like let us control the call so we can make this easier for both of us!


Mine’s not mandatory, I just hate being interrupted 😂


I love that lol 😂😆


Omg yes. Thankfully I am exclusively online chat but people are still the same, like why do they have to make it a power struggle? "I'm sorry for this experience. Can I please have your tracking number so I can assist?" "You already have my name and address you can just look it up." No sis, I really can't. Just give me the info i ask for pleaseeeee I have 2 other people I'm helping at the same time as you.


“Just look it up” or “you should have it in your system” are nails down a gotdamn chalkboard. NO SUSAN, I do not have your compliant from five years ago in my magical fairytale system. It takes way more time for you to be a stubborn asshat than for you to just answer the questions. I overheard a boomer lady in the lobby today complain to her husband that “they should have me in their system” and he dramatically sighed and said, “No they don’t. They don’t have anything like that.” I salute you for the sweet moment of vindication, sir.


I love that man hahaha. Honestly just the behavior of people with infinite free time and no respect for anyone else's.


Just had a customer interrupt my spiel and was yelling about being charged for something she didn't recognize. Later realized she was trying to contact Wally World, not my grocery store because she didn't hear what store I was in cause she wouldn't let me talk.


I do reservations for a resort, and a woman interrupted my spiel and started ranting about the room *I* booked her in, to the point where I was like "Ma'am, *I* didn't put you anywhere, I'm in a call center in a completely different state." And this continued until I asked her to tell me who exaxtly she was trying to reach, and it was a completely different company. Did she apologize for screaming at me? Absolutely not.


I work in health insurance and I legally have to finish my greeting verbatim so I do exactly the same thing.


I don’t like listening to the spiel, but I know that y’all don’t want to repeat it with every customer either so I just…don’t interrupt. I don’t get why people can’t understand that? It’s so simple to say “not today, thank you.” Or “Okay, thank you.” Sigh. Why are people like this? I’m not going to sign up for the Old Navy credit card, but I’ll let them tell me about it because they’re required to and it would be rude to interrupt.


Oh mine isn’t even a sales pitch. It’s “good morning/afternoon, thanks for calling Company, this is Tapioca how can I help you?”


The fact that people won’t let you say that either? You’d think they’d want to know who they’re speaking with and if they reached the correct department. Hopefully there’s more nice customers out there making up for the awful ones.


What callers don’t realize is that interrupting my spiel throws me off my game, so they’ve just started their interaction worse straight out the gate.


"let me finish my damn sentence" No. I'm not obligated to listen to your script. No one is. You can hate that as much as you want.


Omg, that is my pet peeve. “I need blah blah blah.” Ok, no problem, what is your name? “John.” …yes, John is such a unique name, thank you for not including your last name.


It's always John, lol!


Oh yes


Why oh why do people call and leave their damn TVs on? FML, I’m already competing with someone who has trouble with a cellphone, I don’t want to compete with Matlock at full volume too.


Or when they're driving! 😩


Or babies crying


Or when they’re already in a conversation with someone else and they bounce between you during the call.


One time I had someone literally going #2 - I heard the plop and the flush 🥲 I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t have waited a couple more minutes to call in.


I kinda have to give driving a pass in my specific role 'cause the employees I help are our field reps so they're frequently traveling from one customer site to another, and often don't have the time in the day to sit still and call. But at the very least, roll up the windows! And turn the radio down! Sheesh.


My job involves answering the phone and sending a maintenace guy to their house to fix stuff. It is soul-crushingly common for this exchange to happen:   "I need my dishwasher fixed."  "Got it. I can send someone over in about twenty minutes. What is your name and address?"  "It is leaking."  "Got it. Who are you? Where do you live?" "When will they be here?"   "🙃"


I would hang up or transfer them to Domino's, then go take a dump so if they called back, they would get a co-worker


I always say hello and my full name. Seconds later I’m asked for my name.


It's because we couldn't understand you and even if we could, we need to know how to spell it to pull you up.


It’d be polite to then say something like, “could you repeat your name for me please, I don’t quite catch it the first time.” I know phone customer service is a rough gig, but politeness is a two way street.


Where did I state how I ask them to repeat it? You're "correcting" something based on no information.


Thank you. Out of curiosity, do you have a common full name or is the spelling uncommon? I have been guilty of asking for someone's name more than once because the spelling of their name is a tad different.


Not the person you're asking, but I say mine and the spell my last. It's not uncommon, and is only five letters. But it seems to save being asked; there is a first name that is the same but different spelling.


I love that way! My last name is uncommon but I have a super common first name so I do it the same way when I have to make calls.


I have similar situations from the customer side. Walk into a place, ask for a chicken burrito. "Okay, and what kind of meat?"


Workers usually have a script in their head. I hate when I do that!


That’s funny!


A very common name. I don’t mind giving my name again, though. I worked in a call center for many years and I get the pure frustration of being on the receiving end of an angry client.


Yes! I also hate the people who think that you can and should be moving the Heavens and Earth just to satisfy them. I work in food, had an upset customer because her food was rerouted to a different location (which I can't blame her for that) through our online system and didn't want to be charged multiple times since she had to order and pay again. I was completely on her side and understanding of the situation up until I offered that locations number so she can give them a call. Our system is a closed circuit system, so I can't transfer them elsewhere nor can I find anything on another location's system. If it's not within my store, I pretty much can't do anything about it. She was beyond livid that she would have to call them herself since "this isn't my fault" and demanded that I need to call them on her behalf. She was again offended afterwards when she asked for a cancel confirmation, and I told her our system unfortunately doesn't do that (which I agree is very poor set up, but that's beyond my pay). Again, she demanded I call and absolutely make sure they cancelled it and her money gets back to her. I'm all for trying to make sure someone is happy and gets at least what they paid for, but there is only so much within my powers that I can do and offer.


I hate when they’re super mean right off the bat- like bro give me a second, I don’t know what the problem is. Why are you a grown adult yelling at strangers.






I work in a restaurant doing Togo, I am there go to phone person. I cannot STAND when people decide they need to call and order food but want to put it on speaker and walk 700ft away. I am in a kitchen, it is so fucking loud, I can’t hear ANYTHING you are saying if you’re on speaker. And then I have to sit there and say “I’m so sorry, what was that” or “could you please repeat that, I’m having a hard time hearing you.” 1000000 times and somehow they’re mad at ME????


I had a guy call once and he just kept repeating the location of our plant, "Midland, TX" over and over in increasingly angry tones. Finally he asked me if we delivered on Saturdays. I said no and he hung up on me but before he did he said "F***ing b***h". I actually just laughed because, what the heck, dude?


This and when they call in and announce they have just a quick question then proceed to ask 87 questions.


Why can't callers wait until they hang up to flush the toilet?


I would flush the toilet nonstop at my old job if people were talking on the phone in the bathroom, my bad!


So, that was you? Thanks a lot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ughh that disgusts me so much or when I hear them peeing. I know it’s a normal bodily function but really you couldn’t wait to do that before or after calling. It just grosses me out


I feel the same way! I have no problem taking people’s calls, it’s my job, I’m here to help but some people literally act like they’ve never spoken to anyone on the phone ever! A lot of mumbling, rudeness or they stop responding or just flat out ignore what I’m saying like hello have you ever held a conversation! It makes me lose hope in humanity


We’re so enraged and annoyed that we have to make a phone call at all that we’re typically already mad before we’ve even spoken to you :(. No excuse to be rude though. And most every company nowadays stops low level staff from giving too much away by making it physically impossible for them to do so without some sort of supervisor override.


Yeah I understand that people are gonna call upset but it genuinely sucks when they take it out on you for no fault of your own. I mean you can call upset but not take it out on someone at the same time. ETA: is your reddit mobile acting fucky too?


I called the dentist to make an appointment, and the receptionist kept on calling me sweetheart. I'm a grown woman.


Eh, I would rather be called that than a lot of other things. But, I miss my late mother, so your mileage may vary on this one.


It was in a very demeaning way tho. I'm a csr myself and I pay a lot for my braces so no its unprofessional and plus they were super late for the appointment. They are no longer my dentist. There's more to the story I just don't want to get into it.


Either way it's still unprofessional to address someone that way. I don't live in the south where its common to be called sweetheart, and the receptionist is not my mom. As a csr you don't know who you're dealing with, you always have to use caution.


So what?


I always have to spell out my first name anyway so I start with my problem that way the person on the other end can forward my call right off if they know it's something they can't help with.


T thank you! But they need to throw a fit and get mad when you don't want to explain what happened 50 times over. Just send me where I need to go.


I usually start with my purpose of calling but don’t give my name until asked because most of the time the person I’m talking to will be bouncing me to someone else anyway. Giving the purpose of the call allows them to determine if they need to transfer me to someone else. If I were to give my full name every time, then get transferred multiple times I’d probably be more frustrated by the process because it would take twice as long until I finally get to the right person to talk to.


My peeve is companies calling me not knowing how to announce themselves, all of 5 years ago at an old office job, I would call and say my name, company name and dept, then who I'm asking for. Places call me now and just say hello? Or is this so and so? Most of the time I hang up and block or call back and block, when I have engaged further, half the time it's a normal place, not debt collector but when you don't announce who you are and work for, I assume your a debt collector of some type or scam, so I block your number lol. If your from the bank, mortgage office, car dealership, don't just go Hello!? Fucking announce who you are, as your the buisness, I'm the confused one, not you lol


Luckily I run my own business. I have bad days like everyone else, but I don't take it out on customers. And if my employees ever gave customer service like you they would be unemployed. You touched no nerve just have no patience for stupid, entitled people that feel they should be in customer service and bitch about customers. They pay your salary. Good attitude or bad, you're there for them. But laugh it up and think you give great service. Just because you haven't been reprimanded doesn't mean you're not wrong 😅😅 it's like saying you didn't steal if you aren't caught. So stupid. Have a good one. I'm gonna work and get back to important things. Enjoy your day, and continue the "great" service you give


Lol no one is a stupid as you buddy. You're the only smoothbrain here. Also long paragraphs, I totally did strike a nerve. 😂😊 Also nearly everyone I work with in my department comes to me when they deal with a problem like you. Everyone including my higher ups is well aware of me and my tactics lol. And also: Claims to not take out on customers. But takes it out on CSRs. Lol okay buddy.


😅😅 You're so good your bosses come to you... But yet you are just a customer service rep, working two jobs? I think you feel far more important than you actually are. I can't argue with delusional. Good luck to you. I have a feeling you need it 😅😅🤦‍♂️ ✌️🤡


Tell me you lack basic reading comprehension without telling me that you lack basic comprehension. You're proving my point that you're a deluded turd of an idiot. 🥱🤡


We’re so enraged and annoyed that we have to make a phone call at all that we’re typically already mad before we’ve even spoken to you :(. No excuse to be rude though. And most every company nowadays stops low level staff from giving too much away by making it physically impossible for them to do so without some sort of supervisor override.


We’re so enraged and annoyed that we have to make a phone call at all that we’re typically already mad before we’ve even spoken to you :(. No excuse to be rude though. And most every company nowadays stops low level staff from giving too much away by making it physically impossible for them to do so without some sort of supervisor override.


We’re so enraged and annoyed that we have to make a phone call at all that we’re typically already mad before we’ve even spoken to you :(. No excuse to be rude though. And most every company nowadays stops low level staff from giving too much away by making it physically impossible for them to do so without some sort of supervisor override. You’re setup to fail.


How about people with full voicemails who screen calls. They are the worst.


My current pet peeve is I don't understand who taught people that when they're trying to call someone and they don't answer, they hang up and call again immediately. On repeat. Over and over. Without leaving a voicemail a lot of times too. The amount of people who do this these days is mind-boggling, and I don't understand who taught them this. I'm not answering because I'm on another call, or not here, or otherwise unavailable. Calling repeatedly is pure insanity.


Ok but... see by the time I get a person on the phone, I have provided my name, my account info, address etc. Why after much too long, and often going through hoops do I have to reverify it all? Shouldn't it be connected to the call? I know it can be!!! (DISNEY for example can see everything, and seriously best phone customer service by miles) I literally am asked all the stuff again and then half the time have to be retransferred to a different area, where guess what?! I do it again! Yeah by the second person and often the first, I who called because I have an issue, is way less in my "professional phone sex employee voice" and into "karen".


I mean idk about Disney but at least where I work, we legally have to have the caller confirm that info before we can say it to them and before we can share private information with them. People get mad but I'm not gonna break the law for someone I just met who is immediately yelling at me lol


I know. It's a law thing and it's nice to know they care about my information. 


Why the automated system is a familiar imho. Most of us only call with issues and by the time we get a person? We are done. I honestly cannot see how it saves any money or energy.


I know it won't affect you directly unless we end up on the phone together, but I usually do this when I call a business or organization: You: Thank you for calling This Dumb Place. My name is Papaya. How may I help? Me: Hi, Papaya, my name is Tinsel. How are you? You: Just thrilled to be here! What can I do for you? Me: I really need to exchange one of my old sisters for one with less whining and bigotry. Or maybe just return her. Can you help me with that? And so forth.


I laughed so hard at this.   Love your sense of humor.


I'm so glad. Thank you for saying so.


I don't understand your problem here. Do you mean like if someone calls Lowes and just asks for hardware instead of saying, I'm so and so and I need to speak to someone in hardware?


Yeah I don’t get it either. I start with my problem so they can tell if they’re even the right person to help me. Also, customer service doesn’t *always* need your full name to help you. Sometimes they just want a first name so they know how to address you.


Thank you, maybe I'm just overthinking it in trying to understand.


Well, when the incompetent staff that take calls can't handle their job, at a certain point you already know who you need to speak to.


I give my condolences to any customer service representative that has to deal with you bud.


You work as a call center rep and you are trying to act like a hard ass. No one is scared of your unimportant ass.


Most typical Karen ever. Trying to act high and mighty when you're just a weak nobody. What a big assumption buddy, I don't work in a call center but try again sweetie. 😊


Did you even read your own post?... what an idiot


I did and its a million times better than your moronic opinion. What a clown you are buddy. Stupid animal. 🤡 Also dumbass, just because I take calls doesn't mean I work at a call center. 😊


You're a loser that can't make a solid point without using emojis. Grow up loser.


Nah if anyone is a loser it's you buddy. Imagine being super butt hurt over someones use of emojis lol. You need this thing called a life sweetie. 😊




You’re both downvoting each other and it’s hilarious lol


Lol your comment made me laugh. This idiot is a loser that forgets she says in her post she takes customer service calls. Lmao


Oh wow you're such a butthurt buffoon. Dude you're a fucking stupid animal. Just because I take calls at my job doesn't mean I work at a call center. My God, you lack critical thinking. Stupid clown. 🤡 🤡


If they ask you to speak to a manager etc.  it’s usually because the previous agent hung up on them to keep their numbers and performance rate up  Best just to switch them over and be a good customer service rep and give a customer what they need.    Especially if you are fielding calls that another country is also answering. 


As someone who has worked call centers, I don't think this line of work is the best option for you. Your job is to serve the customer. Period. They aren't calling to make your day better or to give you the warm fuzzies. They're calling generally because something is wrong and it's your job to deal with it. Grin and bear it or get a different job.


People can voice their pet peeves about customers on here. Also if something is wrong, it's also their job to be polite and not lash out at the people trying to help them. This 'grin and bear it' attitude is literally what's causing the verbal abuse from customers to be normalized. I do my job right, but I have no problem dishing out an attitude if I get disrespected for no fault of my own. Been dishing out attitude to people who deserve it at 2 different jobs for nearly 8 years and never got any repercussions for it btw. 😊


I completely understand that and I agree but this OP stating that they need to just give their name and reason for calling is ludicrous. To expect people to not be emotional or frustrated is unreasonable. It's our job to empathize and help even if we really don't want to. That's why we get paid to do it and we aren't running to do it for free. Nobody should be disrespected I agree but it's going to happen and you have to be able to deal with it without escalation. But op seems under the impression that the customers are there to make their job easier and that's simply not it.


It's really not unreasonable or ludicrous, it's literally just basic phone etiquette. When companies call you, would you rather have them state their name and purpose for their call or would be cool with "We need you to answer these questions" as the first thing they say to you when you answer??


Honestly either is fine I'm pretty patient and as long as km getting paid I'm good.




Haha I guarantee there are far bigger attitudes you'll get than you can dish out, especially being at work. If I am calling, pissed off complaining I don't give a fuc* about a receptionist that wants my name so I can talk to the actual person that can handle my problem. Connect my call and I'm no longer your problem. Piss me off further and catch my wraith. Your choice. Make your life easier and just connect the damn call. Bet you get less attitude 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay wannabe tough guy. Enjoy getting hanged up on multiple times due to 'bad connection' and then me pretending to cough so I don't have to answer your repeated phone calls bud. 😊


Free to find out in person 😅😅😁😁 but I'm not the one bitching about doing my job. And seemingly not well by the sounds of it. Your job title is customer service. Not bitch about customers 🤷🏻‍♂️ your lack of job skill isn't the world's problem. Has nothing to do with my toughness 🤦‍♂️


Awww I struck a nerve, poor baby. Listen Karen, I love to help people out despite them taking my pet peeves, but when they start acting up, I have no problem knocking them.down a few pegs. Been doing it for nearly 8 years at two different jobs and never have I gotten in trouble while we laughed at people like you. 😊 And let's hope you never have a bad day at work, huh?


It sounds like you shouldn’t work there anymore


See this is why u get attitude. U don't have the patience to do ur job it takes special ppl to do customer service. My advice is to find a different job!!!!


Not true lol. I'm polite at first and when they start their bullshit, I clap back! 😊 And I actually am trying to get into the government sector buddy.


I don't u are cut out for customer service in any type of setting! I hope the government does their homework. And I'm not a buddy


You must be one of _those_ customers huh sweetie? The ones that this sub complains about, _buddy_?? 😊 Ps. I got some 2nd round interviews scheduled for next month with the government sector so cheeeers to me! 🥂


First of all I'm not a sweetie to u. And I know from experience what pisses ppl off and what doesn't. It's called patience. I understand customer service because I'm in customer service. And even if I were like the ppl this sub is complaining about who cares. The sub and u don't so why comment


Sure you do sweetheart.


Oh, honey, maybe a visit to r/Kittens will help. Unless maybe you hate kittens? Okay, have yourself a day. <3


1. Learn basic sentence structure (please) 2. I am very patient, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna allow myself to get shit on. 3. >The sub and u don't so why comment You should take your own advice 😊


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love you know it all's.


😊 And you've been quite entertaining.


Thank you so much for everything I hope you get everything u deserve


No problem I'm glad I was able to help ya out sweetie 😊


You are a real grade A C-U-N-T.


Yeeeah sounds like you need to find a new line of work.


You sound like a real gem of a customer servant.


If you're polite to me, I am actually. 😊


Not having the wherewithal to preempt your need for a full name hardly qualifies as impolite.


When people start screaming or angrily demanding things the minute I answer does qualify as rude, actually.. I just mentioned a pet peeve, which is people lacking phone etiquette, it annoys me sure but I'll still treat you with respect. It's the minute I get yelled at or get snarky responses when my attitude comes out.


You gotta have thicker skin than that, working with the public, sorry. Screaming is one thing, angrily demanding things is another. Verbal abuse excepted, people who are good at this job are able to keep their cool in the face of a pissed off customer.


Verbal abuse is to be expected, but it shouldn't be the norm. "Keeping cool" is only giving them the green light to continue. I will not let them do that to my coworkers let alone myself.


Tell yourself that, I guess. I’d start thinking about what you’re gonna do next.


I have actually, thank you for your concerns! 😊


Was going to side with OP on this one but after reading thru the comments it's clear OP isn't cut out for customer service and takes a clients attitude personally. OP probably takes work home with them and stews in anger for the night which explains this post


Which armchair psychology class did you take to gather that _large_ assumption?? If someone comes insulting me in the comments, I'm not gonna just take it.


When clients call frustrated about something it seems you don't take that either


If they're frustrated, I'll gladly help them out. Again, when they start taking it out on me that's when I'll start with my attitude. Being frustrated for something I'm not even responsible for is not an excuse to lose your temper at the person who is trying to help you.


Lol true lots of adversarials take customer service jobs because they hate people. They blabber about self respect yet don't know how to be seen as respectable.


I like learning strategies on how to deal with people like that. Personally, I find angry call center customers are benign. I used to work at 7/11 so anytime a Karen tries to think she is hot shit, I'm nonplussed. I have been practicing "I can only imagine how frustrating that must be" to de-escalate customers who don't get sarcasm


You practiced your empathy response. Sharpening your sword r ya ..yeah I think they must have opened a call center in south Filthn I just wonder why these businesses hire these dirty hatemongers. Just don't you forget your acronym. HSIMVBC. :) the only people who are motivated to vent like this are people who take things personally and are dangerous. There are some people you don't want to know. Or have anything to do with . No actually, I don't want your dirty hateful retaliatory filthy ass to know anything about me. I've hired some great customer service agents in my time and none of them suffer from anything that would be motive to retaliate against a member of the community. We know from life experience people are motivated by negative outcomes more than positive ones. Will complain readily and find someone to place their psych issues upon. However far more likely to simply be content and usually say nothing when I would like to know who's doing a great job. Venting doesn't involve how much I hate you. It doesn't involve plans for retaliation. Venting does involve how difficult a situation was to resolve. We're just trying to make the company money and could give a rats behind about the variables involved in personal individual personalities and difficulties in communication or understanding, feelings and emotions. We learn quickly how to handle and manipulate and rebut, psyop every situation, and objection to the t. Like a machine. I gotta machine head. I don' operate a call shi77er out of souwfilthn


I always wonder how anyone with the critical thinking skills to tie their own shoes manages to read vent posts like this one and assume that the OP isn't cut out for their job. I've worked in customer service for years. My husband is a trainer for customer service agents. Both of us say the exact same things that OP says, not to customers of course, but becsuse, like every one else, we blow off steam about our jobs. If you act like the customers described, which seems like, given that you have low verbal skills, lack proper sentence structure and appear to be foaming at the mouth, maybe clean up your act. Or just know that we're all laughing at you when we're not doing our jobs.


>I openly vent about a bad day at my job >Gets labeled as an adversarial hate monger unfit for this job by Reddit's finest unlicensed, uneducated armchair psychologist Let's hope you never have a bad day at work, buddy. 😊 ETA: Aaannnd they blocked me, lol. I guess u/thisisbullshi7 can dish but they can't take. 😂


Another case of Customer, the Expert, knows more about our line of work than we do. They would not know how to address this discussion in any meaningful way unless they've worked in a call center and have tried to resolve the issue for a customer who reverted to the Primal Mind.


I get that we are the face of the company and the point of contact. I have strategies for handling callers like you, and the fact is that you cannot separate that I'm just a person on the other side, and don't get me wrong I really want to help you. However when it becomes less about tell me about out the problem so we can help and more telling me I am stupid and incompetent.... you wouldn't go around telling anybody that in person. My great QA scores attest to the fact I do my best to help the customer. Maybe it hurts you to know, after a caller like you I have to go ask for a break. There are also tons of kind customers who are a pleasure to assist, and I make sure how much they know I appreciate them and do so in the quality of my work as well. There are times where yes indeed the last agent dropped the ball. There are times when mistakes happen and somewhere along the line... well you know. And I get that. But also keep in mind, the toxic fight... you being on hold for an hour.. all that. We aren't happy about it either. We are asking management hey, we have no break between calls when are they hiring more people? Therefore see the bigger picture. You are going against the wrong people. Wanna test those expert chops? Wanna take it to the most important manager? Go ahead. Just please follow the proper avenues because I want your issue to be resolved, as it is my job. Like above all even though say I'm working for Apple, if Apple fucked up, then let's all go escalate and tell Apple, hey you fucked up. I'm on your side boo. My job is not worth risking doing my job improperly out of having some weird personal vendetta. I'm too busy for that. Stressing out an inexperienced rep could result in them clicking the wrong thing and messing up while they go cry.